Need Download Adobe Flash Player Update

Jun 10, 2008

I need to download an Adobe Flash Player update. In the upper left corner a dialogue box opens up and asks me if I want to save the file. I click on save and that is the last I see of it. The dialogue box closes and I have no idea where the file is being saved to. I have used the search function and it always comes back that it cannot find the file I requested. Worse yet, Vista does not give me a choice as to where I want the file saved. I have drive C: drive D: on the primary HD. I have a drive G: on an external drive. I never had these type of problems when running XP Home on my previous computer. I have myself set up as administrator to try to avoid some of the roadblocks that Vista puts up.

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Adobe Flash Player 64 Bit Not Working

Dec 11, 2009

Is adobe flash player available for 64-bit browsers? I have been recently using 64 bit Internet Explorer and I cant use programs like Cafe World on Facebook.

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How Can Removing Adobe Flash Player

Aug 2, 2009

I'm having trouble removing an older version of Adobe Flash Player (Flash10b.ocx). When I go to delete it, it says "I need permission to perform this action". I tried the Flash Un-installer but that just deletes the newer updated version I downloaded. Any ideas?

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Latest Version Of Adobe Flash Player

Jul 11, 2007

Latest Version of Adobe Flash Player Released

Date Posted: June 10th 2010 Flash Player is still not supported for playback in a 64-bit browser yet. Remember to uncheck the Google Toolbar option if you do not want it installed to. See release notes. Adobe Flash Player Download Page
If you have problems installing the Adobe Flash Player, then you might use the uninstaller program to remove the old Adobe Flash Player version and try installing the new version again afterwards. How to uninstall the Adobe Flash Player plug-in and ActiveX control
If you use Firefox, then it uses a separate plug-in than Internet Explorer. You will need to select your OS, click Continue, and select "other browsers" to install the separate plug-in for Firefox from this link instead. You should check your Adobe Flash settings and click on the Delete all sites button at this link every so often.

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Adobe Flash Player, Not Display Correctly

Jul 4, 2008

I have a windows vista. I had adobe flash player, this morning a box popped up when I signed on to install a newer version of adobe flash. I clicked install now it said success, when I went to a web site that you need flash player to see certain things I could'nt see any thing. So I go to download flash player and Internet explorer says: Has blocked this site from using an active x control in a unsafe manner. as a result this page may not display correctly

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Critical Vulnerability Found In Adobe Flash Player

Jul 27, 2009

Adobe has posted a security advisory for Adobe Reader, Acrobat and Flash Player. The company states that a critical vulnerability is present in the current versions of Flash Player (v9.0.159.0 and v10.0.22.87) for Windows, Macs and UNIX operating systems and the authplay.dll component that ships with Adobe Reader and Acrobat v9.x on the same operating systems.

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Upgrading To IE8, Adobe Flash Player Stopped Working

Aug 16, 2009

Ever since upgrading to IE8, Adobe Flash Player stopped working. I downloaded "resetfp10.cmd" and "SubInACL" as per instructions from Adobe, and was told to put both of them in C:Program FilesWindows Resource KitsTools which I can't find on my PC.

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Adobe Flash Player: Animated Pictures Are No Longer Animated

Mar 23, 2008

Since installing version 9, my animated pics are no longer animated

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Adobe Shockwave 11.5 & Adobe Flash 10

May 3, 2010

I ask because when I go into Programs and Features, neither of these are there. I do have an Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX and an Adobe AIR (whatever that is). I also now have an Adobe Download Manager which came when I downloaded the subject two programs. NOTE: The Flash Player shows as a plugin on Firefox

ALSO: The site told me to uninstall the older versions of these two programs prior to installing the new, but I don't have an older version of either. This came about because I was having a problem with a game that worked until after I installed the latest NVIDIA driver. The game manufacturer told me to install both of these as a measure to correct the issue. It didn't correct it BTW. Other games still work fine.

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Adobe Flash For Vista 64

Aug 21, 2009

Is there an Adobe Flash Player 64 for use with IE8 64?

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Adobe Flash Not Working On X64

Sep 11, 2009

I can not get Adobe flash to work on my PC Vista 64 . IE or FireFox.

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Adobe Flash: The Silent Privacy Killer

Dec 29, 2008

there are hundreds of applications out there from spyware cleaners to built-in browser features that eliminate cookies on the spot, and even let you set cookie policies on your computer regarding what can be stored in your machine, and for how long. i’m assuming that if you’re here reading this post, you already know all of the dangers of cookies on your computer. in all honesty, i don’t seriously believe that they’re the most dangerous form of movement or web tracking, but they can definitely be used to monitor more movements than a person should feel comfortable with.

what if there was a type of cookie that could:

stay on your computer for an unlimited amount of time store 100 kb of data by default, with an unlimited max couldn’t be deleted by your browser send previous visit information and history, by default, without your permission okay… that’s a pretty scary cookie. as it is right now, the cookies we’re so deadly afraid of can store a maximum of 4 kb of information, are manage by your browser, and by default have reasonable defaults and restrictions.
this type of cookie exists on 98% of global computers, across all operating systems. it’s the adobe flash player.

the adobe flash player maintains proprietary cookies called local shared objects or lso’s. lso’s are capable of storing 100 kb’s of information for an indefinite amount of time by default. when you clear your browser history in internet explorer, firefox or opera on windows, linux, or os x lso’s are not cleared from adobe’s local repository.

in fact, all the information in those cookies will remain indefinitely until they’re removed by the issuing website, or by you via a cumbersome and ridiculous process.
unfortunately, i haven’t even explained the worst of it.

there’s no easy way to tell what sites are using flash cookies to track your movements. there’s no list, and there doesn’t have to be a flash gui or visible application for flash cookies to be present. in fact, most websites using flash for user tracking don’t create gui’s, toolbars, or applications that you can actually see in your browser while browsing the site.

many times a tiny flash module, 2 kb in size or less is loaded into your browser on every page visit in the same way a gif, jpg or other image is. the whole purpose of this tiny, invisible flash module might be to simply record the page request, and your username or other session variables.

alright, so now you’re sufficiently convinced that this is creepy stuff. let’s talk about how to get rid of it?

lame as it might be, the flash player has no ability to delete cookies. and as i’ve already said, your browser can’t help you out. it doesn’t even know these cookies exist! most of the privacy settings for adobe flash have be accessed via a flash application on adobe’s website called the adobe flash player settings manager.

if you want to access the settings manager, you can do so here. in fact, open it up now and let’s take a look.

if you’ve clicked the link above, then you’re looking at the flash player settings manager, and a list of all the sites currently storing information on the cookies stored on your computer.

looking at my list, i see over 100 websites that have been accessing the same cookie for the last year (the last time i formatted my computer). some of them are storing only 1kb of information, some are storing the full 100 kb’s. on my own computer, i see that my bank is storing flash information despite the fact that there isn’t a single flash application visible when i log in to check my balance. i see Internet, cnn, microsoft, rotten tomatoes and a ton more!

to delete all the flash cookies currently being stored on your machine:

go to the settings manager (website storage settings) go to the far-right tab click

“delete all sites” to prevent websites from storing any more information on your

go to settings manager click the second tab from the left (global storage settings) set the storage settings slider to none uncheck “allow third party flash content to store data on your computer there are several other “privacy” settings on the other tabs, but don’t be persuaded. most of those privacy settings have to do with whether or not websites can access your microphone and webcam. there isn’t a single cookie option on any of the privacy tabs on the settings manager.

adobe, as a global leader in browser technology (a 98% computer market share), has a responsibility to make privacy options easily accessible from within the player application itself. they also have a responsibility to set reasonble default limitations. it’s ridiculous that they would enable websites to store cookies indefinitely, and in such large sizes.

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100% CPU Usage Caused By Adobe Flash Plugin

Sep 21, 2009

So i've been dealing with 100% CPU usage for the last 3 weeks. I've narrowed down the cause to the Flash plugin for ANY browser, regardless of IE or Firefox. Anytime Flash is loaded in the browser, the CPU shoot straight up to 100% until you close the browser. I've google'd solutions for this. The only one I've seen is the all FULL CONTROL for the Everyone user on two of the Flash drives. This does not work. So I tried something else.

I reformatted and started from scratch. As soon as the Flash plugin was installed, BOOM, right to 100% CPU usage again. This happened on both Vista x64 Ultimate w/ SP2 and a clean install of Windows 7 x64 Ultimate RTM (It's a legal copy.)......

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Adobe 9.0 Download, ActiveX Not Allow

Jun 1, 2008

When I visit some sites it shows that I need to download Adobe 9.0. I uninstalled the adobe 8.0 as instructed and attempted to download the Adobe 9.0 I get an ActiveX notice to allow or not allow so I click allow and it showed successful download, But when I go back to launch the website I again get the notice that I need to install Adobe 9.0.

I checked my programs file and Adobe 9.0 is NOT installed. How come it said I downloaded ok on the Adobe 9.0 site but it is not loaded?? I re-installed the Adobe 8.0 and it works just fine. I have uninstalled Adobe 8.0 and tried many times to get Adobe 9.0 to download and the same thing happens.

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Flash Player 8 Will Not Install

Sep 3, 2008

I bought this computer four days ago and I can not get flash player 8 to install. Do I need to take it to Geek Squad or can I fix it myself. I love to watch tv shows at

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Flash Player And Can't Re-install

Feb 2, 2010

I lost my flash player and can't re-install it. I've deleted the flash files and re-installed several times and deleted my macromed folder and re-installed. I think the issue is in the UAC. When I try to change the UAC account type to administrator I can click on the administrator dot but the change account type box fades and I can not select it. In advanced user profile properties there is a user name ending in a IUSR_NMPR and then the user name that I use. I can not delete either.

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Flash Player And Get The Popup From UAC

Mar 23, 2008

Adobe Flash is not working in any of the programs that use it unless I run the program as administrator, then it works fine. However, I do not want to be forever having to run all my programs as administrator because either I have to right click and do it, or set it to run as administrator which means I get the popup from UAC. I didn't have flash installed. I have tried all the solutions offered on the adobe site several times and none of them will work.

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Flash Player Won't Install

Aug 8, 2009

Running Vista Home Prem 32 bit Can't install Flash Player, receive error message: Runtime Error! Program: C:programfilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unsual way. How do I fix this so I can install Flash Player?

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How To Installed Flash Player

Sep 23, 2009

If you do alot of you tube and stuff: Adobe - Flash Player : Settings Manager - Website Storage Settings panel

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Browser, Flash Player, Disabled

Feb 7, 2010

I turned on my computer and wanted to watch some tv programs and the web site said I need flash player to watch. It happen recently that flash player is keep disabled sometimes. So I resetted the explorer settings that I thought it would solve the problem then. after resetting loading of explorer became really slow. even though internet connection is good... D: I can't seem to fix it.... I have searched

after slow loading of green bar on explorer status bar it works fine... its fast (not fast as before but faster than loading up)... but at first loading of internet pages are not fast... as usual..

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Can't Installed Flash Player Vista(64) Bit

Dec 26, 2008

1. Open Computer.
2. Navigate to C:WindowsSysWOW64.
3. Scroll down and open the Macromed directory.
4. Open the Flash directory.
5. Right-click FlashUtil9b.
6. Select Run as Administrator.
7. When the UAC prompt appears, select Continue.
8. Follow the Flash Player installation wizard. Once the wizard completes, Flash Player has been properly installed and will now function properly. I have tried this on a Dell Vista system and it worked like a charm.

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Clean Your Flash Player Stored Stuff

Jul 6, 2009

This website cleans your flash player stored stuff.

just wait 3-4seconds for page to load then click delete ...

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Flash Player Is Not Supported For Playback In A 64-bit Browser

Apr 12, 2007

most sites i go on inc all game sites wont load they say i need a flash i i have tried about 100 times to install using all different links but each time i get a messege which reads.... Flash Player support on 64-bit operating systems. Flash Player is not supported for playback in a 64-bit browser. However, you can run Flash Player in a 32-bit browser running on a 64-bit operating system.

Adobe is working on Flash Player support for 64-bit platforms as part of our ongoing commitment to the cross-platform compatibility of Flash Player. We have not yet announced timing or release dates. this is very frustrating as i just can't use the internet hardly at all!!! Do i realy have to wait for the new flash player or is their a way around this?

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Flash Player In Guest Account Do Not Work

Feb 27, 2008

my administrator account runs flash with no problems but in the guest account flashplayer doesn't work. Is there a way to fix this?

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Macromedia Flash Download For 64-bit

Nov 8, 2009

im having ALOT of trouble downloading macromedia flash. i need it because i go on, and its required, but i have vista 64-bit, and macromedia isnt compatible with it...i really need help. how do i fix this?? i need simple step by step instructions because im not computer savvy at all, so please help stressing out about this and loosing my patience.

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Update Of Adobe Crashed My Computer

Nov 9, 2008

i am running vista home premium that came installed on my toshiba.

it was running a tad strangly but still running (not noticing the the computer name had been changed and various other items)..

then i was doing a normal update of adobe pdf reader and the install crashed. after that the microsoft installer wont work, i cant boot my computer normally altho it does open in safe mode - however, the windows installer wont work - even in safe mode.

when i try to boot it normally it seems to start fine but hangs once the desktop appears.....

i have tried repairing the startup process via the vista repair disc.

i have tried restoring back to a previous restore point

nothing so far has worked.

after doing the above i cant even start my computer normally (altho i can boot in safe) it seems to begin the process then the screen just goes black altho the disk light is still on....

i am now just about to reinstall my entire system but i would rather not have to do this....

is there anything else i can try? i have a time sensitive deadline that needs to be reached (of course) so i cant play around with this for too long.

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Adobe Acrobat 8 And 64 Bit Update Does Not Apply To System

Jun 11, 2008

I can not get the pdf print driver to work in Adobe Acrobat. Adobe says it will work with ms hotfix kb930627 applied and Adobe update 8.1 applied. I have downloaded the adobe update and installed. When I download the ms hotfix kb930627 it says the update does not apply to your system. I am running vista home premium service pack 1 64 bit os.

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Update Adobe Reader To 9.1 I Receive This Error: 1402

Sep 15, 2009

This is anonther problem that I have with windows vista 64bit. When trying to update Adobe reader to 9.1 i receive this error: Error 1402. Could not open key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE32softwareclassesCLSID{D38406DA-E8AA-484b-B80D-3D3DBDCC2FB2}versionindependentprogID Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact support.

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My Dvd Player Does Not Read The Win 7 Update Disk

Apr 14, 2010

On my laptop is installed a optiarc dvd rw AD 5540A.I want to upgrade to win 7 but it can't read the disk it keeps spitting it out and asking me to place a disk? It can read all kind of cd's and dvd's, I can see it in my bios and there is no exlamation mark in the device manager, when I try to update the driver it tells me the best driver is installed for this device.Tried to fix the problem by removing the upper and lower filters but that did not work!

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Can't Download Window Update

Nov 16, 2009

I can't seem to download any of the Window update. I have Window Vista Home edition 32

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Download As Windows Update?

Apr 26, 2009

Running Vista Home Premium. When the SP 2 is released, will it simply ( automatically ) download as another typical Windows update? Or will I need to do more drastic measures?

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