Backing Up Files To Alternating Hard Drives

May 19, 2008

I created file backups on two removable network hard drives so I can regularly do incremental backups on the alternative disks. I want to keep one disk offsite and switch them regularly. When I try to alternate backup network hard drives the incremental backups fail. Message reads: ???The backup location cannot be found or is not valid.??? How can I regularly make incremental backups to these alternating removable network hard drives?

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Two Hard Drives Separate, Raid Hard Drives

Feb 24, 2009

I have a Dell computer, had it about three weeks. I have two hard drives in a serial ATA Raid 0 stripe 500GB each. They are controlled by Intel matrix storage manager software. I want to have the two hard drives separate, like drive C and Drive D In the Bios I have two choices ATA or Raid, I have tried both ways to have them separate, however still can't. I have to say that I found this forum by chance, by goodness I am glad I did with drivers for my scanner and printer.

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Hard Drive Failing Warning And To Start Backing Up

Nov 28, 2008

vista keeps saying that my harddrive is failing and to start backing up now i had this problem with only vista it was this for almost a year n the drive hasnt failed i used to have the warning turned off i found out how to do it in regedit on some page google brought me too. i just got done formating and i cant find the page any more now im getting the same message agian does anyone know how to turn it off?

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Backing Up Files On DVD?

Jun 2, 2010

I have just finished a back-up of my files as of June 30th, It took 5 DVD's to complete using the "Back Up Program" on my Vista Home Premium, 32 bit start menu. Does this sound reasonable? If it became necessary to restore my files following a hard disc problem, would all my spreadsheets, letters, programs, registry, desk top, etc. be restored to the condition they are now? If not, what would likely be lost? As you see, I am not very knowledgeable concerning computer details.

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How Backing Up Files On XP Home Edition?

Jun 1, 2008

I have a portable USB hard drive. I have it installed and configured, but I can not find how I actually back up my files. The only help I can find on the Windows help site is for Vista.

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Backing Up Individual Folders And EXE Files

Jun 3, 2008

I'm using Backup & Restore in Vista Home Premium x64 for easy backups. There are however a couple issues with it.First, is it possible to make Vista backup only individual folders?Second, I have Backup & Restore set to making daily incremental backups of all files (that can be selected in the wizard) on my C drive. Thing is, I have folders with applications in the root of C. E.g. C:Prog1, C:Prog2,etc... I had to retrieve backups a while back. You can only guess when all other files where restored except the .exe files n :Prog1, C:Prog2 and so on. After reading around a bit I found out that B&R doesn't backup executable
files. Any way to get around this.

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Both Hard Drives Quite Hot

Mar 7, 2009

Was just checking some information in my pc, and i noticed both of the Hard drives were quite hot, theres no problems with the fans or anything in there so im not sure if theres a problem or they just get like that. The pc has been on for alot of the day and alot has been installed on it since they are new.

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Boot From 2 Hard Drives?

Feb 11, 2009

I have an Existing Vista install on HD1 and want to install Windows 7 on HD2.Was going to make HD2 the Primary Drive. Is there a way I can alternately boot to the HD1 Drive if I need to?

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Hard Drives - DMA And PIO Modes

May 2, 2008

I have recently upgraded to an Asus P5K-E motherboard. It support AHCPI SATA. I'm running Vista x64 on a Samsung HD753LJ 750GB drive. Shortly after installing I checked the Device Manager which showed the drive running in PIO Mode 4. I kept trying to set it back to DMA mode but to no avail. However, using HD Tune 2.55 it says my drive is running in UDMA Mode 8. I never knew it went that high.

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Hard Drives Not Spinning Down

Feb 6, 2009

I have 8 SATA drives (4 in a PCI Promise SATA controller and 4 in the motherboard controller) in my Vista Ultimate 64, and I would like to keep them spinned down most the time. I use power saving but only the PCI drives are shutting down after x minutes, the motherboard drives are still on. In windows XP worked fine. I also noticed that when I delete a file, the drives spin up again. Could be any windows service interfering? I have all the hardware drivers well updated.

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Does Not Detect Hard Drives

Jul 23, 2009

I recently purchased a computer on e-bay. I did not know it was a server. I has a aid configuration. I bought Vista Basic. When I try to load it it says it does not detect any hard drives. Is there a way around this? Can Vista basic be loaded on this system?

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UAC And External Hard Drives

Dec 23, 2008

I have a program on an external USB hard drive. I want to run the program from that HD. It doesn't run properly because it needs to write files to it's folder, and it doesn't have permission to. If I turn User Account Control off, then everything works just fine, however I don't want to turn it off. Is there anything else I can do to get the program to work properly with UAC turned on? Should the program be writing files to a specific folder? I tried setting the permissions of the folder to 'full control', but all that seems to do is set the permissions on each individual file that currently exists in the folder.

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Hard Drives Not Found

Mar 26, 2008

When I get to the part of vista installation where it asks which hard drive I would like to install to it says there are no hard drives found. I have checked multiple times that the hard drive is hooked up correctly, but they are still not found. My hard drive is a Western Digital SATA SE Caviar 500GB. Also, I have looked for SATA drivers that came with my mobo (GIGABYTE GA-X38-DS4) but I don't see any that apply to what I need, as the only drivers that they appear to have are ones for AHCI/RAID configurations which I am not using.

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No Hard Drives Found

Mar 23, 2008

When I get to the part of vista installation where it asks which hard drive I would like to install to it says there are no hard drives found.I have checked multiple times that the hard drive is hooked up orrectly, but they are still not found.My hard drive is a Western Digital SATA SE Caviar 500GB.Also,I have looked for SATA drivers that came with my mobo (GIGABYTE GA-X38-DS4) but I don't see any that apply to what I need, as the only drivers that they appear to have are ones for AHCI/RAID configurations which I am not using.

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USB 2.0 Hard Drives It Is Formatted FAT32

Jun 2, 2008

I just added two new 1TB My Book external USB 2.0 hard drives to my system. They come formatted and partitioned, but it is formatted FAT32, all of my other drivers are NTFS and so I went in to the Windows Vista disk management tool (sorry I don't remember what it is actually called but it allows you to see all of your drives, partitions, etc.) to do a quick format to NTFS. However, it seems to be taking hours to do this.

I am guessing and this is my question. Am I right in assuming that the reason this is not a quick format is because it is having to do a full format in order to convert the drive from FAT32 to NTFS? How long should it take to format a 1TB drive?

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Hard Drives Is Not Showing All The Space

May 15, 2009

I recently installed Vista Home Premium and one of my hard drives is not showing all the space that it use to. The hard drive in question is a 1 Tb hdd and was working fine in XP as were the other HDD's. When I installed Vista, all the other disk's worked fine except for this one. I have gone into Computer Management and it shows the drive as having 859 Gb of unallocated space that I cannot format. I am unable to create a New Simple Volume or any other volume types for this drive.

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Backup With 2 Internal Hard Drives?

Mar 16, 2009

hey guys, this may seem like a stupid question but I am travelling and I cant really afford an external hard drive. I need to back up my laptop and reinstall windows... Is it possible to put evrything from C: onto D:, format C: and reinstall without losing anything off D:? I have a Toshiba Sattelite 600 with two 300GB hard disks, running vista home premium 32bit...

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How Sata Hard Drives Operates?

Sep 28, 2008

I recently re-arrange my 4 500GB SATA drives to provide better cooling. The system rebooted fine but every two or three days on booting Vista would kick me back to the BIOS starting screen, or, completely freeze, requiring a reboot. The system then wouldn't boot saying it couldn't find an operating system. Turning the computor off, and a restart would fix the problem until the next time. I resolved this by rearranging my hard drives so that Vistas C drive was the Motherboards logical boot drive. An obvious solution. My question is two fold. Why would BIOS find the Boot Drive sometimes and not others (The disks are not faulty), I perhaps don't fully understand how SATA operates. I have had no further problems to date.

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Can't See Anything Using IDE Or Hard Drives On Adaptor For SATA

Mar 23, 2008

I recently purchased a new system with Vista Home Premium 32bit OS. I have a couple of hard drives (Maxtor) that I would like to recover some files from but when plugged into the new computer, they just don't register. Can't see anything when using IDE or have the hard drives on an adaptor for SATA. The old drives do have XP Pro on them. Is there a clash between OS? How can I read and recover the info I need? I have gone to the Microsoft site to make sure I have all the updates. I have gone to Maxtor to download the up to date installation software. Still nothing. I have checked the BIOS and the SATA ports are initiated (and have talked to the manufacturer HP about the issue and they can't see a problem). I have been able to recognize the old hard drives when I still had the old computer (cleaned it up and gave it to my son with a new hard drive installed). Would like to recover data and start using the old drives as a back up system.

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Hybrid Hard Drives Not Regular HDD

Mar 23, 2008

There's a mystery drive partition on my system. confirm what it's used for/by? I'm running a triple boot of Server x64 RC2, Vista x64 SP1 RC, and Vista x86, installed on two internal hard disk drives. These are SATA drives, but not hybrids. They both have 8MB caches. (One is a Samsung HM250JI. The other is a Hitachi TravelStar 7K100.) I also have 1GB of Intel's Robson NAND. Now, in Disk Management, a 513MB (sic) FAT32 partition is there, called NVCACHE. It's listed as its own HDD, sandwiched between HDD 0 and HDD 1. So, there are two possible explanations as far as I can see: 1st candidate explanation: There's an Intel page that discusses Turbo Memory, which uses the "NVCACHE" term when describing its support for Vista ReadyDrive and "T13 specification Command Handling," which I had assumed applied just to hybrid hard drives, not to regular HDDs.

The other thing that's fishy is the 513MB cache size. Where'd the remaining 511MB go if this system has a full 1GB Robson NAND? Was I gyped out of 512MB of NAND? 2nd candidate explanation: This has something to do with the SATA caching functionality that I have enabled in the x86 partition. [See: Device Manager -> Disk Drives -> right-click on a SATA drive -> Properties -> Policies -> Enable Write Caching on the Disk -> Enable Advanced Performance.] If that's the purpose, then the question is: Do I need to confine my use of the SATA cache to one OS installation, or am I safe to enable this function in all of the OSes simultaneously? (Will overwrites by different OSes of each others' caches destabilize the system or not?)

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Speed Up External Hard Drives

Sep 15, 2007

Windows Vista operates external hard drives that are connected with USB differently than internal drives. Write caching is disabled so that you can safely remove the drive at almost any time.  This is a great feature for USB thumb drives that are frequently inserted and removed from your computer.  But if you have a large hard drive that is in an external enclosure that you never disconnect from your computer, write caching is also disabled which can decrease performance.

This tweak is going to show you how to increase the performance of your external hard drives by turning write caching back on as well as activating advanced performance.  Let’s get started: ...

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Windows Not Recognizing Multiple Hard Drives

Jun 29, 2008

i just built this new computer, and i installed two 250 gig hard drives. the bios recognize both drives just fine but windows is not. it only lists me as having one C: drive with 250 gig and the other one is not listed at all. is there some setting in windows that i need to enable?

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Hard Drives Are Loud At Weird Times?

Jan 9, 2008

ive noticed that my hard drives are loud at weird times? when im not doing anyting? its very annoying? is this vista or my hard drives?

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Dual Boot Failure With XP .. Two Hard Drives

Mar 26, 2008

I have built a new system to game with and have 2 new hard drives, on one I put XP Pro and then on the other I loaded Vista. I have more or less completed all the driver upgrades and windows updates but I keep getting repeated boot failures of Vista. I can always get into Safe mode but in Normal mode the boot fails just after the first spash screen at the point when the screen goes blank to be replaced by the small circular

Vista logo. After 2 or 3 attempts it succeeds to load but then the problem seems to reoccur, particularly when I have been back to XP for a while. I had a similar problem with XP but that seems to have sorted itself out. I have tired looking in the logs for faults and failures but no clues there.

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Hard Drives Performance Increase Boots

Apr 23, 2009

I have two physical hard drives. Both are identical. I want to move my Page File to my second drive to see if I get a performance increase. I did some research and learned that you must keep a small page file on your C drive because Windows writes a small amount of data to the C drive upon boot. Does anybody have experience with this setup?

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Missing Folder (not Hidden) When Trying To Back Up Hard Drives

Mar 8, 2010

I'm using Vista Home Premium x64. I was attempting to back up some external drives to each other. I had previously used Robocopy on Windows XP with much success, so I thought I would do the same. I initially just manually copied and pasted an external drive designated "G:" into a folder within another external drive designated "I:" (so for example I:Backup1). The files were present and looked all good after this.

Today, I ran Robocopy to try to mirror those two, however as soon as I finished, the "Backup1" folder disappeared from "I:". The files however are present, as I can tell from the space used on "I:" and on top of that, when I try to make a new folder with the same name ("Backup1"), it won't let me, saying that a folder by that name is already present. Other folders (that do not have any data yet) are still present within "I:" The Robocopy script is basically Robocopy "G:" "I:Backup1" /MIR /XA:SH /XD AppData /XJD /R:2 /W:2 /V /ETA /Z /LOG:Backuplog.txt

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Hard Drives: Transfer The Data To The Vista Drive

Jun 3, 2008

I have hard drives from both Win 98 SE and XP machines. I currently use a system with Vista 32. Is it possible to hook up these drives to my Vista machine and transfer the data to the Vista drive?

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Data Migration Between Hard Drives On Single System?

Mar 23, 2008

I would like to copy all the contents from my boot drive to a new hard drive recognized by the BIOS. Easy Transfer Wizard works between two systems not a single system... I want to copy all my data including the hidden and system files to the new drive and then reconfigure the boot sequence to boot from the new drive... Western Digital has a utility that works with XP but not with Vista... what is the best way to move this data... will drag and drop move everything?

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Can Run On External Hard Drives (dual Boot Mode W/ XP On An Internal HD)

May 7, 2008

I am curious if Vista can be run from one of those portable external hard drives that I see in Staples, etc. rather than have to install another internal hard drive. I want to dual-boot with XP (already installed on an internal HD) and it would also be great if I can bring that external HD with us when we travel and hook it up to my wife's XP laptop and be able to boot up in Vista too. We need something for testing our software in Vista.

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Multi Port USB Hubs: External Hard Drives Not Detected

Nov 27, 2009

I recently received a multi port USB hub and plugged it into my laptop. It seemed like a good idea as I only had 2 USB ports on my computer. This gave me 4 where before I only had 1 which made a total of 5. I plugged a new external DVD burning drive into one of the multi ports ports. The drive used 2 ports, 1 for drive and 1 for drives power. I also plugged 2 external hard drives into the other 2 ports. The burning drive would not work and 1 of the external hard drives was not detected in computer.

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Hard Drives: Can't Seem To Remember From XP, Is There A Tool Which Will Allow Me To Break Down Disk Activity By Process?

Apr 14, 2009

I recently installed Vista and I'm noticing something that I can't seem to remember from XP. My hard drives are going crazy with activity at times during which there really shouldn't be any activity at all. I happen to have 4 Raptors in a RAID0+1 configuration and they sure are noisy when they start thrashing. I have 8 GB of RAM on the system so it shouldn't be the swap file. However, it seems like 25% of the time, my hard drives are going breserk with activity. Is there a tool which will allow me to break down disk activity by process?

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