Hard Drive Failing Warning And To Start Backing Up

Nov 28, 2008

vista keeps saying that my harddrive is failing and to start backing up now i had this problem with only vista it was this for almost a year n the drive hasnt failed i used to have the warning turned off i found out how to do it in regedit on some page google brought me too. i just got done formating and i cant find the page any more now im getting the same message agian does anyone know how to turn it off?

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Failing Hard Drive?

May 7, 2010

My computer has been SUPER SLOW for the past few days, I've restarted it, turned off bloatware processes, and still no luck... It will be a complete system lock up, where the whole computer will stop responding for at most 30 seconds, then if I click while it's locked up, nothing will happen. Then when the computer comes out of the freeze, I'll hear the computer beeping, like the type of beeps from the bios, not from the OS.

Also, when the computer does this, the Hard Drive light will be constantly on, it'll try to read or write for a few seconds then stop, and repeat the process. And then it'll start to do its crap and the computer won't be locked up. One last thing... While typing this, my computer was locking up, and I'd still type, and nothing would appear on the screen, until the computer started to respond again.

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Backing Up Files To Alternating Hard Drives

May 19, 2008

I created file backups on two removable network hard drives so I can regularly do incremental backups on the alternative disks. I want to keep one disk offsite and switch them regularly. When I try to alternate backup network hard drives the incremental backups fail. Message reads: ???The backup location cannot be found or is not valid.??? How can I regularly make incremental backups to these alternating removable network hard drives?

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Build 5308 32bit, Hard Disk Failing To POST

Mar 7, 2006

This is what happened, i installed 5308 on a fresh clean hard disk that has no previous errors and by all accounts is in a good working order. I ran the install from the DVD drive during boot, then carried out a full new install on to the clean disk, The install process proceded with out error, however the installer finished copying data to the hard drive and started its reboot sequence. at this point my computer fails to boot. Im not talking about corrupt boot sectors im talking about serious issue thats stopping my compter from finishing its POST. i am unable to access the BIOS, i am unable to change the boot order using the built in boot selector program.

The POST sequence gets up to detecting the IDE drives, it then tells me the name and model number of the connected drives and tells me SMART is active and ok, at this point the system fails POST with no error messages. If i disconnect the drive in question the system will post correctly and will boot to my other SATA drives. I have tried new cables, i have tried changing drive between master and slave, and primary and secondery controlers.....

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HTT Tmp Files, Drive Failing

Apr 12, 2009

i have all these temp files in the temp folder and they keep appearing and multiplying. The first time i found them the folder was near 8gb and i deleted all of them no problem. Now they are back again and it's getting close to 4gb but i can't delete them this time.

I couldn't find anything on google. The only two things that came up was something to do with some Offline Explorer Pro program and the other one was that some guys hard drive was failing. One of my drive did recently fail on me but it's not in the computer anymore.

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Drive In RAID 0 Is Failing

Mar 29, 2008

Shortly after installing Vista SP1 I have started to get message "a drive in Raid 0 is failing". This sounds bad. I have tried running checkdisk on my hard drive but it does not show any problems. If I reinstall the OS from scratch, will it fix the problem? Or is this a hardware problem?

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Hard Drive Trashing: Hard Drive LED Light On My Sony Vaio Keeps Blinking EVERY SECOND

Feb 10, 2009

The Hard Drive LED light on my Sony Vaio keeps blinking EVERY SECOND. When it's really quiet I can hear it too, it's constantly writing. Constantly. I did my research - read all the threads on the net and so far I have disabled:

Windows index
Windows defender
Windows search
System Restore
I have uninstalled google desktop.

The system is totally virus and spyware free, and the anti-virus is not scanning (schedule scan disabled). All Vista updates are installed. Nothing has helped. I've run out of things to disable. I'm running Vista Business SP1, Dual Core 2.2 Ghz, 3 Gb RAM.

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Backing Up E Mail External Drive Or CD

Oct 9, 2009

how to backup my E Mails either on an external drive or a CD

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Backup Drive Full & Failing

Jun 15, 2008

I have a 250 gig backup drive which is now full and my weekly backup is failing. the drive I am backing up shows only 133 gig used in properties why has the back up exceeded the total disk usage i am backing up. The file structure on backupo drive shows only one backup set dated 2007-08-04 within which are the weekly folders for my backups each of which contains a varying number of zip files. I am reluctant to just delete and start over but cannot see a way of managing backed up data.

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Difficulties Backing Up E-mail To A Flash Drive

Mar 8, 2009

I'm trying to help a friend with Windows Vista copy her e-mail storage to a flash drive for backup. I found the location of the storage folder (which is not easy, it's listed under Tools, Options, Advanced). I tried copying the "Local Folders" folder, which is the master folder for all the e-mails, to the flash drive. It began prompting at each e-mail (all 11,000 of them), saying "if you copy this, it will be without the file properties. Proceed?" Copying all the e-mails without their file properties didn't sound like a good idea, so I stopped.

Then I thought of exporting the e-mails instead of copying them. I selected Local Folders in the e-mail program, File, Export, browse for destination. But the Save As dialog that opens only opened to a subfolder of her named personal folder, not to Computer. It was impossible to navigate the Save As dialog to Computer and thence to the flash drive. What kind of Save As dialog opens to a subfolder and refuses to let you navigate up the hierarchy to where you want to get to?

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Backing Up Documents Folder, Not Enough Room On Drive

Apr 26, 2008

My mother's Documents Folder is about 350MB. Her flash drive is 512 MB. I backed up her Document Folder to her empty flash drive. I then tried to show her how to do the same thing, this time it said that there wasn't enough room on the drive. I don't understand why Vista did not give an option to overwrite the Folder. I then formatted her flash drive and tried backing up again and it worked fine. But then, when I tried to back up again (now that the flash drive had the 350MB folder on it), it again told me that there wasn't enough room and did not give me the option to just overwrite.

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Hard Disk Warning: High Reallocated Sectors Count

Mar 7, 2009

There seems to be a problem with my hard drive, it has a high number of reallocated sectors and im not sure why, as its a brand new hard disk. Does anyone know what i can do about this or why its happening? Heres what the problem is about: "Count of reallocated sectors. When the hard drive finds a read/write/verification error, it marks this sector as "reallocated" and transfers data to a special reserved area (spare area)."

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Warning: Windows 7 Beta Bi-hourly Shutdowns Start Next Week

Jun 23, 2009

The Windows 7 beta will begin bi-hourly shutdowns on July 1, 2009 and will expire on August 1, 2009.

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Backing Up To Network Drive: Username And Password Invalid?

Apr 20, 2008

I have a 1 TB external hard drive connected to my network. I would like to back up my laptop and setup automatic backup on a weekly basis to this drive like I have done with my desktop. However, the damned thing keeps asking me for a username and password that I did NOT set up on the computer that has the hard drive connected directly into it. When I use my Windows username and password for the computer the drive is connected to, it tells me it is invalid. So what, exactly, is the password if that isn't it? I have password protection turned OFF on my network, so it shouldn't even ask me for one.

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Backing Up Windows Mail To Flash Drive Failed

Mar 3, 2010

when exporting to flash drive I am getting an error message saying the directory I am exporting to needs to be empty. I am using a new flash drive; what does the error mean?

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Extrenal Hard Drive: Copy Hard Drive To It?

Jul 29, 2009

I have a ASUS laptop running Vista Home Premium, 64 bit OS. I have several programs that I use but no loner have the insall disks for. Should I have to reformat in the future I would hate to lose them. Here's what I'm thinking: Buy a extrenal hard drive. Seagate, 1Tbit, usb, cost $90.00. Copy my hard drive to it. If I need to reformat. Reinstall Vista from my recover disk that came with the computer. Then copy files from external drive. Bingo. All my old programs would be there and working. Question is: Can this be done?
What file/folders do I need to copy to the external drive?

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Get A Warning Box Saying The Temp Folder Is On A Drive That Is Full Or That I Do Not Have Write Permission For

Mar 31, 2008

Vista now will not install new programs. I get a warning box saying the temp folder is on a drive that is full or that I do not have write permission for. The temp file is where? It is on the C drive, which is nearly empty, and I am logged on as the administrator. What a pile of c***.

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Is Possible Copy Entire Hard Drive Onto An External Hard

May 27, 2008

Is it possible to copy my entire hard drive onto an external hard drive. Vista Premium, all the data, etc. and what would be a good software to accomplish this?

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External Hard Drive: Hard Disc Is Unavailable

Sep 27, 2008

I have an external hard drive, I reformated it so I could use Vista's backup.Now it seems that when my brother inlaw tries to put some music files(Itunes) that the hard disc is unavailable to his computer. At this stage it seems that Vista has conned me into destroying a perfectly good WD harddrive!I have created a second partion on the hard drive and I am reformatting that, as I write this, but the only formatting option seems to be this NTFS, and that is what I had already formatted the ExtHD to so I think this formatting will be to no avail!From what I can figure I need to format into FAT but I tried a quick format an ex-fat option was there, but the problem was the same. I am becoming more frustrated with Vista, seems I just keep running into things that should be simple and aren't!

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Usb External Hard Drive Plugged In And The Drive Has Been Emptied And Replaced By Windows

Mar 23, 2008

when booting up from a vista cd I accidentally had my usb external hard drive plugged in and the drive has been emptied and replaced by windows there are sintimental photos etc on the drive can anyone help me to restore them

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Does 'Local Disc' D Mean It Is A Drive Inside My Machine Or Could It Be My External Hard Drive

Jul 2, 2008

Does 'Local Disc' D mean it is a drive inside my machine or could it be my external hard drive?

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Ethernet Hard Drive: Both Operating Systems Unable To Browse Drive

Apr 17, 2008

I was wonder if anyone know a solution for the following problem. I have a ethernet hard drive and I've never had a problem until using vista and windows server 2008. both operating systems are unable to browse the drive, instead it completely crashes explorer.exe. Windows server 2003 & XP have never had trouble.

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Hard Drive Installation: No Designated Lettered Drive Appears

May 18, 2009

i bought a kit for an old hard drive. i got it to work once ealier today, and now it doesn't work. when i plug it into the usb, it will not successfully install. the kit is a rocketfish hd 35, the hard drive is seagate u8 model st313021a. the "remove hardware" icon appears in the tray, but no designated lettered drive appears on the computer.

the hard drive was part of an older tower that i couldn't get to boot. it's strange because just today i accessed the hard drive and located old pictures, music and other files that i hadn't seen in a few years. had i known this would have happened i would have started saving right away. i thought i had it working.

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Changing Boot Drive But Still Booting From Old Hard Drive

Mar 26, 2008

I've upgraded my machine at some point in the last year, where I added a new 500GB drive and moved my C: partition across to it. The previous 250GB drive was left in for additional storage. Just recently (while upgrading my BIOS) I realised that my system was still booting from the 250GB drive even though Windows was on the other disk. There is a fair possibility in the not too distant future that I'll replace the 250GB disk with a larger disk, in which case I won't be able to boot. Is there a safe and reliable way to change it so that the system boots from the 500GB disk?

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External Hard Drive Crash: Drive Is EMPTY

Oct 6, 2009

I was starting my computer today (that has Vista), and during the start up process, a black screen came up stating that there was an error opening up my external hard drive and it was checking for errors. After it finally booted up, I went to open the hard drive files, and it was totally BLANK! I then restarted the computer, and still the hard drive is EMPTY! I had ALL my important files in there!

The ONLY thing that looks promising is that when I go to Start then to Computer, it shows the hard drive there, and it still shows that 43GB are free of 111GB of storage (same info shows by right clicking on it and going to Properties). Why would it show this if nothing is on the hard drive anymore? Is there ANYWAY to recover these files again you think???? I NEED those files!!!! Remember that the hard drive STILL PHYSICALLY WORKS. It's just that I cannot access the files on my pc at the time for some reason.......

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Install External Hard Drive: Open Drive Not

May 21, 2008

I just bought and installed a external hard drive. I am fairly knowlegable about computers but this is my first Ex. Hard drive and know very little about there use. So what I want to know is how to save my Family Tree Makers files to it. And once I do that how do I know for sure it is opening from my new drive and not my computer C: drive? I saved it to a DVD one time but when the time came when I needed it all that was there was a short cut but no files.

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USB Drive Or External Hard Drive

Sep 8, 2009

I have Windows XP and Vista. I always go through "safely remove hardware" before pulling off USB drive on XP. However, I have been trying to do the same on Vista, it seems that I cannot do the same as XP. For instance, I plug in my USB on Vista and it appears as H drive on Vista, when I am ready to do "safely remove hardware", I don't see the device drive H is on the "Safely remove hardware" window, so I cannot stop the H drive. I am concerned about the Vista hardware.

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Trying To Add Hard Drive

Apr 26, 2009

i have an older maxtor 250gb ide hard drive and i am trying to put it in my computer so i can reformat it and install vista ultimate, the thing is when i go to disk manager i can see the drve, feel the drive, but it wont let me initialize it or anything, it comes up as "the request could not be performed because of an I/O devise error, the disk was originally in my modded xbox and i could acces it with xp.

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How Many GB Hard Drive Is?

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new pc with only 256MB of RAM- how hard is it to add memory? Also, how do I find out how many GB the hard drive is?

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How Name New Hard Drive?

Feb 14, 2009

I purchased a new hard drive and named it NEW-BACKUP. I did a exact disk copy from my old BACKUP drive. My wife uses the old drive now. I have renamed my new drive to BACKUP. I am doing complete system backup's pretty frequently. To verify that the backups are happening, I typed in the command "wbadmin get versions" and got a list of the backups. The disk name showed up as "NEW-BACKUP". "NEW-BACKUP" is the destination drive for the backup and renamed as "BACKUP.

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Re-Name Hard Drive

Oct 16, 2009

I just inserted a SD/MMC Card in my laptop, and it changed my external hard drive letter from F to G?, how can I change it back to F again?, as I had everything setup on the FRIVE, now nothing recognises it?

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