Disk Access Light On The Pc Flashes

Apr 7, 2009

Every second or so my disk access light on the pc flashes - Windows XP Premium SP1. I have tried every tool I can think of to try and find out why but I am at a loss. This is my fourth install and on the first 2 this didnt happen. I have switched off everything I can think of that may be causing this (prefetch, defender, indexing etc) bit it still goes on. Is there any way I can track down what is happening? Vista was installed 7 days ago.

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Monitor Goes Black And The Light Flashes

Sep 30, 2009

Whenever I play a game like L4D or Tf2 my screen after 10-20min will go black and the green light with blink, I have a SyncMaster 172n monitor and I just got Vista and a new computer. If you need any other information just ask.

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FSX Addon Screen Flashes

Feb 12, 2009

I added on some planes to FSX I get screen flases on the 2d panel. I happens with all the planes now.

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Annoying Disk Access

Apr 7, 2009

Every second or so my disk access light on the pc flashes - Windows XP Premium SP1. I have tried every tool I can think of to try and find out why but I am at a loss. This is my fourth install and on the first 2 this didnt happen. I have switched off everything I can think of that may be causing this (prefetch, defender, indexing etc) bit it still goes on. Is there any way I can track down what is happening? Vista was installed 7 days ago.

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Constant Disk Access

Apr 28, 2008

The notebook I buy is installed with Vista Home Preimum. After using it for a while, I found the LED of hard disk is lighting continuously. I spent some time to search the related topics on the internet. And, then I tried to

1). Disable SuperFetch Service.
2). Disable Windows Indexing Service.
3). Modify the memory management for DisablePagingExecutive = 0

I feel that the interval of HDD LED lighting becomes to low. However, it is not turned off when I don't use any problem for a whle. I tried to use the resource monitor to trace the disk access. I found that "svchost(LocalSystemNetworkRestricted) ... C:/.../lastalvie1.dat" would apear every one second.

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IE8: Web Pages Don't Work, Screen Flashes Back

Mar 21, 2009

Is it just me, or does IE8 have more bugs than a low rent apartment?! This is nuts! Links on web pages don't work, screen flashes back and forth to solid black when I move my mouse. What a nightmare! I found it listed in the 'Updates' area, and was able to remove it. I didn't know Microsoft was capable of releasing junk like this...

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Windows Easy Transfer, Hte Flashes Disconnected Sign

Jun 6, 2007

I got it for my XP Desktop computer, and on my Vista laptop... Ive tried to send files, and it finds and recognizes the files i want to send... but when go to transfer them, hte flashes the disconnected sign near the exit button. This is after about 30 seconds into it aswell.

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64 Too Many Disk Access: Lsass.exe & Mcmscsvc.exe

Oct 1, 2009

after one mounth from the installation vista is always trashing HD (C: where is S.O.) ; led is flashing every seconds. I Did used two utilities to monitor what happens when the PC is idle:

1- the utility of Vista in task manager to observe all the access to HD. This utility shows continuos writing of these two file $MFT and $LOGFILE

2 - Another external utility I don't remeber name but was suggested also in this forum ....i suppose procmon or similar able to trace every action of CPU In these case two program take 98% of activity whene the PC is idle :.......

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Command Prompt Ordinary Or Administrator It Flashes Up Briefly And Then Vanishes

Sep 24, 2008

Vista Business + SP1. Very recently on opening Command Prompt ordinary or Administrator it flashes up briefly and then vanishes. THis happens whatever mode I use to open it. Start/Run/system32 etc.
I tried system restore but no joy. I can in fact get round this as I have put into System 32 the Cmd file from XP and this works as does the similar from W2000 but I would like to get my Vista one back. I cant see anything except it flashes up for two seconds so its there . Is this a corrupt registry entry. I did run SFC but no joy.

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HDD Light Always On And Boot Up

Mar 9, 2008

why my hard drive light is always on, and at boot up it takes a while for it to detect my hdd and dvd rom? there are no other added products likes a printer or none of that stuff.

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What Is Silver Light

May 24, 2008

What is Silver light and what is it's purpose

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HDD Light Flashing Twice A Second

May 16, 2008

I noticed that my HDD light was flashing about twice a second, every second, even while the computer was idle. While I got to wondering, I decided to open Vista's Resource Monitor, and I looked at the "Disk" section. Sitting at the top, when sorted in Write >> ascending, sits Explorer.exe writing to c:users[uname]AppDataLocalMicrosoftusrclass.dat.

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Taskbar Now A Light Gray

Oct 11, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium, and when I turned on my computer, my taskbar was a light gray. I took a picture:

If I open a full screen window (such as Firefox), my taskbar goes back to the normal black color, but if I don't have a full screen window it is that light gray color.

How can I change it back?

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CHKDSK: HD Light Flicks Once Per Second

Jun 10, 2008

I have a Dell with a 500aGb hard drive and decided to ask for a diskcheck at next boot with the repair option. It started 25 hours ago and the screen is blank. The HD light flicks once per second. How long should I leave it like this before pulling the plug? Is this an expected time to run?

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Harddrive Light Always On Suddenly,

Sep 21, 2009

first off let me give you the spec of my pc, im running Windows 64bit, MSI Dual Quadcore processor, 8 gigs of ram, 2 500gb harddrives, 2 gforce 9800vid cards and creative soundblaster soundcard. Anyways this problem has happened last time after doing ALL these windows updates, service pack 2, the whole works. MY harddrive light stays SOLID now, even when idle, I jsut got home from work after an 8hour day, and its still on? What is going on? I ran virus checks with AVG free editon that came with my pc, I keep everything up todate on a regular basis. Is this normal? It even sounds like I can hear my harddrive running, this is really starting to freak me out.

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What Green Light On A System Means

Mar 26, 2008

what the green light on my laptop means.

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Day Light Saving Time Set Incorrect

Apr 21, 2008

We are using Dell systems, Vista Business. All our main and field offices are in California. Our computer clock is one hour behind this morning. The "Internet Time" server is time.windows.com. California has changed their summer day light saving time start and stop in different months. What should we do to disable the Vista day light saving time changes?

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HDD Activate The Light Doesn't Flicke

Feb 12, 2009

here's my problem I installed Vista 64 onto my computer and after it reboots it goes through bios and then nothing. I get a screen with a flickering dash - like that. Now Im thinking it is a HDD issue or driver issue. Bios detects it and my dvd burner. There both Sata and the HDD is a WD 250gb Sata. After Bios goes through its check I get no HDD activate the light doesn't flicker or anything. Now when I boot from the VISTA cd it detects the drive and also see the installation as well.

Ive also tried installing it another way with my old DVD Rom which is IDE because I heard if you do a fresh install that it has a hard time detecting with sata which is the HDD if you have 2 sata connected. Still the same thing i get the flicker. Also I did partion and formated the HDD as well. Im waiting for my friend to bring me the driver disk to install the Mobo drivers and hopefully that resolves it. Also I would like to add everything was working fine before I did this I just wanted to to a house cleaning and wipe my drive. . Bios is also been flashed and up to date....currently for space issues when I was tinkering with the Mobo I have a Gforce 6800GS in there but what I usually use is a His Radeon 4870 just to big to work around with.

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Power Supply : Tiny LEDs On MB Light

Feb 19, 2009

when my PC is on, life is good. Everything works. No problems. Vista is set to shut down the power after 30 minutes and put the PC into sleep mode. At that point, the PC seems 'Off' until I hit a key/move the mouse; and it 'wakes up'. It seems like, sometimes, the PC will not wake up. when I hit the keyboard, moved the mouse - nothing. I hit the power button (held it in for 5+ seconds), hit the reset button...and still nothing. I tried unplugging it and plugging it back in. NOTHING. So, I opened my case and gave my PSU a fairly gentle tap and I noticed some tiny LEDs on the MB light up. At that point, I hit the power button - and the PC came to life. Vista said it was 'resuming windows' but everything was crawling about about 10% of the speed it should be. I had to reboot, after rebooting, everything was fine.

It does wake up sometimes though, sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't, the only way I can seem to get it to turn back on is to 'bang' a bit on the PSU; but the power has never gone 'out' while I was playing on the computer (which is a lot of time). If the PSU was bad and there is a short or something and when I bang on it, it reconnects....I can't explain why it never 'shorts out' or comes loose while I'm using the PC.

If it were a bug with Vista, I could see how or why it might work sometimes and not other times, and why the power never dies while I'm using the PC....but I can't understand how my 'tap' on the PSU could get it to turn back on. Basically - I have no idea WTF is going on. A new PSU would be ~$100 dollars and I'd hate to replace it if there is nothing wrong. my tap on the PSU is not affecting the connection between the PSU and Motherboard. The PSU is at the bottom of my case and my tap is really not very hard at all.

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Flashing Light Top Pc Tower Flash All The Time

Apr 10, 2008

i have a new hp pavilion a6400f pc there is a flashing yellow light near the power button on the top of my pc tower. is this normal? it flash's all the time

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Shut Down Safely, Thens Shuts Down, A Light Comes Back On

Apr 7, 2009

My cousin is having an issue with her computer at the moment, when she goes to shut down the computer (start, turn off, turn off) and the computer then does what it needs to do to shut down safely, thens shuts down, a light comes back on. (I cant seem to be able to draw it so hopefully my explaination of it is ok.) It has a square ontop of a line in between two other squares. Her computer is an acer - aspire, intel, OS is windows xp.

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Boot: Green Light On But The Hard Drive Just Beeps

Jul 1, 2008

my husband's computer won't boot at all. The green light comes on but the hard drive just beeps. It looks at the cd drive but that is it. Is there anything I can do to fix this. I don't have any recovery disks.

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IE Flashes "Windows Installer" On Startup

Mar 28, 2008

Everytime I start Internet Explorer the screen flashes 20 or 30 windows with title "Windows Installer". After that, it works fine. This began happening after installing Vista64 with SP1. The first time I started IE after the install UAC prompted me about 30 times to allow Google toolbar, Flash, and HP to give administrative access. Every subsequent time I just get the flashing. Long ago I relocated the folders in my User folder to the D: drive. I'm suspicous this is a security thing perhaps related to permissions of the re-located folders, or a missing relocated folder, or one in an unexpected place but I haven't been able to figure it out.

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Safely Remove USB Thumb Drive :: Light Stays On Drive

Sep 28, 2009

Before I remove a USB thumb drive, I click the green check from notification area; I click the message that appears next to the green check, Safely remove USB Mass Storage Device - drives (F:, G; then a dialog box appears that states, This device can now be safely removed from computer.

The light on the thumb drive, however, stays lighted. I previously followed a procedure where the light would go off on the thumb drive when I did a Safely Remove.

Should the light on the thumb drive go off before it can be safely removed? If so, how do I get the thumdrive light to go off?

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Disk Defragmenter: Stopped Defragmenting And The Information Changed To 'Analyzing Disk

Nov 23, 2009

Is it normal for Disk Defragmenter to Analyze the disk AFTER it defragments? I know it does it before and then I click 'Defrag Now' and it proceeds to defrag my hard drive. But today I was watching it and noticed that all of a sudden it stopped defragmenting and the info changed to 'Analyzing disk...'.

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Safely Remove Hard Disk, Enable Write Cashing On The Disk?

Dec 28, 2008

I have four (4) hard disks C: D: E: F: all are connected with sata cable and power cable.(of course) The F: is outside from the pc and connected via external SATA and power cable (like usb NOT usb) I know,with USB external hard disk i can use the safely remove option.

Is there any option to safely remove SATA hard disk without Shut Down the pc?

1) Start-Control Panel-Device Manager-Disk Drives-Right Click on hard disk-Properties-Policies-UntikDisable the Enable write cashing on the disk??

2) Start-Control Panel-Device Manager-Disk Drives-Right Click on hard disk-Disable??

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Virtual Disk Programs Made 2 Disk Drives: Delete?

Mar 22, 2008

i was messing around with virtual disk programs and made 2 disk drives that are not really there. I can't seem to be able to delete them and its really getting annoying. How can i do this?

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Disk Cleanup Show Me 257gb Delete 80gb Disk

Apr 9, 2008

Is this normal? My disk cleanup shown me a 257GB of files to delete on my 80GB disk. I haven't local network and no external disk. I am using vista home premium with sp1, but this problem was without sp1 too. I attached link (for better understanding) to picture of cleanup.

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Windows Disk Fragmenter Easting A LOT Of Disk Space

Jun 17, 2008

I am a relatively unexperienced windows vista user using windows home premium at 32 bit on an acer aspire 6920 notebook. I noticed that occassionaly my disk space would drop dramatically without me doing anything. 100s of mbs would just disappear for no reason, so probably being stupid i decided to run the disk fragmenter to try and fix the problem. BUT to my horror i was shocked to find that the disk fragmenter began to eat up my hard disk space big style. I went from 79.7GB to 72.5GB in just over an hour. What the hell happened and can it be fixed? can i get my disk space back? i thought the disk fragmenter was supposed to help your computer not rob it. does anyone else have this problem and can someone please help me? im kinda desparate, i cant believe it.

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Re-partition Disk: Disk Is Split Into 2 Partitions, Vista (C:)

Mar 29, 2008

My Disk is split into 2 partitions, Vista (C: ) and Data (E, each is about 70 Gb. I do not use the Data partition. I want to delete it and allow Vista(C to use all 140 Gb. The Help pages suggest that if I delete (or reduce the size of) "Data", the free space becomes unallocated? Can I repartition the disk to allow Vista C: to acces all 140 Gb?

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When Try To Open A Disk The Driver Ejects & Askinsert A Disk

Jun 20, 2008

When I try to open a disk, the driver ejects it and it says please insert a disk into drive. I tried uninstalling and installing the CD RW DRIVER, but it still doesn't work.

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