NET Framework 1.1: Not Compatible

May 15, 2010

NET framework 1.1. I want to upgrade to Windows 7 but .NET framework 1.1 isn't compatible is there anyway I can update it or shall I get rid of it?

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Windows: Not Compatible Every Program Supposedly Compatible Seizes Or Shuts Down

Jun 19, 2008

Without a doubt the worst windows version ever made! Microsoft were finally on track with windows XP pro but they had to go and screw it up by bringing us vista! Nothing works, nothing is compatible every program supposedly compatible seizes or shuts down! It is constantly vulnerable to viruses! There's no end to the complaints I have about this crappy version of windows! Wake up microsoft because you're just soft now and nothing micro about it!

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Net Framework 1.1

Sep 9, 2009

I've spent all day trying to install dot net framework 1.1 on my system, which is necessary to run old programs with. It's obviously not compatable with the new Vista. These are the following things I have tried all day until my brain has broken:

I followed these instructions innumerous times, and when I attempt to install using Admin/Command Prompt, it tells me that the commands given here (and at every other place that has pointed me there, which are many!) are invalid commands. It won't allow me to delete the ">" after my name in order to put in the commands, or change anything. I've tried the commands in many different orders, and other commands, to no avail.

I followed these instructions as well, which didn't do a bloody thing.

Finally, tonight I followed these instructions, and have run into the same issue when attempting to install v. 1.0 and 1.1, which is that they're not compatable with Vista. (This also has left me with NO framework as I write this post.)

Now, I know I've done this before and installed dot net framework 1.1 just fine in the past, but I can't recall exactly what I did, but it was similar to along the lines of the first link's instructions. So why I'm having problems now is beyond me. Dot net framework 1.1 is very important to what I need to do, and I would really really appreciate if someone could help me before I poke my eyes out in frustration over this!

Installing dot net framework 1.1 for dummies on Vista?

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.NET Framework

Jun 24, 2009

I experienced endless WinUpdate update issues with .net framework on my W2K
pc - but so far none with Vista Ultimate.

I just ran 2 'Important' Vista WinUpdates - a hotfix and an update for .net
framework 3.5 SP1 - no problems.

However - it occurs to me that I never got a firm idea just how important
..Net Framework is to the average user like myself who's much less a PC
enthusiast than I was almost 20 years ago & primarily today more an email
and news junkie. So I checked out what Wikipedia posts on Net Framework -
and except for nerdy gobbledygook - got precisely no idea just how important
..NET Framework is to me.

May I ask a MS knowledgeable or other professional person to help me
understand 'just how important' for a user like me? If WinUpdate indicates
it's not 'essential' - than what exactly do I lose, if anything, by
uninstalling .NET Framework?

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.Net Framework Is Incorrect

Mar 23, 2008

I have had recent trouble with my .Net. Specifically with QuickBooks not
opening up.

I called them, they said it was my .Net framework that was incorrect. We
deleted it and reinstalled it.

Now, of course, I cannot open other programs - the error message is that I
need to install one of the following: V1.1.4322 or V1.1.3705

A. WHERE are these versions available to download.
B. Is there possibly another version that will take care of this whole mess.

I have tried to find a number to contact you people but you are very

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NET Framework, No Success

Sep 30, 2009

I want to install sqlexpress which needs at least .net 2 SP2. So I removed my previosly installed Visual Studio 2003 and tried to install NET 3.5. No success. is there any way to install ANY .NET framework on Vista 64?

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How Do Uninstall .net Framework

Jun 27, 2008

How do I uninstall the .Net Framework?

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Net Framework 1.1 SP1 Security Update

Oct 22, 2009

why is my computer telling me it is failing to update Net Framework 1.1 SP1. I can't find 1.1 on my computer to update , do I need it.

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.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Install Can Not Working

Sep 1, 2009

I just got Expression Web V3. It tells me I don't have .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installed. When I download the .NET SP1 from MS it installs about half way then says an error was detected and unwinds everything. The error box says "see Error Log". What error log? where? When I click on it, MS Visual Studio 2008, it comes up but has its own error box "file cannot be opened because it is being used by another application". Talk about frustrating!

I reinstalled/repaired .NET 3.5 it went fine -- at least no errors reported.

Besides Visual Studio 2008, I show
..NET Component Framework 1.0 SP3 developer
..NET Component Framework 2.0 SP2
..NET Component Framework 3.5
..NET Framework 3.5

Really could use some suggestions here as I just want to get Ex Web 3.0 going.

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MS .NET Framework 3.5 SP1: Failed Install

Sep 8, 2009

Newbie chick here - and no I am not blonde! Anyway, I just customized a HP laptop that I received 2 weeks ago and have had nothing but problems. Paid alot of $$ for this system and very disappointed.

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Install .NET Framework 3.5 Fails

Apr 25, 2009

For some reason, my computer refuses to install the: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update(KB951847) x64. It fails every attempt and is listed as an "Important" update. The error found was: Code 643 Windows Update encountered an unknown error.

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Run Game: Error .NET Framework

Jun 30, 2009

Everytime I try to open a game or something requiring .NET Framework I get this error message:

To run this application you need to install one of the following applications: .NET Framework v2.0.50727

I already installed this, and it errored, and it did not appear on my add/remove so I couldn't uninstall it. So I tried deleting it manually through the Framework folder, which Vista won't allow me permission to do. So i did the next best thing and ripped it out onto my desktop. I tried to reinstall and the installer claims that 2.0.5 is already installed, and I can't even reinstall 1.0 or 1.1 because it errors, and I can't install 3.5 because it thinks there's a prior version. So now i'm stuck with three folders on my desktop I can't delete, no .NET Framework and seemingly no way of getting it.

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Microsoft .net Framework Corrupt

Nov 19, 2008

when i run registry cleaner in vista manager Microsoft .NET Framework Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. attempted t read or write protected memory. this is often an indication that other memery is corrupt. for detailed it show long list of description. See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

at System.Drawing.SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.GdipDrawString(HandleRef graphics, String textString, Int32 length, HandleRef font, GPRECTF& layoutRect, HandleRef stringFormat, HandleRef brush)

at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawString(String s, Font font, Brush brush, RectangleF layoutRectangle, StringFormat format)

at System.Windows.Forms.Label.OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs e, Int16 layer, Boolean disposeEventArgs)...........

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.net Framework 3.5 Family Update (KB959209) X86

Aug 13, 2009

I keep getting .net framework 3.5 family update (KB959209) x86 from microsoft, but when I tried to install this update I got error code update encountered an unknown error.

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Skirmish With .NET Framework Versions 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 Following Update To SP1

Jun 18, 2009

Unhandled exception error has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately. The detailed report is appended. It will be seen that .NETFrameworkv2.0 is involved. When I skip the message the program runs but a similar warning (not shown here) is repeated with nothing achieved.

This incident follows a skirmish fought on my system between .NET Framework 3.5 and .NET Framework 3.0 following the installation of Nero and Nuance OmniPage 17 during which I ended up with both .NET 3.5 and 3.0 installed, as neither package would install with 3.5 alone. I am wondering whether I now also need to install .NET Framework 2.0. Ideally I suppose I am seeking a .NET environment that will cope with everything that is thrown at it. Is it OK to have multiple versions of .NET installed concurrently? Perhaps I should just backup and then edit the icon overlay? Where would that be? (I have icon editor IcoFX 1.6.4)......

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Microsoft .NET Framework Unhandled Exception

May 15, 2009

I'm new here and to Vista. I purchased my wife a new Toshiba Laptop for Mothers Day and here we are w/ an error already. I've never seen this kind of error before and I'm assuming it is software related and not hardware. But everytime we turn on the computer this error box comes up. Microsoft .NET Framework Unhandled exception has occured in your application.

See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
************** Exception Text **************
System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
at System.DateTimeParse.Parse(String s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles)
at libTMachInfo.CMachInfo.GetFirstBootDate(DateTime& dtFirstBoot)
at TSS.TSSForm.ReadSettings()
at TSS.TSSForm.TSSForm_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()........................

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Stupid Empowering Technology Framework Errored Hasn't Worked

Dec 28, 2008

I'm completely lost here. I just bought an Acer Aspire 4720z at the beginning of the month and I completely regret it already!! It came with Vista Home Premium, 2GB of memory, 120 GB hard drive and intel dual processor 1.83GHZ. About a week after I got it the stupid empowering technology framework errored out and hasn't worked since. I never even got a chance to make the recovery CD since I didn't know I would have to make one and didn't buy any DVD-r's.

Well I called Acer and they say the only way to fix the errors I'm getting is to restore to factory default and they sent me the set of recovery disks that I need. Well I guess I should of just said screw it and left it alone. It gets all the way through the restore to where it restarts then command prompt comes up sayings "Update device driver, please wait" Then the error "Windows could not update the computer's boot configuration. Installation cannot proceed" comes up. I click OK and it restarts the computer and now all I get is "The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install windows, click "OK" to restart the computer and then restart installation".

I have tried to reinstall it probably over 7 times now with the same results. I was on the phone with Acer most the day yesterday. They gave me 2 ISOs to downlaod and burn that format and partition the hard drive. They work but when I go to put Vista on it, I get the same error over and over again. I really don't want to resort to sending it in for repair and they said chances are that's the next step. I'm half tempted just to put XP on it but I've only had it a month and I don't want to void the warranty. ? Let me know if you need any more information about my system.

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32 Bit Compatible To 64 Bit

Mar 12, 2009

A new laptop comes with 4GB ram and I am given the option to select either Vista 32 bit or Vista 64bit OS. Is it recommended to go for 64bit vista to use tat extra 800mb ram or i should stick with 32bit vista for better compatibility?

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MAPI Compatible

Mar 23, 2008

I'm trying to send a quote from Simply accounting but cannot do so since I've
switched from Outlook express to Windows mail.

I get a MAPI compatible error.

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Is Crysis Compatible With 64?

Sep 9, 2009

I downloaded the Cyrsis demo, which worked on my XP machine in the past, yet Im getting some strange results with vista.

After i install it, i cant find it anywhere, its like its not installing even though it appears to install and i dont get any error messages.

There is nothing in my "all programs" or program files folder to indicate it even exists.

Ive reinstalled it mulitple times with the same results.

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Which External HDD Is Compatible With X64?

Mar 27, 2008

I am trying to find an external hard disk drive that is fully compatible
with Vista x64.

I purchased a Western Digital My Book Premium II drive and it doesn't work
properly even though their web site states that is Vista compatible. I
contacted them and they fairly ridiculed me for assuming that that meant it
would be compatible with 64-bit Vista. I can still use the drive to
actually copy files to but there is no 64-bit driver so the bundled software
doesn't work and Vista keeps telling me that it needs to install a driver
for this device.

I contacted Seagate about their FreeAgent Pro product and they claim it
should work even though there is also no 64-bit driver for it. I don't
trust that statement after my experience with the WD drive.

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Looking For A -compatible Printer

May 8, 2008

I just gave away my Dell printer because it was incompatible with Windows Vista, and i need a new printer ASAP. Please let me know which printers ($210.00 max) might be Vista-compatible. Specifically, I am searching for an all-in-one with scanning and perhaps duplex.

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Men Of War Install On X64 But Not Compatible?

Mar 21, 2009

I just downloaded Men of War and I go to install it but it says it's not compatible. I go to compatibility mode and that doesn't work either. Turns out it's only compatible with xp sp3 and vista 32 bit. But I have read posts of people saying they are playing on vista x64, but they don't say how.

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Flash Compatible With 64-bit IE?

Aug 22, 2009

When I use the 64-bit IE it periodically asks if it can install flash. I go to do it and the adobe says they don't have flash compatible with 64-bit IE. Has anyone found a way around? I really want to use IE64 with a flash player. Adobe can't be the only game in town...i found an alternate pdf viewer called FoxitReader.

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Concerning Windows SP1: Not Compatible

Apr 3, 2008

I am in the process of replacing my current PC (with Windows XP) for a new upgraded PC with Windows Vista. My concern is that all my old software in my current PC (with XP) may not be compatible with Windows Vista. But I am told Microsoft has come out with Vista SP1 that should take care of all compatibility. Is this true? Has anyone had any problem with Windows Compatibility in installing old software from XP into Vista?

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Games On 64-bit Compatible?

Feb 6, 2009

When downloading games, how can I tell if they're compatible with Vista 64-bit that I have on my new laptop? If I buy a new game and the box says it's compatible with Vista, does that also mean it's OK with the 64-bit version?

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Printer Not Compatible

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Microsoft Window Vista Home Premium Laptop. I received a HP Photosmart A616 Printer for Christmas and it is not compatible to my Vista. The paper work that came with it says go to I want to be able to print picture off my computer, not only from a memory card.

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Speakers Compatible?

Mar 19, 2009

Everything is working fine except for the sound which, even though I have put it to maximum is practically inaudible. Is it possible that she needs new speakers? the ones she has look very elderly! I have checked that they are plugged in ok and enabled.

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Doesn't Appear X64 Compatible

Nov 4, 2008

I have a Dell M6300 laptop running Vista Ultimate x86 that I want to ugprade to Ultimate x64. I currently use Embassy Trust Suite on this laptop (with Vista Ultimate x32) for hardware authentication. My HDD and system are locked by passwords which are both mapped to my fingerprint. The hardware authentication is the only functionality I use it for. The version of Embassy Trust Suite is available from Dell for my model but it doesn't appear to be x64 compatible. It lists only Vista x86. Embassy has a full version on their website but it references the TPM driver from my manufacturer. Does anyone out there have an M6300 running an x64 version of Vista?

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Hdd Want Compatible System

Sep 12, 2009

i wanted to buy a new HDD for my laptop. but i wanted to know if it will be compatible with my system. i want to get a 320GB HDD @7200rpm ,Specs: HP pavilion entertainment pc DV4-1220us,AMD 2.1ghz turion X2,ATi radeon HD3200,4gb ram,250 HDD @5400rpm,i want to know if the motherboard will support a larger and faster HDD.

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Sandboxie Not Compatible

Aug 13, 2008

I installed Sandboxie and used it untill I realized it toggled Protected Mode to OFF. I posted on the Sandboxie forum my concerns about Protected Mode: OFF. I questioned why Sandboxie is not compatible with Vista defaults. I questioned why and how Sandboxie is able to toggle Vista defaults. I received several very ascertive and defensive comments from the site admin.i.e. I don't need Protected Mode > Protected Mode offers only a very limited Sandbox for IE7 >Sandboxie will protect IE7, my programs, my apps. and my HDD/Computer better than Protected Mode or anything else Vista/Microsoft has to offer. The application does run flawlessly and after hours of use I had no tracks, no temps, no reg. entries, nothing got to my HDD. Everything was dumped when I closed the program. So, in theory any malware was also dumped. The Author of Sandboxie and several reviews claim Sandboxie as the best first line of security defense. Defense against Zero Day attacks, Hacker Wednesday etc. etc. Nothing gets to my HDD, so no worries. I hope this post is not too long and your still with me. My concerns are Protected Mode:OFF and I don't know what else Sandboxie toggles away from Vista defaults.

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