"The Backup Copy Did Not Complete Successfully."

May 17, 2009

I just bought a brand new 1TB external hard drive to backup my computer with. verytime I try to back it up, after fifteen seconds I get an error msg saying:

"The backup copy did not complete successfully." "A shadow copy could not be created for the following reasons There is not enough space on the disk (0x80070070)"

I am only using about 200GB of my computers space and I am pretty sure 1TB is enough space. When I start the backup, It says it is sending it to my J drive (which is my external)

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Backup Did Not Complete Successfully.

Jan 12, 2009

Backup did not complete successfully. I am running Business Vista 32bit on a HP Compaq desktop with 3 GB of RAM and 100GB hard disk drive. Over the past two months I have had my document folder backed up to a W2K Server folder-automatically. Last week, I got the following error message: "The backup did not complete successfully. A shadow copy could not be created for the following reasons: Incompatible version of the serializing package (0x81070724)."

I went to another Business Vista computer on the same network, and backed up to the same Server folder (Userbackups) without any problems. I am not interested in Acronis True Image 2009. I would like to continue using the automatic backup feature that came with Vista.

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Access Is Denied. (0x80070005) "The Backup Did Not Complete Successfully"

Feb 15, 2009

I am running Windows Microsoft Home Premium. My weekly scheduled system backup has been failing since mid December 2008. The message I get is: "The backup did not complete successfully. An error occurred. The following information might help you resolve the error: Access is denied. (0x80070005)"

This failure is soon followed by my ZoneAlarm anti-virus software picking up on "Exploit.Java.ByteVerify" I delete this "virus" as per instructions. I have manually intiated a backup which also fails. I have used restore points dated before this problem began, to no avail. I have Googled looking for solutions, and have found similar, but not identical problems. And I am not technically informed enough to try a solution if the problem does not exactly match mine.

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Shutdown Sequence Does Not Complete Successfully

Apr 16, 2008

if the Shutdown sequence does not complete successfully, and the computer has to be manually powered off, Vista is not able to recover. It will remain on the start up screen with sliding green bars forever. I have tried the following:

- boot to safe mode: safe mode works, but normal start-up after that still hangs
- system restore: system restore works, but even after restoring normal start-up hangs
- system repair with help of installation DVD: is not able to repair, reports root cause not determined

The only option has been to reinstall Vista (from safe mode, new install) and then copy documents etc. from windows.old directory. I have now done this 3 times, as after the first two installations there was a freeze in the shutdown and I had to manually power off (there probably was a problem with installing some of the device drivers after the actual Vista installation, but I cannot point a single cause, because it happened at different times during different installations)..........

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Hard Drive Format Did Not Complete Successfully

Feb 17, 2009

Bought a 750 gig Hard Drive in September and haven?t had problem with it until now. I?m about to install a fresh copy of window vista and have backed up everything that?s on the 750gig to an external HDD (no problems there), but when I?ve come to format the 750 gig Hard Drive I?ve notched that it stayed on 99% for a while and in computer management, its showing up as raw, even after the format, I?ve now deleted the partition, re-created it and get the message ?the format did not complete successfully? and then get ? you need to format disk drive D: before you can use it? with the option to format which I choose but even if I try to format it, I get the message ?windows was unable to complete the format?.

Even though I?ve not had any previous problems with the drive, as its worked fine, when I installed the drive when I was using Windows XP, I used partition magic to try and format the drive it and even that didn?t work. So am I right in thinking that there?s a problem with this drive or should I try the Windows Vista Dvd and see if formats in that before I RMA it? Btw the drive in questions is a Western Digital 750GB Hard Drive SATAII 7200rpm 16MB Cache - OEM Green Power

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Backup Was Not Completed Successfully Error Message:0x80070005

Mar 7, 2009

This is the first time I have used the backup in Vista. It was set to backup Document files and appeared to go thru adding files to disk then message received that backup was not completed successfully with error message ccess is denied 0x80070005

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Complete PC Backup Of My System Onto An External USB HDD Using The Backup Facility In VISTA Ultimate

Mar 23, 2008

I did a complete PC backup of my system onto an external USB HDD using the backup facility in VISTA Ultimate. When I went to do a complete PC restore I am told form the Help info on VISTA Ultimate to restart my computer, push F8 and choose the 'repair' option to run the restore. WHen I do this I get the safe mode options, debugging mode etc etc but there is no 'repair' mode. How do I get to the repair mode??

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Complete Backup (Disk Image) To Backup

Jan 15, 2010

I always use vista complete backup (Disk Image) to backup both my hard disks, but I am a bit confused as to the restore options. Basically, I have a sneaky suspition that one of the drives is going to fail in the near future, so I backup quite regularly, but when I replace it, I want to get a bigger drive, as it's only a 150gig raptor, and I really would prefer a 500 or 1TB 7200rpm drive for storage.

Can vista restore the files I backed up on D: (the 150gig) to a new D: which would be a large disk ? If it can, could I also do the same for C: which is where vista is located? If that doesn't work,

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Complete PC Backup

Jun 5, 2008

I performed the complete PC backup but I don't know if it worked and if it did, what discs are valid. It was a confusing process. I have 36 GB to backup and it said it should take 3-5 DVD discs. When I inserted the first disc it said to label it, including the date and time of the backup followed by "1". It did the same thing four times, and each time the progress bar started from the beginning. After the fourth disk, it finally went through verifying the disc and the progress bar went further. It told me to label backup was complete. The last two discs are readable but the other three are not. Did the system back up all 36 GB on two DVDs? If there were errors writing to some discs then it should tell me that the discs are not part of the backup set.

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Copy/backup My Files Says ; "You'll Need To Provide Administrator Permission To Copy To This File."

May 1, 2008

My old Windows XP PC died months ago (motherboard problems) and so I took out the hard drive (which still functions fine) and put it in my new PC, but I can't seem to copy any of my files in the My Documents folder from the old drive to my newer larger drive. I've had this drive in here for the last several months and have had no problems writing other files to this 'older' drive (250 gig Maxtor 16mb cache, 7,200RPM drive (btw it's only a year old), but when I try to copy files to another drive I get the following error message: "You'll need to provide administrator permission to copy to this file." This only happens with files that are in the My Documents folder. My current login has administrator rights, so I'm thinking some how this has something to do with this drive being from a different computer's installation of XP.

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Complete Computer Backup In

Mar 23, 2008

I run Vista Home Premium and have been informed that it has built in backup capability to make a 'dic image' of my entire computer similar to what "Ghost" does.

however, I cannot locate the starting point which I was told is under the 'system and maintenance' heading in Control Panel. in my control panel there is no such system and maintenance setting.

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Complete PC Backup Failed

Apr 10, 2008

I try to do a backup and after selecting the drive I want it backed up to and
it starts, almost immediately I get the following: The backup failed. Failure in a Volume Shadow Copy Service operation. (0x807800A1). Additional Information: The writer experienced a non-transient error. If the backup process is retried, the error is likely to reoccur. (0x800423F4). I'm running Vista Ultimate 64 and the drive I'm trying to back up to is just a secondary SATA drive.

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Complete PC Backup Bombs Out

Apr 10, 2008

I have tested the Complete PC Backup feature several times. It bombs out 75% of the time. Has anyone experimented with this feature? What were your results?

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Complete PC Backup & Restore

May 26, 2008

I want to build a PC. I've browsed around the 'net looking for information on Complete PC Backup. The only thing that I've found on the 'net explains how to do a backup & restore. I've browsed around the Microsoft Vista discussion groups & found out that it is possible to do incremental (I wish that it would do differential instead of incremental backups.) as well as full backups.

Can I give the backup files names or does Windows? For example, before I install certain software can I give the backup a file name such as "before installijng XYZ software"? The way I understand it with incremental backups, the full backup has to be restored first & then the incremental backups are restored next starting with the oldest & proceeding to the latest. Since the Complete PC Backup does incremental backups, does the Restore wizard restore the incremental backups in order?

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Windows Complete PC Backup Not Run

Jul 29, 2009

I have a 1 TB Samsung hard drive divided into 3 partitions of C:, E:, and F: When I try to run Windows Complete PC Backup, it automatically selects C: and E: It lists E: as a system drive, even though it has no OS on it and I only use it for data backups. I only wish to backup C: as it has the OS and installed programs (I use a different process to back up other data).

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Pc Complete Backup Not Available Vista

May 10, 2008

I am looking for a means to create system backup of my Vista Home premium version in case I shall ever have to reinstall the system, for instance on a new harddisk. The backup help on my system tells me that the tool for this task is a "PC Complete backup", but also that this is not available on Vista home versions. Apparently this system backup must be burned on a CD (or DVD), but where can I find a utility that does just that?

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Complete Lack In Ability To Move, Copy And Delete Files

May 21, 2007

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing Vista's complete lack in ability to move, copy and delete files in a timely fashion? It's a well reported bug, but just wondering how many *real* Vista users see it. Basically Vista takes forever to delete large quanties of files, or even movecopy them. Aparently there is a fix on the way.

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Complete PC Backup (0x80780048) Not Enough Space?

Mar 23, 2008

I'm running Vista Ultimate 32bit and I'm trying to do another Complete PC Backup to an external 500gb USB drive and I'm getting error (0x80780048) due to not enough free space left on the backup drive. The screen before says, if there is not enough free space it will start deleting prior backups starting with the oldest. This does not seem to be the case as advertised! I do scheduled regular data backups once a week and every month or more I also do a manual Complete PC Backup. Is my only resort to reformat my external
500gb backup drive and start over with a fresh complete pc backup until the drive fills up again? I thought this was a cool feature with Vista Ultimate (which made me buy it over the Premium edition) but it does not automatically delete the oldest backups to make room?

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Complete PC Backup: Full Vs. Incremental

May 28, 2008

I would like to *manually* save different versions of Complete PC Backup, but Vista won't give me that option and will only save incremental backups. As someone noticed here on the forums, "using the *scheduled* backup is the only way to get the checkbox to create full backups, each and every time you want one". However, scheduled backups is not what I want to do, as I'm losing control of the exact PC versions. Can I rename the earlier backup to something else (eg. "WindowsImageBackup1"), so Vista would create a new folder "WindowsImageBackup" and save a new full backup into it? If yes, when I rename the folder from "WindowsImageBackup1" back to "WindowsImageBackup" in order to restore the earlier version of PC, will
it get corrupted or confuse Vista?

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Complete System Backup Does Not Work

Mar 23, 2008

when I try to make a complete backup of the computer, after a few minutes i get the following error The backup application could not start due to an internal error: Server execution failed (0x80080005). files backup works perfectly

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Strange Behaviour In Complete PC Backup Business

Jun 13, 2008

Want to do a complete PC backup for my newly purchased notebook, however, i started to do the backup to dvd, it seems it never ended, and kept prompt me to insert a blank disk. I have two partitions in one single hard drive, drive c is the system partition, drive d is the backup image of my notebook for recovery, Control panel -> system and maintenance -> Back and restore center -> Back up computer -> DVDRW Drive, it said it will take 4 to 7 dvds, however, it still continued to prompt me to insert a blank disk after the 9th dvd, then i stop manually, Is it normal? How can chase the backup log? Should I skip the recovery disk from the backup?

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Complete Backup To Install Bigger Drive?

Apr 29, 2009

If I do a complete backup on my Vista Ultimate laptop and do the restore to a larger hard disk, will it work? I have read differing reports of whether it will or not.

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Windows Complete PC Restore Cannot See DVD With Backup Image File

Mar 26, 2008

upgrade HD from 60G to 250G without having to reinstall all files and programs. Windows Complete PC Restore cannot see DVD with backup image file

1. Backed up C: using Windows Complete PC Backup. (6 DVDs no errors.)
2. Removed old HD and inserted new.
3. Booted Windows Vista install DVD. (I proceeded to partition HD but did not complete the install.)
4. From Windows Recovery Environment, I chose Windows Complete PC Restore.
5. Inserted Backup image DVD disc1.
6. When it looked for the location of the image it couldn't find it so it fails.

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Complete PC Backup Failed, Element Not Found 0x80070490

Jun 3, 2008

The backup is not failing, it says it's complete, but the file that it creates is less than 70GB, and my drive is 225GB full out of 279GB. The machine is running Vista Ultimate and running Vista Media Center. 157GB of the files are recorded shows, my music and pictures. I'm expecting a file closer to 225GB, especially since media files don't compress well (if this program compresses).

I find it awfully coincidental that 225 - 157 = 68, which is about the size of my backup file. The bigger problem is that I can't use the backup it creates. When I go to the restore operation, it finds the backup, I hit start and get back Restore Failed, element not found 0x80070490, which leads me to believe the backup is incomplete.

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How To Copy OS To DVD For Backup?

Apr 20, 2008

I have a new(er) Gateway PC [GT5656] with Vista Home Premium (OEM) with SP1 just installed. I would like to know how to copy the OS to DVD for backup. When I purchased it the retailer said it could be done by them for $$.

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Copy / Backup: USB 'memory Stick'

Jul 29, 2009

I have about 3 GBytes of picture files that I keep in my Pictures directory. I sometimes copy them all to a USB 'memory stick' partly as a backup & partly to use them on other computers. It takes quite awhile to copy & overwrite them all. I would like to copy/overwrite only those files which have been edited, or which are new. Should I be using some sort of advanced copy command, or should I be looking at the backup options, or perhaps the 'briefcase' (which I have never tried)? I have Vista home premium

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Complete PC Backup "hangs"

Dec 21, 2008

Vista Business (32bit). Complete PC Backup to External (USB 2.0) DVD-Rw Drive (Lite-On DVDRW SHW-160P6S with latest driver installed) just "hangs" (ie. DVD-R disk number 1) After the 1st DVD is apparently full, won't Eject the DVD for another "blank" DVD. Manual Eject button doesn't work with "Complete PC Backup"; works OK with other programs. Tried this with non-formatted and formatted "blank" DVD-R disks same "hang". Have to just "Stop Backup" program to get out of this. PC's internal "D:" drive is DVD read/CD read/write drive. Is DVD disk type (DVD-R) a factor ? Is there a fix for this other than replacing the internal "D:" drive with one that writes DVDs or getting some other "complete PC backup" software ? Incidentally, the PC BIOS has been updated.

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"Shadow Copy Not Created" On Backup

Jun 30, 2008

I often start a full backup and leave my computer, only to come back at
the end of the day to find that the backup failed:

"A shadow copy could not be created for the following reason:
The shadow copy provider had an unexpected error while trying to process
the specified operation."

Not sure what's going on. I look in the Event Viewer and I see two items:

"Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Error calling a routine on a Shadow
Copy Provider {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5}. Routine details
PreFinalCommitSnapshots({b78c3744-6858-4c09-8bb1-db299de7cae9}, 1) [hr =
Executing Asynchronous Operation
Current State: DoSnapshotSet"

and then a split-second later:
"File backup failed because a shadow copy could not be created. The
system might be low on resources. The error is: The shadow copy provider
had an unexpected error while trying to process the specified operation.

I can't imagine that I'm low on resources since I closed all apps.

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System Restore Not Completing Successfully

Mar 11, 2010

I went to the System Restore and chose "restore system files and settings from a restore point".

Computer brought up the most recent restore date, which was earlier this morning.

Told it to restore.

After a while, it brought up the following message:

System Restore did not complete successfully

Details: An unspecified error occurred during system restore

You might want to restore again with a different restore point

I tried the date before this one. Same message occurred. NOTE: This has not always been the case. My computer has been able to restore in the past.

Did something corrupt the system? What do you think the problem is? And more importantly . . . how do I fix it. Can't leave the computer unable to restore.

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Bootrec /rebuildbcd, Successfully Scanned Windows Installations

Sep 11, 2009

I have both a SATA drive and IDE drive. Vista is installed on my SATA drive. But my SATA drive is labeled Drive E, and my IDE drive is Drive C. Because of this I can not boot from my SATA drive "E". When I do a bootrec /rebuildbcd I get this msg. Successfully scanned Windows installations. Total identified Windows installations: 0. I have tried all the commands associated with Bootrec. Right now I must keep installations disc installed in my DVD drive to boot.

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Shorten Countdown (Timer) Windows Did Not Start Successfully

Oct 19, 2008

is there a possibility to shorten countdown (Timer) from 30 to 10 sec in "Windows did not start successfully" Menu via Registry?

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