Can't Close Anything Open

Mar 29, 2009

I can't close anything I open, only through task bar, but the X (close ) minimise maximise etc are disabled plus right click context on the windows only... (I can right click on start taskbar etc)... this is after i installede bootskin (which had an error whilst installing.. about somethign.. then uninstalled it but still foooked vista).. if i cant fix this i need to reinstall never come across this problem before sigh.

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Closing Files: Close Whatever Open

Jan 11, 2009

I am having trouble trying to close my folders, my computer, and other folders, when I choose file, close?, it just hangs?, I have to resort to closing by pressing the red X button top right hand corner to close whatever is open?

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Can't Find Close Open Folders

Feb 6, 2009

with the vista version, I cannot find out how to close open folders.

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Close All Open Applications With One Click

Mar 24, 2010

At the end of the day I always like to close the open applications to prepare my computer for the next day. Since I rarely reboot my desktop, I manually close each application. Depending on the number of open applications this can be a waste of time.   The people at NTWind Software have a perfect utility for this situation aptly called Close All Windows. Instead of manually closing each application just click the Close All Windows button on your taskbar.

In this article I will show you how to install and configure Close All Windows on your computer for easy access on the taskbar.

To get started head over to NTWind Software and download the latest version of Close All Windows....

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Display Blacks Out Then Reappears When I Close Then Open

Mar 11, 2010

I have an inconvenience that is slowly turning into a problem. At odd times, my screen blacks out. I could be typing, playing games, or whatever. I haven't been able to recreate the problem. I'm getting instruction from HP now. I'm told to update my 965 chipset (I think that's display), update my BIOS, and update NVIDIA driver. When I update any drivers, I'm told, by the computer, that the installation was unsuccessful and that I should try again. 3 times is enough in my book. I have updated my BIOS and that turned out to by fruitless. I try to pinpoint the event in my event viewer, thinking this will help me, and I find I don't know the TYPE of event this is. I'm searching the net for the type of event I'm having. I have also turned off my UAC because I read that it sometimes interferes with the display, but only when the UAC window is up. Long shot, I know, but I'm willing to try anything at this point.

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File Menu Open/close Not Working

Aug 25, 2009

Appologies in advance if I'm being too long winded or not providing enough detail (1st post). I'm running Vista Home Premium 32bit (sp2) on an HP Pavillion dv6700 laptop. The issue I'm having is that the "XP style" File menu bar keeps randomly opening up and then closing whenever I have any Office product, IE, or the explorer open. I've never "turned on" this option so no clue why this started to do this a little over a week ago. Initailly I found that it got worse (more frequently opening/closing the menu bar) when I had my external hard drives (EHDs) connected but at this point it's near constant without them connected and it's locking up the programs so that I can't type or click on anything.

I've not installed any new software in months; and the only downloads I've taken/installed were files from trusted sites and several system updates. My 1st impression was either a virus or a system update conflict from either or both HP or Windows; the latter has not been an uncommon issue. My anitvirus is up-to-date & a complete scan turned up nothing, even on my EHDs. I've gone back twice using the restore points; the 2nd time going back over 2 weeks prior to the start of this issue. I'm out of ideas short of doing a complete reinstall from my back-up partition.

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Slow Loading Websites: Close IE Or Firefox And Re-open The Website It Takes 32-40 Seconds

Oct 5, 2009

When I open the first website it takes 42 seconds. The second takes 20 no matter what order I open them. If I close IE or Firefox and re-open the website it takes 32-40 seconds. The second takes 20. When I open the first program it takes 9 seconds. I do not have a lot of programs running, run my utilities regularly, use CCleaner daily. My hardrive has 50 of 150g used. Is there a way to cut down the load time of the initial website?

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IE8 Slow To Close

May 15, 2010

I searched for "IE8" and it said no results...find that a little hard to believe

Anyways, odd problem to have. After being logged into Winders for a little while, doing some surfing, etc., I'll go to close IE8, click the red x, and it'll just sit there for 5-6 seconds, and then finally close. If I log off and log back on, it'll behave properly, but sooner or later will start to act up again.

Anyone else run into this? I'm running IE7Pro, but I've been running that for a while now and this has only recently popped up.

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How To Start Up Laptop When The Lid Is Close?

Nov 29, 2009

my laptop, HP dv2, have a power button on its right side, not over the keyboard like any other model.

so, i think i can turn on windows by sliding the power button anytime - even the lid is closed.

but it is not like that. i can turn on windows when i open the lid only.

i connect my laptop to TV (as dock, via HDMI port) to work and see movies at home.

now, i change the power setting to do nothing when i closing the lid.

its work out, but i still mess up when i thought that i need to open a lid, turn on, and close the lid again!

thank you ^^

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Bluescreens When I Close The Lid Of My Laptop

Jul 28, 2008

I'm running Vista x64 Ultimate on a new Dell XPS 1330. I have set the laptop lid power option to "do nothing" (as I've always done). Whenever I close the laptop lid, however, it looks like the machine attempts to suspend, then it reboots and comes back with the "Windows has recovered from a mighty serious error" message. I've searched and searched and not found any answer to this. All my drivers are up to date, I've WindowsUpdated, and I have no oddball hardware etc.

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Unexpected Shutdown When Close The Lid

Aug 27, 2009

I've been having a problem on my new dell studio 15 laptop, at first,whenever I closed the lid, I would lose my wireless connection, now, when I close the lid I get an unexpected shutdown. I did my usual research, but it seems that people get this problem for different hardware issues, and there isn't a "one size fits all fix" Here's my error message...

Problem signature: Problem Event Name:BlueScreen OS Version:6.0.6001.
Locale ID:4105

Additional information about the problem:

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IE 7 Will Close Down If I Type In The Search Bar

Apr 4, 2010

I cannot pinpoint the exact date this first started happening, mainly because I use Firefox for most of my browsing. There are however some sites out there that still do not like Firefox.So on the rare occasion I am forced to use IE, I click on the icon IE opens, the second I try and type in the search bar it shuts down. I have tried upgrading to IE 8 and the same problem still exists.I have run my anti virus and also superANTIspyware, to make sure no nasties have made there way in. They both come up clean.Also if I get an email, that has a URL attached, I can click it open (IE is still mydefault browser), and it will take me to the page.But once again the second I try and type something into the search bar wham its gone. and if I try to use ctrl it disappears also.It never used to do this, I have to date tried :-

Upgrading to IE 8 (no difference)RED BACK TO 7
Reset all the defaults (no difference)
Been to this site How to fix Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close The first one works when i try regsvr32 wintrust.dll I get an error.The odule "wintrust.dll" was loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80070005. do not know whether this is relevant or not, but I do not have MSN installed.

regsvr32 softpub.dll
regsvr32 wintrust.dll
regsvr32 initpki.dll
regsvr32 dssenh.dll
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32 sccbase.dll
regsvr32 slbcsp.dll
regsvr32 cryptdlg.dl1

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Close The Lid The System Reboots

Jan 29, 2009

About a week ago a strange new problem started. I have a Toshiba laptop with Vista Home and dual core processor. Lately on SOME occasions the computer reboots itself when I close the lid. It does not do it every time and will shut down fine every time normally. But on some shut downs, when I close the lid the system reboots. It might do this a couple of times in a row and it might not do it for 3 or 4 shut downs. I use the shut down from the start menu. I have changed all of the setting for power settings and what to do when the lid is shut to either never or do nothing and it does not affect it. This computer is only about 4 months old. I have done a restore point before this started but no help.

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Close Down Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

when I send an e-mail it goes directly into my outbox without being sent. I click on Send/Receive but nothing happens. If I then close down windows mail, as I re-open it the mail then gets sent as normal. I have no problem receiving messages.

I have downloaded the 32-bit version update and tried the 64-bit version (says not applicable to my system) but this has made no difference. I am using PC Tools firewall plus and avast anti-virus protection.

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Computer Restarts Whenever Close The Lid

Mar 15, 2009

I set my power settings to go to sleep upon closing the lid of my laptop, but for some reason over the past few weeks it has decided to randomly restart the computer instead of just going to sleep. This doesn't happen all the time, but with relative frequency. Another problem with it is that every time it does this (meaning everytime it chooses to restart upon closing the lid, not every time I restart otherwise) is that it clears all of my cookies, as well.

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Windows Explorer Has To Close

Apr 16, 2008

I've just installed SP1 for my VISTA ultimate X64 version. After completing the installation, and after the autoreboot, the start menu is fully available, when I try to access My Computer, windows has to close and tries to find a solution. How do I get to use the start menu again?

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Opening Windows, Cant Close

Jun 3, 2008

my windows keeps opening a ton of windows and i cant close them unless i just log off what can i try to fix this

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Yahoo! Messenger: Close?

Aug 1, 2008

when i login after that ym close dont know how to do

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Appcrash, Close Ffdshow

Dec 7, 2009

i have been recieving this error message when i close ffdshow. i know theres something wrong and i want to fif it.

Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:rundll32.exe
Application Version:6.0.6000.16386
Application Timestamp:4549b0e1
Fault Module
Fault Module Version:

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Start Opening Can't Close

Feb 28, 2009

Every once in a while I'll be surfing the web and all of a sudden windows start opening like mad and I can't close them fast enough. Sometimes I have to cold boot my computer to get rid of them. I did a virus check and it came out negative for viruses. What causes this and how can I stop it? I've already had 50 windows opened at once! All the same page.

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Vista Does Not Detect Close 500 Gb

Jun 24, 2008

I am running Vista Home Premium. I had been running 2 Western Digital 500GB drives in RAID 0 mode. The external enclosure was a Fantom enclosure. The controller was going bad, so I bought a Xtrastor 3.5 x2 HDD enclosure which supports RAID 1. Anyhow, when I hook it up via USB, it only detects an 8GB drive. Once I got it to detect it as a 75GB drive. If I hook it up as an eSATA, Vista does not see it at all......It should detect close to 500GB since the other 500GB is for the RAID I have a PB5 motherboard. I have tried a lot of things via the cables and re-booting and such, no luck.

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Giant Close Button

Apr 30, 2009

I somehow turned off the giant close button, the one you see in windows explorer, the internet window, and in winmail. The only problem is I liked the giant close button. I think what I did is change the theme to classic, and then back to vista, and it gave me this rounded box as a close button. I was just wondering if there was any way to put it back the way it was. Here is a picture

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Contacts Link Causing Close Down

May 23, 2008

Have been using Mail with no problem for a long while but just recently when I click on Contacts Mail or Tools/Windows Contacts - Mail just closes down. I can still use create mail and it finds the Contacts with no problem - seems like some linkage problem

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Hacked: Unable To Close The Processes

Jul 1, 2008

Internet Explore and Windows Host Process Server on my computer are attempting to connect multiple times a day (20 or more) to numerous ip addresses across a wide viriety of ports in the 45000's. I have been unable to close the processes. The Internet Explorer process has been running as a seperate program that I am unable to see and uses 45,000k of ram. It is also not possible for me to shut the program down. I have nine svchost.exe (windows host process services) running which are also attempting to communicate with These events are of great concern to me as I work for a financial firm and keep large amounts of proprietary knowledge on my computer.

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How Can Turn Just 3 Buttons (min, Max, Close) Of Into Mac OS X Style.

Jan 15, 2009

How can we just turn only 3 buttons of window vista: "minimize, maximize, and close" into Mac OS X style? I just would like to change ONLY 3 of them, do not need to turn the whole system into MAC.

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Can Not Find Small Close Button In AIM

Mar 19, 2008

I was searching around Google for a while and wasn't able to find any answers. I'm using Home Premium x64 SP1, and the annoyance is AOL Instant Messenger. AIM has small buttons for the top right (minimize, maximize, and close) and for some reason Vista can't detect them as being those buttons. So since Vista's got a thick resize area, I can only mouse over 1/4 of the close button before it changes to the resize cursor. I was hoping some of you have found a workaround or solution to this, and I'm not interested in using another IM program. I've included a small screen shot in case you don't have AIM installed and can see for yourself how small the buttons are.

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Download Complete - Window Does Not Close

May 9, 2008

(VISTA Ultimate SP1). Has anyone had any problems downloading files and having the download window never closes? Steps to replicate:

1. Open Web Page
2. Select File to Download
3. Watch the file begin to download
4. Download screen will say "Verifying"
5. The download gets to 99% and it never closes.

Why would the window remain on the screen, but the file be downloaded properly?

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MS Word: Error On Save And Close

Mar 29, 2008

Word opens just fine but will not close properly. When I save and close, it gives an error message and tries to open the Word application again to a blank page.

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Trojan Attack, Close The Application Nothing Happens

Oct 28, 2008

i was recently attacked by TrojanDownloader:Win32/Zlob.gen!CI. I managed to get rid of it by downloading and running spyware detector and i think the virus/spyware has gone. My computer has been running strangly ever since 25/10/2008.

when i boot up and have logged in several programs which used to start up fine are now glitchy. My ASrockOC tuner comes on screen but when i click on the minimise or X to close the application nothing happens - same with the spyware detector software that opens at startup, until i open the task manager - as soon as i do this i can minimise and close the programs and then the computer seems to work ok.

The computer has also frozen on several occassion when i try to access certain files and i have had to shut down by holding the power button as there is no response............

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Control Display Behavior On Close Of Lid

Apr 9, 2008

I've recently started using a new (work) laptop that came loaded with Vista. My last laptop, which I had for about three years, was running Windows XP, and at the time I made the switch to the new machine, I was pretty comfortable with the way that the machine operated and with the way that I had the system configured. I'm trying to keep an open mind with regard to Vista;

I try hard not to be an OS bigot, since part of the reason I started working with computers was because I enjoyed learning new things and trying new approaches. I've encountered a few problems, the most troubling of which (from a long-term viability perspective) are VPN-related. A number of my customers use VPNs with client software or connection methods that do not support or play nice with Vista. For now, I have workaround solutions that I can use for those customers.

One of the more irritating problems is something I have not been able to find any information on - how can I control what happens to the displays connected to the laptop when I close the lid? When I'm in the office, I typically have an external monitor, which I've configured to extend my desktop to....................

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64x Mail Wont Close Properly

Apr 5, 2009

I recently upgraded to Vista Ultimate 64x and now I occasionally check my mail under Windows Mail and it won;t close properly. I know this because I can;t receive NEW email. I would have to go into TASK manager and locate MAIL.exe after I exited from it and close it manually, then I click onto the Mail icon and then I receive new mail! Every time I do this , I get a message "Windows Mail did not shut down properly the last time it was used". Very annoying. Wondering if I need to alter the registery? Not sure how to?

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