Deleted Profiles Assoicated With This Device

Mar 26, 2008

On the windows media player the picture and sound is perfect, but the colors are screwy. Its like they're inverted or something. Skin color is green, blue eyes are now bright orange, ect... I just had a similar problem with the windows photo gallery but fixed that with the help of this group-- controlpanel/color management/ and "deleted profiles associated with this device."

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LPT1 Port Deleted From Device Manager

May 10, 2008

Somehow Windows XP has deleted the LPT1 port fom my Device Manager so now my printer will not print. How can I renew it?

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Roaming Profiles Don't Run

Aug 9, 2009

We have four users in our home and three computers. These computers run Vista Premium 64bit, Windows 7 RC 64bit and Windows 2003 Server 32bit. All are legit with proper licensing, etc. These computers are shared, so anyone could be sitting at any computer. We may be adding a fourth PC as a media centre.

I would love to have roaming profiles, but we don't run a domain controller, etc. Are there alternatives to this? I simply want to sit at any PC, log in, and have my documents, start menu, background, etc. follow me. Is there a way to point Windows to a network drive for all my local profile info? The 2003 Server is overkill for what we do. Just a file and media server, basically. Trying to find a decent antivirus program, at a decent price, that will run on a Server machine is difficult. What makes it worse is that I don't want infected files moved, deleted or repaired. I just want them renamed, adding the .vir extension. Because of this, I am considering moving this machine to Windows 7. Does this sound reasonable? Since our Window 2003 machine is a file server, we have our drives in a RAID5 array. If I move to Windows 7 will I have to lose the array or will Windows 7 support RAID5 arrays? Will I need to rely on a hardware solution or can Windows 7 create RAID 5 arrays like Windows 2003 can?.....

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How To Delete Multiple Profiles?

Nov 12, 2009

I've had a search and can't find out how to delete multiple profiles in Vista Business 32-bit. We have 20 machines in each lab, and we need to delete all profiles on each machine except for 2 profiles. How can we do this without deleting each profile one at a time? The profiles are all stored locally, and there are about 150 on each machine.

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XCopy Files To Profiles On Vista Machines

Apr 1, 2009

I'm having some problems with xCopy files to profiles on Vista machines. I realise robocopy is the copy util to use with vista but I'm copying via a logon script with a mixed vista and XP environment. That is also why i'm using "documents and settings" rather than "users" in the path. The following command copies the file over properly without any prompts. xcopy "\servernamesharefilename" "C:users\%username%appdata......

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Domain Roaming Profiles Cannot Log In: Need Advice Before Do A Format/OS Reinstall

Jun 15, 2009

I have been fighting with this computer all day, and posting here is my last resort. Basically, this morning one of the users here attempted to use her Outlook profile and the computer could not find it. Upon investigating, it turned out that her AppData folder had been redirected erroneously. On this particular machine, for some reason, the User Shell Folders which we had redirected to our server RS-NS1 (for backup and DR purposes), kept redirecting to our OLD server RSSERVER. I set the correct locations once more and restarted, however this time when I attempted to log in, it showed "User name or password are incorrect". Confused, I tried again, then tried the domain Administrator account, my own domain account, and a few others...none of them worked. Thinking maybe I screwed up the registry, I did a System Restore, but that didn't fix it. I undid that SR and did a new one (this time to the checkpoint this morning prior to the user's first login) and nothing happened then either.

I have since re-joined the computer to the domain, attempted a Startup Repair (which I already knew wouldn't find anything...the computer was starting up fine), and then I stumbled across the local admin account I created when I was first configuring the computer. Imagine my surprise when that account logged in just fine. Using it, I discovered that there were 13 items listed in the Device Manager under Network Devices. The first one listed was the NIC, the second was a duplicate except for "Teefer2 Miniport" at the end. Teefer2, apparently, is a service run for Symantec Endpoint Protection 11's firewall (which we do not use, we have a separate hardware firewall in place). I removed the NIC driver and the NIC is the ONLY item listed in the Network Devices section, but the problem is still here. Any advice before I yank my hair out and do a format/OS reinstall?

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Change Click Behaviour Without Setting Up Umpteen User Profiles With 136 Sql Server Schemas

Jul 7, 2008

Is it just me or had vista consigned the art of the simple mouse-click to history. Why when i click on a folder does it always try to rename it ? If i wish to rename it i would right click like every othe microsoft OS ever created. Why when i click on a short cut from my desk top does nothing happen (no feedback that i have clicked) so i click again and get two (or more) application loading. Is there some where to change click behaviour without setting up umpteen user profiles with 136 sql server schemas? Most exaspereted - moving to linux - just need to convince my boss

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The Scanner Installed And Device Manager Says Device Is Working Properly

Mar 23, 2008

Can not get my HP 7400 scanner to work after upgrading to Vista Ultimate 32 bit. Not the hardware - works fine under XP pro using same hardware configuration. Did a clean install, installed motherboard BIOS updates, scanner BIOS updates, Vista updates and the correct driver from HP. The scanner installed and Device Manager says device is working properly. When I try to scan, scanner initializes, starts to scan then locks up. Then can no longer be seen. ASUS M2N-E motherboard with AMD dual core. Other than that Vista works OK with the rest of my system

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Multiple Bluetooth Devices In Device Manager, One Device Installed

Sep 30, 2008

i have installed the correct driver for this belkin bluetooth usb dongle model: F8T012XX1 but in device manager, it has the belkin device and microsoft bluetooth enumerator, which is great. but when u get further down the list. it has a tab named "other devices" and then a subtab with "bluetooth peripheral device" which has an exclemation mark on it. i have searched for driver software using the update service but it cant find no update. i have looked for the name of the manufacturer but found nothing.i then disabled the unknown device, and sent a picture to my mobile phone. which confirmed that it was not the belkin bluetooth device. so i uninstalled the unknown device, restarted the computer. then when i logged in, it said that it had found a new device and wanted me to find the CD that came with it.

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Deleted Items: Can't Empty Folder Deleted Messages

Apr 5, 2008

I can't empty my folder deleted messages. Following message appears: unknown error occurs.

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Cant Delete The Deleted Items From The Deleted Folder

Mar 23, 2008

I cant delete the deleted items from the deleted folder. The message UNKNOWN ERROR COMES UP.Any ideas how to deal with it?

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Stop Deleted Items Folder Being Deleted

May 22, 2008

How can I stop my deleted items folder being deleted when I shut down windows mail? I would rather keep the messages for a while before I delete the folder.

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No Audio Output Device Installed, "Sound And Video" Portion In Device Manager

Jun 1, 2009

I know this is a repetitive topic, but I can not seem to figure this one out. It is a HP Laptop DV9815nr. I do not know much about it as it is not mine, but the problem is the audio was cutting out and now there is nothing. The computer is not recognizing any type of audio device installed. Even in Device Manager, there is no option for Sound, game and controllers. I have tried downloading the driver and installing, but no luck there.

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Unknown USB Device Without Any Device Plugged

May 1, 2009

I'm running Home Premium 64 on a Sony Vaio Laptop (CS170F). I'm having a curious problem: Yesterday I plugged into the machine the dongle of my wireless logitech mouse, and for some reason the machine said "Your unknown device is ready to use" (my OS is in spanish, the messages may not be accurately translated). Since then, an annoying message pops every few seconds warning about an "unrecognized USB device", that "didn't work as expected". The best part is this, if I click on the tray icon, sometimes the informative dialog window is emply, an other times shows all the USB ports in the system plus one extra with a "unknown UBS device", even without any device plugged into the system. I've tryed removing the unknown device from the device manager, but it shows up again.

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USB Mouse: "USB Human Interface Device" In Device Manager Won't Work

May 21, 2008

I had been running Vista Ultimate x64 for a few months and recently found that I can only use the original USB mouse?! Installation of any USB mouse would show a new "USB Human Interface Device" in Device Manager but it just won't work. Installation of the very same model of my original mouse didn't work neither. So basically I am stick with the current mouse?

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Booting Up: Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device And Press A Key

Jan 1, 2009

I went to turn it on this morning, I just had a black screen showing the following words;

Press F2 to run
Press F11 to boot menu
Auto detecting PRI Master Atapai CDROM.

It then went to reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key. I went into the BIOS to change the boot order and inserted my Vista home premium 32bit. I then got windows is loading in files. After a short while I got the black start up screen with Microsoft Corporation but after a few seconds it just froze. Moments later it went to a blue screen with white writing part of which said the following; A PROBLEM HAS BEEN DETECTED AND WINDOWS HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN TO PREVENT DAMAGE TI YOUR COMPUTER.

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Deleted Items NOT Showing Up In Deleted Items Folder

Dec 31, 2009

I've been using Windows Mail for 18 months without any significant problems.

Now, when I delete an email from my "Inbox," it does NOT appear in my "Deleted Items" folder. It just seems to disappear. I did read many of the earlier posts and have tried the suggestions. I've gone to Tools>Options>Advanced>Maintenance - the "Empty messages from the Deleted Items folder on exit" is NOT checked. I've also gone to Current View "Show all messages" - that's identified/checked. Is there something else that I can do? I'd appreciate any suggestions. This is the first time I've used
the Discussion Group, so I hope that I'm doing this correctly.

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.DLL Deleted?

Dec 26, 2008

I am looking for 'user32.dll.mui' that is in the 'C:WindowsSysWOW64en-US' irectory. I was removing the watermark from the file in WinSys32 and in the process, I deleted the file in SysWOW64. Just trying to find someone who has x64 Edition AND SP2 installed... no luck so far...

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USB Device Not Recognized...

Feb 28, 2009

I'm troubleshooting a friends computer and can'tseem to get it working.Basically, he's running Vista Home Prem 32bit. He just bought a new Canon MP480 inkjet printer and everytime he plugs it into his laptop he gets the "USB Device Not Recognized". I tested his printer and cable on my laptop (Vista Ultimate 64bit) and it IDs the printer and tries to install just fine. We're both running SP1 and I just did a double check and I we're both fully up-to-date on Windows update.I've tried uninstalling the USB hardware and then doing new install of the Intel chipset drivers.I've tried "forcing" the driver install using "driver update", but Vista just comes back and says "Driver for "unknown device" currently has the best driver confused I've tried draining the laptops power and I've tried a "driver inf cache" delete thing as well.

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May 19, 2008

I have a Lenovo Thinkpad T60p and a Lenovo USB Webcam. I installed SP1 and the camera stopped working so I uninstalled SP1 and it still doesn't work, it appears as "Unknown device". Is Microsoft going to publish some solution? I see all the reports and there are a lot people having the same problem.Should I come back to XP?

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USB Device Not Recognized ...

May 14, 2008

I have been using a Trust 7 Port USB Hub with Vista SP1, using the built in Vista driver, without issue. However, Vista has suddenly started to report this has 'USB Device Not Recognized'. The hub works with XP and other USB devices work fine when plugged into the same port. I have tried deleting the infcache.1 file as suggested in other threads but no joy.

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Installing An XP Device

May 10, 2010

Just encountered a problem when trying to install a device to my PC... its not compatible with vista!! is there any way i can still install this device onto my PC?

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USB Device Not Being Recognized

Mar 23, 2008

My flash drive and my picture device are not being recognized when I plug into my front USB ports. The wireless keyboard/mouse is in a USB port right next to it and that works. I even unplugged that thinking maybe it was a "power" issue. I am a novice, why won't my USB devices work, nothing comes up when I plug them in, just a "bleep" sound but NOTHING else.

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Cannot Access Specified Device

Jan 23, 2009

i am the system administrator and the only user on the computer it even says i am the system administrator. but when i try to access some thing it comes up with: Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item. I cant install download or do anything on my computer i cant change my user settings i cant even make another account and i dont know why i havnt istalled anything new onto vista it has just started doing this a month ago have had computer for 2 years and it just starts doing this now!

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USB Device Not Installed

Mar 23, 2008

I wanted to attach a TomTom Go 720T to my Windows Vista Home Premium notebook. Unfortunately Vista does not install the necessary USB mass storage driver and for that does not recognize the device. In device manager this is shown as "unknown device". I'm not able to use it and TomTom support told me that only the basic USB mass storage driver is needed and that is produced by the OS vendor.

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USB Device Not Recognized,

Apr 25, 2010

I have an Acer travelmate 4230 with Windows vista business installed. All of a sudden for no apparent reason approximately 2 days ago my PC stop recognizing ANY USB device (being the built-in cam, iPod and other USB's) that is being attached to ANY of the ports. I Checked disk for any errors and ran a full system scan for viruses and nothing came up. What can I do to fix this?

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Apr 25, 2008

any idea to get it restored.

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Deleted Registry Key

Oct 5, 2009

I'd like to know if deleting for example the any of the default "devices" registry keys, producing the result of unknown objects in DeviceManager, is there any way to right the system back manually.

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Wininit.exe Deleted

Mar 26, 2009

My system had Parite.B virus, so I downloaded Panda utility to delete it. After running it, it shows this in details window:

Deleting File: C:WindowsSystem32Wininit.exe

Modifying File "C:WindowsWin.ini", section: "windows"

I checked my system32 folder, and for now wininit.exe is there. its size is 95kb. I am afraid if this file got deleted, I wont be able to log-on to windows again. Same thing has happened to my friend in past where Norton deleted some crucial file in System32 folder, then whole system needed to be reformatted and reinstalled. I cant understand if the file that is still present in my system32 folder will stay or be deleted later as the utility said. what can I do now to protect myself from situation that might arise if this file got deleted?

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TrustedInstaller.exe Deleted

Dec 20, 2008

i "accidentaly" deleted TrustedInstaller.exe from C:Windowsservicing

Now i cannot update anything. Is it possible to upload it somewhere to try replacing the missing file in the dir?

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Deleted Recycling Bin

Mar 23, 2008

The recylcing bin on the desktop was deleted. I'm not sure how to restore it, and can only make shortcuts of it on the desktop. I can't empty it if it is a shortcut. How can I put the recycling bin back on the desktop so that it is not a shortcut?

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