Shrinking/expanding Basic Volumes?

Feb 6, 2009

I just wanted to confirm a few things before I screwed up something (like, my OS). Usually, I'd use Partition Magic to resize partitions, but apparently, Vista includes something quite similar (and PM won't work on Vista) so I thought I'd give it a go. Also, this is with basic volumes, not dynamic. I have a single hard drive partitioned as: Primary Extended - contains logical partitions

1. When you shrink the size of the extended, does the extra space become available near the primary partition or after the extended? The reason I ask is because, I've read that the space you're adding to the primary must be adjacent to the primary partition. So, where does the extra space show up?

2. I've heard some people say you can't resize the primary partition without totally screwing up the OS. How likely is it that I'll ruin the OS by ADDING space? I could see a screw-up coming after shrinking a partition, but what about by extending?

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Shadow Copy Volumes C And E To The Separate Internal HDD Volume D

Jul 19, 2009

I’m trying to shadow copy Volumes C and E to the separate internal HDD Volume D. I understand VSS requires Dynamic Disks. Diskmgmt.msc (command prompt/administrator) shows all drives as basic type. Right clicking on any of them does not offer ‘Conversion to Dynamic Disk’, and Properties don’t show a Shadow Copies tab.

1. How do I convert from Basic to Dynamic disks on my mobile computer?
2. Do both source and target drives have to be Basic type?

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Shrinking Partition

Mar 23, 2008

I have tried to shrink a partition on my HDD but have only been able to shrink it by 415mb, this is not much when you consider that I have 1Tb to play with. I have two 500gig HD's using raid 0 striped (think that's the correct way to describe it), and wish to add partitions so I can keep my operating system, devices and game separate. I already have a "Recovery" partition (15gig) which I am now using to hold my swap file as I thought this may be causing an issue (didn't help). The help menu told me about "Shadows" but could not find how to delete or even if they were causing an issue, or even if I was using them, when trying to shrink the current partition.

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X64 OEM Shrinking Volume: Reactivation?

Jun 13, 2009

I have Vista x64 OEM on my pc since November 2007. My system has four 500GB hard disks, with C: containing nothing but windows. I'm wondering if I shrink C: partition size to say 100GB for windows, will I need to reactive Vista? Or will I have to buy a new one? Nothing else in the system is changed. (incidentally, might be upgrading graphics card soon, will that too cause a reactivation?)

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How Can Disk Partition Shrinking

Feb 28, 2009

i have windows vista home basic with only 2 partition of my hard disk t.e C & D. C with 220 GB with 158 GB free space & D with 10 GB so i wnt one more partition by shrinking C , but when i go to shrink C system show only 55 GB space available for shrinking of C.

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How To Expanding C Drive

Mar 30, 2008

I have a Gateway notebook, originally installed with XP. Of course it came with the small restore partition (E. Since I've upgraded to Vista, I no longer need that restore partition and would like to expand C:, but I haven't been able to do so. I've gone into Disk Management, shrunk E:, deleted E:, but neither of these maneuvers resulted in the option to expand C:. Is it possible that the problem is that there is no free space in C: that is contiguous with E:? Would it help to defragment C:? Would that open up free space at the end of drive C:?

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Expanding Windows Box With Keyboard

Aug 27, 2009

how can i expand the windows box with the keyboard? i heard its windowslogo+ up arrow but that doesnt work

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Mail Folders Expanding

Aug 20, 2009

When I open Windows Mail every folder expands and when I go under Tools,Options and tell it to not expand folders, NONE of them expand. Is there a way to set folders to expand only when new messages are received? Outlook Express did this and it seems I must be missing something.

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Expanding Boot Times

Jun 6, 2008

im currently experiencing a longer boot time for no real reason. After a fresh install i did all the usual junk. finally i decided to run a registry clean, then update my experience score. Rebooted everything was fine, then cam back after i went out & bootup took 3 times longer! I have a very powerful system & u can imagine the frustration of having to wait after it only took about 30seconds to boot b4.

I dont suspect the registry clean, all it did was remove reference to some files i had deleted hours earlier but i could be wrong. Luckily i had made a full backup before i ran the reg cleaner etc so ill have a try at restoring & see if it happens when i do nothing to it. i had disabled some services first thing but not sure that would do anything about 2 hours afterwards.

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Expanding Dell Computer

Aug 12, 2009

How far can you expand your average dell computer? if i can change the motherboard in my factory dell vostro 410 desktop, so that i can replace it with a motherboard that is SLI enabled? If so what motherboards should i be looking for, is there a specific one due to the size of the case? Also, being a dell computer i realize your limited into what your changing, does that apply to the PSU and CPU?

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Vista Stalls And Reboots At Expanding Files Prompt

Feb 14, 2009

I have a customer's machine on the slab that had a corrupted copy of Vista installed on it and tried every rescue technique I could find (Vista recovery DVD, XP CD, WinPE and a few others) finally using Linux to backup the customer's files.

Installing from an OEM copy of Vista seems to be problematic at best, it stalled at 23% then rebooted, so I repaired the drive in XP and got to 56% before the reboot. So I nuked the drive with a slow format in XP and then it got to 70% before rebooting. It sounds like hard drive related but the customer's video card fan had dropped off so I suspect it may also be a heat related issue. Does anyone else have any ideas for the reboots?

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Right/left-expanding & Dropdown Menus Suddenly Open In Random Directions.

Dec 12, 2009

A typical Windows multiple-choice menu, e..g. right/left-expanding or dropdown; for example try right-click on empty desktop area and select View or SortBy, which in turn also leads to other menus. Or in Internet Explorer click View-->Textsize, zoom, etc. Or any other expanding type of menu. Well, upto today it was predictable - next menu subwindow would popup on the right side if there's space between it and display's rightmost edge (or on left if there's more space on the left). But now they all open at random sides, one menu opens on left from the mouse pointer, next opens on right - unpredictable, no logic. There's enough space on the right but menu pops up on the left, and it's like alternating. One menu from the tip opens next menu on right, next menu from top (2nd) opens its submenu on left, despite rhaving enough space on
the right. This you might say is cosmetic. But there're many things we get accustomed in using our tools, including computers, that when behave erratically are not making me happy...

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Blue Screen Of Death During "Expanding Files"

Apr 9, 2008

Against the advice of all of my colleagues, I am trying to install Vista on a new computer I've assembled. Every single component is supposedly Vista-compatible (in fact, I just upgraded to a $200 video card so Vista would run). But I cannot get past the blue screen of death during the "Expanding Files" stage of installation. Soon after it reaches 1% I get a "System Service Exception" and there's a hexidecimal code below that ends in "3B". I can provide the specs of all the hardware in my system if required. What would you do, short of giving up and just installing XP?

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No Dvd Maker With Basic

Jul 29, 2009

I have Vista Basic sp2. Dvd Maker doesn't seem to come with it. It's only available with Premium. Is there any way I can get Dvd maker by download or must. I purchase 3rd party software?

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How Can I Get Inkball On Basic

Mar 23, 2008

i have got vista basic and i like the game inkball but u cant get it on basic so does anyone know whre i can get it as a download free?

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Reinstall Basic Without DVD?

Jun 25, 2008

I need to reformat the hard-drive of my laptop (annual clean) but I cannot find my Vista Basic DVD, I cannot even remember getting any DVDs with the laptop when I bought it brand new from Currys (major UK electronics shop) before christmas.

Is there any other way I can reinstall Vista Basic (I don't want to restore Vista to a previous date) without the DVD? I've been into Start/Computer/Properties to get my Windows Activation Product ID, just in case anything thinks I'm trying to install an un-purchased copy. Also, what would I need to do for drivers of things like the graphics, sound, wireless network card etc?

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Basic Theme Not Available

Apr 21, 2008

Using my computer as normal, surfing, gaming, music etc. Then yesterday when booting up i noticed the desktop theme had changed to windows classic, not liking this i went into personalize and tried to change it back. However it no longer exists on the list. I have already used system restor to take me back one week and still no joy.

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32-bit And 64-bit Distinctions With Home Basic

May 24, 2008

I am confused. I recently purchased a brand new Toshiba Satellite laptop (from a very well known retail vendor). I have Windows Vista Basic running on it. For reasons I won't go into right now (but perhaps in a later post after this), you might say I was forced into doing a little research on my laptop in order to determine whether it is a 32 or 64 bit operating system. Well I found out that my version of Windows Vista Home Basic is 32-bit. However, I am also aware that it is available in a 64-bit version. I also found out that there is such as thing as Windows Vista Starter Edition, which supposedly is the ONLY version of Vista which is NOT 64 bit. If this is true, then why does my System Information tell me that I am running a 32 bit version of Vista Home Basic edition? I do not understand this.

Let me clarify something very quickly here. I am a Computer Networking major at the present time. I do not need someone to speak to me in terms which only someone who doesn't know who to turn on a computer would understand. Lastly, let me also clarify one last thing (hopefully). If there is such as thing as a 64 bit version of Vista Home Basic, then why does my laptop only have the 32 bit version? Is this because I have the "starter" edition, and in order for me to get the better one I would need to actually PAY to upgrade? But why in the world would I need to actually have to PAY in oder to get nothing more than yet a DIFFERENT edition of the exact same OS that I am already running on this laptop of mine? To me, either Windows or Toshiba would have made this a whole lot easier to understand if they would simply have made a DISTINCTION between Vista Starter edition and Vista Home Basic.

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Can I Run Basic +Win2000+Ubuntu?

Apr 5, 2009

Is it possible? If so, how do I do it? I probably need detailed instructions, although I am an experienced computer (my career) and Windows person. (3.1 on up).I have a new Dell Vostro 220 with Home preinstalled. No Vista DVD; just the recovery DVD and partition.I am presently running Vista Home Basic, with Ubuntu 8.10 running as a program under Vista.I no longer run Win 2000 because I wanted to try just Vista. However, Vista won't install and/or run all my old programs (even after adjusting for oldness) and I miss many of them, such as PSP6 and others.Therefore I want to run a triple boot system, so I can:

(a) Use Vista and later Windows 7 if it is better.
(b) Continue to play with Ubuntu. (I mainly use the games.)
(c) Use my old pgms (mostly gfx) with Win2000.

Can I do this? Or is there a better, still free, way? I live on Social Security, so I can't upgrade many/any old pgms. I am happy with my oldsters (I'm old too; I'll be 70 in less than 2 weeks) and I want to use them as they are if possible.

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Customize Basic Theme

Jan 25, 2007

On my notebook, my main machine, I can't run Aero, but would like to change the colour of the Vista Basic theme. Does anybody know if there's a registry entry or something like that that would allow me to change it?

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New Partition In Home Basic?

Feb 6, 2009

I am wondering if it is possible that I could create a new partition on my Vista home basic just for storage for pictures and document files mainly. If I could do this, would it help the speed of the computer? If so, how would I go about doing this? And, once stored in the new partition, would I be able to open them as normal? I already
use flash drives, etc for storage, but have run out of room on both of those, and just cant afford to buy more right now. I need to speed up this pc, and I know the vast number of pictures and documents and scans I have on here are probably the main culprit for slowing it down. (I do genealogy, and ebay- and have huge number of pictures relating to both, as well as text documents, .rtf files, .pdf files, .doc, etc).

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If Home Basic Run Smoothly?

Jun 16, 2008

many websites show the minimum system requirements for vista home basic: they say 512 mb ram will do. i have this "old" pc (p4 1.7 ghz, 3 x 256 mb ram, geforce6200 64-bit), a "siemens scenic t", and i am wondering if "home basic" will run smootly on this machine. although it meets the minimum system requirements, i need to know if "home basic" _will_ run smoothly on this computer. nothing "special" will be done on this machine, just internet, some basic word processing ?? la ms word, opening photographs, listening to music (mp3), watching the average online movie like on Internet. before i spend money on vista (home basic) for this computer, i sort of need to know if it will run "normally" with the above mentioned specifications.

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Does Home Basic Not Have GPEdit?

Mar 17, 2009

I keep seeing great Vista security tutorials in which they use GPEdit.msc to change a setting. Unfortunately, I'm running Vista Home Basic and have yet to find this program.

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IIS In Windows Home Basic

Mar 28, 2008

I have windows vista home basic and i going to execute file but i cannot

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Basic Security Advices?

Mar 22, 2009

What happend to basic security advices. You nearly don't hear about them anymore. Im talking about Limited User Account (LUA) and Software Restriction Policy (SRP). Today its all about IE features + big security suites, comodo firewall and fancy removal tools. With LUA and SRP all your family desktop/laptops, will newer get infected. Why has Microsoft and most of the Security MVP's given up on these security principles.

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Basic 64Bit 6GB RAM Crashes

Sep 24, 2009

I'm new to windows vista having recently bought a new computer and am experiencing a range of different BSODs. They range from issues to do with CACHE_MANAGER to SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION and normally take place when performing memory intensive activities (such as playing games or using music composition software). Doing a small amount of research into these messages around the forums seems to indicate that they are a memory error, although that neither helps or narrows down the problem . I have limited knowledge with computer diagnostics but am more then capable of following instructions.

I have also started to collect as much information about the problem as suggested on many threads, my most recent crash data sets are contained below: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: .0.6001. Locale ID:3081............

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Can't Use Basic Functions Of Vista

Apr 18, 2009

I went into the registry to remove a file that said I didn't have permission to edit (even though I was the admin) because the person whose help I asked for told me that was how to fix it. So I went into the registry and deleted the files in the registry (about 3 or 4 keys). But the files were still there. So I deleted the key that was show in the details section of the UAC. That didn't seem to do anything either. So I quit.

Now, once I restarted my computer, I can't use many of the basic functions of vista. I can't move, copy, cut, paste, or rename files. I also can't empty or restore the recycling bin. For example, I can't rename a txt from the folder, but if I open it in notepad I can save I as something different. I remade the key from the UAC but going into the registry editor and making a new key and entering all of the information, but it didn't correct the problem. That key is {3AD05575-8857-4850-9277-11B85BDB8E09} by the way.

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Wirless Problem On Home Basic

Aug 30, 2009

I have a Compaq laptop which has a amd Processor.

I had some problems with the built in wireless.

When i took it to hp they replaced the motherboard.

After 2 days it stopped working. When i told them about they said i would need to format the laptop.

I put a Ubuntu CD in and it recognised the wireless driver, after that windows saw the wireless driver.

I feel the wireless is working, not sure about windows Please tell me what info you need.

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Windows Home Basic Broke Down.

Mar 29, 2008

After activating the pre-loaded applications on my new notebook Acer Extensa
4220, it broke down. Error: C:Windowssystem 32dfrgui.exe, - 1073741502.
I tried to press alt+F10 and F2. Tried to boot it with recovery disc and to
get into bios. With no results. The screen remains grey and dead. Can anyone
tell me whats wrong? I can't get an answer from Acer Aspire support and
there is no warranty for software-errors.

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FW Shut Off, Basic Running Really Slow

May 8, 2010

I've got a 6 year Compaq old laptop running Vista Basic, 1.5 GB of RAM, most WU's are current, MBAM, SAS, CA Security Suite with the FW shut off. Windows Firewall, Windows Defender. The system is very slow for file/program commands (Open, close, shutdowns, etc.). For instance, if I right click on Start and select `Explore' it takes 4-6 seconds for Explore to open up, and when it does open up a green status indication running across the path window just creeps along to the right very slowly. Is this some sort of an indexing problem?

Same thing with Task Manager. Internet browsing is ok speedwise, although when I run Brighthouse network's Road Runner Speed test, the results are poor (3500 kbps downloading). If I do this test on my Acer Desktop or laptop, the speed is over 9000 kbps). Running Firefox (but it's chewing up about 150 MB of process space)...........

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New Linksys Wireless Connection, Basic.

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased WRT54G Linksys wirless adapter & WRT54G Linksys Router about 8-10 months ago. Router wired to my desktop pc running Windows XP & my wireless connection running Vista Basic on a desktop in another room..Everything has worked fine until about 3 days ago when I keep going in & out of internet connection on the wireless pc. Updated drivers from Linksys and was on the phone with them for 3 hrs. yesterday. They got my connection back up, but only for 15 mins. or so before losing my connection repeatedly. These are my current issues:

1. I have always had full signal streghth on the wireless pc.
2. I am connected to the network.
3. It says I'm connected to the internet but I can't surf the web.
4. Internet connection keeps turning on/off (Globe then no globe)
5. There are no issues at all with the pc with the router attached.
6. When diagnose and repair it says nothing wrong with my connection or sometimes check with my internet provider. (Internet on main pc working fine).
7. It's random but I have been able to browse a couple pages here & there, sometimes for a full hour.
8. Windows Update says there's been an update for my wireless adapter for months but I always get an Update Failed message. My pc has worked fine for all this time without it. There have been no changes to either pc. I don't know why I'm having issues now.

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