Roaming Profiles Don't Run

Aug 9, 2009

We have four users in our home and three computers. These computers run Vista Premium 64bit, Windows 7 RC 64bit and Windows 2003 Server 32bit. All are legit with proper licensing, etc. These computers are shared, so anyone could be sitting at any computer. We may be adding a fourth PC as a media centre.

I would love to have roaming profiles, but we don't run a domain controller, etc. Are there alternatives to this? I simply want to sit at any PC, log in, and have my documents, start menu, background, etc. follow me. Is there a way to point Windows to a network drive for all my local profile info? The 2003 Server is overkill for what we do. Just a file and media server, basically. Trying to find a decent antivirus program, at a decent price, that will run on a Server machine is difficult. What makes it worse is that I don't want infected files moved, deleted or repaired. I just want them renamed, adding the .vir extension. Because of this, I am considering moving this machine to Windows 7. Does this sound reasonable? Since our Window 2003 machine is a file server, we have our drives in a RAID5 array. If I move to Windows 7 will I have to lose the array or will Windows 7 support RAID5 arrays? Will I need to rely on a hardware solution or can Windows 7 create RAID 5 arrays like Windows 2003 can?.....

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Domain Roaming Profiles Cannot Log In: Need Advice Before Do A Format/OS Reinstall

Jun 15, 2009

I have been fighting with this computer all day, and posting here is my last resort. Basically, this morning one of the users here attempted to use her Outlook profile and the computer could not find it. Upon investigating, it turned out that her AppData folder had been redirected erroneously. On this particular machine, for some reason, the User Shell Folders which we had redirected to our server RS-NS1 (for backup and DR purposes), kept redirecting to our OLD server RSSERVER. I set the correct locations once more and restarted, however this time when I attempted to log in, it showed "User name or password are incorrect". Confused, I tried again, then tried the domain Administrator account, my own domain account, and a few others...none of them worked. Thinking maybe I screwed up the registry, I did a System Restore, but that didn't fix it. I undid that SR and did a new one (this time to the checkpoint this morning prior to the user's first login) and nothing happened then either.

I have since re-joined the computer to the domain, attempted a Startup Repair (which I already knew wouldn't find anything...the computer was starting up fine), and then I stumbled across the local admin account I created when I was first configuring the computer. Imagine my surprise when that account logged in just fine. Using it, I discovered that there were 13 items listed in the Device Manager under Network Devices. The first one listed was the NIC, the second was a duplicate except for "Teefer2 Miniport" at the end. Teefer2, apparently, is a service run for Symantec Endpoint Protection 11's firewall (which we do not use, we have a separate hardware firewall in place). I removed the NIC driver and the NIC is the ONLY item listed in the Network Devices section, but the problem is still here. Any advice before I yank my hair out and do a format/OS reinstall?

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How To Delete Multiple Profiles?

Nov 12, 2009

I've had a search and can't find out how to delete multiple profiles in Vista Business 32-bit. We have 20 machines in each lab, and we need to delete all profiles on each machine except for 2 profiles. How can we do this without deleting each profile one at a time? The profiles are all stored locally, and there are about 150 on each machine.

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Deleted Profiles Assoicated With This Device

Mar 26, 2008

On the windows media player the picture and sound is perfect, but the colors are screwy. Its like they're inverted or something. Skin color is green, blue eyes are now bright orange, ect... I just had a similar problem with the windows photo gallery but fixed that with the help of this group-- controlpanel/color management/ and "deleted profiles associated with this device."

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XCopy Files To Profiles On Vista Machines

Apr 1, 2009

I'm having some problems with xCopy files to profiles on Vista machines. I realise robocopy is the copy util to use with vista but I'm copying via a logon script with a mixed vista and XP environment. That is also why i'm using "documents and settings" rather than "users" in the path. The following command copies the file over properly without any prompts. xcopy "\servernamesharefilename" "C:users\%username%appdata......

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Change Click Behaviour Without Setting Up Umpteen User Profiles With 136 Sql Server Schemas

Jul 7, 2008

Is it just me or had vista consigned the art of the simple mouse-click to history. Why when i click on a folder does it always try to rename it ? If i wish to rename it i would right click like every othe microsoft OS ever created. Why when i click on a short cut from my desk top does nothing happen (no feedback that i have clicked) so i click again and get two (or more) application loading. Is there some where to change click behaviour without setting up umpteen user profiles with 136 sql server schemas? Most exaspereted - moving to linux - just need to convince my boss

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