How Can Change The Edit Action In Vista?

Mar 23, 2008

Under Windows XP I could associate different programs to do different actions on each file type, e.g. open, print, edit etc. These actions would appear on the context (right click) menu for files of that type. Now I want to change HTML files to edit with my own editor rather than with Word as they do now. All I can find however are settings to change the default program to open files with. Any one know how I can change the edit
action in Vista?

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Change Default Action For Drive

Mar 23, 2008

I recently bought a back up drive, but its default action - when I double click it -isn't 'open'. How can I change this? also, how do I change what comes up in the right-click menu for it?

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Change The Default Edit Program In Pictures Context Menu

Jan 25, 2010

This is the Context Menu that I'm referring to, accessed by Start>Pictures>[Open a Folder to display thumbnails], Right-click on Thumbnail. With my current settings [where?], if I select and click on Edit, MS Windows Paint opens as the Default Editing Program. I don't like Paint at all, and want to change from that current Default Program, to allow my Pictures to be opened and edited by Picasa. Is there a method by which I can change that Context Menu, so that by clicking on Edit, the selected thumbnail automatically opens in Picasa And before anyone leaps in and suggests any other editing program from the plethora of others available [eg. Photoshop etc.], please don't waste your time - I'm not interested in them, as Picasa fulfills all of my basic photo editing requirements. Basically, I'm looking for a shortcut to open Picasa with just one click, as I'm aware that I can also get there through Open with, in the same Context Menu.

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Vista Installing Edit The Files Get Reintrouduced 32-bit

Mar 10, 2010

I was using Windows XP on my desktop before. There was some changes I had to make with the hardware. I am currently on my laptop with Windows Vista 64-bit. I plan on installing XP or Windows 7 hopefully this weekend. But since it may take longer than expected: I do have certain files I transfered from my old hard-drive in an external hard-drive enclosure through my laptop onto an external hard-drive.

I was wondering if I edit the files, the rtf files (rich text files) or the mp3 metadata for instance: Will it be a problem when those files get re-introduced into a 32-bit environment or another OS? I doubt it since a file is a file. If I download or view a file from myspace or soundcloud, or microsofts site I am pretty sure it is irrelevant what operating system was used to make the program. As long as I have the right player, program, viewer, application, etc. I know if a file is 64-bit it won't work in 32-bit.

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You Need Permission To Perform This Action..

Apr 24, 2010

For some reason, my laptop has installed 6 different versions of vista on it. On my C: drive they're called windows.old.5 or windows.old.4 etc. They are taking up half the space on my hard drive! Any time I try to delete them it tells me that i need permission to perform this action, but I am the only person who uses the laptop as it is mine. What can I do? I have looked at other threatds with this problem, I have made myself administrator, tried taking ownership over the files, and they still won't delete.

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File Does Not Associated With Performing Action

Mar 23, 2008

From time to time this appears on my E-mail "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action.Create an association in the Set Associations control panel"

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File Does Not Have A Program Associated With It For Performing The Action

Sep 29, 2009

Any email that I receive that has a link in it will not go to the link. I get an error mesage that says the file does not have a program associated with it for performing the action. It says I need to "create an association in the Set Association control panel." Other times I get a pop up that says "application not found". I can't provide any more info than that. I don't know where to find the "association control panel" and when I call Windstream, my email provider, they tell me it's my computer that's screwed up and transfer me to India where I get to converse with a nice gentleman for thirty minutes and who still can't understand what I'm saying. I losing patience.

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Logitech Cordless Action Controller (ps2)

Aug 1, 2009

i recently bought a sweex bluetooth usb adapter and was woundering if i could connect my wireless controller to it. i read on the pack that the bluetooth is at 2.400ghz - 2.480ghz and that the controller is 2.4ghz radio frequency technology. will this work, or is the controller not bluetooth??

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Action Valid Products Currently Installed

Apr 5, 2009

I have vista business running on an asus laptop. I’ve been trying to connect my HTC Touch mobile phone with the laptop and have been having problem with Windows mobile centre (error msg “ This action is only valid for products that are currently installed). I attempted to run the Windows mobile handbook & keep getting the error "The getting started disc requires Adobe Flash player version 8.0 or later…". I have installed the latest version of flash (v10), have uninstalled it (via adobe’s recommended process), reinstalled, executed FlashUtil10b as administrator, checkd activex & plugin settings (as per adobe site settings), but to no avail. I have also tried to install the active synch (predecessor to Windows mobile) and again, the error msg regarding flash player 8.0 or later required.

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Vista Refresing Change

Aug 27, 2008

A refreshing change of pace -- a new Tweak Guide that takes a rationale view of Vista, it's weaknesses and its strengths. Well worth reading. Link to original site:

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This File Does Not Have A Program Association With It For Performing This Action

Nov 7, 2009

Computer Club member's Windows Vista Home Premium. The message above says it all. No .exe file will run. I have drilled down to winword.exe, and double clicked. I have clicked icons on the desktop. I have clicked programs on the start menu. In safe mode, I have downloaded a new version of Windows Installer, when Run is clicked the subject message appears.

When using Window Explorer, no .exe file has an icon associated with it! When I open Programs & Features in the Control Panel. Programs cannot be removed as the subject message appears.

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Change The Appearance (using Vista Basic)

Mar 26, 2008

I was trying to change the appearance (using Vista Basic), have not idea what I did, but now all my text windows are light gray, the text is somewhat blurry and has a gray show tail after everything making very hard to read on my homepage and in Microsoft Mail. Can someone please tell me how to go back, I promise not to touch it again.

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Vista Slow Want To Change Back To XP

May 27, 2008

I unfortunatly have Vista Ultimate installed - it is slow, cumbersome and memory intensive. I want to change back to XP - how can I do this ??

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Possible To Change Window Colors Within Vista?

Jun 3, 2009

Is it possible to change these colors within Vista? (see attachment)I've figured out how to change just about everything else, but not those.

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Change Internet Settings On Vista?

Sep 5, 2008

Can someone tell me how to change my internet settings on vista? It will not let me access internet settings from the control panel(don't know why). In the control panel all of the icons also have labels , but not the internet settings.

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Uninstalled Change Running Vista 32 Bit

Feb 27, 2010

Use to know how to do this but forgot the trick When I right click on Recycle bin I see Browse with Paint Shop Pro7. Weeks ago I completely uninstalled this program so I need to change this to whatever you recommend. What's the fix for this? TIA Running Vista Home Premium, 32bit and IE8

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Attachment: File Does Not Have A Programme Assosiated With It For Performing This Action

Oct 23, 2009

i try to open an email attachment I get the following message This file does not have a programme assosiated with it for performing this action. Create an assosiation in the Set Assosiation control panel. Please could someone helpas I have no idea what to do to overcome the problem also could you break it down to its simplest form as I have only the basic knowledge of computers.

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Forgot Vista Password :: How To Change Without Re-installing

Jan 17, 2009

My friend's daughter has asked me to look at her laptop and she has forgotten the password for Windows Vista. Is there any way I can get into it to change the password without re-installing windows?

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Change Vista Login To Win 2000 Style

Jan 15, 2009

I would like to get vista to use the login style used in Win 2000 ... ctrl+alt+del gives a login box in which to enter the user name and password.

Win XP Pro had this option also, but, it's default was like vista (pictures showing all users).

I have been able to get the ctrl+alt+del part but instead of the login box I still get pictures.

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Change The Folder To Which Files Are Down Loaded To In Vista

May 8, 2010

How can I change the folder to which files are down loaded to in Vista?

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Running Vista 64 Bit Change 64 Back To 32bit

Apr 10, 2009

If I have an entire PC backup (windowsimagebackup) from Vista 32bit then use it while running a Vista 64bit will it change the 64 back to a 32?

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Interface Change No Longer Folder Vista

Jul 29, 2009

I use Windows mail for past few weeks. Suddenly the interface has changed. I can no longer (on the left side) see the list of folders (inbox, outbox, sent, etc). How to get it back? Vista.

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Don't Change User Cp Installed Vista Updated

Dec 15, 2008

They were there just there a couple of days ago, each forum have a very unique, vista like icon and, all of a sudden...I don't think I have changed anything on my USer CP, nor have I installed anything new on my pc (Vista updates today) and yet... they are gone. Not really a big deal but is just a bother to be loosing some things with my Vista x64 OS. I feel like the computer is either hunted or I have been hit with a virus/spyware/malaware but I did a whole check-up and the pc is clean.

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Opening All Programs Error File Does Not Have A Program Associated Performing This Action

Jan 17, 2009

"This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create and association in the Set Associations control panel" I have been having a problem with my computer for several days now. Opening all programs causes me to recieve this error message. I have to use right click + Run as Administrator to use any of my programs. I have done some forum surfing and tried several recommended techniques for correcting this problem but to no avail. I downloaded the exefix_vista reg file but the very same problem prevents me from merging it (I even tried fixing the reg extension but that failed aswell). I have run the sfc/scannow in command propmt but that came up empty. I would have fresh installed but I am away from home and do not have the means to reinstall vista. I apologize if this post seems in any way redundant but my forum searches have failed me. HELP! PLEASE!

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Microsoft And Consumers - Taking Action Against Global Software Piracy

Dec 3, 2009

Today, Microsoft announced a surge of over 150,000 voluntary reports in the past two years from people who unknowingly purchased counterfeit software that often included viruses or other malware. More than double the amount of previous records, this increase reflects growing concern for the harm caused by counterfeit software and Microsoft’s efforts to give people a voice in the fight against software counterfeiting. In addition, Microsoft highlights Consumer Action Day, a simultaneous launch of education initiatives and enforcement actions in more than 70 countries to help protect consumers and increase awareness of the risks of counterfeit software. Learn more on Microsoft’s PressPass site.

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Install Drivers For Action Replay: Not Enough Storage To Process This Command

Mar 28, 2010

im trying to install drivers for action replay ds because without them it doesnt work on vista 64 bit. when i clicked the link to download it, i got an error that said "there was a problem with the request", but it still downloaded it. then when i extracted and opened the file and clicked the windows installer to install the drivers i get the error message "not enough storage to process this command". i tried running it as administrator and messing around with the IRPStackSize (changed the value about 5 times and nothing happened.) what else could possibly be wrong?

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Destination Folder Access Denied :: Need Permission To Perform This Action

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium, I am trying to add a Maxtor Shared Stroage II 320 GB Hard drive that is networked connected. I have installed the supplied software. The drive is up and running. I can access the drive but anytime I try to Move, Copy or send any file to the drive I get the following: "Destination Folder Access Denied, You need permission to perform this action." I have been on the phone with Seagate for hours, they have never seen this before. I have shut off my firewall, USC, Antivirus but no help.

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Change Windows Vista Basic Logon Screen

Mar 23, 2008

does anyone know how to change windows vista basic logon screen to the one where u have to enter ur username and password and click enter. ive already enabled ctrl - alt - delete function,

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When Click In Windows Mail Then I Get Message File Does Not Have A Program Associated With It For Performing This Action

Jan 13, 2010

When I click on a click in a message in my windows mail, I get the message that this file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the set association control panel.

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How To Change The User Name On A Vista Operated Computer Without Completely Reinstalling

Mar 5, 2009

how to change the user name on a Vista operated computer without completely reinstalling the operating system software and all the applications that already installed? I need to put her name in as the user and remove mines.

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Change Vista's Visual Style With Hacked System Files

Mar 20, 2007

Changing the visual style of Windows is something that has become very popular over the years with Windows XP.  In Windows Vista, this is just starting to gain momentum with the release of a few cool hacked visual styles. These alternative visual styles are replacements for the default Aero glass style and offer slight tweaks on the design.  Over time there will be more and more higher quality visual styles released for Windows Vista. 

If you want to get started, you will need to download the hacked visual style skinning engine files from Rafael Rivera’s  site.  Rafael has both x86 and x64 versions available. These modified system files remove the requirement for visual style files to be digitally signed by Microsoft.  If you need help replacing the system files with the modified files, check out my article on working with system files in Windows Vista. 

UPDATE: There is now an automated utility that allows you to patch your visual style skinning engine files with just one click. Click here to check it out.

Make sure you replace all three hacked system files:...

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