Windows Update And Restore

Mar 31, 2008

I've been experiencing some problems with both Windows Update and Windows Restore, and from what I've seen, they appear to be related. The issues started (or were made apparent) when I tried to install an update a few days ago. WU was stuck at "Preparing installation / Creating a restore point..." (probably not verbatim since I'm on a Danish Vista) - and I really mean stuck, as I even tried leaving this overnight. This seems to happen consistently with updates, except when they're ones that don't make a restore point. In this case, however, the computer doesn't want to shut down. It simply gets stuck at "Do not shut down or power off your computer / Installing update 1 of 1...", with no HDD activity whatsoever (also tried leaving this overnight).

I can of course force it to turn off by holding down the power button, but this is hardly optimal since I still don't get the updates installed. Now, the other problem; I naturally wanted to try and roll the computer back a few days using Windows Restore - however I've found that this doesn't work either. I open the application, UAC prompts me, but the window never opens. -rstrui.exe- keeps running, but I don't get the restore window up.............

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Windows Update, Restore System

Apr 28, 2010

there are so many updates that need to be download and install. the first time i have run the update my laptop kept on rebooting when installing an update. it kept telling me its installing 3of3. i had to restore my system. now i have to update again.

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Update: Can Keep Backup & Restore, Before Upgrade?

Sep 1, 2009

I have Vista Home Basic and I am looking to upgrade to Home Premium. I was looking at the features I don't have on my laptop (eg Windows Media Center, Windows Aero, Remote Desktop) and when I searched my computer, I found out I had features that Home Basic shouldn't have, like Windows Meeting Space and Windows Mobility Center, which I found strange. Now, I found out that if I upgraded to Home Premium, I would loose Windows Complete Backup and Restore and Networking Center and Remote Desktop, with Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption not being available on on either OS. What I would like to know is if I upgraded to Home Premium, would I keep Windows Complete Backup and Restore and Networking Center and Remote Desktop from before the upgrade.

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System Restore Update Configuration Loop

Oct 19, 2008

Had an incomplete install of a otherwise working fine...did a system restore to try to go back to the system restore shutdown and restart, now hung up in a update configuation loop that is in third step up to 99% that shuts down only to do the same thing over and over again. So my system never gets to the mainscreen acknowledging system was restored.

I tried F8 going to safe mode, but configuation step 3 takes over again, goes to 99% and shuts down to restart.

I tried the vista 64 sp1 disc...cannot acccess another restore point since it says the system is already in restore mode....just never gets there with the endless 3rd step update configuration loop.

The disc also does not offer the repair/update mode as an option...only full install.

I do have norton ghost 14 on the there is a complete backup file on another internal drive...but no way to get to it to initiate a recovery ...

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Start Up Repair Restore System Update

May 15, 2010

A while ago on my desktop Vista I was installing some updates. After I restarted the computer, it went straight to startup repair. I used system restore to restore to a point before I installed the updates. My computer worked fine. Thinking it hadn't been the updates that had caused the problem, I updated again but with the same results. This has also happned on other computers of mine. Ever since then, I have never installed a single update. I am wondering if this is a good idea or not.

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When Try To Install That Update For Windows Update Get Error Code 80070643.

Apr 11, 2008

That is the message I get from the icon in my Vista tray. When I try to manually check for Windows Updates I get the message that I need to "first install an update for Windows Update". When I try to install that update for Windows Update, I get error code 80070643. There is a lot written about Windows Update error 80070643 having specifically to do with restarting the Office Source Engine for Microsoft Office 2003. HOWEVER, I do not have Microsoft Office 2003 installed on my system and this is not my issue! I am quite fearful at this point that I am vulnerable to all sorts of attacks considering that I haven't updated Vista for about 6 months now. This is not good.

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Windows Update :: The Page Failed To Load, Update

Oct 13, 2008

when going to the windows update window,i get a white blank page and it says "the page failed to load"i did restart, same issue.

what is it all about?

and another thing, i don't have a Floppy drive in my computer however a Floppy A: drive is present in "Computer" how can i remove it from the list?

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Configure Windows Update To Update All Microsoft Apps On Your PC

May 6, 2007

Microsoft Update was first released a few years ago for Windows XP and Server 2003 as a great way to update all of your Microsoft software installed on your PC. Not only would it update Windows, but it would also update Microsoft Office.  Are you a Microsoft Outlook user? If so, Microsoft Update would even download updated junk mail signatures when they are released.

In Windows Vista the new Windows Update application is no longer web-based. Microsoft has built-in the old Microsoft Update functionality into the new interface but you need to turn it on before you can use it.  Follow these steps to turn on updates for other Microsoft applications: ...

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Windows Crashes After I Install Update From Windows Update

Feb 25, 2010

I am updating my computer and I thought it was finish but my computer restarts and I encountered the death blue screen. I can't switch into safe mode, safe mode with networking, safe mode with Command Prompt and Last Known good configuration. I don't know how to solve this problem because I can't get into any of the modes and even I inserted the installation disc I can't still see any repair computer or what. It will just turn to blank screen with space at the upper left after if i will insert the installation disc.

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Does 5th Windows Update Automatically Uninstall SP2 RC Update?

Apr 26, 2009

I understand that Vista SP2 RC update has to be uninstalled before installing SP2 RTM update(when bcomes available). Does 5the Windows Update automatically uninstall SP2 RC update or does it has to be done manually?

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Windows Update Fail To Update

Mar 21, 2009

The last time an update was installed was in January..since the next time i was offered an update, Windows Update or any of the programs that use windows update fail to update. Also i can't download the updates manually..standalone msu installers also dont work.. windows defender, IE8 installations also fail to update. And unfortunately i have deleted the recent system restore checkpoints before i knew about this problem. Windows Update gives error 80070002, i have tried the "solution" to delete temp update files, and all other solutions i could find on the internet. Windows defender gives the same error.

The updates can be downloaded from windows update, but cannot be download (not even manually in .msu package) I also lost many shortcut files of MS Office (the icon turned white and they lost their target). Some shortcuts of 3rd party programs are also lost (which were supposed to be in c:windowsinstallerlabla I have Windows Vista Home Basic with SP1 (SP1 came with the ssytem when i bought it). This is very weird. I have no other choice than to reformat drive and use recovery disk.

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Use System Restore To Restore Back To Certain Restore Points?

May 26, 2008

Why can't I use system restore to restore back to certain restore points? I was only successful twice with it. When my laptap was new and when I used it after re-formatting my hard drive. On all occassions after those two instances I can never restore back to any restore point. It always says that "unspecified error" line. If Microsoft doesn't know what happend, how could I. Why did they bother putting system restore if it doesn't work all the time anyway. It gives you a false sense of security.

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Sp1: Available Update In Windows Update

Mar 23, 2008

Should this be coming up as an available update in Windows Update now?

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Windows Updates Get The Good Old Windows Update Interface Back

Oct 27, 2009

I can get the good old Windows Update interface back, somehow the interface as changed for something that is less usefull and easy to find what update I need to do or not.

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Windows Update, Windows Live Messenger 8.1 AND Sidebar Gadget

Oct 4, 2007

i'm using Vista Ultimate version and i'm having all sorts of problems with windows update, Windows live messenger 8.1 and my sidebar.

a) Windows Update- Windows update is failing to load any new updates available, after selecting "check for updates" i am responded with an immediate error; it states. Windows could not search for new updates. Error(s) found: Code 80040154. Get help I have googled my error code but not many responses. So thats my first concern

b)Live Messenger 8.1- Secondly, i was shocked to find my msn wasn't working (works on web based version, so cant be wrong login details) first the typing was slow then i get the error code: 800401f3 denying me login. I searched up the code and found i had to type up some things in cmd...........

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Windows Update Frozen And Windows Licensing Stops Working

Jul 5, 2008

apon using windows update, it froze around update 25, and windows modules installer stopped working. Now i have a issue with the windows licensing service, one second my windows is legit, the next it isnt, the next windows licensing stops working. I've tried to reinstall 5+ times now, on 2 different harddrives, and it does the same thing on both

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Windows Update Kills Windows Mail On Windows 7

May 12, 2010

If you have installed Windows Mail on a Windows 7 computer,yesterday's update contains a KB978542 patch which changes msoe.dll so it won't run on Windows 7. I had warned about these types of issues when Win7 was first released. Microsoft claims it was done for security=20 reasons, see To get it working again, replace the new non-working copy of msoe.dll in Windows 7 with a copy of the new patched version of msoe.dll from a Vista machine.=20

Note: I ran into permissions issues when trying to delete the = non-working msoe.dll, so rather than fighting that, I renamed the Win7 Windows Mail directory to "Windows Mail-X", then I copied and pasted the Windows Mail directory from the Vista machine. I suspect that Windows Mail will = become less and less compatible with Win7 as time goes along.=20

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Windows Freezes Once Opening Windows Update

Jul 31, 2009

I have Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit with NO SERVICE PACKS installed.

The only reason is because I can't get Windows Update to install the updates before I can fully install Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (then later 2)..

The problem is, If I run Windows Update, I get a blank screen and then if I wait about a minute or so I'll get something that says

I have a large amount of Updates to install, I think total the update's total to be 200 mb.

I had Windows Vista before and then now re-installed Vista, So I'm positive I don't have any trojans messing with Windows Update.

Also, My Computer also freezes of I hit the the button that says shut off the pc and install updates.

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Installing SP2: System Restore Stopped Creating Automatic Restore Points

May 28, 2009

After installing SP2, on 5/25, System Restore seems to have stopped creating automatic restore points every 24 hours. I checked the Task Manger and it is set for 24 hours. It shows a restore point being created on 5/26. System Restore shows the last Restore Point being created on 5/25 about 1 hour after downloading.

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System Restore Not Working: Unable To Make A Restore Point

Apr 11, 2008

I have a recent problem installing Windows updates on Vista Ultimate as the update process stays on 'creating restore point' forever. I've let it run as long as 7 hours in this state, with no change. It looks like the system is unable to make a restore point sucessfully. I know it has worked in the past, as I'm fairly up-to-date on Windows updates. Reading some other threads, I've tried using Disk Clean-up to remove all by the most recent restore points, and then try to disable/re-enable system restore - this part without success. When I check the system properties for System Restore, the System Restore button is greyed out. I've attached a screenshot of the screen for reference. I've checked the group policies to verify the System Restore is not disabled there.

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Windows Updates After System Restore

Jun 12, 2009

I did a Windows Update for 12 Important and Recommended Updates on 6/1/2009. Ten days later I had to do a System Restore to a date before those updates. What is the status of those 12 updates? Are they still there? Do I have to install them again? If so, how do I do that?

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Restore Gadgets Installed With Windows

Apr 16, 2009

I'm not sure where else to post this, and I've searched around for it. Basically, I had to restart Vista, when it started back up it did a consistency check on the C drive. Then, once I got into Vista, one of my two notes and the clock vanished. I cannot get them back.

1)Clock does not show on Add Gadgets, but there is a Clock.Gadget in "C:Program FilesWindows SidebarGadgets"
2)Also, under the Windows Sidebar Properties
a) "Restore gadgets installed with Windows" is disabled
b) "View list of running gadgets" shows me two instances of Notes,

when only one is visible -- and I don't want to remove it because I don't want to lose the content there. How do I give the Sidebar a kick to bring it back to reality?

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Restore The Machine WINDOWS ULTIMATE?

Jul 5, 2008

I have a Dell XPS 420 desktop with a 750gb hd and a 1tb hd, 4 gb ram . I created playlists in windows media player. I tried to burn a dvd yesterday with ROXIO but couldn't figure it out. so I used Windows dvd maker. Then I tried unsuccessfully to add music. I did burn the picture slideshow successfully however most of my music won't open. I have some pictures in my music files and some music in my video files. Everything is messed up. How do I restore the machine WINDOWS ULTIMATE.

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System Restore And Windows Updates

Jul 29, 2009

I ran Windows Update on my Windows Vista Home Premium. Now I want to use System Restore to a time before I ran the update. What happens to the updates that were installed? Am I supposed to reinstall the updates? How?

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Restore XP Appearance For Windows Explorer?

Feb 6, 2009

Is there any way to restore the XP appearance for windows explorer? I prefer the old tree appearance, icons and indentation. The vista version is too hard to see -- there is not enough indentation, I can't tell where I am. I also miss the "up" button.

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Disabling Windows System Restore?

Feb 8, 2009

How to disabling windows system restore, I followed the procedure that windows help provides but i can not uncheck the c drive on: computer/(right click) properties/ system protection because there is a message that says "configuration is disabled by group policy". You should know that this is my home computer, is stand alone not connected to any network or domain and I am running as administrator.

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Restore Ownership To Windows Sidebar

Apr 6, 2010

I'm reading your tutorial on returning Ownership. I want to do this for the "Windows Sidebar". Before I proceed, just wanted to confirm that the Owner of this Directory and all it's subdirectories should be "trusted installer" NOTE: My system is Vista Home Premium 64-bit Also, will this return the permissions back to what they were prior to my taking Ownership? I hope the answer is "yes". I tried the System Restore first, but apparently I changed this too long ago and it does not revert the Ownership back to it's original Ownership

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System Restore: Restore Points But Nothing Showed On Screen

May 11, 2009

I went to accessories/system tools/system restore and clicked it. I then got a small dialogue window asking if I wanted to continue and I clicked continue. That little window disappeared but then nothing hasppened. I was expecting to see a list of possible restore points but nothing showed on my screen. I clicked system restore again and got a message that system restore was already running and would now exit.

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Restore Program Quits : Virus In Restore File

Jan 18, 2010

I am running a hp pavilion dv9730 with vista home prem. 32. I need to restore my system but the restore program quits do to a virus in the restore files. As it is restoring Norton sees the virus and removes it from my system but Norton can not see the virus inside the restore files. Right now my system is fine (virus wise) but I need to restore from an earlier restore point because I deleted some files and now my cd/dvd drive is not recognized. But like I said, I can not restore do to the fact that I have a virus buried inside my restore files. I could care less about the virus in the restore files, my main goal is to get my cd/dvd drive working again so I can install my business software.

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Windows Update

May 7, 2008

My automatic updates stop downloading since December last year.
I wish to know if there's a limit for support on that in my licence for DELL Inspiron 1501 but I didn't find anything on that matter.

There are 3 drivers that I cannot upgrade too and aren't working and they are on Network on Device Manager of mt Vista Basic and they are:

Microsoft 6to4 Adapter 10
Microsoft 6to4 Adapter 5
Microsoft 6to4 Adapter 7

that leads to :

c:Windowssystem32DRIVERS unnel.sys

No update is available and they say it's the best driver, but doesn't work fine!

Is there a reason for it related with the denied of Windows Update ?

The error I get, when trying to update is:

ERROR 80244026C ... teht leads to... ERROR0x80072efd.

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Windows Update And SP1

Mar 27, 2008

SP1 would not appear for me in the Windows Update even though all hardware and software met MS' spec's for Vista. I did upgrade my sound card and software in order to meet spec's.

I decided to download SP1 from MS download page to get the standalone version. After waiting a couple weeks and reading this and other NG's I decided to install SP1. It installed with out a hitch. I didn't need to un-hook USB devices as was recommended in these NG's and I didn't need to disconnect my UPS. Mater of fact SP1 recommends that you connect to a UPS so you won't lose power while installing.

The only things I did disable where Windows Defender Fire walls and Virus autoscan protection. Every thing else was left as is.

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