Windows Mail Not Opening Emails Right

Jul 29, 2009

I have messages in my inbox. I have the preview pane open. It doesn't show anything when the message is clicked. So I double click the messages and it has the original message as an attachment in the message that opens. So I click the attachment and then it tells me that Windows cannot find such and such file, check spelling and try again. Plus all the emails that I had previously saved as save as in regular file folders as .eml on my computer instead of opening up as a regular email, they open as if the origianl email is an attachment and give me the same message. One thing I really hate about windows stuff is they are always changing the looks of it and how it works and it never works right for long before it messes up like this email stuff.

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Windows Mail Not Opening

Mar 25, 2008

I am experiencing the following after double clicking on windows mail the opening screen shows but the program does not open with the main window, but the winmail.exe is operating in the processes section of the Task Manager.

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Opening Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

When I go int Windows Mail, read messages and exit, I can't get back into Windows Mail(nothing happens when I click the icon) until I open the task manager and shut down the program.

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Apr 1, 2009


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Windows Mail Not Opening - Freaking Out

Feb 28, 2009

I have been reading all these messages, and I am so confused!! My life is in WinMail and I can't get it to open. I am getting that crazy junk mail and msoe.dll that everyone is complaining about and I'm freaking out!! Dell told me that I would need to backup my whole computer and restore my computer to factory configuration. I would prefer not to do this, as I'm not sure how.

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Windows Mail Opening Automatically

Apr 13, 2008

I have a strange problem that I have found no solution for. At regular intervals Windows Mail starts and jumps to the foregroudn on its own without any action by me that would cause this behavior. Typical example is when playing a game/watching a video in full screen mode Mail jumps up and throws the other program in the background. This is extremely annoying, any suggestions on what might be causing this? I haved no mail accounts configured in Mail and I have tried to disable all automatic notifications and automatic checing for new messages.

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Windows Live Mail NOT OPENING!

May 15, 2010

I'm beginning to encounter a real problem with my Windows Live Mail [Hotmail] account. I am referring to the 'online' display for Live Mail, as opposed to the web-based version [requires sign-on]. This displayed version;

If I click on to the Live Mail icon in the Quick Launch tray, the 'timer' symbol appears briefly......then nothing.

I have been able to restore some function by going to Control Panel>Programs and Features>Windows Live Essentials, and carrying out a Repair of Windows Live Features. As a last resort, I've also carried out a couple of instances of System Restore. I realise that this latter action is rather drastic, but I cannot think of any other alternative.

Just a thought though, is there any danger of losing all my Hotmail Accounts [I have two] Folders and Messages, should I decide to Uninstall, then Reinstall Windows Live Mail?


After earlier editing this post for the first time, I continued to look for a solution in Vista Forums, and eventually found it in Brink's post on Windows Live Suite Downloads, here;

Windows Live Suite Downloads

It was here that I noticed that the Version of Live Mail that I was using [14.0.8050.1202], was different to the updated Version mentioned in Brink's post [14.0.8064.0206].

Initially, I tried to do the update using my Firefox 3.0.12 browser, but soon realised that it was more appropriate to do the Windows Live Mail update using Internet Explorer 8 as the browser, and by downloading the full list given for the Windows Live Suite. I have yet to check, but this action [the full download] may have also resolved an ongoing 'bug' I have in Windows Live Photo Gallery.

Incidentally, prior to this I had done a check of Windows Update, and it reported that there were no Updates outstanding.

To confirm that the update was successful, this is the latest Version of Live Mail now installed in my system;

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Windows IE, Opening Live Mail

May 14, 2009

I am so frustrated with Windows IE, Live Mail, you name it. The problem I have most often is, when I am opening my mail, it takes forever to load, then I get the error message "Windows Cannot display that page" - happens everytime I try to reply or send a message. I have a 9-month old Dell Studio, and despite the motherboard crapping out the second week I had it, it's been fairly okay for my needs. I run Vista XP Home, and I hate Vista, but cannot find out how to switch back to Win.

I got off track - How the heck can I fix Live mail to work better, or do I upload another browser program? Don't laugh, I don't know all the right terms to say - so "explain it to me like I'm a six-year old." (Anybody know the movie where that line is from?)

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Windows Mail Not Opening Pictures

May 16, 2010

in the last two days windows mail in Vista doesnt open any pictures in emails not attchments the pretty pics used by most commercial emailers to let you know their logo, their lastest offerings etc etc

All I get is a border with a little x in the top left hand corner.I havent changed anything. (unless the last auto windows update did).

Tools Option Read does not have "read in plain txt" ticked
TO Security does not have "block images" ticked
View "message in html" is greyed out virus check was done since the problem started.

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Windows Mail Can Not Opening Attachments

Mar 11, 2009

Suddenly I cannot click on attachments to mail and have them open. This applies to any type of attachment, but most of mine are Office documents. When I try to open a Word document, it opens Word, and then a Word error message pops up saying: This file could not be found. (C:windowssystem32document name) I have unchecked the "do not allow attachments to be saved or opened" box (it was off already). I turned off email scan in Norton 360. No effect.I can, however, save the document and then open it. Which is timeconsuming.

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Opening Attachments In Windows Mail

Jun 12, 2009

I have recently done an upgrade on my internet explorer. I am unsure if my problem relates to this; however, I am unable to open documents in my emails (windows mail). I did not have any problems before hand. "This file does not have a program associated with it..." or "windows cannot find 'image.jpg'. Make sure you typed the name correctly..." " there was an error opening this document. This file cannot be found" are the error messages I receive. This is occurring so far with .pps , .pdf, and .jpg attachments on newly received messages and saved messages. Has any one had the same sort of problem or have a solution?

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How Get Rid Of Windows Mail Opening Everytime

Oct 16, 2009

i cannot stop widows mail that came w/ this Vista 64, from opening everytime i want to email someone by a website link. Windows mail is not my default email - nor do i want it to be, i don'e even want the livemail to be my default mail application. there is more software that are installed that it shows up in the programs and appl folder where you can uninstall them. Xp was easy to get rid of unwanted junk. I really want to remove this windows mail- and stop it from opening and pushing my default msn email server to the side.

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Can't Opening Attachments In Windows Mail

Oct 1, 2009

Has anyone solved the problem of being unable to open attachments in Windows mail? I can't open office documents, pdf files, or photos unless I save them to my computer. I get the error message noted by others .. Windows can't find the file ..... temp....I don't have McAfee. I use Trend Internet Security.

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Windows Live Mail Can't Opening

Jul 25, 2009

I'm beginning to encounter a real problem with my Windows Live Mail [Hotmail] account. I am referring to the 'online' display for Live Mail, as opposed to the web-based version [requires sign-on]. This displayed version; If I click on to the Live Mail icon in the Quick Launch tray, the 'timer' symbol appears briefly......then nothing. I have been able to restore some function by going to Control Panel>Programs and Features>Windows Live Essentials, and carrying out a Repair of Windows Live Features. As a last resort, I've also carried out a couple of instances of System Restore. I realise that this latter action is rather drastic, but I cannot think of any other alternative. Just a thought though, is there any danger of losing all my Hotmail Accounts [I have two] Folders and Messages, should I decide to Uninstall, then Reinstall Windows Live Mail?...........

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Opening Outlook .pst File Within Windows Mail

Mar 23, 2008

I have a data transfer file from my old and now dead computer that includes Microsoft Outlook mail personal folders and mail. I am unable to open the .pst file with any existing extension or program offered by vista. When I open with Windows mail, I only get current, newly opened Windows Mail and new messages from last two days. I have all my work search information and my divorce e-mail files. I need them desperately....and soon.

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Unable Opening Attachments In Windows Mail

May 3, 2009

I wa always able to ooen attachments in my e-mail by clicking on the clip on the side of the e-mail and it automatically opened. All of a sudden, it won't open, I have to save it and then open it from my documents. When I click on it, Word or Excel will come up, but it says it can't find the file that was attached - and that never happened in the past. I "repaired" my Office 2007 in case something was wrong there, but that didn't help. Does anyone know what might have happened - Is this a Vista problem - and how do I fix it, so I can once again open my e-mail attachments directly from the e-mail.

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Trouble Opening And Deleting Emails

May 7, 2008

I'm suddenly having a problem deleting emails from my inbox. I click on the highlighted email and drag it to my inbox and while the number in my deleted items folder increases the message is still actually in my inbox. It will then say "message cannot be displayed". I then click on the deleted items folder and the message is there. Then I go back to my inbox and it is no longer there. So my question is, why all of a sudden can't I move it? Also, when I open an email to read it, it is still showing as new until I click out of the folder.

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Windows Mail: Send Emails In Windows Mail

Apr 30, 2009

I'm unable to send emails in my windows mail. When i select 'send/receive' a pop-message comes up telling me: The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be correct for your outgoing e-mail [SMTP] server. For help solving this problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the "I'm having problems sending e-mail" section. If you need help determining the proper server settings, please contact your e-mail service provider.

The rejected e-mail address was ''. Subject 'Re: hi', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '554 5.7.1 : Recipient address rejected: Access denied', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 554, Error Number: 0x800CCC79

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Windows Mail: Disappearing Emails?

Oct 23, 2009

When I opened Windows Mail, it had ALL my Inbox mail marked as unread. From now on, when I open an email, that email will disappear the next time I go into my Inbox. It is not moved into the "Deleted" folder - it disappears. I checked for settings that might cause this but found none. What is going on?

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Windows Mail Deleated Emails

Mar 16, 2010

I have recently converted my gmail to Windows Mail. When I delete a received email instead of it being moved to the Gmail/Trash folder it seems to disappear. I have also checked the Local Folders/Deleted Items. The only folder that I can find delete emails in in the Gmail/All Mail Folder. What do I need to change to have deleted emails display in the Trash Folder?

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Cannot Send Emails Using Windows Mail

Apr 2, 2010

I decided to try and set up Windows Mail on my laptop for my "ntlworld" (which is my ISP although it is now Virgin Media) email accounts; which seemed to have worked as it received all my emails. Although I have discovered when I have tried to send an email it wont, generating this error:

An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'test', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '421 connection refused from []', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67

One thing I would say is I am acctually away from home at the moment, so I am using internet in another house which is provided by a different ISP - could this be the problem as I have used Outlook Express on my PC at home for these same accounts and have had no problems.

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Can Receive But Can't Send Emails On Windows Mail

Mar 26, 2010

An unknown error has occurred. Subject 'good site for random camping sales',

Account: 'Rowena', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server

Response: '421 Cannot connect to SMTP server
(, connect error 10060', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server
Error: 421, Error Number: 0x800CCC67

This is the error message I get when I try to send emails. Up until a couple
of days ago I have been able so send emails fine but now it has stopped
working. Any idea of how I can fix this and send emails again?

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Not Able To Send Or Receive Emails In Windows Mail

Jun 26, 2009

All of a sudden I am unable to send or receive emails using Windows Mail which I have been using for years. The error message is "Socket Error 10061 and Error 0x800CCC0E. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

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Cannot Receive Or Send Emails In Windows Mail

Jun 12, 2009

I am getting the below error message:
Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server
Response: '-ERR not supported c14pf8391161ana.72', Port: 995, Secure(SSL):
Yes, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC18

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Windows Mail Not Working, Not Able To Delete Emails

May 18, 2008

Has anyone had problems with Windows Mail not working at all? It opens up and shows all my new and saved emails. After awhile I can no longer delete any emails. After yet another while, the entire thing goes blank and I can no longer see any of the emails much less send or receive any. I have contacted Dell three times and had them do remote troubleshooting, but it is still not functioning.

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Windows Mail On Will Recieve But Not Send Emails

Apr 6, 2008

I have 2 seperate email accounts both on windows mail - for some reason I cant send mail - I've checked all the details from my service provider and can see no reason for it not to be working. The error message I get is this

The message could not be sent. The authentication setting might not be correct for your outgoing e-mail [SMTP] server. For help solving this problem, go to Help, search for "Troubleshoot Windows Mail", and read the "I'm having problems sending e-mail" section. If you need help determining the proper server settings, please contact your e-mail service provider.

The rejected e-mail address was ''. Subject 'jhjkh', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '571 prohibited. We do not relay', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error: 571, Error Number: 0x800CCC79

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Prevent Windows Mail From Deleting Emails?

Feb 2, 2010

How can I stop emails from being deleted from the BT internet webserver after they have transferred to Windows mail? There used to be a setting in Outlook which would leave emails on the BT internet webserver for, say, 30 days... but I can't find this setting in Windows mail?

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Can't Send Or Receive Emails In Windows Mail

Jan 10, 2009

Can't send or receive emails in Windows Mail - get this error message: The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Adon Olam', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): Yes, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Cant Send Emails Or Replys In Windows Mail

Dec 8, 2009

I keep getting an error message when I try to send or reply emails in windows mail. My internet provider is Att. Here is the error message that I receive. The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Re: Beau A DeJohn, ABU600721008', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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Windows Live Mail Will Not Download Emails

Mar 23, 2008

I just purchased this laptop and created my email account. I verified with my web hoster that the email servers are pop3 and the server info is right (they can download into outlook express). the problem is that I can send emails from my computer using windows live mailer but I cannot receive them on my laptop. when I use the online web reader (horde) I can see new messages in my box. There are no errors shown when logging in, just the emails are not being grabbed from the server, what gives? I have norton's installed, but this doesn this when it is disabled too.

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Windows Mail Stoped Sending Out Emails?

May 27, 2008

I have been using Windows mail fine for months, but starting yesterday it is not letting any outgoing message go out. I at first thought it was just a Comcast issue, but the other account i have with a totally seperate provider is not sending either. Here are the error messages:

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Re: [brentwoodcamera] Warner Park Hike...', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

The connection to the server has failed. Subject 'Re: Your new mailing address', Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

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