Hyperlinks: Error Contacting The Administrater

Sep 4, 2008

ive just installed microsoft outlook 2007 but when i click on any hyperlinks in emails i get an error message about contacting the administrater

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Hyperlinks Deactivate?

Mar 23, 2008

When I copy hyperlinks and paste them in a new mail the hyperlinks deactivate. Why? I should be able to paste them to as many e-mails as I want and the hyperlinks work.

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No More Clickable Hyperlinks In Email

Apr 16, 2009

About 5 days ago my windows mail (in Vista) stopped having clickable hyperlinks. I thought if you went to the "advanced" section in the tool dropdown menu, there was a spot to reset that but when I did, the list of advanced was much shorter than I remember it being in the past?

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Hyperlinks Being Corrupted In Emails

Feb 26, 2010

I have Windows Mail, and Vista Home Premium. I send out a regular newsletter, in which there are many items, each having a title that is a hyperlink, with a bit of text below - so anyone wanting to read more on a particular topic can click on the link to get the whole story.

I copy the whole email many times, to send out in batches of perhaps 15 addresses (as I have been told this is better than sending out to hundreds at a time, to avoid being spam). In the first email, or even the first several, all the hyperlinks worked fine. I tested them using my own email, and another account I have on a different system.

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Opening Hyperlinks In Mail

Mar 23, 2008

Whenever I click on a link in an opened e-mail, I get a dialog box that says "Windows can't find "(path name)'. Make sure you typed the name correctly and then try again." I know it is because I don't have a browser window open and it takes a couple of seconds for the browser to open and that's why I get the message. If I have an internet browser window open, I don't get this dialog box. It's just annoying and I'm wondering if there is some fix for this. By the way, I use Firefox as my default browser.

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Windows Mail And Hyperlinks

Mar 9, 2009

At least 40% of the hyperlinks that are in e-mails I receive just don't 'work' when I click on them. If I cut 'n paste the same link into the IE address bar - they work fine. I'm running Windows Mail with Vista HP. I never had this problem with OE on my previous XP machine. Anyone any ideas why these links aren't working?

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Physx Instalation: Error 1935. Error When Installing Assembly. OR "Error When Trying To Install Assembly"

Aug 14, 2008

When I begin installng physx every thing goes ok, but when it is about to finish. Translating things that is not in english: Error 1935. Error when installing assembly. OR "Error when trying to install assembly" Last LINE: "Contact help and suport for more information"

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Connection To The Server Has Failed Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E?

Aug 20, 2009

After months of working fine, suddenly received the following messages: The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Balance due on account', Account: 'Windows Mail', Server: 'mail.charter.net', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

The connection to the server has failed. Account: 'Windows Mail', Server: 'mail.charter.net', Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket
Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Cannot Send Email :: Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

Mar 23, 2008

I get this message when sending email. The connection to the server has failed. Subject '', Account: 'mail.comcast.net', Server: 'smtp.comcast.net', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

Nov 2, 2009

The host 'pop3.aol.com' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly.

Account: 'brendan', Server: 'pop3.aol.com', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D and The host 'stmp.aol.com' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly.

Subject 'brendan paper', Account: 'brendan', Server: 'stmp.aol.com',
Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number:

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Install Update An Error: Error Code 57A

May 16, 2008

A few days ago I saw I had 11 updates ready to be installed. 3 of them were successful 7 were not. The unsuccessful were Office 2007:

KB946974 (Excel)
KB946691 (Office)
KB947801 (Office)
KB950378 (Office)
KB951808 (Office)
KB950114 (Publisher)
KB950113 (Word)

I received an error: Error details: Code 57A. I tried multiple times to install, all with the same error. I did try downloading the update to my desktop, and install with the option "run as administrator...no luck. I am running Windows Vista Home Premium.

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Run System Restore And Getting An Error Message Saying That The Restore Was Unsuccessful Because Of An Error

Apr 7, 2010

Every time I try to run System Restore I get an error message saying that the restore was unsuccessful because of an error. Try again with a different date

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Mar 25, 2008

After installing devil may cry 3 it doesnt start an this error is prompted

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: dmc3se.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 447efab1
Fault Module Name: dmc3se.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 447efab1
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 002db67d
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 11273
Additional Information 1: f255
Additional Information 2: d9ed05cd4110140ba84668ebd74c6c8f
Additional Information 3: 845b
Additional Information 4: 96e3e349ae591e9f52f81792d789d3d4

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Ieuser>exe App Error

Aug 14, 2008

I am facing an issue with internet explorer that whenever I try to open it, it gives me an error message, IEUSER.EXE application error. And it needs to be terminated. I have tried to reset it. But it does not work. I downloaded Mozilla through an FTP download.

And that is working fine but I still need internet explorer to work. And I cannot even think about doing a complete re-install.

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Error 80070424

Dec 11, 2008

i have had this error for months now, and its driving me nuts i am about ready to redo my laptop. i have tried every trick or post that has been out there and now matter what i do i still get the same error ..

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Account Error

Jun 20, 2008

I am trying to apdate my e-mail account on 'windows mail' i have followed all the instructions but it keeps coming up with the following.

The host 'POP3' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly.

Account: 'Mail', Server: 'POP3', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

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Set Up: Error Message

Sep 10, 2009

have yahoo and gmail as my emails, followed the pop address and smtp address on the help menu but it still comes back withn an n error message.

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IIS: Causing Error?

Feb 22, 2010

I have been trying to get the IIS server working on a PC (not mine) but keep getting the server error message as shown........I have installed the IIS in windows features. Not sure what is causing the error. I have even tried being explicit with the filename inside inetpub/wwwroot.......but that does not work either. Also - I'm not certain what a 'handler' is in this particular context.........................

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IE Run Time Error

Jan 30, 2009

In the mean time i haven a problem tryin to get on the net usin the guest account..Windows keeps commin back and given me some sorta IE run time error with somethin of a c++... Now i do know a lil about puters but not alot...I have a toshiba satellite lap top runnin vista and usin a router to connect to the net...Now its no probs on the admin account but i wanna set up the net on the guest so the kids can use it instead of the admin account..I dont trustem that much..Buggers change settings on me every so often...I have totally lost my patients with it,can someone give me a str8 answer that works..let me know through my email cause i dont get on much cause im usually on the road driven trk...ir_guided@yahoo.com...tks

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Printing Error

Nov 24, 2008

I couldn't see a forum based purely on printing, so please redirect me if this is not the place to be. I've been searching for an answer to this for a while, but haven't been getting very far. Scenario: Vista 32bit Home Premium SP1 PC, with a Konica Minolta 2500w Magicolor printer via USB. All printing works fine from the desktop. XP Laptop with SP3, all sitting together happily in a wireless network (workgroup called workgroup). File and printer sharing is turned on, and I can exchange files between laptop and desktop with no issues.

I can see and install the printer on the laptop, and I can print a test page (I had to turn bidirectional off to achieve this, or at least achieve this without restarting the print spooler every time). When I try to print from an application such as Word, I get an error to say that there was an error printing to the printer, check printer is installed properly, etc. If I try to print from notepad I get an error the handle is invalid. If I try to print from Wordpad, no errors, but no print job is created either. I can continue to print test pages from the laptop even after receiving this error. Within the Network and Sharing Centre, I can see the printer listed underneath my Vista desktop machine. If I connect the printer directly to the laptop via the USB cable, the laptop can print from any application I choose.

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SP1 Update Get Error

Apr 3, 2008

On a vaio Sony lapotop I checked for sp1 via windows update and there was none, so I went to the sony support site and looked under the updates for the particular laptop and it had a "prerequisite" download for sp1. So I thought ok once I install that everything will be ok and I will see SP1 on windows update, however I installed it and then got errors on windows update>> when I press get help I get this This is a pile of dung.. what credentials.. I am soley connected to my dsl modem, and I am administrator, and windows update was working before I did the update! So why was it broken now?

I then tried to do a system restore to the time before the update but the system restore kept failing! I tried 3 different dates...The update created a restore point before it was installed but it was not working!!! whats the point then? so now I cant update and I cant do a system restore...

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Error Web Browser

Oct 15, 2009

i use idm 5.18 to download flv from Internet.com and when i press the popup button "download this video " nothing happens and when i use the download by idm from the right click button it says erorr my web browser is mozilla firefox 3.5.3 idm 5.18

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SP2 Update Having Error

May 27, 2009

My SP2 installation have this error as below. Now my laptop has this problem with SP3 indicated as below. Is the SP2 update fiasco due to this?

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Memory Error Msg Not Enough

Aug 26, 2009

When using Microsoft Ofc 2000 Premium, I installed on Vista PC, I keep getting a Memory error msg (not enough) when I just try to change the Helper automated Icon ????

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Disk Read Error ..

Aug 22, 2008

I built my computer about 8 months ago now, and all has been running well up until two days ago. When I went to start my computer I received a "Disk Read Error". After doing much research I managed to restore the MBR and Boot Loader, and Vista booted fine. It also ran fine for about an hour, then I shut it off and went to bed.

I go to start my machine today to find out that it will start, however when it does I see my desktop for a fraction of a second before receiving a black screen. For whatever reason, explorer refuses to stay open, and constantly keeps crashing. If I'm quick enough, I can launch my browser (it's one of my quick launch icons), however I can do nothing else on the computer really. I tried using the start bar, which will stay on top of the black screen, to no avail.

I then went to the command prompt and tried to access my HDD's to see if they may be failing, although it seems I can browse them fine. I restarted into safe mode, only to have the computer freeze when loading the basic drivers, and go no further.

Now comes the really oddball part. I stick my Vista disk in so I can run its startup check, and it takes forever to load. By forever, I mean a good 20-30 minutes of time just hanging. Even when doing operations on the disk GUI, the computer hangs. This makes no sense to me at all since nothing is loaded into memory, and it's just reading off the disk.

I checked my temperatures and nothing goes above 40C, so my processor isn't overheating like I thought it may be. Unfortunately I have no restore points to go back to (I thought Vista automatically created these every once and a while, I guess not), so I'm stuck troubleshooting what I have.

What I do not want to do is restore my computer. I have far too many programs on the system to be willing to go that far, unless I really had to.

EDIT: Some more info. I have two physical hard drives, partitioned into three logical drives. I can browse one of the drives fine (it's partitioned into two logical parts, both function fine), but if I attempt to do it to the other drive, the computer hangs. Even if I go into the console and try to access the drive, or if I try to scan the drive with my anti-virus, they all hang. I assume this drive is bad.

Would that really cause every other part of my computer to hang? I've always thought if you left the bad drive alone it wouldn't do anything to performance, but I may be finding out otherwise now.

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Install Another Drive, Error OS

Jan 13, 2009

I have a new computer Vista. I want to install another Drive. I have a Western Digital that I took off my old computer. I tried to install it and I get a error OS? I tried all of the pin setting I think. Still will not work. I have a Parsario Compaq sr5601p

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Getting San Andreas To Run, Error Messages Out Of No.

Mar 3, 2010

No more than 4 days ago,I was able to run Grand Theft Auto San Andreas perfectly fine without a problem. But a while back, I started getting error messages out of no where and I have no idea how to fix it.After installing the game...I get the following message....

After going to the event view,I saw this regarding San Andreas. I know many have the cracked version of the game but I can assure you that my copy is 100% legit,I will post a pic just in case you want proof. I have deleted the gta.set file numerous times,uninstalled and reinstalled,I've tried it to run it under XP Service pack 2 and nothing has worked.Is there any way I can fix this?I really want to play it again. This may have something to do with it.I had some spyware in my computer just a few days ago but I was successfully able to remove it,that is when the game just decided to stop working.

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Activation After SP1 Error: 0xC004E003

May 26, 2008

I've been running Windows Vista Ultimate that I activated long before and was running perfectly! But today, I downloaded the vista SP1 and I see on the system property that I need to activate windows within 15 days! I tried to activate it and I have a message showing: " a probem occured when windows tried to activate. Error code 0xC004E003."

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Error 1603 During Installation

Feb 22, 2008

When I tried to install a software on Windows Vista 64 bit, I received an error 1603 during installation and installation failed.

It was installed sucessfully on Windows Xp and other versions. Could anyone tell me the reason and solution to this problem?

Do we need some changes in Install Shield?

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I Get An Unknown Error Message

Jun 6, 2008

I have some messages in my Delete Box that will not be deleted. When I try to delete, I get an Unknown Error Message.

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E-mailing Send Error

Mar 23, 2008

having problems emailing pics using windows photo gallery. once i choose a pic then click email, attach , then enter email address and press send. i get an error, asking for the right server type. its says error pop3. how do i change this to the correct server type?

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