Extracting The Compressed File (xp64bit.rar)

May 20, 2008

I download a windows xp 64bit DVD from the internet it's size 9.44 MB only when extracting the compressed file (xp64bit.rar) the size is 3.55 GB how this compression occurs?

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Zip Compressed File Comprising Videos

Jul 29, 2009

I did something stupid. anyways. My friend sent me a zip compressed file comprising videos. So when I clicked open - it prompted me to choose which program I wanted to open the zipped file in. Since it was video files, I clicked on the Windows Media. Windows media could not recognize each file but I think reads it as a compressed file... so it gave me an error message. Now every .zip files that I download (be it videos or not), I'm obliged to open it with windows media player. How do I revert back to the way it was where I would double click and see each file inside the zipped folder?? I think I need to change the "open with" program under the properties, but I don't know where/what the previous .zip file/program is...

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*.zip Not Extracting

Nov 25, 2008

My .zip files will only open with Object Dock Plus from the Wincustomize site. I know how to change the default program to open .zip files but I don't know what to change it to. When I right click a *.zip file, there is no EXTRACT in the menu. So I can't try changing it that way.

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Zip Files Not Extracting

Dec 1, 2009

my email account allows me 10 mb but i want to send a video to someone that is about 17 mb does anyone know how to do this, it's a video i took myself and put it on my desktop,is there any freeware i can download for this

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Extracting Files Does Not Come Up As An Option

Feb 24, 2009

I am trying to unzip some brushes for photoshop, however when I right click, extract file does not come up as an option. If I try and open the file, it says, unable to open, wrong kind of file. I saw someone elses post that said to go into start, all programs, accesories, run. But this didnt work either, desparatly needing to get these files

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Bootmgr Is Compressed

Aug 20, 2009

Try this:

Boot the Vista dvd to sytem recovery options command prompt.


notepad , then press enter.

Notepad will pop up. Click File> Save.

In the drop down flap , navigate to Computer and double click it.

Rt click the compressed drive>Properties>Untick Compress this drive to save space>Apply>OK.

Might take a while to uncompress...

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Bootmgr Is Compressed?

Aug 19, 2009

It says Bootmgr is compressed...

What do I do?

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Bootmgr Compressed

Jul 29, 2009

i bought my comp with vista. so i dont have vista dvd so how am i suppose to fix without it?

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Pictures Are Compressed.

Mar 23, 2008

About 25% of the pictures I have become compressed, that is, vista decides to smush the sides together so that I essentially have a column of color where I should have a picture. Entering Paint and saving the picture in paint solves the problem, but how do I keep it from happenning and/or fix multiple pictures at once?

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Boot: BootMGR Is Compressed

Jan 7, 2009

i boot this error message appears: BootMGR is compressed. Press Ctrl Alt Del to Restart. Tried system restore, startup repair, even a trick on CMD to open firefox, but when i am about to open firefox, it says it cant open the program.

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BOOTMGR Compressed: OS Disk

Feb 9, 2010

i keep getting this error message everytime i try to press ctrl+alt+del.. which is what it says to do.. i didnt compress my hard drive. i have no idea whats going on! and i dont have the OS disk to reboot my computer. what do i do?

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BOOTMGR Is Compressed Press CTRL+ALT+DEL To Restart

Jun 14, 2007

I think I broke something big time. I can't get into my computer with that and I don't want to format since I have basically everything on that computer. When I boot up I get a message saying:BOOTMGR is compressed Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart. I have an 80 gig that I am not using.

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"Windows Failed To Load Because A File Is Missing Or Corrupt File: Netio.sys Status: 0xc0000221

Oct 15, 2009

when i turn on my computer, an error message comes saying "Windows failed to load because a file is missing or corrupt File: Netio.sys Status: 0xc0000221" This started when i was clearing my computer of useless programs, and after i deleted Realtime player or Quicktime player, (can't remember which) an error message jumped from the taskbar saying something about Network device driver. After that every time i start the computer, the "Windows failed to load" message pops up. The first half a year, it was solved by pressing enter, to "Choose an operating system to start: Windows Vista" and then to "Windows error recovery (start windows normally, safe mode etc)" and back to "Windows failed to start", repeating it 3-20 times. Then i had a familiar "Unexpected shutdown" during a game, and now, the "Enter spamming technique" doesn't work anymore. All i can access at the moment is Windows memory diagnostic tool, and Bios setup utility. Is there any way to fix this through the setup utility or some other manner?

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Search File Types In Vista Without Entering Part Of File Name?

Apr 14, 2008

I can't find a way to search for file types in Vista without entering part of a file name. For example, if I want to search my C drive for all PDF files or all photos, the search function won't work without entering text from a file name (which doesn't work, because all files of a particular type don't necessarily share letters or characteristics in their names). Has anyone else experienced this problem, or am I missing something?

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File Open & File Save Dialog Box Hangs

May 15, 2010

Whenever I request a "File|Open" or "File|Save" from any application, the mini-Windows-Explorer dialog box that opens freezes and hangs the entire application. Happens with almost all applications. Not limited to just Microsoft programs. It does not matter if I like change the download folder or if I rt click always the same.

Back when it was under warranty Hp tells me to just restore to original settings. I hate to do that. But I am about to see that this might be the only fix for it. (But I am hoping not.) I think it started a long time ago when I was changing the USB ports I used for my external Hard drive and it changed drive letter. (maybe maybe not.. just seems I remember that being something that had happened when I first recall things hanging...) anyway I have all drives in the place I want them now and this issue still happens even if I dont have that external drive plugged in.

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File Names Not Sorted Properly In File List

Mar 23, 2008

When I open a folder with a list of files for all View Options, the files are not listed in proper ascending sequence. I indexed the files to make sure that indexing may not be the factor in the Sort By Name not working properly. After the files were indexed, clicked the Sort By Name item in the View menu item, and the files are stilled not sorted porperly. Has anyone encountered this similar problem ? I suspect this may be a bug in Windows Vista File System. The folder had 87 files in it.

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Opening Pst File: Windows Mail To Open That File

Feb 21, 2009

I had to reinstall Vista on my computer. Previously I used Outlook. I can't find the activation code so I want to try Windows Mail. I saved my Outlook email pst file. Is there a way to get Windows Mail to open that file.

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File Icons Appear All White (blank) File Name Underneath

Apr 20, 2008

When I open a folder of files anywhere in Vista Ultimate, the file icons appear all white (blank) with the file name underneath. If I switch the View to medium or extra large file icons they appear normal and when I switch the view back to large, they again appear normal. However, after a few minutes, when I open the same folder, they are again all white (blank).

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Create File Desktip Is Corrupted Orginal File

Dec 22, 2009

I had tried to move a file from another folder to my desktop. File move was taking forever and I had cancelled out. But it created a file on my desktop which is corrupted and the original file is corrupted (neither will open). I cannot delete this file from my desktop or other location now and it has seemed to slow down my PC. When I try to delete, I get a popup box that says "Recycling 1 item... from Desktop, Discovered 0 items (0 bytes)" and it just stays in an neverending do loop. After looking on internet, I have seen that Vista has issues deleting or even moving files.

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Enable Legacy Windows Help File Support (.hlp File)

Nov 9, 2009

Microsoft removed the legacy Windows Help .hlp file viewer, winhlp32.exe, from Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2. Dating back to Windows 3.1, Microsoft says the Windows Help components have not been updated in years and no longer meets internal standards.  If you have an older application that still uses .hlp files and must be able to view .hlp files Microsoft has released an add-on that will restore the viewer...

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Open Word File, Can't Find File

May 12, 2008

Trying to open a Word file, get message "Windows can't find so-and-so file". Similarly, trying to open it programmatically in Excel VBA, I get the same message. But if I right-click and select "Open with" and pick Microsoft Windows, it works.

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Note Delete File - File Not Found!

Feb 14, 2010

I've been around here a couple of time in the last couple of years with my Vista machine and you all always seem to have the answers for me. So here I go again. Now I'm sure there is a simple fix for this, but I can't seem to find it. I happen to have two files now that I can NOT delete. I keep getting the message; Could not find this item. This is no longer lacated in C:UsersRoyBoyFavorites. Verify the item's location and try again................

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Windows Failed To Start: ERROR "cannot Create A File When That File Already Exists" (0x800700b7)

Mar 23, 2008

My elderly Mother's Vista PC isn't working, and as she relies on this for shopping etc I need to get it working (I am several hundred miles from her). The PC tried to install the latest Vista updates (20/2/2008) but upon restart she gets the message "Windows failed to restart - a recent hardware/software change may be the cause - File windowssystem32winload.exe "The selected file could not be loaded". She doesn't have a start in "normal mode" option. I have walked her through trying system repair/restore using the Vista installation Cd, but after trying to restore she gets the message; "system restore failed due to an unspecified error; "cannot create a file when that file already exists" (0x800700b7) We have tried 3 different restore points with the same result.

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Seeing All File Types When Saving A File

Feb 6, 2009

I have a problem that appears in the MS Office 2007 applications but I suspect it is a Vista issue.....hence my post here. I am saving a new Excel file to a directory and I want to give it a similar name as a text file that already resides in that directory. However, when I "Save As" the Excel file in the selected directory, the only other files I see in that directory are other Excel files. I don't see any of the other files that I know are in there (Word, Powerpoint, pdf, etc.). In prior versions of Excel, I have been able to see all of the files in a
destination directory....is that still possible with Office 2007 with Windows Vista?

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6801.bmp File Or Explorer.exe File

Nov 24, 2009

i'm trying to change the Start Menu icon on my Vista 32-bit. I have looked EVERYWHERE and the only way it appears to be possible is by downloading a program caled ResHack. I did, but all the tutorials are saying to open the explorer.exe file and either look for a 6801.bmp file, which I don't have (looks like it's only on Windows 7), or to look for a "String Table" folder which I don't have either.I added a screenshot of the folders I get when I open explorer.exe in ResHack. PLEASE tell me if I have some kind of fake Vista version (which is weird because it was already installed when I bought the computer from the store) or what is going on?

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Change System File 'hosts', "Cannot Save File, Check Path.."

Apr 1, 2008

I really need to change a system file called 'hosts'. I've changed it many times before, but today I'm not allowed. I access the file, make a very small change, then try to save it just by leaving the path as is. Then I get a message that says "Cannot save file, check path.." But I haven't changed the path.

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File Search By File Name

May 30, 2008

Vista search seems to be trying to do far more than I want; as a result I often get no useful results. What I almost always want is a simple file name search, i.e., given a part or all of a file name (perhaps with simple wildcards), find all the files and folders whose names match that from a particular starting device or folder. This was really easy to do with XP and earlier versions of Windows; It seems so hard to do in Vista.

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Add The File, Choose A File

Feb 23, 2009

I put properties on an internet site for the company I work for. When I come to load the photos and click to add the file in the box that opens (Choose File) it is always the same small size so that you cannot see all the photos, if you drag the folder to resize the box it will not stay that size, and when you click the in the next box to choose a second photo it has gone back to the same small size.

Is there any way of making the choose file box stay enlarged, even if it is just for the duration of putting the photos on, it dries me mad having to resize it every time. Would be enormously grateful if someone knew the answer to this one. Have attached a word document for you to see what I mean by the choose file box and the add photo.

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Deleting 3gp File

Sep 25, 2009

I am getting Access denied message when I am tried to
delete 3gp file.
I have also disabled UAC settings in control panel/User Account

when I googled it i got one software called unlocker and i tried with
it even.

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File Sharing

Aug 25, 2009

I have a new computer, Vista that I can't get file sharing to work. I have it turned on and can see the computer but when I try to access it I get the message I don't have permission etc. I did get print sharing working. The computer I'm using that I'm trying to access from also has Vista. It's the one with the router. I have a notebook on the network, xp, which I can access just fine. The "new" computer I can see the other two computers and access their files. I have everything checked correctly in the network card. I've turned off my firewall and disabled Kaspersky.

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File Can't Shared

May 24, 2008

I can't 'unshare' my documents folder from other users (I'm the only administrator account), I keep getting an error message that this folder is in a shared folder?

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