Game Run In The "very High" Graphics Settings

Sep 30, 2009

so with 12 gigs of ram and a supposedly sick card like the 4890, one would think a game like counter-strike 1.6, which was made 8 or 9 years ago, would run with constant 100 fps. or you would think that a higher end game like empire total war could run in the "very high" graphics settings.

well, my fps CAN be 100...but it drops to 20 to 50 in any combat at all, and ranges from 60 to 100 when basically 'idle'. this is counter-strike 1.6!!! i should be getting 100 fps no problem. and i'm not a nub. vsync is off, i've dled, uninstalled and reinstalled the latest ati drivers and ccc. for empire total war? the gameplay is choppy on ANY setting and i expected better. after removing the sound card and taking the 4890 out of the slot it was in and moving it up a couple slots (i was desperate and tried everything i could!) the empire gameplay seemed to maybe be a bit smoother.

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I Have 14000+Mb's On My Graphics Card And I Cant Install A Game Because It Says There Is Not Enough Memory But The Game Only Needs 64mb's Help.

Aug 16, 2009

the game has installed but once tryin to load it says this


Your system does not meet the minimum requirements for ( The game) (suberror 7). Your video card must support hardware acceleration and have at least 15 megabytes of video Ram available. i fyour video card doesnt support compressed textures it must have at least 64 megabytes if video RAM available.

I have tried going into the display settings and advanced settings then troubleshooting but my computer does not allow me to change it as the icon is grayed out.

the details of my graphics card are

operating system: windows vista tm home premium (6.0, build 6001)

manufacturer: Advent

Model: QC8003

processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz (4 CPUs),


Memory : 8124MB RAM

Page file: 1996MB used, 14303MB available

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Graphics Shows "high Quality

Feb 1, 2009

i am trying to watch videos in hd on Internet or episodes of on-line shows in "high quality". they are just using flash player 10. i understand i don't have a very fast connection (1.5 mps) but even if i pause the program and let it load, it still stops every 30 seconds or so and i get the "little circle of dots" is this a graphics issue? is it something else? is it my connection speed? i would think if i let it load first i should be able to view in higher quality.

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COD4: Run Sins Of A Solar Empire And Medieval 2 Total War On Almost All High Graphics

Jun 11, 2008

COD4 lags extremly on my laptop even though I have 2 GB ram and a GeForce 8400 GS graphic card and run Sins of a Solar Empire and Medieval 2 Total war on almost all High Graphics.

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ATI Graphics Settings Can't Find It

Nov 9, 2008

I've connected my LCD TV to my computer through the VGA port. When I go to the ATI Catalyst control center to set up the connection, I can get the desktop background to be displayed on the TV but not the desktop icons and menu bar. I know there is a box I need to check because I've done it before but i can't seem to find it. It's possible it's not in the graphics card. How do I get the desktop menu bar and Icons to show up on the TV so I can use it as a second monitor?

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Battlefield 1942 (game Failed, Game Closing)?

Mar 23, 2008

Just got Vista (32). Battlefield 1942 expansion installed fine. runs for a second or 2 then crashes. Tried to reinstal, same thing. Came up with (game failed, game closing)?

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Security Settings In IE7: Reboot My Settings Change And I Have To Restore Them

May 6, 2008

I have a problem with the security settings in IE7. Everytime I reboot my settings change and I have to restore them. I have the settings set in custom level to allow programmatic clipboard access but it disables that and some other settings after a reboot. what I can do to make my settings stick?

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Standard VGA Graphics Adapters:Bad Graphics

Jan 1, 2009

When i upgraded my windows xp to vista about 5 days ago it somehow screwed up my computer. My graphics are so bad that i can't play simple games and i know that my graphics card used to work perfectly. I just need to know if it is vista that has changed my graphics card and if it did how can i fix it. Also for Hardware Acceleration, i can not turn it on because i do not have the troubleshoot option in my display settings. My nero will not burn any dvd disc's due to that.

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Join A Multiplayer Game(says "Joining Server... Then Crashes" Or Finish Loading A Single Player Game

Aug 2, 2007

I can sucessfully load up the game and all however whenever i try to join a multiplayer game(says "Joining Server... then crashes" or finish loading a single player game(after the textures are loaded or the shaders it just crashes) OR whenever i click audio in settings my game(right after i click audio it just goes boom) just crashes back to desktop with the BF2142.exe error. I've read about many different crashes with other people but this seems different, people have had crashes during map changes, splash screen, and a few secs after joining the server, havent seen anyone with my problem of crashing when i see the "joining server.." box.

I've tried
2)run the exe as admin.
3)disable UAC and reinstall/repatch after restart

Im pretty sure my computer can handle the game, my old one did fine and this one owns it. Im kind of lost, I've tried many things and this freaking game just doesnt want to work.

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Game Freezes: Game Won't Run Correctly

Jan 5, 2008

I installed SS2 on this PC (runs windows vista home premium 32bit), but sadly the game won't run correctly. I've looked around a little bit, and I see that not watching the videos is a common problem. But that's not my main problem <:/ I can run the game just fine for about 30 seconds... suddenly, it just freezes. The last sound is looped, and the mouse is frozen.

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HIGH Cpu Usage..

Jan 29, 2009

I think I have tried everything and I am not computer savoy enough to try some. But recently my computers CPU has been fluctuating a lot and has been pretty slow..I took off most of the start up programs and only have a few (virus software etc) but I was wondering if maybe it could be not by updating my drivers.. or bc i only updated some of my drivers.

I am currently running

4 gigs ram...
ATI Radeon HD 3200
vista 64 bit
professor amd duel core..

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HIgh RAM, Slow PC

Oct 4, 2009

I looked for posts dealing with RAM and had trouble finding, I thought everybody had problems with slow PCs. Now i need some advice please I have a Vista that is 1 1/2 years old and it had become really slow. RAM is high even when all applications are off and Firefox can use up to 1GB of memory and I have 2G/, I used software like RAMboost and did the long OnceCare scan with MCS, defragmented drives, increased the memory that can be used as RAM on the hard drive. etc.....many things recommended. still same nothing is changed after a short while. Is reformatting and bringing back to how it was when I bought my only hope? And should Firefox take a bloody 1 GB of RAM alone? I checked the processes in task manager and it seems I need all of them somehow and if that was the case if I reformat then wouldn't the same thing happen again?

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CPU Usage So High!

Jul 17, 2008

Why is my CPU Usage so high? It's using 100% sometimes and sometimes 88%. From 88-100% CPU Usage. What is the problem here? Is it supposed to be that high?

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Constant High CPU Usage

Apr 6, 2008

I have a Intel Core Duo 1.60 ghz processor with 2gb of RAM and my computer will constantly have 100% of the RAM taken up. I usually only run firefox, AIM, and itunes at a given time and I don't understand why my computer can't handle it. I will open up the task manager and it doesn't seem like any one task is taking up that much RAM, I don't understand what is doing it. I ran a virus scan with norton and it says I am clean, so I am puzzled by how my RAM could always be maxing out.

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CPU Running Too High Constantly

Apr 1, 2007

CPU is running a constant 50%. I have only had this computer for a month and at first it did not do this. then it started every couple of reboots then almost every reboot, but for a while i was able to boot to safe mode and tool around for a bit and then reboot normal and everything would be in sync. I can tell when the comp is booting up if the CPU is going to act up or not, the circle thing by the mouse during the boot up gets jerky and the intro music will be off from the visual..

i have tried turning off the OC but this has no effect. i have to have the OC or the system severely lags. right after this started if i would adjust the OC level it would have some effect ie.. make the cpu normal but now i can do what ever i want and it sits at 50%. While this is happening there are no apps running. and the standard processes but none using more than 04% of the cpu......

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TCP High Performance Test Failed

Jul 6, 2008

I have ran the Microsoft conectivity test many times on my new Netgear DG834G V4(firmware v5.01.09) and it fails on the TCP high performance test(see screenshot attached) I like my Vista tweaks and always had it set to highlyrestricted with my old Tiscali standard Siemens SE587 receiving speeds of over 7Mb on a 8Mb connection almost everyday.
Some of my DSLzone forum buddies have said that theirs passes the test but why does mine fail. I have asked Netgear support and they cannot tell me whether this router supports this feature or not....what a joke!

here is the link to the connectivity test for all routers but you must use Internet Explorer; {url}

Please try and solve this mystery for me. I have just recovered my system recently and it still fails the test so its not my computers set-up.

I will try and attach it seperately this time.

(Click on the X in the bottom right corner after clicking on the image to expand)

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Mouse Problem High CPU Usage

Feb 16, 2009

I have a Very Powerfull Processor, an E8400 3.6 GHZ and after i installed updates when i move my mouse on my desktop my explorer.exe process SHOOTS UP to 11 percent CPU usage its very unnecessary, on xp it stayed at 0 percent, Anyone know how to fix this? Whenever i move my mouse on my desktop explorer.exe uses anywhere from 5-11 percent CPU.
Its strange because if i move my mouse over firefox the firefox.exe cpu usage goes high to. same thing with ie7. Basically anything i move my mouse over gets 11-15 percent CPU usage, its very unnecessary.

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Monitor Causes Strangely High CPU Usage

Mar 30, 2009

My computer (Dell XPS 1330) runs fine without the monitor (Dell 20" SP2008WFP) but intermittently hits 100% CPU usage with the monitor plugged in - usually if I am running more than 3 or 4 standard office programmes - and then returns to running normally if the monitor is unplugged. I have 4GB of RAM and 2 x 2.5 GHz processors, so don't think this should be a problem. The laptop and monitor seemed to work fine together for a few months but subsequently the problem got progressively worse over a few months.

I have tried stopping all processes in TM when the problem occurs - none stand out as being the culprit. The only common occurrence is that the task manager process itself runs at 20%+ to 40% CPU usage when the problem occurs. I have already tried defragging, spyware, cutting out all visual effects and all sorts of other performance improvement options - I even totally reformatted the hard disk before I realised that the problem was related to the monitor being plugged in! I have tried rolling back and then re-updating the drivers for the monitor and the display adapters, but the problem persisted.

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High Definiton Audion CODEC

Mar 24, 2010

i have installed and updated all my drivers. i got IDT High Definition Audio CODEC. my problem is that my Volume Level in Control panel-Sounds-Recording-Microphone(Properties)-Level, goes down when ever my voice gets louder. is there a setting or a program i have to get through to make it not automatically lower it self? i Already Unclicked "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" from Exclusive Mode. this only happens on MSN and maybe other programs that are similar. but not on Ventrilo.

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Unexpected High Volume Of New E-mail

Jun 3, 2008

Today (June 3) I experienced an astoundingly high volume of new e-mail loaded into my Inbox. The new e-mail was unexpected and upon further review is a duplicate of past e-mail.

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Don't Play High Demanding Ons Such As Crysis

May 15, 2010

I want to buy the alienware M15x, I want to configure it so it has a 1GB ATI Radeon™ Mobility HD 5730 and a Slot-Loading Dual Layer Blu-ray Reader (BR-ROM, DVD+-RW, CD-RW)which will make the Lappy $1399....Would it be able to play StarCraft II when it comes out? Diablo 3? Sims 3? World of WarCraft? All of these games at high settings? I love video games, but I don't play high demanding ons such as crysis or other games like it, pretty much the posted games above are what I play. Is it worth the price? and will it last me for many years graphics card wise? can the video card be replaced if i want to upgrade? if so how much

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High Memory Usage On Installing Games

Jan 4, 2008

Both pre and post SP1 whenever I install a game my memory usage starts to climb. It usually hovers around 30-33% at idle. While installing it eventually peaks @ 99-100% and will drop to about 95-97% after the install is finished. For the life of me I can't figure out whats causing it.

I just installed lost planet and had the same issue. It happened with COD4, Supreme commander, and Crysis too. I've added screnshots from during the install, post install and after I reboot (because the memory does not go back to normal until then).

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Hard Drive Space Consumption High

Mar 29, 2009

I have a new Dell Studio XPS desktop that is running vista 64 bit. Love the works great. However, the hard drive loses free space on a daily basis. I've been working with computers for about 14 years and this is the first time I have had anything like this happen. Last night is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. I was going through my library of music files deleting duplicates(to open up space). When I went to bed I had about 45 GB of space open on my HD. This morning/afternoon when I got back on the computer, I only have 35 GB of space available. I'm not d/l anything, the only thing that was going on was that Itunes was running, playing music from a playlist. There was one new system restore point from sometime last night, but that only accounts for 1.5 GB at most. I have really only used WinXP since about 2001. I did have a new computer last year with vista, but hated the performance and switched it to XP. Any ideas on how I lost almost 10 GB of space overnight? Is it a vista issue? A system restore issue(currently set to automatic)?

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Internet Speed Tests, Have High Latencies

Sep 9, 2009

I've been doing internet speed tests and I consistently have ridiculously high latencies. Like 500+ ms latencies. It wasn't like this a couple of weeks ago and the two other computers in my office don't have this problem. So I figure there's something wrong with my computer. Most likely a software issue but I just can't figure out what it could be. mI am connected wirelessly but so is every other computer in my office so its not that. And I've switched out my wireless adapter and wireless router so I've ruled that out as well.

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PC Emitting High Pitched Squeal Or Whine

Feb 15, 2009

Since upgrading my 8800 GTX to the GTX 285, my PC has been emitting a high pitched squeal or whine when running intensive 3D applications. Crysis and 3DMark Vantage are the worst, though the issues is almost non-existant in older games (see: Halo). By listening to the PC, it seems that the whine is actually coming from my PSU and not the graphics card (the sound was louder near the PSU than the card) and I'm just wondering if anyone knows what this is? From what I've read via Google it has something to do with "capacitor whine", though that means dick all to me, since I just want to fix it. Should I invest in a new, quality, PSU to see if it is indeed the PSU? Or should I RMA my graphics card?

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Graphical Corruption In High-dpi Mode With Aero Enabled.

Mar 23, 2008

If i increase my dpi to anything above 96 dpi (and reboot) i will get graphical corruption after a few minutes. The corruption is limited to "glass" areas. For example the start menu may appear as a sheet of pure glass. Buttons on the taskbar, could appear all mached together. The Alt+Tab panel won't paint itself. Ossasionally an entire window's client area will be transparent, rather than painting anything.

If i kill and restart Explorer it fixes itself, for a few minutes. If i disable Aero (switch to Windows Vista Basic these) it's fine. If i kill the DWM.exe (which disables Aero) it's fine. If i set it back to 96dpi and reboot, it's fine. nVidia GeForce 6600GT. Any drivers you like, Windows Update's WHQL, nVidia direct, same problem..........

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Gigabyte MB Not Installing Audio Device On High Defintion Bus

Nov 25, 2009

Having recently had to update my motherboard and graphics card I am no not getting any sound.

MB Gigabyte Ga_EP45-UD3LR

Graphics XFX Radeon HD 4870

All drivers loaded for both items.

I've now downloaded the latest drivers from Gigabyte

Realtek Function driver for Realtek Azalia audio chip (Including Microsoft UAA Driver in English edition) 24/11/09

Intel INF installation (Chipset) 16/11/09

Realtek LAN Driver 6.227.0902.2009 26/10/09

And it still will not install the "Audio Device On High Definition Audio Bus, the exclamation mark is still there and the speaker icon in the system tray has got a red cross with "No Audio Output Device is Installed"

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Not Downloaded Message: Group High-lighted In Black

May 12, 2008

On Vista hardware_devices and a couple of other groups using Windows Mail as News Reader there are always Not Downloaded Message which means if I leave the group after reading ALL the=20 messages the Group is still high-lighted in Black as if there were unread messages in Group. I can RIGHT CLICK and RUN=20 CatchUp and the group is no longer highlighted however if I go back and check and there are no more messages to read it will still show some of Messages Not Downloaded and the Group is Highlighted again. (The shown Not Downloaded varies often.)

So I used Maintenance and cleared all messages and then removed the entire account. Then I DELETED all the actual message groups in C:Users so there was no trace of the Groups. Then I redid the=20 Account and ReSubscribed to the Groups but no luck. The Groups that do this are still doing it. Anyone else have this issue? I think it started a couple of months back. I realize I can have it mark All Messages Read when I exit a group however I don't want that if I really have not read the ones I wanted.

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Setup Parental Controls And IE7 Add-ons To Work Under High Setting

Mar 15, 2008

i set up an account for my daughter, and setup parental controls and under the webfilter i set the setting to high which is what i want but i cannot get adobe flash player or any other of the IE7 add-ons to work under high setting, but will work under meduim setting. how can i get adobe flash player/add-ons to work under high setting? my daughter is 5yrs, and i just want all of nick jr website to work, right now she cannot watch the shows that they have on the site or play the games on the site. like i said everything does work fine on medium setting but i feel that setting is not right for a 5yr.

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Speakers: Realtek High Definition Audio Not Plugged In

Feb 12, 2010

my sound stopped working suddenly - I don't even get the windows start-up sound anymore. I have tried upating drivers and that did not work, i think i see my problem: I have attached a capture of my sound screen from the control panel. It says my speakers are not plugged in but i use an HDMI cable to my monitor which is also my speakers and my monitor works fine.

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Launch Certain Applications It Causes An Extreme Slow Down Of The System And High Cpu Usage

Jul 31, 2008

My problem is when ever i try to launch certain applications it causes an extreme slow down of the system and high cpu usage, after 30+ seconds the system goes back to normal and the program responds fine. Seems to be a bit slow in loading as well. Programs affected include winamp (latest), nero 8, windows media player 11, powerdvd, right clicking on hard drives and opening properties but not accessing the hdd's. Programs which aren't affected include media player classic, open office, ie7, firefox 3, vlc player. I have been messing around with my codecs recently trying to get thumbnail previews of the .avi files on my pc which suceeding in by installing ffdshowx64 so i uninstalled this and the 64bit vista codec pack to no avail. I disabled kaspersky but that was no good either. I also disabled my raid array but that had no effect

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