Red Shaded Items In Start Menu

Jun 8, 2008

What does it mean when some of the entries in the Start Menu are shaded red?

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Highlighted Items In Start Up Menu

Nov 23, 2009

i download a program or piece of software it continually stays highlighted in my startup menu this only started happening after i downloaded winpatrol its driving me crazy, i think its dragged something in with it so i have uninstalled it now, i have also ran several malware scans and they have came up with nothing...

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X64 Missing Start Menu Items

Apr 13, 2008

im having a problem with the startup menu on vista x64. ive installed vista everything went great. after installing i lookked at the all programs menu it had loads of icons for the likes of media centre and other free vista apps. anyway ive installed drivers some of my programs done a windows update downloaded all updates come back to the all programs menu and am missing loads of icons. i havent a clue how this as happend. look at this pic and i have lost everything in the list thats above windows update

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Start Menu Items Disappearing

Jun 3, 2008

This has now happened to me twice, and it's pretty annoying. All the shortcut items in the root of the Start menu have disappeared. That is all the default Vista apps like Movie Maker, Picture Viewer, Mail etc, plus a few other things I've installed that place icons in the root list PhotoShop CS3. The sub folders are still there fine. The applications whose shortcuts are missing are also still there, it is just the Start menu shortcuts that have gone. I've looked in the C: drive where the Start Menu folders are (C:Users and C:ProgramData) and the shortcuts are indeed gone. Previous Versions doesn't show anything up either, so they're completely gone. After the first time this happened I copied the entries from my Laptop, and all has been fine for a few weeks, but they're gone again.AVG Free 8 reports no viruses, and both SpyBot and AdAware report nothing of any significance.

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Items Missing From Start Menu

Sep 23, 2009

I rearranged my Start menu recently. I've just discovered that some items are now missing from the "Accessories" folder. I currently have:

Ease of Access
System Tools
Command Prompt
Windows Explorer So, things such as "Wordpad" are missing.I would be grateful if someone could tell me what menu items are missing, and the links to those items.

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Edit Windows Start Menu Items?

Jun 7, 2008

I want to reorganize some of the items on the Windows Start Menu to make it more streamlined and functional. I am right clicking the Windows Start button and choosing "Explore All Users" as directed. It works fine for 85% of the items on the Start Menu but there are still several items on the menu that don't show up in the Start Menu/Programs directory that comes up to edit the menu. How do I access these other items? They must be listed somewhere.

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How To Install Shortcuts, Start Menu Items, Etc For All User Accounts?

Jun 6, 2008

I am setting up a Vista Home Premium laptop for a friend. I created a standard user account for him, but I am using the administrator account myself while installing software and configuring everything. I disabled User Account Control for the admin account, because I was overwhelmed by warnings and prompts when doing all the installs and configs.

When logged in as administrator, I installed various apps including Start menu shortcuts and Quick Launch icons. However, when the standard user logs in, he doesn't see any of those shortcuts. Likewise, I want to place some folders on the desktop that will give him tips on how to use his new laptop and shortcuts to maintenance tasks. But, when I place them on "my" desktop, they are not available to him when he logs in as his standard user.

Is there some method that administrators use when setting up a new Vista system, so they can place Start menu shortcuts, Quick Launch icons, documents on desktop, etc. that will then be available in all user accounts (or even in specified user accounts)? Is there some way to do what I want, or am I asking the wrong questions?

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How To Change Default Setting Of Recent Items On The Start Menu

Nov 11, 2009

how to change the default setting of the Recent Items on the Start menu from alphabetical to date order in Vista Home Premium. I did it on my desktop a year ago- I seem to recall it was a Registry change- but on my laptop I'm stuck with the useless alphabetical order.

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Missing "Recent Items" Entry In Start Menu

Jun 23, 2008

my Recent Items list has disappeared. I've been to the Start Menu properties window, and under Privacy, I only have a single entry, "Store and display a list of recently opened programs". The corresponding entry for documents is missing. Furthermore, although I can check the one-and-only tick-box, the setting doesn't hold, and it's unchecked again next time I open Properties. I have a Recent Items folder (with the correct icon), deep in my User folder, but it's empty. I tried restoring the desktop.ini file from an early disk image, but although the restore appears to work according to the image program, the folder remains stubbornly empty. It's as though some system setting registry value has been set prohibiting the use or display of this Recent Items folder.

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New Menu Right Click Items

May 11, 2009

I want to delete a few items from my vista new menu right click but have no idea how to do this tru the registry or if there is a utility program that will make this easier.. i want to remove adobe life cycle, windows call,adobe 3d reviewer, contact..

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Menu Items Not Showing

Dec 26, 2009

I am using Windows Vista Business 32-Bit OS... from couple of day's some of menu items not showing....Please find attachment for few screen shots.

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Items Removed From Right-click Menu?

Oct 29, 2009

It's time to take care of another issue. How are items removed from the right-click menu? There's a "Scan with Spybot" on the menu and it's been uninstalled months ago. Also, how are things added to the right-click menu? The PC = HP Pavilion/VistaHomePremium SP/2 w/all updates. 500G HD, 3G Ram, AMD dual-processor.

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Start Up Items Capturing Memory

May 11, 2008

My computer seems to use too much memory at start up. I have two gigs of RAM and It uses 45% of that. So, I went to Defender and do not recognize all of the start up programs. How can I find out what they do? Like OSD Maestro? Or, I have three different Installshield pragrams running, but they appear to be three sessions of the same version/type etc.

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Start Computer Get Nothing No Icons Start Menu

May 11, 2008

when i start my computer i get nothing no icons start menu or anything but i do get a my documents window and from there i have to ctrl alt delete then go to file run and run explorer does anyone know how to make it to where i dont have to do all that stuff to run explorer basically does anyone know how to make it where when i start my computer it is normal with explorer running?

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Issue With Moving Files : File Stays Shaded

Sep 4, 2008

I have a bit of a problem with moving files around...instead of trying to explain it Ill just list the things that is wrong:

ctrl+C, ctrl-V, ctrl+X does not work

trying to cut/copy/paste from right clicking does not work

drag/drop does not work

I CAN open the file and Save As.. to put the file where I want it. This is exclusively with files, I can do whatever I want with text without a problem. everything is available to use in the right-click menu, and when I cut a file it shades the file, but if I try to paste it somewhere else it does nothing, the file stays shaded where it originally was.

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Start: Run And Cmd.exe Not Available On Menu?

May 3, 2008

There is no Start > Run in Vista? Also, cmd.exe is not available on any menu? Why did Microsoft make this change?

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Freezing Over Start Menu

Nov 2, 2009

This is driving me nuts and was wondering if anyone else has encountered this. When passing over any other item the item information is displayed right away with no problems. But, when I pass the mouse pointer over a particular item, in the start menu the system hangs and the 'highlight' stops over particular item without displaying item information. (in MS Access it's referred top as the Control Tip Text). After about 20 seconds the item info gets displayed and things go back to normal..........

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Help And Support In The Start Menu

Apr 26, 2009

When I click on Help and Support in the start menu, Help is started, but I get a message like this: The topic you are looking for is not available in this version of Windows.

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No User Name On Start Menu?

May 1, 2009

i installed vista a few weeks ago...being the economical person i am, i decided to go thru all my extraneous directories that windows installs and delete a few things i know i'd never use...mostly public junk, etc etc...i also understand that vista is smart, actually modifying what it shows you depending on the things you use most, bla bla bla.. i'm the only one using my puter and i've set the account up with admin priviledges..

just recently, i've noticed that my name is no longer displayed in the start menu just above the "documents" button & underneath my display picture, and i'm concerned about it...i'm thinking maybe it had something to do with those directories i've deleted in the public area...OR maybe vista just realised that by now i'm the only one who ever touches my puter and has chosen to assume it's always me and not show my name anymore.. i don't know but i'd like to know why this is happening, and if i choose to, how i can restore it? i've tried in the policy manager but none of those settings seem to make a difference...

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Start Menu, Task Bar Gone After SP 1

Jun 1, 2009

I just installed SP 1 and now the Start Menu and Task Bar are gone. It was a lot of work to install. I'd hate to have to take it back out again. Task Bar wasn't locked but wasn't set to hide either.

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Miss The Way XP Did Start Menu

Nov 16, 2008

I stumbled upon vistax64 while researching superfetch in vista and honestly out of all the sites I have been to this one is the most informative and up to date. I found the tutorials section to be a real big help in fact I almost have vista setup just the way I want it because of the guides. I do have a quick question I miss the way XP did its start menu as in hover over a item to go to its menu, vista you have to actually click the menu, anyway to return that to the way it used to be while still keeping the default vista look?

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Pin A New Submenu To The (or XP) Start Menu?

Jun 16, 2008

This applies to XP as well as Vista, the solution (if there is one) may also work for both, that's why I decided to crosspost instead of posting a separate question for each OS. Has someone found a way to add new top-level menus to the start menu, the way you could in Win2000, and still can in XP and Vista if you switch to the "classic" start menu?

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Start Menu Right Pane

Apr 24, 2008

I have 2 Hard Drives - 1 for OS the other for Data. Since all my data is on disk D I wanted to change the Documents, Music, and Pictires links on the rhs of the start pane to point to the new location. i did that OK by using properties, move location.however I stuffed it up by changing where "Videos" points. "videos is a link under the users on c:. Anyway, I sent it to the wrong place. When I tried to fix it my documents, pictures and music links were all lost. Somehow i've managed to re-establish the Documents link to point to the correct place (on the Data HDD) but I can't change Music or Pictures. They are just empty and do nothing. If I point to them and right click and select properties there is no "Location" tab, and in fact there is nothing at all.The links are OK in "Favourite Links" when Computer window is open, but they are dead on my start panel right hand side. All the other items in that panel are OK. How can I reset those links to point where I want.

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Windows 7 Start Menu

Nov 5, 2009

I can't seem to find Newsgroups for Windows 7, so I'm hoping to find an answer for my question here! I've installed Win7 on my laptop and want to customize the Start Menu's All Programs windows. I normally consolidate like programs/folders into one common folder to minimize the number of items on the All Program window (i.e. all Microsoft related items in one folder called something like Microsoft Programs). I can't seem to figure out how to do that in Windows 7.

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In Start Menu, There Are Two Desktops

Apr 16, 2008

I am the only user on my Vista Home Premium system. When I click Documents in the Start Menu, there are two Desktops - one at the top of folders and one under my Username. I am trying to figure out why there are 2 Desktops.

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Alternative Start Menu

Aug 20, 2008

Vista Start Menu – Convenient alternative to Start menu

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Start Menu Disappeared

Jul 2, 2008

Recently most of the programs in my Start Menu disappeared. Almost everything that disappeared is Microsoft related, like Office. When I rebooted it said that explorer.exe and sprtcmd.exe in the C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms directory is corrupt and I should run chkdsk. However, chkdsk won't run. I set it to run on reboot but it never does. Then I tried using sfc /scannow but it only got to 71% before saying it can't continue. I tried going into the Programs folder but it says the directory is corrupt or unreadable. I've got Vista Home Premium, and my computer is a Dell XPS M1530.

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Freezing Up Over Start Menu

Oct 28, 2009

I am using Vista Home Basic x32 sp2. When I pass the mouse pointer over a particular item on the start menu Vista freezes. It always happens when the pointer passes over the same item. It also occurs sometimes when I try to drag an item to a different location on the start menu.

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Cannot Access Start Menu

Mar 31, 2008

I cannot seem to access my start menu and I cannot seem to see my programs when minimized to the taskbar. It has not  been resized, just it has just disappeared as I was surfing the web.

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No Programs On Start Menu

Jun 20, 2008

Just noticed that there are no programs listed when I press the Start Button, they only show up when I click on All Programs. It was fine earlier.Havent installed anything.

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Not All Program Will Run From Start Menu

Apr 14, 2008

Not all programs listed in the pinned area and recently run area of the Start Menu will run when you click on them.This is true particularly of MS Office programs.Some programs will run when clicked on, but not others.With those that won't run, you have to go to "All Programs" and select them from there.This is very annoying, because you never know which programs will run.In Windows XP, you never had this problem.I was hoping that SP-1 would fix this, but it didn't.Do others have this problem? Can it be fixed?

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