Deleted File Load More Stuff

Apr 1, 2009

I have deleted a file from my docs, then emptied the recycling bin, then deleted loads more stuff and again emptied the recycling bin. Suddenly there was a Word document that didn't want deleting. I have found it again using Recuva but it tells me that it isn't recoverable as the file has been written over. Is there anyway of recovering a file that has been deleted and that space written over again but the file name is still available during a search using recovery tools?

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"Windows Failed To Load Because A File Is Missing Or Corrupt File: Netio.sys Status: 0xc0000221

Oct 15, 2009

when i turn on my computer, an error message comes saying "Windows failed to load because a file is missing or corrupt File: Netio.sys Status: 0xc0000221" This started when i was clearing my computer of useless programs, and after i deleted Realtime player or Quicktime player, (can't remember which) an error message jumped from the taskbar saying something about Network device driver. After that every time i start the computer, the "Windows failed to load" message pops up. The first half a year, it was solved by pressing enter, to "Choose an operating system to start: Windows Vista" and then to "Windows error recovery (start windows normally, safe mode etc)" and back to "Windows failed to start", repeating it 3-20 times. Then i had a familiar "Unexpected shutdown" during a game, and now, the "Enter spamming technique" doesn't work anymore. All i can access at the moment is Windows memory diagnostic tool, and Bios setup utility. Is there any way to fix this through the setup utility or some other manner?

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Cannot Load Hive File

Jun 16, 2009

I just built a computer this night, and when i booted it up, it ran smooth for about 10 minutes. i just remember getting comfortable then looking up and the screen was black. i left it alone for a minute but eventually reset it. now it ALWAYS takes me to the "Windows failed to boot..." blah blah you know start windows normal, safe mode, etc. i have tried all those, but it always loads for a minute and then says something about not loading the "hive" file and dumping physical memory. but the screen flashes so fast i cant read it. then it reboots and does the whole thing over and over.

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Starting Windows Can Not Load File Perporly

Mar 23, 2008

Everytime i enter to my user, the explorer.ese doesn't load but the document file loads. To enter to the user i use the task bar (i ctrl alt delet) then i nw task the explorer. This started happing after I was virused. i was able of removing the virus but i can't fix my computer. I think maybe on of the seeting was deleted from the system 32. I tried a lot of stuff but i counldn't fix th problem. I even tried creating a bat file that starts the explorer everytime but i failled, cause it will start when the account starts not before.

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Windows Failed To Load Because Of A Corrupt File

Mar 8, 2010

windowssystem32driversmsisadrv.sys. Is the file that is corrupt. I have read other fixes for this problem, MY problem is that I can't boot windows, it just keeps going to that black menu asking which way I want to boot.

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Email Deleted File Recover

May 21, 2010

I recently permanently deleted several e-mails from the deleted file and need to recover them. I have seen different software packages claiming to do this. I am not a Geek (no ofense) and just have basic computer skills. My question - are these softward applications easy to use or do you need to to have higher skill levels? Is is safe to download directly from the internet?

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Programs And Features Looked Same File Takes Forever Load

Aug 4, 2009

i dont know if this goes hear,but ill post it anyways,i uninstalled a program and went to uninstall another and my program and features looked like this it has the same file(but with the differnt language to it) also it takes forever to load.

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File Is Deleted, But Still Showing In 'Windows Search'

Mar 23, 2008

I have an issue that I have just notied several files that I deleted over a month ago are still visible when doing searches on my computer. When trying to delete that I'm told that it is "no longer located in" the folder it was.

When looking in the original folder the files were in they are not visible.

They can only be seen when doing a search. Does anyone know how to completely get rid of them?

I believe this should happen automatically, but it does not appear to have worked as it was a long time ago that I originally deleted them.

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The... Folder Does Not Exist. The File May Have Been Moved Or Deleted

Jun 24, 2009

when i click on a file to delete it, it comes up with this ---> "The... folder does not exist. The file may have been moved or deleted."

I think I have deleted these files a while ago but when i search for them they show up
as 0 bytes.

I tried - creating a new folder with the same name and putting those files in and then deleting them, but doesn't work. I tried Hijack this and delete on reboot, can't open as file does not exist for deletion.

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Recovery Disk BOTTMGR File Got Deleted

Jul 6, 2008

here is the deal I had to use my recovery disk that came with my computer because the BOTTMGR file got deleted and it would not even get to the main windows screen. Ok so since I did that I cannot find ANY of my other files like pictures or my poems ect... How can I get my old files back?

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Anti Virus Deleted File Name: Wininet.dll

Apr 6, 2008

I had a problem with a virus. My anti-virus deleted a file named "wininet.dll". The only way i could solve the problem was instaling again te vista. But now i have two versions of it. With the second version i repaired the first one and i want to keep it because i have all the software installed on it. How can i uninstall te second version?

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FAT32 Vs NTFS, Overwritting Deleted File

Mar 25, 2010

I know about FAT32, but I know little about NTFS. Assuming both hard drives are not "fragmented". If a large (200MB) file is deleted, is it more likely to be overwritten (space it occupied on the hard disk is overwritten) on a FAT32 hard disk compared to a NTFS? Remove "ine" from my email address

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Add Or Remove Deleted File Doesn't Work

Oct 17, 2009

I've been trying to get rid of one of those pernicious programs that I inadvertantly downloaded when I attempted to download a file that purported to be an explanation of the COMDLG32.OCX. Its one of those PC scan programs, I did a search on it and deleted every file that I could find, but since Vista doesn't have a feature to remove programs I guess that I'll have to find another way.

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Computer Deleted Lot Of Junk File Not Space Back

Apr 24, 2008

As I have been writing on here before. I am trying to clean it up and get some more space. How in the world do you see what is on there???? I have been all over my computer and deleted a lot of junk files, but not gaining much space back. What is on this thing----where is the list of what is there???

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Files Lost: File Extensions Xlsx, Wav And Mp3 Have Been Deleted Without Any Hint

Apr 29, 2008

Only couple of months I have been using Windows Vista, In the last two days some files with file extensions xlsx, wav and mp3 have been deleted without any hint. I did not deleted these files. I am at a loss why this has happened.

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Downloading Stuff But It Disappears

Oct 4, 2008

When I try to download something. It downloads but then I can't find the file.I save them to desktop and they just disappear.When I search for them it says it can't find the file?

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How To Install Stuff With Ubuntu

Oct 24, 2009

You want to install software using Ubuntu? Synaptic is a graphical front-end to apt, the package management system in Ubuntu. It combines the point-and-click simplicity of the graphical user interface with the power of the apt-get command line tool. With windows, insert the CD or DVD and it autostarts. If not, you can click SETUP on the media. then click next and it installs. No command lines. No wonder why 99.999999% of the users reject Ubuntu as garbage. It is garbage.

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Will Installing Xp Remove All This Stuff

Mar 23, 2008

I have an ACER 5100 running vista home. I would like to remove vista and load xp. Is this doable? Also, ACER puts a lot of there propaganda on the machine that is very hard and even imposable to remove. Will installing xp remove all this stuff and how will whats in the bios effect things.

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64bit Stuff Not Working

Nov 22, 2008

Thinking about jumping to Vista 64 bit as ive just upgraded to the new i7 intel stuff after years of having a rubbish PC and the new PC has 6gig of memory which I believe requires a 64bit os? Currently on 32bit XP. Read a bit about software issues and stuff not working, can anyone tell me if there are probs with the following:

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Stuff Isnt Deleteing

Aug 6, 2009

i have a sony vaio with preloaded vista i deleted all the accounts on it and started new ones so things like skype, live messenger and itunes i tryed things like ZapMessenger but it just keeps freezing and if i try going into programmes and uninstalling it but it says finish install/uninstalling what you are doing.

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Deleted Items: Can't Empty Folder Deleted Messages

Apr 5, 2008

I can't empty my folder deleted messages. Following message appears: unknown error occurs.

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Slave Drive: Can Copy Across Stuff

Aug 19, 2009

I have bought a new system with Vista Home Premium and I am trying to install an IDE hard drive as a slave. These are from my old system and I just want them installed so I can copy across stuff. I have done this in XP with no problem but I cannot seem to get this system to see them. If they do not show up in Bios does this mean Vista wont see them? I have tried varies jumper settings but my Bios just wont see either of my drives. My new system has a Sata HD installed so I am just connecting my slave IDE HD to the empty IDE connector on the Mobo.

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Can Use External Drive To Back Stuff Up?

Mar 25, 2008

I have Vista home permium and my son has XP. I put a external hard drive on my pc using usb port. We share the network and he can read the pictures on this drive but can not put any on it. Is there away he can use this external drive to back stuff up through my pc via the network?

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Clean Your Flash Player Stored Stuff

Jul 6, 2009

This website cleans your flash player stored stuff.

just wait 3-4seconds for page to load then click delete ...

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Can Get A Virus: Does Antivirus Or Antimalware Remove Bad Stuff?

Apr 22, 2010

I read an article last week that the number one thing to do to protect your computer from malware is to run it in a "user" account. Equal to that is simply good behavior or sites on internet. Also to keep everything updated. I have always done these things. I run the latest Avast for my antivirus protection. I also have windows defender protection on and PC Tools Firewall Plus for firewall. Tonight I looked at drudge report and clicked on a link to a British newspaper. The article wasn't what I thought it was and it looked like a tabloid (Sun? closed so quick don't remember) and tabloid is not news so I quickly closed that window and went on to next links. My computer went slow after that. Just did not seem right. Restarted in safe mode and ran cCleaner computer clean and registry clean in both user and admin. Restarted and all my appearance settings are different. Runs slow or different. I remembered Windows Defender updated yesterday and the update always does a restore point. Tried to run System restore to restore to yesterday settings. After giving admin permission I saw the wait circle just disappear. It was like vista just ignored or canceled the start up of system restore. Every time I retried System restore it did the same thing or crashed my computer.

This smells like a virus. I go to main stream web sites only, run computer with (default limited) user account (use admin only when I need to make certain changes which is rare), Avast updates automatically multiple times a day. With these settings and behavior I thought I was bulletproof. I even read that $10,000 hacking prize winner Dino Dai Zovi and Rich Mogull both said Vista more secure than Apple Mac. I am currently scanning whole computer with a-squared Free. I will then scan with Avast, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, SUPERAntiSpyware, Windows Defender, and again with Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool, in that order. What do I do if all these scans find nothing?

What do I do now? I never had a virus or malware before. Is it like the mumps, you want to get it as a child and not an adult? Does antivirus or antimalware remove bad stuff or does it just tell me I am infected and I need to reformat and rebuild system

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Delete A Bunch Of Stuff From My Hard Drive

Mar 25, 2009

I am about to set up my new HP computer which has Vista Premium 64 bit and a 750 gig hard drive. With all the mp3's, lossless audio and avi's I have on various external hard drives, 750 gigs isn't really "that big" anymore! So I was on the phone with a friend last night and he said "I have to delete a bunch of stuff from my hard drive because my computer geek friend told me I should never have my drive more than 50% full." I said, "Well, surely nowadays with big hard drives that is no longer true. But I will ask."

How full can a 750gig hard drive be, before it causes sluggishness or other problems, using Vista Premium 64bit? Note: I am thinking of shrinking the C partition into various partitions: about 20gigs for a cd/dvd ripping area about 100gigs for Vista and programs and desktop working area" (C drive) about 400 gigs for mp3's and the rest for .avi movie files Is this a reasonable plan? And is it okay to shrink it and divide it after I'm already up and running with Vista, internet, etc.?

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Mouse Pointer Becomes Huge After Doing Stuff On Desktop...

Feb 18, 2010

Windows Vista Ultimate x64. Service Pack 2. Gigabyte GA P55A UD3. Intel i5 750 2.67 ghz
Powercolor Radeon 5850. These are what i am using,

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Mouse Pointer Becomes Huge After Doing Stuff On Desktop

Feb 18, 2010

Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit Service Pack 2 Gigabyte GA P55A UD3 Intel i5 750 2.67 ghz Powercolor Radeon 5850 These are what i am using, anybody else have the same issue?

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Cant Delete The Deleted Items From The Deleted Folder

Mar 23, 2008

I cant delete the deleted items from the deleted folder. The message UNKNOWN ERROR COMES UP.Any ideas how to deal with it?

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Stop Deleted Items Folder Being Deleted

May 22, 2008

How can I stop my deleted items folder being deleted when I shut down windows mail? I would rather keep the messages for a while before I delete the folder.

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Only Have Access 2 The Guest Account And All My Files And Skool Stuff Is On The Admin

May 5, 2009

my laptop i 4got my password 2 my admin. account and iunno how 2 get back on it i only have access 2 the guest account and all my files and skool stuff is on the admin. account so how do i recover my password and im running the the basic vista

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