Explorer.exe Not Showing Up On Start Up

Apr 24, 2009

Can anyone direct me how to enable explorer.exe on start up?

I can run it through task manager but still can anyone direct me how to enable it so that it starts up automatically?

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External USB Drive Not Showing In Explorer

Jan 23, 2009

I am experiencing the same problem as listed in other posts on this topic, but with a twist that is keeping me from resolving the problem. I have a 160gb WD USB external drive of my brother's that I'm trying to save for him, and we're experiencing all of the same symptoms as the other posts on this topic. The drive is automatically recognized when plugged in, drivers auto install, windows correctly identifies the drive and gives full drive name, device manager says it is there and operating properly etc etc, but the drive is not listed in windows explorer as others report. When I try to change the drive letter in disk management as the many other posts suggest, changing the name is not an option for this drive. My only options for the afflicted drive are "New simple volume", "New spanned volume" and "New striped volume" and of course properties. Here are a list of fixes I have tried without success.

1. Tried different USB ports and different USB cable.
2. Tried 4 different machines running Vista Ultimate SP1 (Desktop Core i7 6gb RAM), Vista Basic (Desktop Core 2 Duo, 4gb RAM), Vista Home Premium SP1 (Laptop Core 2 Duo 2gb RAM) and XP Home SP3 (Laptop Celeron 512gb RAM)
3. Stopped device with "safely remove hardware", uninstalled through device manager, rebooted with device connected.............

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Usb Hard Drive Not Showing In Explorer

Mar 23, 2008

I have using a USB hard drive. When it's connected windows vista goes through the usual USB driver installation process without a problem, however the hard drive doesn't show up in explorer. Nor does it show up in computer management/disk management. It does show up in computer management/device manager/disk drives. Does anyone know how I can fix this problem so I can use the hard drive? I don't mind formatting it if necessary.

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So All Of A Sudden Explorer Is Showing My C: Drive As A Music Folder

May 18, 2008

When I click on the C: drive in my explorer view I get all the subfolders. However, instead of size and date modified I get album, artist and rating info. For any individual sub folder I can right click and change the customize properties to detail view, but for the C: drive no such option is aviable. How can I change the view back to details?

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Explorer.exe Not Start

Feb 1, 2009

I am running Vista Home Premium on a system that has been stable for some time. Recently I discovered that when I attempt to log into my account it 'opens' to a black screen with only a movable cursor, nothing else. However, my wife's account continues to work normally I would have presumed a Windows update, virus, trojan, spyware, etc., would also affect my wife's account.

I have confirmed the registry key for the Shell is set to 'explorer.exe'. When I open Task Manager explorer.exe is not running. If I attempt to launch explorer.exe via New Task it will not start. I can access my account if I boot in Safe Mode. I have tried MSCONFIG and tried booting with no Startup programs and no Services with no change, still no explorer. System Restore has no restore points prior to 12/22/08 but that's not far enough back to correct the problem. Am I missing anything else I can try to repair this problem, or am I going to have to launch the install CD to try to repair this?

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Explorer Freeze Up Not Start

Aug 17, 2009

when I attempted to end a non-responsive program (Firefox) I input the Ctrl-Shift-Esc combo to start the Task manager. It did not start. I tried several other techniques to start the task manager with no success. Finally the little icon in the sys tray appeared, but no task manager window. The little graph in the icon, however, was jumping up and down sporadically. I then turned off the computer for the night. Today, I turned on the computer, and at startup Windows gave me one of those Startup disc repair things, and the repair went "successfully". Then, when I next booted the computer, it booted slower than usual, and upon reaching the desktop, simply clicking a single item would cause explorer to freeze up, the task manager still unresponsive to the commands that should bring it forth. Luckily, I had the Windows Vista install disc, so I shut down the pc and booted from the boot disc. It loaded all of the files, but as soon as it got to the boot screen of the install disc, bam, BSOD. What is the deal here? PC is a HP Pavilion with Vista x64 (And an active Norton AV 2009). Sorry can't add more details but the PC is pretty much inaccessable currently.

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Explorer Window Showing Different Filenames Than The Command Line Window

Mar 25, 2008

Can anyone explain this: 3219. The screenshot shows the folder view (in Windows Explorer), and a directory listing (in a Command Line window). Why is the Explorer window showing different filenames than the command line window? It's not so much of an issue, as I'm currently completing a scheduled backup of this drive using Nero Burning ROM, and will be formatting it soon.

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"start Search" Field NOT Showing Up

May 22, 2009

I just reinstalled Vista (64-bit, Ultimate, SP-1) and was checking out on how some programs were running and realized that after I typed in a few letters in the "start search" field my programs were NOT showing up. What did I do wrong? What setting did I mess up?

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Windows Explorer Slow Start

Jun 25, 2008

i have such a problem: when i unplug the lan cable windows explorer applications take 40-45 sec to start! i have to wait that time to open any kind of file or folder however other external programs are not affect!

it's very strange but when it's already opened a folder or file and is not closed any other folder or file can be opened without taking these 45 sec, i mean they start normally! and that happens every time the lan cable is unplugged.

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Window Explorer, Start Menu

Jun 7, 2008

I can change windows explorer to open at the local disc "c" with out going through 'computer", etc.? Whenever I delete an item from the start button, it is back next time I power up....................

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Starting Without Explorer.exe, Have To Run Manually From Start Menu

Oct 15, 2009

vista starting without explorer.exe, so have to run explorer.exe manually from the task manager to get start menu and everything running normally.... I am not sure of the right category, because this may be is related to virus, driver and system restore issues, please move in the right section, following is the system configuration and the history: also sorry for the long message, but I am really stuck here and if you could spare some time to look into this issue, I tried to provide as much history and details on the issue not just to help you understand my problem but also as a warning for other users who may run into this issue in the future.. it may be a known issue and I just happen to run into it still I would like to provide details and history of what happened, if you help me I will be in your dept for sure!! and you may ask my help anytime if you need something System configuration: my friend has a toshiba satellite latop, with vista premuim. it can preloaded on the laptop. I am not sure of the exact system model and processor but if it's relevant I can provide that info, but I suspect there is some ASUS components/drivers in the system, later I will explain why I think so, as I said I can provide system model or CPU or hardisk space but at this point I feel it's not relivant, cause it's an issue with explorer.exe right now but if you think it's required I will ask for that info, please understand I am giving support over seas from this user but we are in touch via msn and phone so if you want any additional info, even screen shots I will try to provide. History: the Problem started when she called me, and showed me a screen shot of AVG anti-virus free edition trying to remove some virususes off her computer. she said the virus came from a USB driver she borrowed from a friend. and AVG was complaining that it is not able to remove the virus because she has to buy the full AVG version. this sounded wierd, I tried to verify she is using the free AVG but I am not sure, so I ask her to uninstall AVG and try another anti-virus, first thing came to mind is avast, so I asked her to install the latest free version I think it's 4.8, but it turns out it's not compatabile with vista or her system and after some searching on the net I discover a known issue with avast/vista conflicting with some asus drivers and I suspect it is the same case, because she is also like the others reported, getting a blank screen and not able to logon. but before uninstalling avast from safe mode, I tried another suggestion ( I was not aware that avast was responsible at that point in time yet ) so I suggested she try last known good configuration. did that, but still she got blank screen again ( because avast was still there ) so I suggested she go to safe mode and try to uninstall avast ( this is after I found the issue with avast conflicing with asus drivers on some machines with vista ), after going into safe mode, she gets a view of her documents and no start button, after some questions on the phone I figured out that explorer.exe is not running, so asked her to try to run explorer.exe from the task manager, when she did that she got the start button, and was able to goto control panel and uninstall avast and then she rebooted vista. after reboot she was able to go into vista, but explorer.exe again won't run, unless she goto task manager and run it manualy everytime she reboots. I thought I'd do some research why is explorer.exe not running when the system is restarting, I thought maybe I could add it to the system startup or something, but not sure where would be the best place do to that, msconfig? or startup folder for that user? if someone can give me some advice that would be great. she already backed up her files now and ready for a re-format but I am really embarased would like to find a solution to this problem anyway, as now she think I might be an idiot for my poor selection of antivurs software, It's strange I never heard of this compatability issues and I installed avast on vista on other toshiba latops and many systems and I never had this issue ever, I suggested she try another anti-virus but she is afraid now and wants to re-format... and take her time which I understand, but in the mean time I want to try and fix this explorer.exe not runing.

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Get The Email Link In The Start Menu Not To Use Explorer

Oct 17, 2008

First question, Is there a way to get the email link in the start menu not to use explorer?? Second Question, Why are my only two options Windows Mail or Live Mail?? Out of a billion different mail servers used by their customers and they pull that kind of crap?? (we'll make Windows "easy to use" except if you want to use someone else's software.

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How To Make Windows Explorer Start Up Faster

Mar 27, 2009

how to make windows explorer start up faster.. Whenever I try to open it, it takes forever?.. My system has no start up programs, and is very clean.

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Explorer On Start And Context Menus And Long Starting Programs

Jul 20, 2009

Explorer is no longer working properly in a few ways. Programs often take a long time to start and display “(Not responding)” on the their top window frames. Right click menu sometimes takes a long time to appear while explorer freezes. The explorer window itself is sometimes quite long to change the display when I change folder (this is far from often, but happens).

The first window to appear when we click on the Start Menu, the one with the large icons, is usually OK, but sometimes it does the same as the “All Programs” second window;

Here, the folders do not open and on Task Manager I can watch explorer taking up all the CPU available resources immediately after I pass to “All Programs”;

However, if I click “Back” (explorer stops abnormally using all CPU resources);

Then I click “All Programs” again and the previously clicked folder is now already open, but explorer is again up with CPU resources, so if now I click on a subfolder or on another folder, it all repeats again.

At this moment I don’t have backups to install.

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Click On Program In Start Menu, Explorer Shuts Down And Restarts

Oct 29, 2009

When a click on a program in the start menu, explorer shuts down and restarts. However, if I drag the program to the desktop and click on it the program opens just fine. If I open windows explorer and right click on a file, explorer shuts down and restarts. Have there lost all context item availability.

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4gb Showing Sys, 2gb Showing In Task Manager

May 18, 2008

I just installed an additional 2gb of RAM on my system, but this is not showing in the Task Manager. It iniitally was not showing in either, but after installing SP1 Sys info was updated.

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Changing Filename COLORS In (VISTA )Windows Explorer (explorer.exe)

Mar 23, 2008

I need to change the display filename colors in Vista Windows Explorer similar to the MAC O/S Feature. This question does NOT deal with Encrypted Files or Compressed Files. I simply want to change the display names of the files to colors such as BLUE, GREY, etc., just like I can do on the MAC O/S for the past 5 years.

I do NOT want to use any third party software file managers. There must be a way to do it in Windows since APPLE has been doing it for 60 months now. I can't believe that Windows STILL Cannot perform this simple task! If you have a working solution using Windows Explorer please email me and let me know.

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Start Computer Get Nothing No Icons Start Menu

May 11, 2008

when i start my computer i get nothing no icons start menu or anything but i do get a my documents window and from there i have to ctrl alt delete then go to file run and run explorer does anyone know how to make it to where i dont have to do all that stuff to run explorer basically does anyone know how to make it where when i start my computer it is normal with explorer running?

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Internet Explorer 8 In Vista Causes Windows Explorer

Mar 21, 2009

I wasn't quite sure if IE8 was the culprit, but it became apparent once I removed it. Internet Explorer 8 interferes with the functionality in Windows Explorer for Vista. Say for example: With IE8 installed, open up "Computer". Close it, then open it again. It should be instantaneous. But its not. A window will take over to 10 seconds to show its initial contents. Once its open though, its very fast because the instance is already running. But once it closes it will take another 10 seconds to open again. Internet Explorer 8 itself opens up very slowly even after the first opening. Can any Vista users verify this?

1. Install IE8

2. Go: Start > click Computer

3. Close that Window.

4. Repeat step 2.

Is it an instantaneous opening or does the window take more than 5 seconds to populate? Repeat those steps with opening Internet Explorer. Is it the same? If so, welcome to the club. Does Microsoft have any way to report this bug to developers?

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SP1 Not Showing In WU

Jun 16, 2009

I have Vista without sp1 and installed the updates of 2007/2008 and I don't see the sp1 in WU. How does it show? How do I check if I have sp1 installed? I do not want to download the 434MB standalone pack, is there a solution?

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No DVD/CD Drive Showing

Feb 26, 2008

i was away for a long time so i do not know exactly what happened but the wife had let me know that the cd she had put in for my son was not playing so i aske her to look at "my computer" to see if the dvd icon was there but no. so i told her to go to device manager and uninstall which she did then restsart the computer. On restart the computer said installing driver for new hardware but it failed..have tried other ways of deleting then reinstalling but still i cannot use the cd/dvd drive..have even gone down the route of purchasning a new dvd writer but that did not work. by the way error code is" Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)"

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No Ink Levels Showing

Sep 22, 2008

When I connect my Epson CX3200 printer to a PC with XP o.s., I can see the ink levels in the properties window. Wen I connect to a PC with Vista o.s. I am unable to view any ink levels.

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Documents Not Showing Up

Nov 17, 2009

I have a laptop running vista and all my documents and pictures and music folders are showing as empty.. I removed the hard disk connected it to a test bed and run treesize and try to explore "my documents" but telling access denied or showing it as empty.. I donot want to take the risk of doing a restore as there were important files on there..

I am going to try to run it on safe mode and see and also check the folders options as whether it is not on hidden files.

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CD/DVD Drives Not Showing

Mar 23, 2008

Why doesnt my CD/DVD drives show up in My Computer?! Everytime I reinstall VISTA it appears, but after a while theyre not there? And when I put XP on the machine, it never happens. Only in VISTA, first I thought theyre not supported but when I first install VISTA theyre there...then as I said...give it a month and they dont show up and when I put a disc in nothing happens and I cant even type in their location ex. D:/ WHY?

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DVD Drive Not Showing Up...

Feb 12, 2009

My friend is having an issue long distance and can't see what's going on but is having a problem His DVD drive is not working. What happens is that it is not showing up under "computer" and will not read any disks of course. What does work is when we go to device manager it is listed, but has a yellow warning under it. The drive did work before, but no longer does. Any ideas? He really needs the help and I did everything I could.

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Router Not Showing

Mar 28, 2009

how do i get my router showing in my network folder ive turned network discovery

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Drives Not Showing Up

Aug 29, 2008

i've googled this issue all over, and though i've found many people with the same problem, none of their 'fixes' have worked for me. hopefully you guys can come up with something (without reinstalling vista again!) to make it work. as a note, i'm running Ultimate x64 and all of my hardware specs are more than enough and i'm pretty positive that's not the issue.

suddenly, in the middle of normal usage, my drives were no longer recognized by my computer (optical and virtual drives). they do not show up in "Computer" or disk management. they are recognized by the BIOS. i had DaemonTools installed at the time, it was the latest version; i've read that could be an issue. i have absolutely no idea how to get my drives recognized again - i've got some work i really need to get done and haven't been able to fix this............

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Pictures Not Showing

Feb 14, 2009

I searched the forums, but i haven't seen any problem such as mine. I first saw it with the Help and Support program, but it has also appeared in Combat Arms (game) and in Internet Explorer. See attachments to see what i mean. If you need any further information, just post what.

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Less Space Showing

Mar 1, 2010

I have a windows 7 Samsung NC110 with 240gig HD and 1 gig of RAM. I have noticed that my D: is showing that i only have 10.7 gig free of 117GIG. I have checked through the drive and I do not have anything like 106 gig installed on that partition. On my c: i have 46.1 ree of 100GIG.

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Recycle Bin Not Showing As Full

Sep 30, 2009

When I delete a file the icon of the bin doesn't show me that the bin is full, as it used to show. Also at the specific moment the "empty recycle bin" command is gray and doesn't give me the option to empty the bin. When I right click and "open" the bin, automatically the icon becomes full again!

I wonder why this is happening! It is the first time as a long time user that I face such a weird problem.

I have to tell that I checked my pc for virus, malware and ad-ware and it is clean.

OS: Vista Home Premium, 32 bit, SP2

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Memory Showing Incorrect.

Apr 28, 2009

I have installed 8GB of this Corsair XMS2 4GB (2x2GB) DDR2 PC2-6400C5 800MHz Dual Channel Kit : novatech.co.uk : CSR-X644G5

Everything was fine and it showed as 8GB memory however now its showing as 7.25GB I have not changed any settings within windows and the BIOS. Any ideas what would cause this?

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