Relieve System Of Yahoo! Mess., How?

Jun 20, 2008

2 pesky, (unwanted), add-ons; AT&T mess., Yahoo! mess., are yours FREE, for removal.

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Can Mess Your System Up Good And Proper, Point,

Sep 8, 2009

Anyone know of a good free Cloning program that is 64bit compatible? for Vista ultimate being upgraded to win7 for the specific purpose of making an exact restore-able image of the HD. That can be copied to a reformatted harddrive after a major colaps of the os or virus damage? I also want to be-able to do a periodic erasure of said hd for security and privacy purposes. which I would do before formatting the HD again. I like to download a try a lot of free stuff and as you know it can mess your system up good and proper, to the point, its better to start over from a cloned image of factory settings that are up to date .

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8800GTS Graphics Sli Mess Up

Dec 22, 2007

I have just tried to sli up 2 graphics cards but i have messed up big time.My original graphics card is a 8800GTS BFG OC 640 MB (I think)
I bought what I thought was an identical card but have got it wrong.The new card turns out to be a 8800 GTS BFG OC 512 MB. I have had no option to SLI my cards in the nvida settings.
Is this because the cards don't match.Is there any point keeping the second card in unlinked.

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Win Installed Mess Vista Cd

Jan 9, 2010

I was sent a win7 CD by a vauchure given with my Qompack laptop. If anybody did this upgrade, how is it done please, scared in case I mess Vista for which I have no CD.

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Dont Want To Mess Up The Computer

Mar 5, 2009

My dads comp is pretty slow so i ran a hijackthis scan - it came up with a few bad things that i deleted but there are lots unknown objects. I dont want to mess up the computer, anyone able to check through these?

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2
Scan saved at 16:14:54, on 05/03/2009
Platform: Windows XP SP3 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16791)
Boot mode: Normal
Running processes:

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Reinstall Don't Mess Up Files

Sep 30, 2009

you put your OS on a separate partition so when one has trouble and needs to recover or re-stall it you don't mess up the rest of the files.

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Installing Programs: Registry Mess

Jul 4, 2008

Possibly I should have read a few forums and tutorials when I first got my new Vista computer before downloading and installing a bunch of programs, but alas I didn't and now I have something of a mess. I have some program files installed to my user account, I have some installed to the Admin account because I couldn't install them to my user account, and now I have some programs that absolutely must be installed to the user account in order to work properly but can't be because of the whole Denial of Administrator Privileges that has been brought into the picture with Vista.

I also strongly suspect some program files got installed twice also. Maybe not, but when I configure a program in my user account (like iTunes or Microsoft Outlook) those changes are not evident on the admin account. And an outrageous amount of the space on my C drive has eaten up already, much more than I suspect I've actually installed. Basically, I would really, really love to get all of the program files onto one account, preferably the Admin account, make sure any duplicates are taken care of, and otherwise clean it up because i don't want a big sluggish registry mess within a month of owning this computer. Something like that?

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Installing Office 2003 Is A Mess

Dec 6, 2009

I purchased Office 2003 on disk and I installed it on my old XP machine. When I used the same disk to install Office 2003 on my new Vista machine, I was taken by surprise when I was asked if I wanted Office 2007. I said yes, thinking that it was a free update for Vista. Now I have the following 3 problems, of which I have solved only the first one: When I open a Word file by double-clicking in Explorer, the file opens under Office 2007 and asks if I want to install it, which I do not. I solved this problem by first opening Word 2003 with the icon on the desktop and now all my Word files open with this version and I don't get Office 2007 messages. Solved. When I follow the same procedure with Excel 2003, the trick doesn't work i.e. I can't open an Excel file under Office 2003 by double-clicking. The file always opens under Office 2007 and asks me if I want to buy it.

The PowerPoint icon is not on my desktop and I can't find the Powerpoint 2003 version anywhere. The disk installed it on my XP machine, so why not on my Vista machine? I never had such installation problems with a software. Normally I buy the software and I say yes to everything and everything I paid for is installed. I must say that I am extremely irritated with the change to Vista, as I have already lost many hours fooling around with taking ownership of my own computer, changing properties all over the place, etc. I could now try to uninstall all Office versions and hope that it works better with a new installation. What do I have to look out for, so that I get the same installation result as I got on my XP machine?

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VISTA 32bit - 64bit Upgrade Mess

Apr 1, 2008

I currently own a Sony VAIO running on VISTA Ultimate 32bit. This version was upgraded from Windows VISTA Home Premium through Windows-Upgrade-Anywhere. Because of various issues with VISTA and my Laptop I decided to upgrade to a faster machine with 4 Gig Ram. I now would like to upgrade me VISTA Ultimate 32bit to VISTA Ultimate 64bit to remove the 3 Gig RAM restrictions.

Unfortunately no one at Microsoft could really tell me how to do this. This is a all a big mess and trying to find information is really hard. The company I run has a icrosoft Action Pack subscription and I now even have 10 VISTA Business/Ultimate licenses... but again... all for 32bit. I really don??t understand why it needs to be so hard to simply swap a 32bit acquired license for a 62bit one. It??s an unnecessary restriction. From a Microsoft Hotline I learned that swapping 32bit/64bit is no issue if I bought a boxed version of VISTA Ultimate. The funny thing is that the same Hotline told me months ago that there is no difference between buying a "virtual license" through Upgrade-Anywhere and buying the boxed version.

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Windows Live Messenger And Mess Patch

Aug 18, 2008

With my Messenger, I like to patch it with Mess patch so it gets rid of adds and annoying buttons. And I've noticed on the latest patch for messenger 8.5, even though I tell it to remove the bottom advert banner, It won't...Is anyone else having this issue?

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Links 2003, Video In A Mess, Unusable

Jun 21, 2008

Purchased a new machine yesterday. Started to load some of my software, one of which is Links 2003. I play this a lot. It will not run in Vista Home Prem. Video in a mess. Unusable. I have 1.05 patch installed but need something to support Vista.

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Windows Update Mess, Couldn't Find Newsgroup

Aug 15, 2009

I couldn't find a newsgroup that was English Windows updates, so since most updates involve security issues I guess I will vent here. This is the second time in about two months that my Vista Home Premium 32 bit desktop computer has been stuck in Update hell. It was perfectly fine all day yesterday and then when I started it this morning, it went to the green and blue screen "Configuring Updates State 3 of 3 0% complete Do not turn off your computer" and then it restarts, only to return to that exact same screen.

After watching it do that at least six times I finally turned it off. It took me about 14 more tries to get to start in a "safe" or "repair" mode which it is in now, still being "repaired." That was two hours ago. When this happened last time it was at the exact same point with the 3 of 3 screen. It seems that the only solution to this would be to turn off automatice updates and check for them and install them when my computer is not coming out of a cold start. Has anyone else had this problem and does anyone have a better solution to avoid this than turning off automatice updates?

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Using Yahoo For Windows Mail ?

Mar 23, 2008

How do I setup a Yahoo mail account for Windows mail ? I don't know what to type in when I get to the pop3 server page and incoming server. What do I have to type in?

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How To Set Up Yahoo Plus In Windows Mail?

Dec 6, 2009

windows mail setup with yahooplus?windows vista windowsmail 6

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Yahoo Messenger Not Found

Feb 26, 2009

I am running Vista Home Prem - 32 bit. I have been trying to download and install Yahoo Messenger. It will go almost all the way thru the download and install process, then stops. The error message says that it is not a WIN32 program. I have searched everywhere for an answer, but can't find one. Yahoo no longer has a Mesg for Vista available. I can't find an answer for this problem.

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Yahoo! Messenger: Close?

Aug 1, 2008

when i login after that ym close dont know how to do

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Cannot Posting To Yahoo Groups

Jun 5, 2008

I keep getting emails from a non-computer literate person I know who has Vista on their machine and cannot post to Yahoo groups when she could before using Windows XP..Any list of " How To's " out there to allow them to post to yahoo groups with Vista on their machine ?

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Webcam Not Work On MSN Or Yahoo

Nov 1, 2008

I have a Compaq Presario F600 running Vista Home.Everthing else works fine except my webcam. I can see my cam on my screen, but not the the othe persons. I run the latest trend micro protection which I have tried turning off, but all I get is loading and then network connection error. I have read numerous other threads, although none have seemed to come to a final conclusion on this matter.

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Yahoo Blocked, Not Able Access

Apr 8, 2009

Why is my Yahoo mail not able to get accessed from window vista

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Can Not Yahoo Mail Work

Mar 23, 2008

I can not get my yahoo mail to work in windows mail. I have vista system.

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Yahoo Messenger Crashes

Apr 6, 2010

I have the latest Yahoo Messenger 10,0,45,2> on my machine but it wont install in Yahoo messenger? now yahoo Messenger just crashes?

Log Details Below.
Copy report details.
YahooMessenger.exe ....

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How Can Emails Transfered From Yahoo

Feb 19, 2009

I sed my yahoo email address and password when setting up my windows mail account. Now all of my yahoo emails are being transfered to my windows mail account, starting with mail from several years ago. move these emails back to my yahoo account and b) to stop emails from transfering to my windows mail account. As soon as I open windows mail this is what happens.

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Yahoo Messenger Always Hang

Dec 3, 2007

when I sign out from messenger it's hangs. and this problem report.

Problem signatureProblem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: YahooMessenger.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 46d76392
Fault Module Name: Flash9d.ocx_unloaded
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 466daac0
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 0318f9f3
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 2049

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How To Set Up Internet Options For Yahoo

Dec 8, 2009

I'm trying to find out how to set up my internet options so I can respond to ads on Craigslist. A fix was posted for Hotmail, but what about Yahoo?

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Yahoo Messenger Won't Open

Apr 7, 2009

my windows media player is not working internet explorer also.. i can run internet explorer 64bit but it can't handle movie file ( it's not running ). and many other windows applications, and now even my yahoo messenger won't open. man i'm stress.. every time i open an application the message appear " the application has failed to start because it's side-to-side configuration is incorrect. please see application event log for more detail." i tried regcure to fix it but when i run the program the same message appears....

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Setting Up Acct From Yahoo

Jun 6, 2009

Just trying to set up email & i have successfully got it to import my mail from my charter internet acct but also wanted it to do my old faithful yahoo acct- but i cant find the info to do it (ie pop 3 info ect) Is is not possible to do this with yahoo?

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Where To Download Yahoo Messenger 8.1?

Jul 7, 2009

have version 9 and its buggy. where can I get a safe version of 8.1?

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Can't Set Yahoo As My Default Email Client

May 15, 2009

I am running IE 7 under Vista Home Premium 64 bit with SP1. I made Yahoo my home page and want to make Yahoo Mail my default email client instead of Outlook or Windows Mail. However, when I get to the window where I can select my default programs, Yahoo is not listed. According to Yahoo Help, as long as the Yahoo Toolbar is loaded (it is), Yahoo
Mail should be in the list. I've tried loading the toolbar several times, but it jes' ain't there.

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Cannot Connect To Internet Except Yahoo Messenger

Aug 18, 2009

i have been trying to fix this problem on my friends Acer Aspire 5507Z laptop i can not connect to the internet with anything but Yahoo messenger for some reason. I have scanned it with Malwarebytes. Its driving me nuts. btw the windows firewall is off

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Cannot Send Mail Using Yahoo Account

Mar 23, 2008

just wondering if anyone has any ideas for why windows mail is preventing me from sending mail. it is currently linked to my Yahoo (UK) pop3 account, and it works for receiving mail, but i cannot send any messages. any tips? i've been in contact with Yahoo Cust. services and they said that it worked and they could receive my messages to them, but it doesn't work, then they said it was a mail client provider problem.

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Yahoo Mail Via Micrsoft Server

Apr 6, 2008

How do I get a user name and password to check my yahoo mail via the microsoft server on my laptop?

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