Updater.exe Keeps Flashing In Task Bar

Apr 11, 2008

When I click on Updater.exe it tells me that an unidentified program wants access to my computer. Since it's unidentified, I don't know if I want it or not, so I've always denied it. But to have this happen about every 20 minutes if very annoying.
How can I find out what the program is and/or to stop the updater from flashing so

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Adobe Updater: Uninstall Program?

Apr 21, 2009

How do I find Adobe Updater so I can close it so I can uninstall a program? I've looked through all my programs and I've searched in the search box and nothing comes up? But I keep getting the message to close it before I can continue to uninstall.

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Window Updater Open Up With A Blank Explorer

Feb 22, 2009

I open up window update it opens up with a blank explorer window. it stays open till i force it to close with windows task manager. it forces it to close while restarting my entire explorer at the same time, and it closes out some programs sometimes when it does it too.

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Couldn't Remove Shockwave Updater Icon

Mar 13, 2009

I couldn't remove the shockwave updater icon from the system tray, When I right click on it there is no option to remove, I have tried to uninstall the shockwave player as well but still it wouldn't go.

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HDD Light Flashing Twice A Second

May 16, 2008

I noticed that my HDD light was flashing about twice a second, every second, even while the computer was idle. While I got to wondering, I decided to open Vista's Resource Monitor, and I looked at the "Disk" section. Sitting at the top, when sorted in Write >> ascending, sits Explorer.exe writing to c:users[uname]AppDataLocalMicrosoftusrclass.dat.

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Flashing Off And On, Screen Goes Black

Sep 27, 2009

For about a month now, after I've been sitting here a while, the screen goes black. For the next two or three minutes the screen will flash on for a millisecond, and gradually the frequency will lengthen, and then up to 12 minutes later back to normal. (HP Pavillion bought Nov 07, Vista Home Premium, AgNeovo F=17.)

Last week I thought it might need a new screen driver, so I got one, and for two days no flashes. My other big problem is everything seems to be on a hair-trigger. I'll want to click on whatever, and a box of choices or warning pops up, and I have to hit Escape to get rid of it...........

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Flashing BIOS Option

Dec 15, 2008

I'm unsure about flashing my BIOS. My MoBo is Abit AB9 Quad GT. I have downloade the latest version, and it came with the AWDFLSH utility. My confusion lies in whether or not I should create a partition and copy the files to it, and boot from there (if that is even possible), or if I can just run the utility program from my desktop.

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Bypass Flashing Bios On Startup

Oct 17, 2009

I would like to know if it is possible to bypass the BIOS flashing on initial start up?

I know that it will not speedup loading into the desktop but I would personally prefer to not see the BIOS.

If it is possible could you post the procedures for disabling the start up BIOS flash.

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Small Horizontal Lines Flashing

Feb 26, 2009

I sometimes get my main monitor blurry (I have 2). It looks like the resolution decreased and it even has these small horizontal lines flashing you can notice when you look real close to it. It resembles ?static?. To fix it, I can go to the nVidia control panel and switch the monitor configuration and then hit ?No? when it asks me if I want to keep the setting But then it will come back again later at random it seems.

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Flashing Marker Can't Working Other Programs

May 27, 2009

I use Vista Ultimate x64, which works fine, just fine, except when gaming.Whenever I fire up a game, the arrow/pointer/marker flashes constantly slightly down and to the right of the center of the screen. Very annoying. Or, let me be precise, Bioshock works fine(except you need dualcore like Crysis for the sound to be smooth, I have a 4200+ lying around), it's was only in Farcry2 the marker appeared, and I actually managed to get rid of it once, by moving it out of view before starting the game - didn't work again. And now the pointer appears in Hitman Blood Money as well, same place. These are the only games I've tried in VUx64 so far - might it be the Crossfire?

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Scheduled Task - States Task Ran - No Results

Mar 8, 2009

I have a bat file that runs without errors on the command line. Uses robocopy to back up document drectory. The scheduler history states it started, action completed with an error code 16 (don't know what this means) and task successfully completed? But I do not think it is actually executing the bat file.

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Mouse Constantly Flashing A Loading Sign

Jan 11, 2010

CPU usage is normal, fluctuates between 0 and 25. The flash is super distracting. I cant figure this one out for the life of me. I don't have any viruses or rogue processes running that I can see. It does not occur in safe mode but still does even when I use game booster (IOBIT program that safely stops many running processes to use cpu power for game being played).

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Blank Screen Of First Boot With A Flashing Cursor

Aug 20, 2007

I've done a search for this but it's kind of a hard one to put in to keywords without getting tonnes of results with radically different problems. I bought a new computer a few months ago and bought Vista Ultimate OEM but I still needed XP for work so I just put my old XP harddrive in, played around with installing some drivers and everything worked swell. I had some free time on the weekend though and decided I may as well install Vista now. I chucked the DVD in and booted from it, then began the installation. I've got 3 hard drives, one of them is XP, one is for the bulk of my files and finally one that I cleared everything off of, ready to be formatted and have Vista put on. The installation seems to have gone fine, it unpacked all the files and installed everything. It rebooted, assumedly at the end (I didn't hang around to watch it install for half an hour) and booted in to XP. Cool, so I rebooted again, went to the boot menu and selected the Vista hard drive and then nothing happens. I get a black screen with a white blinking "_" cursor. I went back in to XP and looked on the Vista harddrive and it appeared to have the entire file structure on it. So is there any advice you can give? I'm not quite sure what else to try other than do a completely fresh install.

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Flashing Light Top Pc Tower Flash All The Time

Apr 10, 2008

i have a new hp pavilion a6400f pc there is a flashing yellow light near the power button on the top of my pc tower. is this normal? it flash's all the time

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The Flashing Line That Indicates Where I Am Typing Moves To Random Places!

Sep 29, 2009

How do I fix it? D:

We have two Sony Vaio laptops in my house and this has happened with both of them. When I type the little flashing line moves to random places and the typing continues from there. Not only that, sometimes when I type passages get highlighted or deleted, or the page simply changes for no reason. Why did this happen and how can i fix it? D:

I posted this on Yahoo Answers and the response was
this is common and one of the reasons people hate vista, however its easy to fix.

go to control panel >mouse and other (or printers and other) >Mouse > Touchpad Tab >move the slider back a bit so its not so sensitive.

When the Touchpad is super sensitive weird things happen when your hands are nearby.

2 weeks ago"

But I don't have a touchpad tab option that allows me to do that.

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Cannot Delete Task In Task Scheduler

Mar 9, 2010

When I open task scheduler a pop up says "an error has occurred for task MCVsurveyReminder4 Error message the specified name is not vailid.". It repeats 4 time when i click OK and is followed by 4 of "an error has occurred for task MCVregistrationReminder4 Error message the specified name is not vailid". And finally by "an error occurred for task reminders - username Error message the specified account name is not valid"

I think it is something to do with a task to register my vaio or take part in a survey but I cannot get rid. It is in task scheduler local and there is no delete. I found a similar situation on the vaio site but cannot find now.Found it http://club.vaio.sony.eu/clubvaio/gb...7&lastpage=yes

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Task Bar Is Missing

Mar 23, 2009

I have a system in which the Task Bar is missing - but the start button is there - only the bar is missing - or you can say i cannot see it.

What will be the Fix for it.

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Task Icons Do Not Appear

Feb 25, 2009

I don't see my sound mixer / aim icons or any other icons anymore in the start bar.

I do see the clock & date, normally under that i saw for example the icon for external drives, processes, my virus scanner, etc. but they are gone now.

First my taskmanager was disabled, but i got it to work with the tutorial here on the forum. But still no icons.

Is there anyone that could help me getting back my icons?

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Create A Task

Apr 16, 2008

I have been trying to figure out how to create a task in Task Scheduler.
I would like my machine to create a restore point daily. I am ok until the
Actions dialog.

Quote: When you create a task, you must specify the action that will occur when your task starts. Am I correct in assuming that I can create a task that will create a restore point
on a daily schedule for me?

As y'all are aware it wants me to specify the name of the program I want it to run.
I have no idea of the name of the program that creates restore points.
And I have no idea where to find the name.
I have been using this tutorial but I need the name of the program.

Task Scheduler - Create Task

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How To Run A Task When Shutting Down

Jun 1, 2008

I wish to run a task (to dismount a network hard drive) whenever shutting down. I have noticed that the Task Scheduler has a trigger called, 'On local disconnect from any user session'. I have setup a task based on this trigger, but it doesn't execute when I do a shutdown.

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Can't Alt+tab To Task Manager

Jan 23, 2010

Just about 1-2 weeks ago i was sitting comfortably in my living room gaming away when i noticed the game i was playing started having problems. In the mist of playing my keyboard locks up and mouse freezes and i can't move my character at all. I can't even alt+tab to task manager to fix the problem. I noticed the windows vista error sound play and then a few seconds later the game resumes normally.
I thought it was the particular game, but when i ditched it and started playing navyfield i noticed the same problem occurring there.

Anyone have any idea what could be causing this problem? I was thinking driver related problems or possible graphics since the problem never occurs outside of gaming. When the problem happens the green lights for numb lock etc.. quickly off and on. I have disabled trusted installer thinking it was lag durring game and that cause the information to pause....I have recently reformated my hard drived with the disk that came with the computer and did a full installation of windows updates.

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Cannot Use Task Manager

Mar 29, 2008

why i can't use my task manager?

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Av.exe, Indicated In Task Manager As gav.exe *32

Feb 20, 2010

the infamous fake "Vista atnivirus 2010" somehow got into my system, with its unstopable topups that would never end until I did this. the program was av.exe, and is indicated in task manager as gav.exe *32. This is a hidden file in the folder (user)/AppData / Local. To resolve this issue, I did the following:

1. Start task manager.
2. Right-click the file in task manager
3. Select the option gOpen containing folderh.
4. Close task manager.........

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Task Scheduler Is NOT Available.

Feb 21, 2009

I'm trying to back up my file, but in the process I was asked to start the task scheduler. when I do start the task scheduler, I get the following message: Task Scheduler is not available. Verify that the service is running.! I tried command prompt as well but I get nothing.

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Task Scheduler Won't Run

Apr 16, 2009

I want to automatically log off user after idle for 10 minutes. The problem appears to be that Vista won't go into an idle state. Lots of stuff running in background, and even my time clock on desktop I suppose keeps the PC from not idling.

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Icon In Task Bar Has Red X

Jun 26, 2009

I'm running Vista home premium and IE8. I connect to the internet with dial-up. When I'm connected the computer icon in the task bar has a red X on it. If I place the cursor on the icon it says "not Connected". If I right click on the icon and select connect to network the window comes up and shows my connection and states that I'm connected with the option button to disconnect. Why does my system think I'm not connected. Also before when I would close IE I would receive a window asking if I want to disconnect. I no longer get that window either. Having dial-up this is a pain do to the phone line being tied up and sometimes not knowing it.

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Task Bar Freezing Up

Oct 31, 2009

when I turn my computer on and windows loads I can't click on my task bar it's froze up... So I hit Cntl alt delete and hit switch user but click on my same user I can use it. My desk top I can click on... Also when I am online my computer freezes up too I do same thing and it unfreezes. I am running windows vista home premium 32 bit..Dell XPS m1530. I have ran my avg virus scanner and it shows no viruses.

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How Can Task Manager

Jul 3, 2009

I no this may be a nooby question but my task manager is all weird, its stuck on ythe process window and i can change it.

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Task Scheduler Failure

May 15, 2010

I've written a simple console application in Visual Studio 2010 (VB.Net) that I want to schedule with the task scheduler (in Vista Business). Everything looks ok when I schedule it. However, it ALWAYS returns the run-status of "Failure".

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Can't Find Scheduled Task

Dec 5, 2009

Even though I have the Google Update Service disabled in services it still shows in Task Manager's Processes tab and appears to be running.

I don't see the file in any startup place in Vista Basic or in the Startup folder in my Start Menu.

I can't find it in Scheduled Tasks.

Is there anywhere else I might look to disable this annoying service?

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Task Bar Wont Move

May 15, 2009

i have a laptop on vista home basic, the other day my task bar moved to the right of the screen, i have un locked it and tried to drag it back but it wont budge, it stretches left to right but wont go past middle of the screen, i have checked the reg to see the size and tried to make it go back to 0 from (1) this doesnt work. i use selective start up and have reg mech and pctools spy doc i checked and no virus found. the machine is a highgrade 32 bit 1.60 ghz and a gig of ram its a few months old.

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