8800GTS Graphics Sli Mess Up

Dec 22, 2007

I have just tried to sli up 2 graphics cards but i have messed up big time.My original graphics card is a 8800GTS BFG OC 640 MB (I think)
I bought what I thought was an identical card but have got it wrong.The new card turns out to be a 8800 GTS BFG OC 512 MB. I have had no option to SLI my cards in the nvida settings.
Is this because the cards don't match.Is there any point keeping the second card in unlinked.

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Win Installed Mess Vista Cd

Jan 9, 2010

I was sent a win7 CD by a vauchure given with my Qompack laptop. If anybody did this upgrade, how is it done please, scared in case I mess Vista for which I have no CD.

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Dont Want To Mess Up The Computer

Mar 5, 2009

My dads comp is pretty slow so i ran a hijackthis scan - it came up with a few bad things that i deleted but there are lots unknown objects. I dont want to mess up the computer, anyone able to check through these?

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2
Scan saved at 16:14:54, on 05/03/2009
Platform: Windows XP SP3 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16791)
Boot mode: Normal
Running processes:

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Reinstall Don't Mess Up Files

Sep 30, 2009

you put your OS on a separate partition so when one has trouble and needs to recover or re-stall it you don't mess up the rest of the files.

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Installing Programs: Registry Mess

Jul 4, 2008

Possibly I should have read a few forums and tutorials when I first got my new Vista computer before downloading and installing a bunch of programs, but alas I didn't and now I have something of a mess. I have some program files installed to my user account, I have some installed to the Admin account because I couldn't install them to my user account, and now I have some programs that absolutely must be installed to the user account in order to work properly but can't be because of the whole Denial of Administrator Privileges that has been brought into the picture with Vista.

I also strongly suspect some program files got installed twice also. Maybe not, but when I configure a program in my user account (like iTunes or Microsoft Outlook) those changes are not evident on the admin account. And an outrageous amount of the space on my C drive has eaten up already, much more than I suspect I've actually installed. Basically, I would really, really love to get all of the program files onto one account, preferably the Admin account, make sure any duplicates are taken care of, and otherwise clean it up because i don't want a big sluggish registry mess within a month of owning this computer. Something like that?

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Relieve System Of Yahoo! Mess., How?

Jun 20, 2008

2 pesky, (unwanted), add-ons; AT&T mess., Yahoo! mess., are yours FREE, for removal.

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Installing Office 2003 Is A Mess

Dec 6, 2009

I purchased Office 2003 on disk and I installed it on my old XP machine. When I used the same disk to install Office 2003 on my new Vista machine, I was taken by surprise when I was asked if I wanted Office 2007. I said yes, thinking that it was a free update for Vista. Now I have the following 3 problems, of which I have solved only the first one: When I open a Word file by double-clicking in Explorer, the file opens under Office 2007 and asks if I want to install it, which I do not. I solved this problem by first opening Word 2003 with the icon on the desktop and now all my Word files open with this version and I don't get Office 2007 messages. Solved. When I follow the same procedure with Excel 2003, the trick doesn't work i.e. I can't open an Excel file under Office 2003 by double-clicking. The file always opens under Office 2007 and asks me if I want to buy it.

The PowerPoint icon is not on my desktop and I can't find the Powerpoint 2003 version anywhere. The disk installed it on my XP machine, so why not on my Vista machine? I never had such installation problems with a software. Normally I buy the software and I say yes to everything and everything I paid for is installed. I must say that I am extremely irritated with the change to Vista, as I have already lost many hours fooling around with taking ownership of my own computer, changing properties all over the place, etc. I could now try to uninstall all Office versions and hope that it works better with a new installation. What do I have to look out for, so that I get the same installation result as I got on my XP machine?

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VISTA 32bit - 64bit Upgrade Mess

Apr 1, 2008

I currently own a Sony VAIO running on VISTA Ultimate 32bit. This version was upgraded from Windows VISTA Home Premium through Windows-Upgrade-Anywhere. Because of various issues with VISTA and my Laptop I decided to upgrade to a faster machine with 4 Gig Ram. I now would like to upgrade me VISTA Ultimate 32bit to VISTA Ultimate 64bit to remove the 3 Gig RAM restrictions.

Unfortunately no one at Microsoft could really tell me how to do this. This is a all a big mess and trying to find information is really hard. The company I run has a icrosoft Action Pack subscription and I now even have 10 VISTA Business/Ultimate licenses... but again... all for 32bit. I really don??t understand why it needs to be so hard to simply swap a 32bit acquired license for a 62bit one. It??s an unnecessary restriction. From a Microsoft Hotline I learned that swapping 32bit/64bit is no issue if I bought a boxed version of VISTA Ultimate. The funny thing is that the same Hotline told me months ago that there is no difference between buying a "virtual license" through Upgrade-Anywhere and buying the boxed version.

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Windows Live Messenger And Mess Patch

Aug 18, 2008

With my Messenger, I like to patch it with Mess patch so it gets rid of adds and annoying buttons. And I've noticed on the latest patch for messenger 8.5, even though I tell it to remove the bottom advert banner, It won't...Is anyone else having this issue?

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Links 2003, Video In A Mess, Unusable

Jun 21, 2008

Purchased a new machine yesterday. Started to load some of my software, one of which is Links 2003. I play this a lot. It will not run in Vista Home Prem. Video in a mess. Unusable. I have 1.05 patch installed but need something to support Vista.

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Can Mess Your System Up Good And Proper, Point,

Sep 8, 2009

Anyone know of a good free Cloning program that is 64bit compatible? for Vista ultimate being upgraded to win7 for the specific purpose of making an exact restore-able image of the HD. That can be copied to a reformatted harddrive after a major colaps of the os or virus damage? I also want to be-able to do a periodic erasure of said hd for security and privacy purposes. which I would do before formatting the HD again. I like to download a try a lot of free stuff and as you know it can mess your system up good and proper, to the point, its better to start over from a cloned image of factory settings that are up to date .

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Windows Update Mess, Couldn't Find Newsgroup

Aug 15, 2009

I couldn't find a newsgroup that was English Windows updates, so since most updates involve security issues I guess I will vent here. This is the second time in about two months that my Vista Home Premium 32 bit desktop computer has been stuck in Update hell. It was perfectly fine all day yesterday and then when I started it this morning, it went to the green and blue screen "Configuring Updates State 3 of 3 0% complete Do not turn off your computer" and then it restarts, only to return to that exact same screen.

After watching it do that at least six times I finally turned it off. It took me about 14 more tries to get to start in a "safe" or "repair" mode which it is in now, still being "repaired." That was two hours ago. When this happened last time it was at the exact same point with the 3 of 3 screen. It seems that the only solution to this would be to turn off automatice updates and check for them and install them when my computer is not coming out of a cold start. Has anyone else had this problem and does anyone have a better solution to avoid this than turning off automatice updates?

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Standard VGA Graphics Adapters:Bad Graphics

Jan 1, 2009

When i upgraded my windows xp to vista about 5 days ago it somehow screwed up my computer. My graphics are so bad that i can't play simple games and i know that my graphics card used to work perfectly. I just need to know if it is vista that has changed my graphics card and if it did how can i fix it. Also for Hardware Acceleration, i can not turn it on because i do not have the troubleshoot option in my display settings. My nero will not burn any dvd disc's due to that.

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Jan 19, 2009

I've a annoying problem with me pc crashing, it only happens when i play games like call of duty, halo 2, crysis 2.
i'll be playing the game when the screen will freeze with red dotted lines across it for about 45secs then i get this message.

"To your computer

Attempt to reset the display driver and recover from timeout failed.

If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your pc. If the screen appears again follow steps

Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installtion ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need.

If the problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software, disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing, if you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup options, and then select safe mode.

Technical information
*** Stop: 0x00000116 ( 0xFFFFFA80065CE4E0, 0xFFFFFA60020268F0, 0x0000000000000000, 0x000000000000000Z)

*** NVLDDMKM.SYS-ADDRESS FFFFFA60020268F0 base AT FFFFFA600200E000, Datestamp 491B7353

Collecting data for crash dump...
Initializing disk for crash dump...
Beginning dump of physical memory.
Dumping physical memory to disk: 100
Physical memory dump complete
Contact yor system admin or technical support group for further assistance."

My graphics is a Geforce 8800Gt OC2 512MB, it has the most upto date drivers, my windows is upto date.
I've tried turning down the resolution and what is said in the error message.

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VGA Graphics Adaptor?

Oct 2, 2008

how to fix this driver. Toshiba Satellite Notepad m300/300. Windows installed driver software that supports the basic features of your Standard VGA Graphics Adapter. Its manufacturer may provide software that enables additional features.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: PnPGenericDriverFound
Architecture: x86
Hardware Id: PCIVEN_1002&DEV_95C4&SUBSYS_FF501179&REV_00
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 3081
Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: 96099954

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Graphics Still Shoudn't Look

Feb 19, 2010

I have a problem with every game I try to play. The main menu and opening credits are always fine. When I enter into game play it looks like im playing the Atari or something. Everything is pixelated and blocky, some shapes wont render and game play is very skippy. I dont have the BEST graphics card but it still shouldn't look the way it is. I have an ATI Radeon x1200. My computer is the Toshiba Satellite A215.

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Graphics Card 1GB But Says 4GB

Jul 27, 2009

why does vista say i have 4GB of video ram, when my card is only 1GB? is it using part of my 8GB of ram for video?

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Display / Graphics

May 2, 2009

I have a problem, for some reason when im playing games such as cod4 or gta4 or something. Il be playing fine for quite a long time, certainly a few hours but then randomly the screen will just stop, and the whole computer will freeze.

I noticed that on the frozen screen small parts of it had small purple lines going round them.

Well the only way to get out of this is to do a hard boot and start up my pc again.

Im wondering why this happens as i have all up to date drivers and my pc easily meets the requirements to play the games im playing.

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Graphics Or Setting

Nov 5, 2008

Ok well let's begin. My father n law has a HP machine with Vista on it. Ever since he purchased it he when viewing webpage's, the headers and stuff like words overlap each other and it is very hard to read. Now it is not on all webpage's but on most, and it is not the main text. For instance when you log onto EBAY, all the links on the left under Shop Your Favorite Categories are messed up. The clickable words are on top of each other yet spread out a little. Please help me out so we can get this resolved. I tried to adjust the display setting for a larger screen but that did not work. His screen settings are maxed out. I think 1440x900 @ 32 bit. I know this really does not make a whole lot of sense but it is hard to explain.

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Can Upgrade The Graphics?

Jan 18, 2009

I receved COD4 for PC from a friend for Christmas. Being completely knew to omputer gaming, I know that my Gateway T-6836 notebook, with integrated Intel graphics, is not suitable for gaming as it is. Can I buy/upgrade to a discrete graphics card and install it in my laptop, or is this not an option?

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Is There Graphics Card Or Not?

Aug 6, 2009

I have dell inspiron 530s desktop. how can i know is there any graphics card installed or not? & if installed what is it's capacity...

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Best Graphics Slot?

Sep 5, 2008

Which graphics slot is best to use? AGP, PCI or PCIe X1, PCIe x16. I also heard of PCIe 2.0 but my computer doesn't have that one listed.

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What Graphics Card Can Use?

Aug 2, 2007

i have a Dell poweredge server with Vista x64 installed. Unfortunately, it doesn't include PCI-e x16. It has 2 x4 slots with x8 connectors. What kind of graphics card can I use with this system?

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Graphics Card Will Not Run

Jan 2, 2009

I have a HIS ATI Radeon HD 4870x2 Graphics card I am getting very poor gpu clock and memory speeds on both cores of my graphics card. at both 3D and 2D mode, using GPU-Z and ati 8.12 catalyst control center I know that in 3D mode it should be at 750MHZ and 900MHz and 2D at 507MHz and 500MHz(2gpu). I have un-installed and re-installed the 8.12ccc with no change at all, also using driver cleaner(in safe mode) when un-installing. I get no arifacts as I use ExpertTool V4.0, enable fan contol for cooling while playing games. Its just the card will not run at its full potentuall or how it should.

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Can't Working Graphics

Apr 25, 2009

Forgive me first of all as I know very little about vista. I installed vista on my PC and now the graphics are completely bad. The colours are all strange, the resolution is very big etc.. it seems like I might need to have installed something else?

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Graphics Look Smeared

Jun 21, 2008

I am not computer literate at all so pls don't laugh too hard. All the icons and words (everything) on my screen looks smeared to the right. I have no idea why, probably something simple and stupid, but I have no idea how to fix it.

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Dual ATI Graphics Cards

Sep 27, 2009

I'm running:

Intel Core 2 Duo @ 1.73 GHz

3.5 GB RAM

ATI Raedeon Xpress 200M Chipset

Windows Vista Home Basic 32-bit

I have recently installed a ATI Radeon HD 4670 into my computer, I downloaded the latest ATI Catalyst driver from the ATI website and it installed the latest driver for both of the video cards, after it restarted I get this error message in the device manager for the ATI Radeon HD 4670:

Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because a previous instance of the device driver is still in memory. (Code 38)

I checked in the device manager and it says it has the same wddm driver version for both devices, I have tried installing many times but it continues to presist, is this a Windows Vista or ATI issue? Is there anything I can do to fix it?

System Information:


Device Manager:


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Choosing New Graphics Card

Jun 15, 2009

I'm looking to invest in a new graphics card i have a max of about £130 i want to spend but there are a few issues first off, my pc comes with a ****ty dell 350w PSU which has one graphics power connector now i did a PSU calculator with the card i want to buy>>Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 4870 1GB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Cardand it says it should come under 350 but i would like your opinions. Also is that the best card i can get for the cash? i would prefer ATI but would be willing to go over to Nvidia. i currently have a HD radeon 2600 XT which is a slim one, depth wise anything would fit, but i think a longer card would have a hard time fitting.

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Can Not Get Graphics Card To Work

Sep 4, 2009

I have a 2 year old XFX GeForce 8600 GT PCIE 16X that Im trying to install in a new computer with vista 64 and on board ATI radeon HD 3200. The first couple times i tried it, after install, i got no graphics at all, until i removed the card. After going into the BIOS, and changing the "displayPort Config" from Auto to Enabled, the on board graphics would work with the card installed, but not the card graphics. When i try to load the supplied drivers I get this message "The VGA detected seems not XFX's product. please go to nvidia.com to get the driver for the other NVIDIA VGA."

I dont understand that, but i then downloaded updated drivers from Nvidia, but when i try to install them, i get an assortment of error messages, including "The Nvidia setup program could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your current hardware", "you are running a 32bit version of nvidia uninstaller on a 64bit system", "setup detected the operating system in use is not windows vista 64bit" these errors seem to contradict themselves.

Is it possible this card is not compatible with the computer? The card may be bad, as my old PC lost graphics, but the geek squad (a bunch of morons by the way) swapped cards and still no graphics and said my MoBo was bad, so i just got new PC, but woudl like to use this card , as I assume its better than the included built in graphics. Going into the MoBo users guide, it doesnt cover switching from on-board graphics to PCI slot, other than describing how to configure the BIOS settings for the graphics card to support ATI Hybrid CrossFireX. I tried that, but it didnt seem to do anything either. im guessing the ATI contol center software doesnt show the enable CrossFire option without a CrossFire compatible card installed, or i didnt install the drivers correctly for that function.

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Bad Graphics And Sound Precious

Jul 31, 2007

Iv'e just got a really new computer installed and already I am having real bad problems, particularly graphics related. these are my specs: Now i don't want to sound precious, i know that is a really good set-up, but it seems to not be working very well at all! One of the biggest frustrations is the game farcry, my old computer couldn't really run it and now it seems my new one wont either!

- farcry video settings' "auto detect" options choose everything on the lowest settings (thats when i knew something was up) - i change the settings to highest possible and begin playing - at first, colours, lighting, etc apear almost inverted, very mixed up and incorect (indoors)....................

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Upgrading Graphics Card

Feb 10, 2010

Newegg.com - HIS H483QS512P Radeon HD 4830 512MB 256-bit GDDR3 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card - Desktop Graphics / Video Cards. Here is my machine that i plan to put the graphics card into: HP Pavilion a6110n PC (GG781AA) specifications - HP Home & Home Office Products also, my monitor uses a VGA cable, how will i be able to convert it and plug it into the dvi ports? Now i want to know if those 2 are compatible and if i upgrade to that graphics card willi notice a difference?

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