Reclaim Ctrl-Space Used Keys In Word 2003

Feb 19, 2009

Ctrl-Space is one of the most frequently used keys in Word 2003 as it changes back from for example bold or italic to normal character formatting. However, Vista has somehow claimed this key for other purposes and even after a lot of searching I haven't found a way to reclaim it. Is this at all possible?

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Re-formatting The HDD, Reclaim Disk Space?

Feb 11, 2009

I've got a 3-yr old Dell laptop that I recently upgraded to Vista Business from WinXP Pro with SP3. It's a spare for the staff and it has been checked out. The staff member came back to say the HDD was almost full, I checked and saw that only 7 GB of the 80 GB total was free. So I uninstalled a bunch of programs and windows components she didn't need or want, ran Disk Cleanup, Defrag .... I was only able to reclaim 3 GB. Downloaded a trusty defrag program I use - JK Defrag - and ran it. Only gained another GB. Rebooted a couple times and re-ran JK Defrag. No gain. Checked the folder sizes and saw that the WINSXS folder was huge. Checked it via Google and saw that I can't really get rid of it.

Short of re-formatting the HDD and starting over, what else can I do to reclaim disk space? I'm guessing that Defrag and JK Defrag aren't doing so well becuase they have less than 10 GB of "wiggle room" to work with.

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Cannot Reclaim Hd Space By Deleting Files

May 15, 2010

My C drive shows 2.98 GB free. I have deleted tons of programs and files, and it remains at 2.98 GB free. I'm also getting messages that my D: partition is full (I have never messed with it, so ???). Have run chkdsk /f, ran the dell repair utility that took all day yesterday, said everything was fine. Tried to reinstall Vista from the DVD and got a message that I need 7 GB of free space, so it aborts.

You can hopefully see my problem, i.e., not enough space to reinstall Vista, but can't get the space I need no matter what I do. Have run disk cleaner and everything else, too. Hibernation is not turned on. System restore is not turned on. My c drive is 288 GB on a Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop with 4 GB of ram. Vista Home Premium 32 bit.

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Office 2007 Word Edit Document Word 2003

Nov 11, 2009

When I edit Word Documents I get something that looks weird with all sorts of strange characters in the document or letter. How do I edit a previously created Word file and get it to look like a normal document like they did with Word 2003?

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Converting Word 97-2003 Document To Word 2007

May 17, 2008

I use Vista and want to know how to open a file that was originally in Word 97? 2003 to open in Vista Word 2007 and how to convert that file to the Word 2007 format. When I searched Microsoft on this issue, it said to click on Start and look for the word convert. When I did that I could not find the work convert.

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How Do I Unlock Keys In Microsoft Word 2007

Apr 11, 2008

how do i unlock my keys in microsoft word 2007. i can't even use it for documents i already have in there.

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Scan A Document Into Word 2003 On Our New VISTA

Jun 13, 2008

Last night my daughter scanned a document into word 2003 on our new VISTA machine. When she took it to work, she could not open the file on her XP computer. Is there anything we can do to enable this??

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Speech Recognition In Word 2003 Command Mode?

May 16, 2010

I have used Microsoft Office's built-in speech recognition successfully with Word 2003 on XP. Now I am trying to use Vista's speech recognition with Word 2003.The training program recognizes voice properly, as evidenced by saying a training phrase improperly it won't let you advance to the next screen until you say it properly. So it is hearing and understanding voice.But no words EVER appear in the Word document. Not the wrong words, NO words.When turning on speech recognition with Word open one of two things happen,either:

1. A variety of commands seem to happen sidebars open, dialog boxes pop up,

2. Speech recognition dialog shows "What was that?"

It is clearly hearing and responding. Set mic volume several times, and db meter in speech recognition shows normal response. It's as if it's in what in Office used to be called "command mode" where it only listens for commands, not words.

I mention Office's command mode, but Vista does not seem to have a "command mode," although it is behaving as if everything is either a command or unclear, and never a word. Note that choosing Tools>Speech in Word has no effect. No checkbox appears, clicking the speech option and speaking, then clicking again and speaking, etc. has no effect.

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Microsoft Office 2003/ Word: Automatically Shut Down

Jan 29, 2010

Microsoft office 2003 problem. When starting microsoft word on vista ulitmate, there seems to be a problem. This will automatically shut down, saying there was a problem and is shutting down. The other programs seem fine, Excel, powerpoint, etc. I havent a clue what this could be, has anyone else had this problem.

In the top right corner of microsoft word it will say "Finalizing Installation" and then after you type a couple of sentences it will shut down on its own. This is for a friend of mine, who had microsoft office put on when she bought the laptop of a friend, though she does not have the disk. so i wondered if this is an installation problem. Would this be some sort of copy of microsoft office 2003, that was put on for her She has only found this out now as her son needs to use word for school ( vista ultimate, 64 bit, sp2)

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Word 2003 Win 7 "bcm Version Not Compatatable"

May 31, 2010

i get error msg "bcm version not compatatable", after installing and using office 2003 but something peculiar is also happening when i use ms word 2003 when i type the program randomly makes some words huge, but still says that they are 12pt tnr.

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Ctrl-alt-1 Thru Ctrl-alt-9 Automatically

May 31, 2009

I thought ctrl-alt-1 through ctrl-alt-9 were automatically assigned as shortcuts to the first nine items on the quick start part of the taskbar.

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Recovery Partition SSD Reclaim

Apr 9, 2010

I'd like to reclaim the 10 plus Gb on my SSD that holds the recovery partition for Vista on my Toshiba A500 series laptop.

I've already backed up the system to DVD's using the Toshiba recovery disk creator utility.

Anyone know how to reclaim the 10Gb? I'd really like to do it without losing the operating system if possible.

Also, I'm wondering if I do this and things get screwed up will the recovery disks regenerate the recovery partition and take me back to the original state?

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Micorosoft Exchange 2003 & Outlook 2003

Mar 23, 2008

My office run XP, Outlook 2003 on the Exchange server no problem. I have bought a new machine with Vista and cannot access my mail. I am connected to the office domain and Outlook can find me on the domain but Outlook will not connect any further, keeps asking for a password

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How To Bring Back The Amount Of Free Space And Used Space On A Hard Drive

Nov 28, 2008

I would like to get vista to use the login style used in Win 2000 ... ctrl+alt+del gives a login box in which to enter the user name and password.

Win XP Pro had this option also, but, it's default was like vista (pictures showing all users).

I have been able to get the ctrl+alt+del part but instead of the login box I still get pictures.

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HD Space/JkDefrag: How I Lost 100 Gigs Of Available Of Space

Nov 29, 2008

I have a 320 GB HD. When I checked it, I only have 25 gigs of free space. However I can only find about 180 gigs of files/data. Any ideas as to how I lost 100 gigs of available of space? Just a couple of weeks ago I checked and I had plently of space. No recent installs, only recent changes are the removal of Mcaffee monitoring software and running JkDfrag.

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Hard Disk Space: Showing Less Space

Jun 14, 2008

i reformatted my whole c drive and then clean installed vista ultimate onto it and at start i had 268Gb out of 274Gb. now its gone to 243Gb and i've only installed a couple of programs and when i highlight everything in the c drive it says its 7.38GB. I've Defragged it a lot of times and the space keeps on going down.

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How To Use Ctrl-Alt-Del In Win 7

Nov 5, 2009

I used to be able to hit Ctrl-Alt-Del in XP to end a program. How can I do that in Win 7?

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Disable Ctrl+F4?

Jun 4, 2008

I am currently doing an online course which includes some Flash animations. At one point, they want me to press Ctrl+F4 to proceed with the animations. However, this key combinations seems to have already been assigned to closing active window. How can I disable Ctrl+F4?

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Won't Respond To Ctrl-alt-del

Jun 5, 2007

I really had high hopes for x64 Vista. I put together a new system (specs below) that would be more than capable of handling the OS. I wanted to get the benefit of the full 4 GB of RAM as well as other potential benefits of x64. But it has really been a disappointment. If the computer is on screensaver for too long, it locks up and won't respond to ctrl-alt-del or anything but a hard reboot (no, it's not in hibernate mode). I've had driver problems and I can't even get Rome Total War, my favorite strategy game, to play. Is there any reason why I should keep x64 on?

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How Can Vista As With Ctrl-alt-del

Jan 4, 2010

1. how do I get same results in Vista as with "ctrl-alt-delete" in XP, ie get the windows task manager to delete stabourne progs.
2. operations in vista seem long winded, I click on something & a dozen windows, helps, warnings appear before (or if) I succeed to do what I wanted. Can I simplify/tweek vista to resemble XP workings?

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PC Freezing And Ctrl Alt Del Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista on Inspiron 530 desktop. The PC is OK for about an hour then internet gets very slow, finally freezing. When I press ctrl alt del I get message "Logon process has failed to create the security options dialog" and below this "Failure - security options" . The only way out of this is to turn off the electricity to the pc.
Even if I don't get this error, I am seldom able to "shut down" the computer. I sometimes get the "logging off" message which changes to "shutting down" but even after waiting ages, it does not usually shut down so I just have to switch it off.

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CTRL+C Routinely Fails

May 1, 2008

Ever since I've had vista, CTRL+C routinely fails, and I'm not just imagining this. I don't get it happen once in XP, but in Vista it happens several times a day and is extremely frustrating. The only solution, do it again..."Do it twice incase it didn't work the first time"

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No Response When CTRL-ALT-DELETE

May 6, 2008

I am running Windows Vista Ultimate with Service Pack 1. I have Norton 360 installed as well as Windows Defender. Norton and Defender run at different times on different days. All of my e-mail is scanned before it is installed on my computer. There are no known viruses on my computer. A few days ago I noticed that my CPU would average nearly 80 to 90 percent. When I pressed ALT-CTRL-DELETE it would not respond. I ran taskmgr from the command line to see what processes were running. Nothing out of the ordinary was running.

I did see explorer.exe maxing at 50 percent at times. I read a few comments about this issue and one response was to delete ( I normally rename) vdmdbg.dll When I tried to do this I would get access denied. I did attempt to change the ownership but was unable to. I also changed my login process to require ctrl-alt-delete. When I did that it still would not accept it. I ran the login screen utility to allow me to enter the ctrl-alt-delete from the gui which did work.

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Ctrl + C Does Not Copy Text

Apr 19, 2009

Recently, Ctrl + C does not copy text into the clipboard although right-clicking and selecting Copy still works. This persisted even after a reboot. Also, Clipboard Viewer does not work at all (e.g.. Ctrl + C twice). How do I restore these functions? (Vista x64 SP1, Office 2007)

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AGP Aperture Size: Not Ctrl F1

Jan 22, 2009

What is that? How do i change AGP Aperture Size? How i get to the Advanced Bios? (It is not ctrl f1 on my Notebook)

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Keyboard Have Hit CTRL Or SHIFT

Sep 16, 2009

I just recently purchased a new laptop and it seems that my keyboard is having problems (which is becoming a little annoying when trying to write 2000+ page essays). When I am typing sometimes shortcuts will be in use (as though I have hit CTRL or SHIFT). I can be writing the letter T and a new tab in firefox will be created. Is there anyway to fix this?

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Logo Key Between The Left Ctrl & Alt, But Disappeared

Apr 27, 2008

I'm sure some of the things that go wrong are due to the fact that my finger will sometimes twitch and depress the mouse button where it shouldn't put something into play on the bad side, but even so, I'd like to know how to fix the problems no matter thie origins. (I'm much better on that since I found the Steadymouse program.)

Not sure what you call the panels that ariced when you push the logo key between the left Ctrl & Alt, but things have disappeared over the past several months. The first I noticed was that the DOCUMENTS sign no longer took me to my documents folder, as it used to do. The other things have been happening (or not happening) in the past few weeks. I don't recall everything that used to be on the right side panel, but here's what's left:........

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Explorer - Selecting Files Using CTRL Key Are Not Next To Each Other

Apr 4, 2009

Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 with 4gb memory,When inside explorer, I can select continuous files by selecting the first file and pressing the Shift key plus last file. However when I try to select files using CTRL key plus files that are not next to each other, the highlighting comes off and I am unable to select files properly.Is this a known bug with Vista?

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Sleep Mod: Do Not Let Do Any Thing Untill Ctrl/alt/del

Mar 1, 2009

I am having issues with sleep mode. I have a Dell Studio XPS 435MT, running 64 bit home premium vista with service pack 1. After the computer wakes from sleep, all seems fine, and the desktop is always shown- however it won't let me click and open any applications or do anything until I control-alt-delete. I dont have to actually do anything in task manager, I just close it, and then the computer runs normally. If I had left applications open, those will then show up. This issue happens regardless of screen saver use, and regardless of whether I have applications open or not. If I let the computer sleep without any applications running, I still have to start task manager before I can do anything.

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Ctrl Key Opens Multiple Folders

Sep 20, 2009

When holding my ctrl key briefly it opens two explorer windows for the location: C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms: It is very annoying when I need to use the ctrl key in combinations (ctrl+c, +v, etc). How can I disable this shortcut option?

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Disk Read Error Use Ctrl/alt/del

Jun 27, 2009

I have a Dell XPS M1530 Laptop, running Vista Home Premium 64bit. I have support from Dell but they have been unable/unwilling to save my data in the past so I'm exploring my options before calling them. My computer threw an error and then froze so that I couldn't close any open programs or access task manager or shutdown/restart. I was forced shutdown by holding the power button. On turning the computer back on, I got a "disk read error, use ctrl/alt/del to restart" response. Using ctrl/alt/del simply causes the same error to repeat.

I can access F2 and F12, but not F8. I have tried both my Dell Vista Reinstallation CD and a Recovery CD made using the tutorial on this site (found here: Create a Recovery Disc). In both cases, I have to use F12 to get it to boot from the disk. It says "loading Windows files" and then shows the little bar with Microsoft below it. Afterwards, however, it never gets to the system recovery/repair options screen...or indeed any request for input at all. It simply shows a black screen and the CPU seems to be working at something but never does anything. Occasionally, I will hear a little blip sound. Like most folks, I'm desperately hoping to retrieve data I haven't backed up in a week or two, some of it absolutely irreplaceable! If anyone has any suggestions for getting in to backup data in any way, I'd be immensely grateful!

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