Sharing Internet From System / 2nd Computer Is XP

Mar 23, 2008

I have searched numerous articles on setting up a home network with Vista as the primary computer (2 NIC's 1 goes to internet, other goes to switch).

At first, the XP system kept retaining the old ip address from when it was connected directly to the internet. File sharing would work though (or at least the vista system would see files on the XP system). I found an article that said I had to install the Link-Layer Topology Discovery Responder, so I downloaded that patch from Microsoft and installed it. Now, the Vista system can see the XP system and shows it in the network map. I checked the XP system, it is obtaining the ip address The XP system still isn't getting to the internet.

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Internet Sharing Between XP And Via Bluetooth.

Apr 2, 2008

I want to share my internet connection(DLS-Airtel connection) between my desktop(XP- as the host) and laptop(vista- as client) using
bluetooth. Anybody has any idea how to go about it?

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Internet Connection Sharing Between XP And Vista

May 20, 2008

I want to share the internet connection of my Desktop onto my Laptop. The Desktop is running XP and connects to the internet using the GPRS connection of my cellphone via Bluetooth. The Desktop is connected by cable to a router and from router over wifi to my laptop which has Windows Vista Ultimate.

Both the pc's can ping each other and I've successfully configured them for sharing files and folders. But even though I've shared the gprs dialup connection on XP and selected the corresponding local area connection, Vista is not letting me access to the Internet! I have even disabled the firewall but it's still showing Local only.

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Internet Connection Sharing Failure

May 1, 2008

when I enter network properties for my primary connection and I try to enable network connection sharing a window pops up and tells me this: An error occured while Internet Connection Sharing was being enabled. The dependency service or group failed to start. I've tried enabling some services I found in another guide but that didn't help me. I've tried updating my windows, network drivers, starting every network related service inservices.msc, it seems like I've done everything.

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How To Make Internet Connection Sharing To XP

Nov 9, 2008

I can't make it work : how do you connect a XP (with Internet connection) to a Vista (so that it has Internet connection) via a Ethernet cable ? It worked well when I had two XP computers : I just ran Magix Wizard (or so) and HOP! It was done. With Vista, you don't have any Wizard! The only magic trick is how your computer makes you then. I've been searching the Internet, forums and all for days and I still doesn't have a clue!

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Sharing Windows Contacts Between Users On Same Computer

Mar 24, 2008

I would like to set up a single set of Windows Contacts which can be used by the two users on my machine, such that any changes made by one of them is visible to both. I have tried creating a shared contacts folder but Windows Mail will not
then treat this as the Windows Contacts folder for email purposes. Does anyone know of any obvious solutions I am missing?

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Printer Sharing: Computer Won't Recongnise Drivers

Dec 22, 2008

I have a xp desktop as my main computer with a Canon MP730 printer. Just bought a vista laptop. I have setup a network but the vista computer won't recongnise the drivers for the printer. It sees the printer but cant find the driver. I down loaded drivers from Canon still nothing. I have vista64 the drivers on the canon are for vista32, vista32 will not load on my vista64 so I tried xp drivers still nothing.

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Network Sharing, Unable To Connect To The Internet

Apr 6, 2009

I'm running a visa 32 bit laptop and a Windows xp PC on a network and im trying to send files from the laptop to the PC. My laptop is unable to connect to the internet and I think the problem is that I have a virus so I'm just going to reformat the whole thing. I want to send my laptop files to my PC, but when I go to the network and sharing center on the laptop to turn public folder sharing on, the whole window just freezes when I apply the setting. The workgroup names are the same. Is there anything else that I have to do to be able to share the files?

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Multiple Networks: Stop Sharing Internet

May 22, 2008

I have a small network of 3 pcs: pc1 (xp) -> lan (cable) -> pc2 (vista) -> wlan -> pc3 (vista) -> internet. I got stuck at pc1->pc2. It's really easy to setup in xp: my networkplace -> setup a home or small office network:

On pc1 choose "This Computer Connects To The Internet Through Another Computer On My Network Or Through A Residential Gateway "

on pc2 choose "This Computer Connects Directly To The Internet ", then choose the wireless card which connect pc2 and pc3.

I just installed vista yesterday, and it drives me crazy. I can't find "setup a home or small office network." I also tried "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection" on pc2, but vista combined all the networks, and stop sharing internet between pc2 and pc3.

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File Sharing In Multi-Operating System Community

Mar 23, 2008

I recently got a new Vista machine - not because of a desire, but because of it becoming necessary. Anyhow, I have taken the steps to establish a network and have assured that the same network ID is on all computers. The several operating systems include Windows 98, XP Home Edition, and Vista Home Premium. The Vista Machine is set to private network status, set to share files and folders, set to share printers, set with Password Protection turned off, and set with Neetwork Discovery turned on. I have also gone to the folders that I have set to share on the computer (the C drive, among others) and have made sure to set the permissions so that "Everyone" has full access and control.

Lastly, I have set-up the system to disable User Account Control. Per Microsoft, everyone who has a computer associated with the network should be able to freely acces, read, and write to the files, printers, etc. that I have shared on this computer, right? On the network maps on all computers, all computers are visible. Furthermore, once a computer on the network is selected, the shared items are usually visible. But, for some reason, no computer can access the shared materials on the vista machine even though from the vista machine, I can access all shared materials on the other computers. When the shared materials on the Vista Machine are attempted to be accessed, a "Access Denied" Error/Alert is displayed. I have restarted all computer AND the router to no success.

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Dual Boot System Sharing Files With WinXP

Oct 17, 2009

I have a dual boot system with WinXP on HD1 and Vista on HD2 - HD1 is partitioned in 2 - I would like my files to be available to either operating system and would like to know if this is ok - I plan on storing my files on the second partition of the first harddrive (HD1)

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Network And Sharing Center "Windows Cannot Access \Computer Name"?

May 18, 2008

I click on view full map in Network and Sharing center on Vista, and I can see all the XP computers (because I installed the LLTD fix) sometimes I can click on the computers, sometimes I can't. I don't know why that is. Next, clicking on "View computers and devices" only shows my Laptop and router. Sometimes the other computers show up too, usually after a few tries or refreshes. When the XP computers do show up, and I double click to try to view the shared folders, I get the following error:

"Windows cannot access \Computer Name. Check the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose. Error code: 0x80070005 Access is denied."

Clicking on diagnose says this: "Windows did not find any problems with this computer's network connection." My firewalls are set to allow computers on the network. I've even turned them off and just let Windows Firewall do it's thing. I really don't understand the spelling error. I think if that can be fixed,
the network would work just fine.

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Computer Would Not Connect To The Internet

Jun 26, 2008

A few days ago i was using my comp and it crashed, when i logged back in my comp would not connect to the internet. I tried my Xp laptop and it connects fine. So i reinstalled the OS but i still have the same problem.

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Second Computer (which Uses XP) To Be Able To Connect To My Internet Connection

Mar 23, 2008

I want a second computer (which uses XP) to be able to connect to my internet connection. It CAN connect to the wireless network, but cannot see the internet. I have a Netgear wireless Router, and a security enabled wireless network. The other PC can connect to the wireless network with good strength, but cannot see the internet. In Vista's Network Sharing Centrethere is a properties box which deals with Internet Connection Sharing. But when I try to tick the 'Allow other users to connect through this computer's internet connection' box and click OK, I get a messagebox come upo telling me that 'An error occured while internet connection was being enabled'. Should I be trying to enable this? Am I doing this in the right place? if so what else do I need to do to enable the internet on the other machine?

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Cannot Internet Connection Computer Is Sleep

May 20, 2009

whenever i put the computer to sleep, and when i resume it, the ethernet light on my tower goes off and i m no longer able to access the internet. When i restart, it works fine. I followed this tutorial and its not working.

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File Sharing Is 'on', Password Protected Sharing Is 'off'

Mar 23, 2008

Network of two computers, a desktop running vista home premium and a laptop running vista basic. I am the only user on each of the computers, my user account name is the same on both computers and I don't need a password to log on. File sharing is 'on', password protected sharing is 'off', and I have shared the 'documents' folder on both machines

When I view my network I see both computers "PAUL-PC" and PAUL-LAPTOP", when I select the one I'm not working on I see "Users", "Documents" and "Printers". When I select "Documents" I see "\PAUL-LAPTOPDocuments is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource....... etc."

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Which Internet Security Suite To Get Included With New Computer?

Apr 23, 2009

I am ordering a new computer (Vista Home Premium 64 bit) that offers an Internet.

Security Suite from Norton, McAfee, or Trend Micro in the purchase price.I am seeking recommendations on which of the three to get.

I am open to advice ranging from one of them being superior, to they all are inferior, to which one sucks the least, or even the one easiest to remove without hosing the system before installing a different suite.

I also have available Kaspersky 7.0 (which I know will update when installed) with one more available computer on its license. It is running fine on two Vista Home Premium 32 bit systems.

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Network Bridge, Internet Connection Goes From Computer Into The PS3

Dec 1, 2009

does creating a network bridge on my computer allow me to connect another LAN cable into a second device straight from my computer? because i want to connect my LAN cable into my PS3, but the cable is too short to reach the PS3. so i wanted to have it so the internet connection goes from my computer into the PS3. if thats correct, what component would i need to make it happen?

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Getting Disconectted From Internet After Computer Wakes Up From Sleep

Aug 18, 2008

I got a new Dell PC which has Windows Vista home premium, and I have a high speed internet service from AT&T, the problem I'm having is: whenever I put the computer to sleep,when I wakes it up, my internet connection is lost, and I have to restart the computer to get it to work again which so annoying to do.

I tried the: uncheck the (allow the computer to turn the device off to save power) for both the modem and the network adaptor which is Intel 82562 V-210/100, but the problem still exist, does anyone know how to fix this problem.

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Wireless Computer : Connected But No Access To The Internet

Mar 23, 2008

I have a wireless computer...notebook and I have windows vista on it. I had comcast plugged into it and now that I am mobile again, I am not able to use the wireless. The computer keeps telling me I am connected; but, I can't get access to the internet. Can anyone please tell me what to do?

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Internet Delete Photo File Off The Computer

Aug 30, 2009

My 3 year old daughter can now use the mouse, cruise the internet and DELETE PHOTO files off the computer! I have tried in vain to work out how to delete protect files. I'm sure that I used to be able to do this in DOS! I have tried making a new user and using 'protections' but can't seem to get it to do this simple little thing.

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Internet: Computer Doesn't Show Wireless Network

Jun 2, 2008

I've just recently encountered a problem connecting to the internet with my notebook and when I check to see what was wrong my computer says I'm not connected to any networks. So when I try to connect my computer doesn't show my wireless network it says a cable is not plugged into the network adapter 'local area connection". However everything is plugged in and my mom's notebook has no problem. Also it says that my computer doesn't have a wireless adapter installed and configured but it does and when I go to the properties it says the device is working properly. I don't know what to do anymore. I've restarted my computer and unplugged and replugged the cable and disabled and enabled the adapter.

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Operating System Loaded On Computer?

Jul 4, 2009

I have a new Dell Studio 1535 laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium installed. After where it says 'Home Premium',it is blank. No 32 bit or 64 bit is listed. How can I tell for sure which operating system has been loaded on my computer?

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System Restore Dumped Computer

Sep 25, 2008

alright so i rebooted my computer a lil while ago, and offcourse it lost a few things i liked about it, any help on how to restore them? first, when i highlight over a minimized windows, i want to view a small miniture window that lets me see the minimized window in my toolbar down below. second, the "switch between windows" button in my taskbar used to pop out all the windows that are up and i would click on a window and it would maximize it, but now, it just shows a few icons, how can i restore it so looks like it did before DONT TELL ME SYSTEM RESTORE, im tired of hearing it lol, everywhere i ask, they tell me "system restore" i dumped my computer, i dont have any saved system restore saves since when did the definition of "reboot" change...restart and reboot are not the same thing, i dont know why people are so hung up on it

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System Restore, Internet Connection

Jan 25, 2010

I have recently upgraded my vista sp1 to sp 2. and since than having many problems:

1.System restore does not apper to be functioning correctly on this system. The volume Shadow Copy service used by system restore is not working 0x81000202.
2. NTI Shadow says Error;0x80040154. Class not registered.
3.My internet connection stopped working. It says: WLan autoconfig has faild, class is not registered.event id 7023, local id: 6153.

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System Is Connected To Internet, But Cannot Browse

Feb 25, 2010

I'm sure other people have had this problem, and I have viewed their threads and tried everything that was listed that I could find, but to no avail. I have a HP Pavilion running Windows Vista Home Premium. I try to connect to the internet, but whenever I try to browse it cannot display the webpage I am trying to load. And here's the kicker, the darn thing says I am connected, with full bars even.

As far as I can tell, I have no out of date drivers, I checked and double checked to make sure. I have tried resetting the TCP/IP and winsock settings/files using the commands I found in a thread on this forum, but it didn't work. I tried using ipconfig described in another thread, and even though I can successfully ping sites (three different ones I might add), the release/renew commands didn't resolve it. I even tried a system restore to rollback updates, still didn't work..........

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Computer Crashed, No System Restore Points

Nov 17, 2008

I blew out the keyboard, (thought something might have gotten down there and was the cause of this) but still no change. I tried to restart my Vista Ultimate x64, but because it was keying that letter it just kept trying to search. So I had to hit the power button. This is where it gets weird. Upon restart, it goes to some sort of recovery wizard. No log-in screen, just this wizard. If I cancelled it, my system would reboot. So, after 6 different cancels / restarts, I tried it. It did a recovery that set up two partitions on my HD, but ERASED EVERYTHING. Anything that was not installed originally on the computer was erased. There are no system restore points (Deleted as well) Don't worry, I back-up fairly often. But I'd like to know what the hell happen.

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Connect To Internet Automatically Whenever System Starts Up?

May 6, 2008

I want to connect to my broadband Internet connection automatically whenever my system starts up. In XP I did this by creating a shortcut to the connection and placing it in the startup menu. However, Vista Home Premium apparently does not allow me to create a shortcut to an Internet connection. When I right-click on the connection, the menu offers only Disconnect, Status and Properties. The equivalent menu in XP included the option to Create Shortcut. how to launch a connection at startup in Vista? Or is this another of the simple conveniences that Microsoft has decided to make impossible?

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Recovery System:cannot Access The Internet Connection

Apr 15, 2008

my son decided to do a full recovery of his hp530 laptop for some reason and all seemed to go well but for one small proberlem, he cannot access the internet connection unless he uses the routers dongle which works alright. laptop hp 530vista home basicrouter dynamode+donglevirgin cable b/bi.

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Is Possible To Connect 2 System To The Internet Via A Broadband Cable

Mar 3, 2009

Is it possible to connect 2 laptops to the internet via a broadband cable wired connection. By this I mean, is there such a thing as a twin connection for the wired modem, that you could plug 2 computers into?

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X64: Unable To Connect To Internet After System Freeze

Apr 19, 2009

I've been running Ultimate x64 and had occasional freezing problems. I'm pretty sure those are related to a memory issue. Normally I just have to hard reset the system and everything is fine. But yesterday I had a lock-up, hard reset and somehow the date was changed to 18 Apr, 2066. I obviously couldn't connect to the internet, so I reset the date to 2009 and restarted. No change.

My software subscriptions think they have expired, and I'm at a complete loss here. I require the internet and that software on that system for work and have no idea what to do. I believe as soon as I get the connection up, my subscriptions will talk to their online server friends and all will be fine (hopefully), so that's why this thread is here.

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