Install A Zerox Phaser 8400 On The Network

Jul 9, 2009

I'm trying to install a Zerox Phaser 8400 on the network, it has a static IP address, I downloaded the latest drivers from zerox and I have been able to install it on 3 other machines with no problems but on the one machine I get the error "Could not Install Printer; 0X000003EB error code.

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NVidia GeForce 8400 Gs - No More PDF File Crash

Dec 30, 2008

Vista 64 ultimate with dual NVidia 8400 GS, on 4 monitors, running non-SLI mode crashed when ever opening a PDF file.

Although the check from newer drivers indicated that the system already had the latest, I installed the latest drivers from NVidia website anyway. The driver installation package ran through without error, and requested a reboot. Curiously, Vista complained that the installation may not have been completed correctly. Ignoring the Vista warning message (what was I to do anyway?), I rebooted. After reboot I was able to open PDF file.

When I originally configured the system, I had attempted to operate my video in SLI mode. I could not get SLI to work with two cards/4 monitors. Ultimately, I configured in non-SLI mode. I now wonder, if trying out different configurations placed the video cards in an unstable configuration - which was cleared up when I reinstalled the drivers.

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NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS How Can Fast Loading

Nov 30, 2007

I am going to get a new PC and I'm undecided whether to be be happy with the 8400 that comes with or pay an extra £100 (£200) for 2 x 8500 ones. Obviously, the graphics would look nicer but would anything else be affected like how fast the loading time of the games are and do you get more frames per second?

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Network Printin: Connect To The Printer After Install

Feb 1, 2008

I was able to load Vista SP1 RC Refresh 2 without a problem. I was in hopes that it would help me with the issue of trying to print to a networked printer on a shared XP machine from my Vista laptop where I have the SP1 loaded but that was a crock. Still getting error 0x0000000d when trying to connect to the printer after install. I am about to go back to XP and dump this OS. I just can't see how MS can justify not fixing these BIG problems that have been around for a majority of the users since the OS was released. Anybody got a pocket sized printer they will sell me cheap?

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Vista Home Basic Install Dvd For An 8 Pc Network Setup

Mar 26, 2008

In our Language School we have a Multimedia Language Lab (allowing the school
students to access through user name and password an internet platform to do
the exercise work after each class lesson). This system uses Windows Vista Basic as operating system and is based on a 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN.

1.It is possible to create a Vista Install DVD allowing ??? in case of serious problems with the hardware on one PC ??? to format the hard disk and reload the Operating System, Configuration, Programs and LAN configuration (not exceeding 2 or 3 GB of disk space for the image) just by loading the Install DVD, without the need for calling any expert to solve the situation. I have to explain that recently a similar situation occurred and it took three hours of an expert???s time to reload the whole configuration and programs on the PC concerned.

2.If the answer to the above point is yes, what are the simple steps to follow to achieve what described at above point 1.

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Delayed Network Connection On Boot - Clean Install

Jun 8, 2008

I decide to re-baseline my desktop home system with a fresh install of Windows Vista Ultimate. Everything seemed to install correctly. Vista picked up most of the drivers and I was able to supply the ones it didn???t. After setup and re-boot, I noticed that the desktop/sidebar appears reasonably fast, after which there is a delay of about a minute with some disk activity during which the Network icon in System Tray has a red X. After about a minute or so, there is a great deal of disk activity (the system seems to be paging). The delay continues further until finally the yellow exclamation symbol appears, quickly followed by the globe icon. The system then functions as normal. The delay can be anywhere between 1-3 minutes. My motherboard has 3 network connections; 1 direct connection to my NAS server, 1 to the ADSL modem, 1 wireless.

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Wireless Network Card Wouldn't Install Fully

Jun 24, 2009

I installed vista on my mum and dads pc last night and all was going perfect until about an hour ago when I fitted the wireless network card to get on the internet and it wouldnt install fully and I get a message saying that I need a driver for the IEEE1394 controller ?? I cant get on the internet on that pc to check for drivers so im using my laptop but cant find any drivers,Ive also installed driver robot and that came up with a few drivers so i stuck them on a usb stick and installed but no luck.Ive gone into the device manager and under "other devices" the IEEE1394 controller is showing as a little question mark so ive gone into that and its saying no drivers are installed. I think its been like this from the second i installed vista but ive just noticed it when i tried to instal the wireless network card.Any ideas of how to fix this please ? and is it solveable ? I can not find any drivers for my mobo at all. the mobo is the asus p4p800 se

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File Sharing/network Discovery On, Private Network, Password Protection Disabled

May 6, 2008

I have Vista x64 and I have read threads on this for weeks and can't fix it. I have file sharing/network discovery on, private network, password protection disabled, my shares set to everyone and everyone is on the same workgroup. My problem is that the x64 Vista computer will not see any of the XP (x86 or x64) computers and they can't see it from the Network Neighbourhood. However, if I type the IP address of the XP computers I
can access them. On the XP computers if I type the IP address I get an error that it isn't accessable and I might not have permission. However, if I type \ or any of the other share names I access it just fine. pinging works too by IP but not by name. If I boot into the x86 install of have of Vista I can access XP computers from Vista and the Vista from XP by name and everything without typing any user names. The only differince between the two aside from x64 and x86 is that x86 isn't patched past SP1 as I don't use it often. Lastly after installing that XP patch I can see the x86 XP computers by name from the network map feature on Vista, still can't access them by name though...

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Network Icon In System Tray Inaccurately Says It's Not Connected To Network

Mar 30, 2008

I'm using Vista Home Premium and Windows Update tells me I'm up to date.

Every so often the Network icon in the System Tray tells me that it is not connected to a Network (by displaying a red X) though I can clearly see that I am.

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Network And Sharing Center Window Show Unidentified Network

May 19, 2008

I'm trying to network my new Optiplex 740 with Vista Business (32bit), and Norton 360, to my old Euro PC with W2K Pro. and SystemWorks, using basic Belkin /Realtek cards and yellow ethernet cable. My broadband connection is through my old machine and works perfectly, as does the network card installation.

My new machine also indicates that its card is correctly installed and functioning correctly. BUT the Network and Sharing Center window shows this computer as linked to an Unidentified network and no connection to either the other computer or broadband connection.........

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Not Finding Wireless Network: Network Cable Is Nplugged

Nov 27, 2008

I have bought DD a laptop for Christmas and thought I'd get it all set up beforehand. I already have a wireless network here at home, with 2 desktops running xp) and a macbook, they connect via a belkin wireless modem router. Vista however, doesn't even find a network, I get a message saying the network cable is nplugged. Its wireless enabled and the switch is on

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2 Network Adapters And Become Default Network Adapter?

Mar 16, 2009

One usb ethernet adapter for internet connection through an old router, one for a Linksys Wireless G router hard wired to remote security cameras sums up the problem where one cancels the other out. This is a problem for XP, Vista, and even 7 beta while the primary system still runs XP. The dsl connection is through an old dsl setup using a usb adapter while the Linksys pci adapter card or usb adapter once installed becomes the default network adapter.

The wireless router itself is plugged with the RJ-45 ethernet adapter directly into the main controller/dvr box for live wireless feed to the main XP system or this one as a second means along with direct plug in to a tv set in the room where the main box is located. In XP, Vista, and even the later 7 beta the same problem of running two adapters without conflict is the main question needing a working solution. This thread is intended to tax the most network familar people here.

The landlord runs the main XP system with eventual plans to upgrade to Vista while this system serves as a testing machine a good deal of the time explaining multiple OSs as a rule. The router and adapters are in working order not seeing any defects while canceling the original dsl adapter out when installed. That takes out the online connection in the process.

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Freecom Network Drive Not Showing On Network

Dec 31, 2008

Bought a Freecom Network Drive (LINK) from PC World today and got it set up and it seemed to be working fine on my Vista computer until I tryed to get it set up on my XP computer. It seemed to get setup ok but then the whole thing just stopped working. The hard drive spines and it works fine when plugged in as USB device but when trying to connect it to the network it simply does not show up. I have a Belkin G+MIMO Router and the Network Hard Drive is a Freecom Network Storage Hard Drive 250GB

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Vista Network Not Connected And Private Network

May 15, 2010

Just returned from holiday and while we were away I changed my laptop network in vista from private to public as advised and the internet worked fine. Now at home I can’t connect to my router, and I get a message saying that the details held on the computer is not the same as the router. Also there is no “customise” function being shown on the network and sharing centre screen to switch back to private network. I’ve tried everything to set up a connection, even a new one, but the same message appears all the time.

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Network Via FireWire: Set Up Network Of Two Computers?

Feb 6, 2009

Can I set up network of two computers with Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista Home Basic with FireWire? How both systems will detect connection of two computers with FireWire cable? Does that connection make possible file exchange?

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8GB RAM & 64 Install: Install Vista64 With Only 1 Stick Of RAM First Prior To Installing All 8 Megs

Jul 17, 2008

I am about to install Vista64 home premium on a new build with 8 megs of RAM. The disk is Vista64 SP1. I was wondering if it is still recommended to install Vista64 with only 1 stick of RAM first prior to installing all 8 megs? Or because the disk has SP1, is this no longer an issue?

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Check The Memory For Errors BEFORE I Load/install Windows Vista Home Premium X64 To Avoid Install Hang-ups

May 25, 2008

I would like to check the memory for errors BEFORE I load/install Windows Vista Home Premium x64 to avoid install hang-ups. Can you make an ISO CD of this program, load it in your CD/DVD drive and check your memory for errors? I recently updated the BIOS on the board (DP35DP) and it does show all of the 4GB of Kingston ValueRam PC800 1.8v (2x2gb) installed. I have good reason to believe that it's from a respectable manufacturer. Just want to make sure the memory is good before I load up the OS.

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Install Windows Updates, KB973565 Fails Install

Dec 6, 2009

I am helping a friend install windows updates on her Sony VAIO laptop with Vista Home Premium SP1 installed. Laptop had not been updated since January 2009. All updates completed fine with the exception of KB973565. When installed via automatic windows updates I get the following error...........

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Clean Install, Verify Previous Install Of XP/2000?

Jan 30, 2007

I'm assuming a clean install with an upgrade license will be identical to a clean install with a 'full' copy, except that at some point during the process, it will ask for my key for Windows XP? I just want to confirm this is the case before I go buy an upgrade copy. one last question to tack on here - if I have a desktop and a laptop computer will it let me install the same copy and license key of Vista on both? I know some MS products in the past have allowed you to install on more than one computer because they realize a lot of people have more than one computer but they only work with one at a given time.

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SP1 Will Not Install And Install Failed With Error 80004005

Apr 25, 2008

I've tried numerous times to Install Vista Sp1, but without success. The install appers to go well, reaching 100% at stage 3, but then the screen reports the SP did not successfully install, and proceeds to roll back. On Checking the message in Windows Update, the install failed with error 80004005. I've raised the issue directly with MS, but the advice to install the SP in Safe mode has not helped. I've also trawled various forums and cannot find any reference to the specific error code.

I own a Sony Vaio VGN-FZ1. A number of forums seem to suggest it might be a hardware issue, and I have tried disabling / uninstalling various devices to
see if this helps, but this also has not got me any further. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know what this error code means? Is there a way to force the SP to install despite this error code (it does get to 100% at stage 3 after all, so maybe it does install, but one of the packages check routines is picking up an error which doesn't really exist???)

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How To Install HP1317 Printer?cd To Install Only Works With XP.

Feb 15, 2010

Is there a way to install my HP1317 printer to my laptop which has Windows Vista? The cd to install the printer only works with Windows up to XP.

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Wireless Network , /XP Network

May 27, 2008

ok so this problem has been going on for awhile now but has gotten worse somehow... before i could not access my vista computer upstairs from my xp computer downstairs. i've made sure the settings are what they should be on the vista computer since i can easily access my xp computer from the vista computer. now the problem has gotten worse by that i can't access my xp computer from the vista computer or vice versa so now i can't transfer files from each computer. i need to use my external drive or a flash drive.

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Install Using The Upgrade Disc To Re-install OS?

May 15, 2010

I am using Win Vista, 32bit. I have a upgrade disc to vista 32bit. Can I possibly use that to re-install my OS. I have a virus Or I want Win 7 too, so can i upgrade to that by paying less? If not i will stick with vista.

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Clean Install Or In-place Install?

Feb 27, 2008

i will be upgrading my Dell desktop from XP Pro to Vista Ultimate in the coming days and i need some opinions. I've never upgraded OS's before but i do understand the difference between a clean install and an in-place install. My question: what would you do and why would you chose one over the other?

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Install File: "the Admin Has Set Policys To Prevent This Install"

Jan 29, 2009

I try to install a file. I get the "the admin has set policys to prevent this install" I am the admin. What do I do? Also it's a installer package so I can't click "run as admin"

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Install - Repair Install

Apr 20, 2008

I could do a repair install, install new motherboard drivers and possibly have to validate all over again the same as you always did with XP but no good. I cannot get into Windows at all so cant run repair from WITHIN windows and no option from the boot DVD works. So, do you have to lose everything each time you upgrade hardware or some part of it dies meaning you are forced to upgrade hardware?

I installed from Vista Business pre SP1 and installed SP1 before the motherboard died.

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32 Bit Install To 64 Bit: Clean Install?

Apr 3, 2009

I have just joined after finding this forum. What a brilliant site. My question is I have a 32 bit vista home premium upgrade disk and was reading about how do do a clean install. Can I do a clean install using this disk and then use my key to upgrade to the 64 bit version.

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Re-install, Do A Fresh Install?

Feb 6, 2009

I need to do a fresh install of Windows vista home premium on my laptop that I am renting from a company. However, they didn't give me an install disc or recovery disc when they rented out the lap top to me. Is there a way to do this with out the discs?

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VISTA OEM Install: Install Of Vista Instead Of Using The Recovery Disks

Feb 28, 2009

I have hp laptop with Vista Home Premium (OEM) installed. I've made Recovery Disks using the Recover Manager. I wish to have a clean install of Vista instead of using the Recovery Disks. I've read previous threads but I have to say I am only getting more confused.

- Can I perform clean install of my Vista OEM?
- Can I use any copy of Vista OEM cd and use the Product Key sticked behind my laptop?.........

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Cannot See XP In Network

Apr 26, 2008

I have a PC with Windows Vista Ultimate and one with Windows XP Home SP2. I have been trying to share the printer that is connected to the XP computer.

My XP computer can see itsself and all the files/printers as well as Vista and all of it's files/printers in My Network Places, but the XP computer does not appear in Network on Vista (it does appear in the network map).

I have tried connecting by using \pc name (in run) and \pc nameprinter name (in add new printer wizard) but it doesn't find anything on Vista, on XP it works fine ....

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On NT Network

Jun 2, 2008

I have 2 Vista machines just recently installed onto our NT network. Everything appeared to work fine. After about a week or so, the Vista's weren't able to access the shared drives on the network. This seems to be related to a "authentication" issue on the NT or Vista. It doesn't happen on a daily basis, just once in a while - usually when someone needs something. Is there a fix i'm over looking? This is starting to become a problem. Sometimes i can fix the problem by shutting down the vista machine or the machine it happens to authenticate too - some times the vista doesn'tauthenticate to the NT - I have had it go to the backup server(s) and even an XP machine.

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