Soundblaster Live Can't Working

Mar 23, 2008

Can someone tell me an alternative driver for Soundblaster Live! ? I am seriously not willing to get rid of it just because of Vista. I'd rather go back to XP.

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Soundblaster Live!

Sep 21, 2007

I have a regular Soundblaster Live! soundcard (not SBLive! 5.1) with the expansion daughter card connected to the orignal Creativelabs 4.1 speaker setup. The card is on black PCB and has gold-plated connectors. This is from back in the days when this combo was the top of the line. Currently I have Vista x32 and am considering moving to x64 to use the full 4GB of RAM I have. However I am concerned there are no drivers for this. Right now I am using the modified KxDrivers 3538m which I get full quadrophonic sound and can adjust it anyway I want like the creative control panels. I don't believe this is compatible with x64. All the "fixes" I see on a simple Google search are for SBLive! 5.1,Audigy,X-Fi, etc.

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Soundmax And Soundblaster

Apr 11, 2009

I have a ASUS M2NPV-MX and have on board Soundmax ADI AD1986A and also I have a normal Soundblaster 5.1 sound card which is not live or anything but normal Soundblaster card. I tried searching for a Vista x64 drivers for both everywhere and came up with nothing. Any ideas if I can get drivers for any one of these? If not any recomendations on what sound card I should get. I just want a normal sound card nothing fancy.

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Can T Install Soundblaster Properly

Dec 12, 2007

I can't get my microphone to work on my X-Fi Soundblaster Xtreme Gamer card. I went to the configurator, which doesn't pick up my mic, and I tried tooling around with the control panel, but to no avail. I know the mic is fine since it works with my XP box.

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Soundblaster Not Installed Properly

Oct 27, 2008

Just appeared in my installed programs, something to do with Creative, but i use onboard soundmax, which is good enough for me and don't have a soundblaster installed. Don't even know what installed it...

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Live Messenger 8.5 Beta Not Working

Jun 6, 2007

The latest version of Live Messenger is 8.5 beta. So far I've had no problems with is on x64 Vista Home Premium.

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32 Bit IE, WMP And Windows Live Messenger Not Working

Jan 6, 2009

My friend lent me a couple of Iron maiden CD's to rip to my computer, so i put the first one in, and tried to rip it, and it crashed my computer 3 times. After i got logged in after the 3rd crash, windows live messenger wouldn't sign in, and i kept getting an error message saying the service was unavailable, or something. Unfortunately i cant say the exact message, because now it won't open up at all. When i click on the shortcut on the desktop, and the icon in the start menu, the loading indicator by the mouse pointer appears, but nothing happens. A similar thing happens when i try to load Windows Media Player, and my 32 bit Internet Explorer. my 64 bit IE works, but as most people know, it is near useless, as 64 bit IE doesn't support addons like flash.

I downloaded Mozzilla Firefox to replace 32 bit IE, but i really need Windows Live Messenger and WMP, ad it would be good to know that I had 32 bit IE if i felt like using it instead of firefox.

I tried going to add/remove programs and clicking repair on windows live messenger, but it just gives me the message "The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.I looked on the internet, and some similar looking problems were given the suggestion of using the "windows cleanup utility.I tried to download it, but it didn't work, because of Windows Installer not working.

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Windows Live Mail Could Not Working

May 12, 2010

I am having sooooo much trouble trying to setup my windows live mail.I have checked the net but I still cant set it up, I set it up once by letteing live mail auto configure the account, but I could only recieve mail, I could not send a mail.below is the error message i am getting trying to set up manually.can someone. Unable to send or receive messages for the Hotmail (riptorn3) account. The connection to the server has failed.

Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0E
Protocol: POP3
Port: 995
Secure(SSL): No
Socket Error: 10051

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Windows Live Messenger Has Stopped Working

Sep 21, 2009

I just bought a HP Pavillion laptop a few weeks ago and everything was working fine. But the only problem is, MSN messenger keeps on going: Windows Live messenger has stopped working every time I open it. But I just ignored it. The next day, I couldn't download anything from my computer. It will just pop up and ask me where to save it then after that, it dissapears and my downloads are no where. Then I fixed it by installing IE 8 (I'm not sure how I could've install that...). Now my IE stops working almost everytime. I can only open the one that says: Internet Explorer (64-bit). Can anyone tell me what's the problem with my computer and how to fix it?

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Webcam Not Working With Msn Messenger Live 2009

Nov 24, 2009

alright so I am having this weird issue with my msn I can't accept/receive webcams but my boyfriend can on his msn from the same computer. All that happens when I try too send or receive is it sits there for a few secs then says Video has ended

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Asus Live Update Stopped Working

Oct 20, 2009

I have an Asus Z53E series laptop. I never had this problem before, & suddenly I started to get this message around two months ago: "Asus live update stopped working", then internet explorer closes. The fault module name is: "kernel32.dll" I don`t understand what`s changed for the live update to stop working, the only downloads done on the last couple of months have been mostly automatic windows updates, & other general updates like adobe.

I have realized recently that "Asus live update" seems to close when I try to upload pictures from my computer to facebook. It seems to go crazy when I attempt any sort of Internet uploading. What I`ve been doing is exiting the Live update when the messagge window pops up, & that seems to be working, for the time being. But the problem is still there. Somebody said in a forum that "Asus live update" is useless, & that it should be removed from the programs cos it has no use & it malfunctions a lot.

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Windows Live Mail Can Not Working With Vista

Mar 23, 2008

Like many others, I've wasted more than enough time trying to get Windows Mail to work yet it remains completely unreliable. I have Windows Live Mail but it does not meet my needs (e.g. no provision for sub-folders or bulk despatch of emails). The email client "Thunderbird" has been recommended to me (though by an XP user - not Vista).

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Live Messenger Stopped Working After SP2 Install

May 28, 2009

Messenger doesn't run after SP2 was installed so I uninstalled the complete Live package restarted and tried to reinstall , but get the message Couldn' install application and unknown error. 0x80007ee6 Try later I tried later, I restarted Vista and tried again but no change still the same.

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Windows Live Communication Platform Has Stopped Working

Aug 29, 2009

when i sign in and when i click on it just logs me out.

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Live Mail/ Ie7 Tools: Email This Page Not Working

Feb 21, 2009

what is it; last week i emailed a page and it went thru ie7 e-mail and this week i can't e-mail because i not have "" address and can't seem to find out how or where i can get this new address; i do get "live mail" but t what address! what am i doing wrong??? why is microsoft making the use of ie7 more difficult use; there is NO possible reason for this; is there??

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"Live" Applications: Does "live" Have Any Special Meaning Or Is It Simply A Marketing Term

Feb 7, 2009

I have seen reference to "live" windows applications. Where can I find out what this is all about. Does "live" have any special meaning or is it simply a marketing term.

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Windows Mail VS Live Mail Not Available In Live Mail

Mar 23, 2008

Is there anything that is extra in windows mail that is not available in live mail? Is there any way to uninstall windows mail since it seems to be integrated with vista?

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Live OneCare Vs AVG ?

Mar 23, 2008

I've been given a new Windows Live OneCare subscription to try, and I
currently use AVG Internet Security, for 3 home computers, all running Vista.
I'd like to know if Onecare is something I should give up the AVG for. I have
a subscription with AVG through Feb of next year, (paid for) so I don't want
to give it up unless there is particulary good benefit from it.
Could someone give a review of these two programs?

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Live OneCare And SP1

May 25, 2008

I uninstalled Vista SP1 for several reasons. Live OneCare keeps telling me I need to "Install missing updates." Is there any way I can tell OneCare NOT to alert me about the SP1 update?

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Live TV Stutter In 32-bit

May 5, 2008

Media Centre generally works well for me in Vista Home Premium except for a fairly continuous stutter in sound and vision when watching live digital TV (Freeview) and concurrently using several windows in Explorer/IE - especially when scrolling in IE.

Is this performance to be expected with such a set-up - or are there adjustments I could make to overcome the problem, such as prioritising the processing of the TV receiver signals?

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Use Ubuntu Live CD Using LAN

Apr 5, 2010

Question: How to use Ubuntu Live CD using LAN. I want to access my dead vista laptop using my windows xp desktop with the use of ubuntu live cd, is this even possible? Vista Startup Repair cannot repair this computer automatically. Can no longer boot up after vista update. Microsoft Windows Vista Community Vistaheads.

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Cannot Play Live TV On MCE,

May 24, 2008

I've come upon a problem and I dread calling MS support. I have found nothing useful (without paying a subscription) on the net. I have Vista U x64 and a Hauppage WinTV1600. Everything was working fine for a couple months, but now I cannot play Live TV as I get this error. "Cannot Play Video: The file is currently in use by another application and cannot be played. Please try again later." Well, later is now over a week. I can still record tv and all other functions, no other issues at all.

I can't exactly pin down when it started due to a 2 week period of not watching live tv or what software (if any) could have caused it. I also tried the maintanence feature of MCE, but did not correct it. Does anyone have any thoughts or experience to this issue? I'm not sure what "file" or "application" could be doing this. I do have Nero 7 Essentials installed and uninstalled Cyberlink DVD in case, but I'm just swatting flies with these thoughts.

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Windows Live OneCare

May 7, 2008

I uninstalled (using the removal tool) Norton and installed OneCare on a trial basis. Do I need any additional spyware with this? Spybot, for example.

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WTF Is Up With The New Version Of Live Mail?

Apr 21, 2009

I have just installed an update that included the latest version of Live Mail and am absolutely amazed at the result. Surely they are kidding? In newsgroups now for some reason, new items have only the author (From) field highlighted with bold text and the subject and other fields just in normal text. The result is that when you receive new items in watched threads, you cannot see which thread it is that has the new items unless you go through and expand each one manually! Surely this is a bug in my setup and can't really be like this?

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NORTON 360 Live Update

Nov 4, 2009

I bought norton 360 and hade it for about 2 years and had no problems but up until recently i got the GREEN AV in my system and it would not come out so i went into the regestry and got rid of it and through the system and got rid of that so it does not pop up any more when i turn on the system but now when ever i use live update on norton 360 it says opperation failed and will not update

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Windows 7 Live Mail

Dec 22, 2009

I have Windows Mail on my Vista machine. I did a clean install of Windows 7, and I now see that Windows Mail is not included. I must down from the Windows Live collection of 'Live' applications.

when I pressed the download button, I saw the file was named wlsetup-web.exe. Does this mean that to install Mail, I will first be installing the framework for installing any other Live applications I may want in the future? That is, is this like installing only Word from the Office suite?

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Windows Live Keeps Opening Itself Over

Jan 5, 2008

i have a hewlett packard computer thahas vista home edition in the motherboard. and windows live keeps opening itself over and over and over sometimes it tries to open 5 copies of itself at once. and i have done several spyware scans with several different pograms including norton, adaware, spybot, mcaffe and windows defender. i and spyware free on my hard drive yet this progran will not leave me alone!

if i play a game.. it closes out me gaming window every 3 seconds some times demading my attention if i am surfuing the internet it will over ride my keyboard and make itself the formost window. if i close the program out completley it restarts itself and will try to run 5 copies of itself at once.............

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Live Mail Version 12

Nov 20, 2009

I can't get used to the current wishy-washy version of Live Mail (version 14 I believe) and would like to get the previous version (12) back. Does anyone know whether it can still be downloaded please and if so where from? If I find someone who still has the original installation.exe file and could get them to email it to me would it work? And is there by any chance such a kind person on this forum?

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Live Mail And Newsgroups

Nov 26, 2009

I'm using WLM to access the newgroups only. How can I have the newsgroups page by default, instead of clicking "Ctrl + shift + L"? Glory to whom, having no hallowed ideals, merely tries not to suck his felloman too much! WARNING: this philosophical (?) statement implies no irreverence whatsoever to the bloke next door!

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How Configure Live Mail

Jul 29, 2009

How do I configure Live Mail to work ? I don't see any options to change.

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No Sound Only On Live Streams

May 7, 2008

Not getting sound from CNN Live stream, used to get it, may involve sp1. I think, not sure, it only involves streams using wmp11. I do get sound on other streams. WMP11 works fine on AVI??s. No other sound problems. Need my CNN Live back

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