Backing Up Of Mail Rules

Feb 26, 2009

How do I backup/restore mail rules created by me.

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How To Export Mail Rules From Outlook Expres V6 Into Windows Mail

Mar 22, 2009

Windows Mail v6.0.6000.16386 Windows Vista Home Premium. how to export mail rules from Outlook Expres v6 into Windows Mail?

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Rules For Sent Mail

Feb 20, 2009

Vista Windows Mail. I have applied rules for incoming mail, but want sent mail to be moved to specific folders immediately they are sent. How do I apply the rule?

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Mail Rules Not Working Since IE8

May 30, 2009

After installing MSIE 8 my message rule for my second email address is not working in windows mail. I have the second email address going into a specific folder, it used to work fine then stopped working since IE8. I checked the settings and they are fine and made up another rule and that one won't work either.

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Windows Live Mail - Mail Rules

Jul 29, 2009

I do no find any Windows Live Mail group, i therefore post my question here ;-) How can I import mail rules in windows live mail? ( windows live mail and not windows mail)

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Windows Mail Backup Rules

Mar 23, 2008

Using Vista Home Basic. Is there any way to backup EVERYTHING regarding my EMAIL? i.e. My messages, folders, contacts, message RULES. In other words After I do a complete format of my disk because VISTA has said I don't have a GENUINE Verision anymore after using it for more than 8 months and actually verifying the genuineness several times but i digress. So After I do my rebuild i would like to be able to restore my email functionality et all to it's current state with all the messages, folders, rules, etc. AM I asking TOO much in the year 2008 for this to be possible never mind easy?

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Mail Rules Not Always Applied When Starting WinMail

Apr 11, 2008

Have quite a few mail rules to direct incoming mail to subfolders. Each
rule ends with "Stop processing more rules". Rules work consistently, EXCEPT when first starting Win Mail. What often (though not always) happens upon start is that some messages are not being processed by the rules and are left in the Inbox. These messages have the same rule-related characteristics as messages successfully processed by the rule that were processed earlier when WinMail was already running at the time message was received.

I've verified that the rule is correct by then using the "Apply Now" feature for the rule that should handle such messages. The messages then get directed to the correct subfolder. This does NOT occur with just one rule, but seems to happen randomly, depending upon which messages are being received when WinMail starts up. It's almost as if WinMail begins to download messages before the rules have been loaded. Don't know if there is such a sequence in WinMail.

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Backing Up E Mail External Drive Or CD

Oct 9, 2009

how to backup my E Mails either on an external drive or a CD

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Backing Up Windows Mail Newsgroup Settings

Jun 14, 2009

I would like to create a file/files that have my newsgroup settings from Windows Mail, that I can import the next time I have to reinstall Vista. Does Windows Mail make a backup file? I searched the Vista help files but the only thing I saw was the Windows easy transfer wizard---I would like to keep this file in my Documents folder, which I back up to an external drive--Windows won't save the file to the same hard drive like I would prefer. Is there any other way to back up my Windows Mail settings?

I see in Windows Mail, the Tools>Accounts button will give me a new window, which allows me to click Export, which will produce an .iaf file. Is this what I am interested in?

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Difficulties Backing Up E-mail To A Flash Drive

Mar 8, 2009

I'm trying to help a friend with Windows Vista copy her e-mail storage to a flash drive for backup. I found the location of the storage folder (which is not easy, it's listed under Tools, Options, Advanced). I tried copying the "Local Folders" folder, which is the master folder for all the e-mails, to the flash drive. It began prompting at each e-mail (all 11,000 of them), saying "if you copy this, it will be without the file properties. Proceed?" Copying all the e-mails without their file properties didn't sound like a good idea, so I stopped.

Then I thought of exporting the e-mails instead of copying them. I selected Local Folders in the e-mail program, File, Export, browse for destination. But the Save As dialog that opens only opened to a subfolder of her named personal folder, not to Computer. It was impossible to navigate the Save As dialog to Computer and thence to the flash drive. What kind of Save As dialog opens to a subfolder and refuses to let you navigate up the hierarchy to where you want to get to?

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Backing Up Windows Mail To Flash Drive Failed

Mar 3, 2010

when exporting to flash drive I am getting an error message saying the directory I am exporting to needs to be empty. I am using a new flash drive; what does the error mean?

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Email Rules Are Not Being Used

Jan 15, 2010

After the last Windows Updates ( Windows Vista Business 32 ), KB905866, my email rules are not being applied. I have a rule which tells Windows Mail not to get some emails and stop to process more rules, it is the last one in the rules list. I would like to know if it is any bug introduced in the last update. My rules used to work until last Monday ( Jan, 11 2010 )

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Pop Ups In IE Asking Web Site Rules

Feb 24, 2010

I would like to know how to stop these extremely annoying pop ups that ask something about allowing a program to connect to a particular website. In the title bar of the pop up it says," set web site rule" They aren't advertising pop ups. They are pop up windows generated by my own computer seeminglhy to try to get my permission about something. It gets to where I am doing nothing but clicking on the buttons of those pop ups as they come up one after the other after the other. It practically makes me want to throw my computer across the room!!!

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Rules Of Conduct For Microsoft MVP

May 14, 2008

For all you MVP's & "wannabes" in training, here's a few basic rules:

1) If a poster is having hardware trouble, always respond with "It's YOUR fault, you should have done you HOMEWORK", regardless of the actual problem. In fact, reading the entire post isn't even necessary.

- example: "So what if your new $500 "Vista Certified" video card has no drivers? We never said it would work right NOW, we meant it MIGHT work LATER." BTW, "Homework" = "Upgrade Advisor", yea, we know it's seriously flawed, but who cares? We get to laugh at & ridicule those stupid enough to have trusted it in the first place. It's a "win-win" situation for us if ever there was one.

2) If a poster is having software trouble, always respond with "It's YOUR fault, you should have done you HOMEWORK", regardless of the actual problem. See? Easy isn't it? We went to great lengths to make sure upgraders would have to buy as much new software (and hardware) as possible. See, we have this "deal" with the vendors, but don't mention this online, just blame the vendors instead. They don't care, they're getting rich too. Besides, they won't say anything if they know what's good for them.

3) If a poster protests or questions your reply, take it up a notch. Calling a poster stupid is usually sufficient to put them in their place. How dare they. Better yet, divert all attention by complaining about something totally unrelated, like top-posting or OT posts. Disparaging comments about the posters mental state or physical attributes are always a good way to sidestep any and all issues.......................

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Rules Of Conduct For This Newsgroup

Apr 12, 2008

Microsoft's Role: Microsoft does not offer formal support for the communities you'll find here. Instead, our role is to provide a platform for people who want to take advantage of the global community of Microsoft customers and product experts. Microsoft may monitor content to ensure the accuracy of the information you'll find, but any information provided by Microsoft staff is offered "AS IS" with no warranties, and no rights are conferred. You assume all risk for your use.

Microsoft MVPs: Microsoft MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals) volunteer technical answers and expertise in many Microsoft Community Web sites. Microsoft MVPs come from a wide range of backgrounds and professions. All share a willingness to give their time, expertise, and advice to enhance the technical skills of others. MVPs are not Microsoft employees and Microsoft has no expectations of MVPs beyond the expectations of courtesy, professionalism, and adherence to the Community rules that we ask of all Microsoft community members. For more information on the MVP program and how you can become an MVP, see

Rules of conduct:

Appropriate Language: The purpose of our communities is to exchange technical information and expertise about Microsoft products. Please avoid personal attacks, slurs, and profanity in your interactions. Relevance to Topics: Please make sure that your postings in discussion groups and chats are relevant to the subject at hand. It is normal for some topics to drift from the stated subject. However, to ensure maximum benefit for everyone, we encourage you to keep your postings as close to the subject as possible.............

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Rules Of Conduct When Posting

Apr 14, 2008

For those who are unfamiliar with the Rules of Conduct for the Microsoft Newsgroups, here's your opportunity to learn the rules of expected, acceptable, and mature behavior when posting. Rules of conduct: We hope that you find the time you spend in Microsoft's Community Web sites to be useful and fun. To ensure that everyone has the best possible experience, we've established a few guidelines. Expectations of service:.........

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Junk Filter Bypasses Rules

Mar 23, 2008

I think that Microsoft Windows Vista mail Junk filter should first look into defined rules before moving emails into Junk folder.

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Fax Using Calling Card Dialing Rules

Jun 3, 2008

I have Windows Vista Business which comes with fax and scan, but I use a calling card to send faxes. I used to use the dialing rules in windows xp to send my faxes and it worked. Has anyone come across this issue of trying to send a fax from windows Vista business/ultimate using a calling card?

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Rules Of Conduct For The Microsoft Windows Newsgroup

May 14, 2008

For those who are unfamiliar with the Rules of Conduct for the Microsoft Newsgroups, here's your opportunity to learn the rules of expected, acceptable, and mature behavior when posting. Rules of conduct: Appropriate Language:

The purpose of our communities is to exchange technical information and expertise about Microsoft products. Please avoid personal attacks, slurs, and profanity in your interactions. Relevance to Topics:

groups and chats are relevant to the subject at hand. It is normal for some topics to drift from the stated subject. However, to ensure maximum benefit for everyone, we encourage you to keep your postings as close to the subject (Windows Vista) as possible. Violators can expect their irrelevant posts to be submitted for deletion from the Microsoft newsgroup servers.

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Revised Rules Of Conduct For The General Newsgroup

Apr 13, 2008

Rules of conduct (revised): Appropriate Language: The purpose of our communities is to exchange technical information and expertise about Microsoft products. Please try to avoid personal attacks, slurs, and profanity in your interactions, but if you can't avoid the personal attacks, make the post count. Blast the other poster for being a complete idiot. When the gloves come off, profanity is encouraged and sometimes expected. Remember there will always be retards coming to the Vista.General group.

Relevance to Topics: Please make sure that your postings in discussion groups and chats are relevant to the subject at hand. It is normal for some topics to drift from the stated subject. However, to ensure maximum benefit for everyone, we encourage you to keep your postings as close to the subject as possible. Relevant topics include: Personal attacks on losers who post about Ubuntu and the weather and where they work, and what they install. It is encouraged to blast people who make blanket statements regarding how lousy a product is without some kind of proof......

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French Spam In Inbox, Set Up Message Rules?

Feb 28, 2009

Over the last couple of weeks I have been inundated with loads of French spam in my Inbox. This is probably because my BB provider (Orange) is owned by a French company (I live in the UK). But what's really annoying is the sheer amount that I am receiving. I have been trying to set up message rules to keep it out of my inbox (looking for certain words or phrases in French etc) but I'm starting to lose the battle against. I don't want to change my ISP as (for now) my speeds are pretty good and I don't pay a lot per month for it any way.

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Backing Up My Computer

Jun 25, 2008

i have wasted 54 cd tring to back up my computer. everytime i get to the 17Th cd and put a new cd just to make sue that there is no problem with the cd/s.

i never had this before. the computer well not get done backing up my computer. it just freeze up. then said can not back up your computer. what should i do. i have vista. the computer i have is a t3604 emachines.

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Backing Up The Registry

Sep 20, 2009

Microsoft recommends using systempropertiesprotection for backing up the registry. Presumably, this backs up the registry to the hard drive. I think that it might be a good idea to have an external backup as well (CD-R). But how can one obtain this from systempropertiesprotection?

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Backing Up To An External HD

Nov 8, 2009

I have bought a WD external hard drive, and backed up the contents of my family's computers onto it. I was intending to update the back up on a regular basis- will the files get automatically overwritten? I'm assuming so as I can't see how you would remember which files were new.

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Backing Up Files On DVD?

Jun 2, 2010

I have just finished a back-up of my files as of June 30th, It took 5 DVD's to complete using the "Back Up Program" on my Vista Home Premium, 32 bit start menu. Does this sound reasonable? If it became necessary to restore my files following a hard disc problem, would all my spreadsheets, letters, programs, registry, desk top, etc. be restored to the condition they are now? If not, what would likely be lost? As you see, I am not very knowledgeable concerning computer details.

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Backing Up Registry

Sep 5, 2009

What is the easist way to backup the registry? Vista 32 bit

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Backing Up My Computer With Vista

May 13, 2009

I started using Vista recently, after I bought a laptop with Vista preinstalled. When prompted, I made a Vista recovery disc. So, hopefully, I am protected, if the operating system gets corrupted on my hard drive. Next, I wanted to also back up the rest of my hard drive (data, programs, file structure, etc.) so that if my hard drive got corrupted, I can reinstall Vista using the recovery disc, then reinstall the rest of my data and program files using my hard drive backup copy. To make a hard drive backup copy, I purchased a standalone hard drive with a USB plug. The portable drive is about 50GB bigger than my laptop's hard drive. I then used Vista's Control Panel/System and Maintenance/Backup Your Computer.

This method of backing up my hard drive took ages (several hours) which surprised me, as the entire contents of my hard drive only amounts to 96.5 GB. I later foud out why: Vista had, wile in the process of backing up my hard drive, compressed everything into a lot of roughly-equal-sized zip files. What I am aiming for is a way to reinstall my entire hard drive contents, Vista and all, in a simple, quick way, so that my laptop will be the same as it was before the file corruption occurred.

To achieve this, can I not simply drag-and-drop my laptop's C: drive into the standalone drive? I think that avoiding file compression would also lessen the possibility of data degradation or corruption during the process. I've known image files, in particular, suffer badly from the compression and subsequent decompression. Then, when I want to retore my hard drive, I can simply drag-and-drop the contents of the standalobe drive into "computer" in Vista's file manager, yes?

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Backing Up Large File To DVD

Oct 30, 2009

I have a 13Gb image backup which I would like to copy to DVD. Is there a utility which will split this file (and recombine it) into DVD size chunks which I can then copy to disk? Or a DVD burning utility which will do this automatically?

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Backing Up & Storing Registry?

Sep 7, 2009

I have recently backed up the registry (Vista 32 bit). Do I need to keep it on the C Drive, or can I move it to a CD-R?

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Backing Up Data Filling Up

Feb 6, 2009

I'm having problems with a client running Windows Vista backup. Their external backup drive to which Vista is backing up data is filling up. Is there any way to tell Vista to "groom" the data, removing older data to keep the drive afloat? Or, is there way to have Vista completely reset the entire backup set on a regular schedule?

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Backing Up Desktop Display

Jul 29, 2009

I have my desktop set up the way I like it and have my icons grouped in different parts of the screen and in an order that I like. Every so often, something happens like an error or booting into safe mode that sends all my icons to be aligned together starting in the upper left of my screen. Then I have to put them back in order. There appears to be some order in which they're realigned, but the order isn't consistent between the groups. How can I create a backup of my desktop display so that I won't have to move every icon back into place manually? Is there a file somewhere that I can copy back into place when this happens?

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