Slave Drive: Can Copy Across Stuff

Aug 19, 2009

I have bought a new system with Vista Home Premium and I am trying to install an IDE hard drive as a slave. These are from my old system and I just want them installed so I can copy across stuff. I have done this in XP with no problem but I cannot seem to get this system to see them. If they do not show up in Bios does this mean Vista wont see them? I have tried varies jumper settings but my Bios just wont see either of my drives. My new system has a Sata HD installed so I am just connecting my slave IDE HD to the empty IDE connector on the Mobo.

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Add Slave Drive From Xp To Computer

Jun 30, 2008

I have a HD form old computer and want to add install it in the new computer with vista. BIOS recognizes the slave drive but vista keeps checking as a continuously before starting up. I tried to add slave drive after bootup. The vista again recognizes the drive and installed the drivers for it. After that it didn't let me access the harddrive.

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Can't Access Slave Drive

Nov 10, 2009

I have a slave drive that was getting really filled (it was showing red). Now, it has disappeared from the "My Computer" section and I cannot find it. I don't know how to access it to take some things off. I have all of my photos and graphics on there and I'm scared of losing them.

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Not Recognizing Slave Drive

Mar 10, 2010

I recently had a serious crash on my Shuttle61 series desktop which was running WXP Pro. I bought this machine with the OS pre-installed and the store is now out of business. Fortunately, my son just bought W7 for his machine and he gave me his Vista Home Premium Upgrade package and I decided to try it. Installed just fine after installing my trusty old W2K OS as a base, upgraded and its not as bad as I thought! So far only one obvious glitch... the OS is not recognizing my 320Gig "slave" drive which is where a lot of my pictures and data are stored.

I went into the BIOS and the Slave is showing up properly. I also popped the cover off and made sure all connections were snug, but this drive has been working just fine until the Vista install. Connecting external USB drive shows up just fine as well. So I am baffled about why the BIOS is seeing the drive, but the OS is not.

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Loose Slave Drive

Jul 4, 2008

I am new-new-new to Vista. Don't know enough (about bios or any of that) to research my issue. Here's my deal...if I leave the computer on for a few days or what not my computer looses my slave drive. This drive is what I keep my pics and music on. When I reboot the drive re-appears. Any ideas as to why? This has just started out of the blue. I only noticed it because I was going to email a pic from the slave and the slave was not there.

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Office XP On Slave Drive And Upgrade

Mar 29, 2008

The motherboard on my old computer died. Hard drive was still OK, though. Have put it in an external HD enclosure and hooked it up to the new Gateway - running Vista. I don't have the disks for Office XP, it came pre-installed and I purchased it, but no longer have the product key. I do NOT want to upgrade to Office 2007, I want to use the Office XP I paid for, and was happy using. I can't transfer programs using WET or WETC - at least, I haven't been able to figure out how to do it, with both drives connected to the same computer. How can I configure Vista to run my the copy of Office XP currently installed on my old HD?

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Can Use External Drive To Back Stuff Up?

Mar 25, 2008

I have Vista home permium and my son has XP. I put a external hard drive on my pc using usb port. We share the network and he can read the pictures on this drive but can not put any on it. Is there away he can use this external drive to back stuff up through my pc via the network?

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Delete A Bunch Of Stuff From My Hard Drive

Mar 25, 2009

I am about to set up my new HP computer which has Vista Premium 64 bit and a 750 gig hard drive. With all the mp3's, lossless audio and avi's I have on various external hard drives, 750 gigs isn't really "that big" anymore! So I was on the phone with a friend last night and he said "I have to delete a bunch of stuff from my hard drive because my computer geek friend told me I should never have my drive more than 50% full." I said, "Well, surely nowadays with big hard drives that is no longer true. But I will ask."

How full can a 750gig hard drive be, before it causes sluggishness or other problems, using Vista Premium 64bit? Note: I am thinking of shrinking the C partition into various partitions: about 20gigs for a cd/dvd ripping area about 100gigs for Vista and programs and desktop working area" (C drive) about 400 gigs for mp3's and the rest for .avi movie files Is this a reasonable plan? And is it okay to shrink it and divide it after I'm already up and running with Vista, internet, etc.?

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Hard Drive Possible To Use It As A "slave" Backup

Sep 13, 2009

I'm sorry I never wanted Vista and IE 7.0 or 8.0 from the numerous bad reviews and complaints... I understand the solution would've been to have it built by a local PC store? If I had the guts and the knowledge, I'd return it (now on the way) and order a custom made... and probably lose the bargain of the year??? :o)

ALSO, my present HD is still very good at 4 years of age, so is it possible to use it as a "slave" backup? Yet, in case of a computer calamity, wouldn't the data get lost also in the slave HD? it possible to use it as an external backup? If so, what does it take?

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Copy To New Drive ?

Jul 19, 2009

Currently using vista64 sp2 ultimate but want to dual boot with win seven oh theres something else.

1) i want to copy my vista64 500gb and move to another drive 1tb using acronis - can i just connect the 1gb drive via esata and copy the vista64 to that drive using acronis, i dont know how

2) Once vista64 installed to new 1tb drive i will create 2 partitions and then install win seven on second partition for dual booting.

3) i really need help with the first bit of transfering my vista installation to new drive.

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Copy VHS From JVC VHS Machine Onto The Hard Drive

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new Dell Inspiron 531 running Vista, it has a tuner card and I want to copy VHS from a reasonably recent JVC VHS machine onto the hard drive. Whatever I do I can't see any detection of the VHS player or signal.

I've tried outputting the signal via a coaxial lead into the aerial socket of the tuner card - nothing. I've tried using a scart lead to s-video+2x phono with the phono into an adapter going into the audio socket - nothing. I've tried a scart to 3 phono adapter, with the yellow phono going into the comp socket of the tuner card adn 2other 2 phonos via adapter into audio as above - nothing. I've tried looking for the signal in Windows Media Center and Windows Movie Maker, I can't even see it let alone start to save it to the hard drive.

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IDE Slave

Aug 19, 2009

I have bought a new system with Vista Home Premium and I am trying to install an IDE hard drive as a slave. These are from my old system and I just want them installed so I can copy across stuff.

I have done this in XP with no problem but I cannot seem to get this system to see them.

If they do not show up in Bios does this mean Vista wont see them? I have tried varies jumper settings but my Bios just wont see either of my drives.

My new system has a Sata HD installed so I am just connecting my slave IDE HD to the empty IDE connector on the Mobo.

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Can't Copy To USB Flash Disk Or External Hard Drive

Aug 3, 2009

I can't copy to my USB flash disk (Kingston Data Traveler 8GB) or my external hard drive - Toshiba 2.5'' 160 GB HDD in a USB powered external enclosure. I can copy very small files to the flash drive - like 500-800 kb. Anything bigger results in "preparing to copy" window with a scrolling bar. Nothing happens if i wait... The first time i plugged in the USB hard drive, Windows recognized it and tried installing drivers for it but it just hung on "Windows is installing drivers for this device" and i had to unplug the drive since nothing was happening. Now nothing happens, i don't even get the previously mentioned balloon in the bottom right corner, though the hard drive powers up.

And to make this even crazier, my USB mouse and keyboard work just fine, no matter of what USB i connect them (front panel, back). I tried uninstalling them from Device Manager, enabling/disabling Legacy USB Support from the BIOS (was set to BIOS Setup Only), plugging them in all the USB port i have, including front panel. There is nothing wrong with both the USB flash drive and the USB hard drive - they work perfectly on my laptop the second i plug them in.

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Regarding Installation: Recovery Copy And Store In The USB External Drive?

Jul 2, 2009

I bought Ultimate w/SP-1 OEM 64 bit. I currently have Home Premium 64 bit. Can I just install Ultimate on top of Home Premium---or should I uninstall it? If I uninstall Home ver during installation of Ultimate, why would I need to keep the recovery copy of Home ver on "D" that came with the computer?

Shouldn't I get rid it and free up that partition for other use... then just make a complete computer recovery copy and store it on the USB external drive? I like what I have read a litte about the Maxtor One Touch backup--- but have never used it. I presume it will do a complete computer back up?

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New System - Adding Old XP HD As Slave

Jan 9, 2009

First of all, I built my new PC a couple of days back installed vista ultimate 64 which is all good. The new HD is attached to the mother board via a SATA connection. I removed my old XP drive from the old PC and installed it to the new system also however as its quite old I have had to use the IDE connection on the mother board and set the jumpers to slave. I want to be able to access all my old music, photos etc.

Now Vista picks up the old XP drive through “computer” but when I try to access it, it sates I need to reformat the drive which of course I totally want to avoid!

I made sure the (ribbon type) IDE cable is using the correct (grey) slave connection and also made sure the jumper is set to slave. Apparently there is no need to set anything else to master as I’m using SATA connections. The old drive was also previously operational prior to the new build so I know there are no issues there.

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Extrenal Hard Drive: Copy Hard Drive To It?

Jul 29, 2009

I have a ASUS laptop running Vista Home Premium, 64 bit OS. I have several programs that I use but no loner have the insall disks for. Should I have to reformat in the future I would hate to lose them. Here's what I'm thinking: Buy a extrenal hard drive. Seagate, 1Tbit, usb, cost $90.00. Copy my hard drive to it. If I need to reformat. Reinstall Vista from my recover disk that came with the computer. Then copy files from external drive. Bingo. All my old programs would be there and working. Question is: Can this be done?
What file/folders do I need to copy to the external drive?

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Downloading Stuff But It Disappears

Oct 4, 2008

When I try to download something. It downloads but then I can't find the file.I save them to desktop and they just disappear.When I search for them it says it can't find the file?

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How To Install Stuff With Ubuntu

Oct 24, 2009

You want to install software using Ubuntu? Synaptic is a graphical front-end to apt, the package management system in Ubuntu. It combines the point-and-click simplicity of the graphical user interface with the power of the apt-get command line tool. With windows, insert the CD or DVD and it autostarts. If not, you can click SETUP on the media. then click next and it installs. No command lines. No wonder why 99.999999% of the users reject Ubuntu as garbage. It is garbage.

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Will Installing Xp Remove All This Stuff

Mar 23, 2008

I have an ACER 5100 running vista home. I would like to remove vista and load xp. Is this doable? Also, ACER puts a lot of there propaganda on the machine that is very hard and even imposable to remove. Will installing xp remove all this stuff and how will whats in the bios effect things.

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64bit Stuff Not Working

Nov 22, 2008

Thinking about jumping to Vista 64 bit as ive just upgraded to the new i7 intel stuff after years of having a rubbish PC and the new PC has 6gig of memory which I believe requires a 64bit os? Currently on 32bit XP. Read a bit about software issues and stuff not working, can anyone tell me if there are probs with the following:

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Stuff Isnt Deleteing

Aug 6, 2009

i have a sony vaio with preloaded vista i deleted all the accounts on it and started new ones so things like skype, live messenger and itunes i tryed things like ZapMessenger but it just keeps freezing and if i try going into programmes and uninstalling it but it says finish install/uninstalling what you are doing.

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Deleted File Load More Stuff

Apr 1, 2009

I have deleted a file from my docs, then emptied the recycling bin, then deleted loads more stuff and again emptied the recycling bin. Suddenly there was a Word document that didn't want deleting. I have found it again using Recuva but it tells me that it isn't recoverable as the file has been written over. Is there anyway of recovering a file that has been deleted and that space written over again but the file name is still available during a search using recovery tools?

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Clean Your Flash Player Stored Stuff

Jul 6, 2009

This website cleans your flash player stored stuff.

just wait 3-4seconds for page to load then click delete ...

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Can Get A Virus: Does Antivirus Or Antimalware Remove Bad Stuff?

Apr 22, 2010

I read an article last week that the number one thing to do to protect your computer from malware is to run it in a "user" account. Equal to that is simply good behavior or sites on internet. Also to keep everything updated. I have always done these things. I run the latest Avast for my antivirus protection. I also have windows defender protection on and PC Tools Firewall Plus for firewall. Tonight I looked at drudge report and clicked on a link to a British newspaper. The article wasn't what I thought it was and it looked like a tabloid (Sun? closed so quick don't remember) and tabloid is not news so I quickly closed that window and went on to next links. My computer went slow after that. Just did not seem right. Restarted in safe mode and ran cCleaner computer clean and registry clean in both user and admin. Restarted and all my appearance settings are different. Runs slow or different. I remembered Windows Defender updated yesterday and the update always does a restore point. Tried to run System restore to restore to yesterday settings. After giving admin permission I saw the wait circle just disappear. It was like vista just ignored or canceled the start up of system restore. Every time I retried System restore it did the same thing or crashed my computer.

This smells like a virus. I go to main stream web sites only, run computer with (default limited) user account (use admin only when I need to make certain changes which is rare), Avast updates automatically multiple times a day. With these settings and behavior I thought I was bulletproof. I even read that $10,000 hacking prize winner Dino Dai Zovi and Rich Mogull both said Vista more secure than Apple Mac. I am currently scanning whole computer with a-squared Free. I will then scan with Avast, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, SUPERAntiSpyware, Windows Defender, and again with Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool, in that order. What do I do if all these scans find nothing?

What do I do now? I never had a virus or malware before. Is it like the mumps, you want to get it as a child and not an adult? Does antivirus or antimalware remove bad stuff or does it just tell me I am infected and I need to reformat and rebuild system

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Mouse Pointer Becomes Huge After Doing Stuff On Desktop...

Feb 18, 2010

Windows Vista Ultimate x64. Service Pack 2. Gigabyte GA P55A UD3. Intel i5 750 2.67 ghz
Powercolor Radeon 5850. These are what i am using,

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Mouse Pointer Becomes Huge After Doing Stuff On Desktop

Feb 18, 2010

Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit Service Pack 2 Gigabyte GA P55A UD3 Intel i5 750 2.67 ghz Powercolor Radeon 5850 These are what i am using, anybody else have the same issue?

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Is Possible Copy Entire Hard Drive Onto An External Hard

May 27, 2008

Is it possible to copy my entire hard drive onto an external hard drive. Vista Premium, all the data, etc. and what would be a good software to accomplish this?

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Copy A Dvd That Contains Pictures From A Camcorder, Dvd Copy Software

Mar 24, 2009

Can anybody recommend a good but simple software program? I want to copy a dvd that contains pictures from a camcorder.

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Copying Files Bt It Took About Six Hours To Copy About 20 Gig (I Have About 180 Gig To Copy)

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to copy files from my usb hard drive: K: to my network external drive Z:
I am trying to copy everything from one to another (files in folders and files that are not in folders)

I tried selecting all and then send to Z:, but it took about six hours to copy about 20 gig (I have about 180 gig to copy)

I read some where that robocopy is a faster and better way to copy files.The thing is I do not know what syntax to use. I was wondering if someone could tell me the syntax I should use to copy EVERYTHING from the usb driveK: to the network drive Z:

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Only Have Access 2 The Guest Account And All My Files And Skool Stuff Is On The Admin

May 5, 2009

my laptop i 4got my password 2 my admin. account and iunno how 2 get back on it i only have access 2 the guest account and all my files and skool stuff is on the admin. account so how do i recover my password and im running the the basic vista

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Transferring From Xp To Vista Using Easy Transfer Dose All This Delete Stuff As Well

May 31, 2008

This is probably a very simple question, transferring from xp to vista using easy transfer, over the years theres been a lot of stuff duplicated and deleted on my xp machine. I believe all these deleted copies and all the other deleted stuff stays on the computer, just not visible. Does esay transfer transfer all this deleted stuff as well,and if so is there anything special I should do to my xp machine to stop these copying. Don't want to fill the vista before i've used it with deleted stuff.

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