Majority Of Games Crashing X64.

Feb 22, 2009

While playing a game, the game froze and would constantly switch between the desktop and the game itself. this would continue to happen until i shut the game with the task manager. The crash would happen at random, sometimes 2mins into a game, sometimes 2hours. Also once this crash has happened once it will continue to happen the second i reload a new game and so the only solution soo far has been to restart my computer. cpu temps are stable. It appears to be happening with all my games: Arma TES Oblivion Battlefield 2 Counterstrike source. . . to name a few. Age of empires seems to work but that game is ancient now lol. Currently i have tried updating my graphics drivers and updating directx 10 and whatever essential updates for vista.

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Majority Of Games Lock My Computer...

Jun 8, 2009

when I start some games, or even programs (Fallout 3, Halo 2, or HJ Split, etc...) my computer just locks up, with the blue circle vista loading thing, stops having the spin effect, I can't even move my mouse. This causes me to do a force restart with the switch on the back of my PSU. It isn't the service pack, because it did this on sp.1 now on 2 It's not my video drivers, as I have recently updated them.
But I am not sure if my graphics card is conflicting with my mobo, because my graphics card is from ATi, while the motherboard is a nForce-730i. Fallout 3 used to work, even to the point where I beat it.......

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Crashing When Trying To Play Games

May 28, 2008

Problem description: Just built two brand new rigs last night. When trying to run Age of Conan or Team Fortress 2 it crashes to a blue screen and I get the error nv4_mini.sys and a wall of text. This is only one of the new PCs, the other one works flawlessly and has the same components.

Attempted fixes: Taking the advice of my internet friends, I switched the video cards, this did not work, the same one kept crashing and the other computer still worked fine. I took each stick of RAM out one at a time and this did nothing either.

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Constant Crashing In Games

May 17, 2009

In the last week or so my computer has been restarting itself without warning whilst playing video games. When I reboot I get this notice: "A problem caused windows to stop working correctly. Windows will notify you if there is a solution."

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How Run Games On Without Crashing Computer

Feb 16, 2010

when i play games on vista my computer crashes and i meet the requirements for the games i play i am wondering on how to fix this?

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Games Crashing After 5-10 Mins Of Play

Jun 21, 2009

I am at my wits end, this all started 3 months ago, this machine was running like a champ for 6 months. I started crashing every 10 mins in Age of Conan, I also noticed that Crysis was crashing as well. The crash info from AOC seemed to point to a mem. issue so I replaced the 4 gigs memory with 8 gigs of kingston; no change still crashing; windows reinstall no change (tried latest and greatest video drivers). I even noticed I can't play Call of duty 2, crashed in 5 mins.

Thinking maybe it's the video card so I ran the furmark test and it ran fine for 10 mins or so, started to get close to 110 so I stop the test. I also ran the Atitool and it ran fine for some time as well, Ran another video test and it ran to the end. Now I ran the Intelburn test and it never got to 1 pass, it blue screen on me, what is that all about. So I am thinking maybe the CPU or motherboard, but how do I determine? I will try and find the window dumps files and post them when i get home. I tried running the memtest but it doesn't seem to like the 8gig thing will only do 2047 at a time.

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Windows Explorer Crashing When Installing Games, Also Dvd Turns Dead

Feb 21, 2010

im installing AvP 3 and i just cant do it.

apparently for some reason the dvd stops reading...

when i enter "my computer" and try to go into drive d(my dvd) it just crashes,

then i have to wait from a range of 5 mins to 1.5 hours for windows explorer to restart...

and the game installation crashes too...

that happens with other dvds and cds too.

i have changed various dvd drives from various companies and i have updated all of their drivers...the problem is consistent.

im tired of buying new dvd drives and throwing them away for nothing.

obviously its a vista issue cause on my old pc everything works just fine(i have xp on that one).

most of the games i just copy the dvds files on my portable harddrive using my old pc and then do the installations through that harddrive on my current pc...

but this game is a "steam" game and that wont work...

any ideas?

ps:its not a hardware issue,its definately a windows vista issue.

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Play Games Monitor Temps Frame Rate Other Games

Sep 5, 2008

just got some games loaded and I used to have ATITray Tools which would let you keep the frame rate and temps in the corner during game play, anything like that for Nvidia? Just ran Quake4 at full specs and had Nvidia performance control panel turn the fan to 90%... but would like to monitor the temps and frame rates on this and other games. 9800GT 1GB. ( as soon as the new card arrives.... back to ATI tools.

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Windows Business Vs Home Games, Upload The Games

Mar 23, 2008

I recently purchased a laptop with Business. It has no games at all. How can I upload the games that come with Home?

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Crashing Every Day!

May 7, 2008

I've had my computer for about two months now. It came with Windows Vista.
I installed Norton antivirus on it right away. For the past month it's been
crashing almost every other day.

I have no idea what is going on. I asked a Dell tech and they said to run
startup repair, but I'm still having problems.

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Keeps Crashing Over And Over

Aug 17, 2009

Gigabyte ultra durable 3

intel core 2 quad

8gb g.skill ram

evga 9800 gt

sound blaster audigy se

just put together this computer and it ran good for the first few days, now it's to the point where it won't even boot up. It first crashed on me when loading up a game, then it crashed during the middle of updating. It crashes in start up sometimes and it freezes when I'm trying to run the memory diagnostics tool. The blue screen keeps giving me this message "Driver irql not less or equal" and I have no idea what's wrong, can anyone help? Sorry if this is kinda blunt I'm typing this on my phone bc now i don't have a computer to work from.

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Everything Keeps Crashing

Sep 8, 2009

i think ive got a virus but not sure

msn keeps crashing when i click sign in

internet explorer wont open so now im using chrome

and now avg anti-virus isnt working properly, residet shield wont run and email scanner wont run and it wont scan my pc either,

could it be virus from a email as i get tonnes of spam but i always delete them.

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IE 7 Keep Crashing

Aug 11, 2008

any idea of this error res://ieframe.dll/dnserror.htm#.

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64 Bit Crashing

Mar 10, 2009

I just don't get why "YOU" have to find resolutions to Microsoft's problems its very upsetting. Its out of the box about 5 days.

Item Value
OS Name Microsoft? Windows Vista? Home Premium
Version 6.0.6001 Service Pack 1 Build 6001
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name Southern Comfort
System Manufacturer Hewlett-Packard
System Model HP Pavilion dv7 Notebook PC
System Type x64-based PC
Processor AMD Turion(tm) X2 Dual-Core Mobile RM-74, 2200 Mhz, 2
Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date Hewlett-Packard F.35, 12/4/2008
SMBIOS Version 2.4
Windows Directory C:Windows
System Directory C:Windowssystem32
Boot Device DeviceHarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.0.6001.18000"
User Name Southern Comfort
Time Zone Central Daylight Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 3.75 GB
Available Physical Memory 2.18 GB
Total Virtual Memory 7.68 GB
Available Virtual Memory 5.79 GB
Page File Space 4.04 GB
Page File C:pagefile.sys

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NWN Keeps Crashing On Load-up

Dec 11, 2009

I have neverwinter nights loaded on my pc with both expansion packs.

it also has a hard update (i.e. manually downloaded .exe file) as teh self updater wouldn't find it, but now it keeps crashing on loadup where it shows developer logos.

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Crashing After Update

Nov 15, 2009

I just updated my windows Vista and when I then tried starting my computer afterwards it went into repair-mode. I tried to repair the flaws, but apparently it couldn't fix it all. It still goes directly to an entirely black screen with only my cursor marker on it, when I was supposed to write my password. I've already tried to start it in every safe-mode available? I installed it yesterday (15/11), as soon as i could.

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Explorer Keeps Crashing

Aug 4, 2008

My Vista works fine in safe mode. I uninstalled almost every program I ever installed, I wrote down all of the processes that were running in safe mode and then rebooted and killed each process one by one, replicating the crash inciting event...opening any folder, after killing each process until I was down to the processes that were running in safe mode...and the ones that kept restarting themselves and I can't get the problem fixed.

I am using an HP Pavilion dv9000 running the pre-installed Vista Home Premium. The HP rebuild disk boots up into a repair screen, says it is repairing and if it works it will restart normally, which it does but I still have the same problem. I have run every anti virus/anti virus I could get my hands on (none of which seem to be getting rid of this Virtumonde piece of %*&, which is the least of my worries at this point unless it is causing the crashes).

I am about ready to take my laptop to the shooting range with me or upgrade to Windows XP because I have honestly not seen a single value added by Vista. If anyone has any ideas I would gratefully listen. If not, I think I am shooting this hard drive (really) and restarting with XP or some flavor of **ix and running XP in VMware.

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64 Upgraded Crashing

Sep 16, 2009

I bought my pc about a year and half ago. Had an x86 Vista Ultimate edition on it and it all worked fine. 4 GB RAM and a good CPU made it run smooth. I then decided to upgrade my RAM to 8 GB and also upgraded my Windows with it to an x64 Vista Ultimate. Ever since I upgraded, my pc has been crashing like mad. When I play games my pc crashes constantly in a timeframe ranging from 20mins to 2 hours.

I freezes completely and it ends up in me having to force hard reset my pc. I don't know what the problem is atm and in all fairness it's driving me mad. Sometimes I boot my pc, I check mails and whoops, frozen and have to reboot. Is it possible that there's a compatibility problem with the RAM and my x64 Vista?

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Computer Keeps Crashing

Aug 30, 2009

i get on websites (example: facebook, Internet) sometimes my computer will crash (bluescreen of death). i have ran super deep scan for viruses on my computer with bitdifender internet security 2009 and has not found any viruses. i am also sure it is not my registry. windows says the problem is related to my ethernet, i don't know how. anyways, i gathered all my system information that i could.............

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SP2 Explorer Keeps Crashing -

Jun 5, 2009

ok i have too many of these. After i installed Vista SP2, i keep getting explorer crashes. It's sporadic. I open my computer, boom, it hangs and then i need to hit reset. It's happening alot.

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Recycle Bin Crashing

Jan 5, 2010

there everything has been fine until the last 2 days but now if i click and drag somethng to recycle bin i just get a box come up saying deleting and then the box just sits there if i click cancel or close it just says cancelling and then i have to end the task through task manager.

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Sims 2 Crashing

Aug 12, 2008

I Have Sims 2 and it worked perfectly fine month ago and all of sudden it keeps crashing.

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Sign Onto AOL, Crashing

Mar 25, 2009

Whenever I attempt to sign onto AOL through their software, the entire system crashes. Spyware and Antivirus scans came back negative. I tried using different versions of the AOL software but the crashing still occurred. I did a restore back to a time before the crashes started, did not work. Updated all my drivers, still no success. Everything else works just fine. I can connect to the Internet, surf with IE, download files, no problem.

I finally deleted my broadband connection, deleted the network/lan card using device manager. Restarted the computer, Vista recognizes the Lan card and automatically installs the drivers. I created a brand new connection in the Network center and tried to sign onto AOL; it finally works! Here's the kicker, though. I restart the computer just to make sure everything works and guess what? When I try to sign onto AOL, the computer crashes!

I did not make one single change between the time I successfully logged onto AOL till the time I restarted and it began crashing again. It certainly appears to be something wrong on the networking end of things, I just don't know what. It looks like the AOL software is accessing some network file/setting that then sets off the crash. Is it the card itself, the drivers, some Vista update that didn't install correctly. I am at my wits end. Short of a restore back to the factory install point, I don't know what to do.

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64 Crashing - Security?

May 15, 2008

I have Vista Ultimate 64bit. I have all the updates including SP1 downloaded from Microsoft site. Up until yesterday everything has been working fine for the past month since I built a new system. Now all of a sudden my computer is crashing on me. No BSOD. Just shuts down and reboots. Last night this occured 5 times in the space of 4 hours..

Looking in my events log all I can see occuring at the times of the crashes is this information: Code integrity determined that the image hash of a file is not valid. The file could be corrupt due to unauthorized modification or the invalid hash could indicate a potential disk device error.

File Name: DeviceHarddiskVolume1WindowsSystemdrivers cpip.sys

I don't use windows firewall as I use the firewall built into Trend Micro Internet Security 2008. Checking though that programs logs shows nothing happening at the time of the crashes. After googling this and looking on Microsoft's site I am stumped at what I can do to resolve this. I do have windows updates on automatic and I recall an update occuring 2 days ago.

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DVD Rom With Roxio Crashing

May 18, 2008

I have a Samsung DVD Rom which I have put into my new PC from my old one. It's only about 3 years old and worked fine in my old PC. Vista found the driver necessary and installed it. Worked fine. Last night I tried to use Roxio to copy a cd which ended up with Roxio crashing. I had to reboot. Once rebooted, Vista told me it was installing a device driver for a Semwung DVD-ROM$SD-616E$ATA device. This has left me scratching my head as to why my Samsung is now a Semwung! Any ideas? Also, I have noticed over the last couple of days that someone/thing keeps changing my homepage. I've run Spybot and my antivirus scanner and had 5 tracking cookies and have got rid of them. Is there any way I can find out what keeps changing my homepage? Once whatever it is tries to change my homepage and I try to use Explorer to surf the web, I get directed to a Norton page telling me something's tried to change my homepage but won't tell me what or what to. I don't think my current problems are connected in any way

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Crashing And Blue Screen

May 23, 2008

It was a nice day (September 2007) and i opened my Windows Vista 32bit Home Premium Laptop, my desktop appeared just fine and while Nod32 was trying to load, my wagtail mouse stopped moving its tail, few seconds later, the "famous" BSOD appeared!

I didnt care really since i could format, ok then i formated. 5 months after the format i was having some crashes, e.g i clicked on Photoshop and the taskbar froze then the same happened to the start button and then the whole desktop! I restarted but i couldn't use Photoshop anymore. Few days later i dragged and dropped something in the recycle
bin and guess what? Yea thats right! I got a Blue Screen! I was freaked out and mad! So then i formated again. Now 2 months later, May of 2008 i opened my laptop and Nod warned me that the dll files of Adobe Flash, Nero and PowerDVD were viruses and that the svchost.exe tried to open them. I ignored them since i knew that the svchost.exe goes crazy sometimes. Then it stopped doing it but i started having crashes like the one i said before the second BSOD. Today i received 4 more crashes but the last one was deadly! I mean like, i only clicked on windows live messenger and vista made that BEEP sound, then everything was frozen,even the mouse!

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Graphics Card Crashing

Jul 12, 2009

Whenever I'm chatting on IMVU, or doing anything which requires lot of 3D, my screen flickers 2 or 3 times, I see everything freezed, the screen turns black, and then most of the time, after a while, it turns back and gives me a balloon message on the taskbar that the graphics' driver stopped responding and is restored.
It happens a lot.
And it gives on my nerves a lot, because when the screen returns, all 3D using programs are not responding anymore, untill I try to close it, and tell Windows Vista to wait untill it responds, then it takes about a minute or 2 to see motion again.
Sometimes the error doesn't happen at all. Sometimes it happens every 5 minutes. And I even had a blue screen once.
The only thing I was able to read was that the graphics' driver stopped responding and Windows was unable to restore it.
I tried reinstalling the driver.
I own the newest version of the driver, so update is not possible.

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Windows Mail Crashing

Mar 23, 2008

Whenever I try to Create a new mail or even Forward an existing email then
the system creates an empty box for the email but then Windows Mail closes
down (and restarts).
I can synchronise to Send and Receive email (although I cannot create any to
send) so it can't be the email server settings.

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Freezing/Crashing Issue

Jan 17, 2009

Windows Home Premium System
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) 8450 Triple-Core Processor 2.10 GHz
Memory (Ram): 3:00 GB
System Type: 32-bit Operating System.
NVIDIA GeForce 8200
Dedicated Video Memory 256 MB

I play a game called CounterStrike Source alot and other online games of course but I have been having alot of problems ingame. Due to the fact that I kept freezing continuously once the first crash happened and it feels like an horrible lag spike but it isnt. My whole computer freezes for a minute or so and then resumes play like nothings happened.

I updated all my video drivers, Direct X 9.0 and the Packard Bell BIOS updates and also changed my Nvidia settings down a little while also turning my ingame graphics down no success. I decided to reinstall windows and then set the hardrive to SATA instead of the previous Raid Configuration which I then thought it would be fixed.

I then went playing on CounterStrike source and I then noticed my fps was absolutely terrible so I sorted that problem out but then after about 25 minutes my computer just crashed (No longer froze and resumed) just crashed completely my keyboard went along for the ride aswell but this has now happened about 3 times and I dont know how to fix this issue so im hoping somebody could help me?.

I downloaded all the updates obviously and turned the Vista sidebar off because its known to cause problems some people say but until this issue is resolved I cant exactly play clanmatches on my computer because I just dont know when the next Crash/Freeze will be. The first 2 times it crashed it went green the first time and then gray the 2nd time while the 3rd time it just stayed normal like I had frozen but I soon realised it

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IE And Firefox + More Crashing, 0xc0000005

Aug 27, 2007

I've narrowed down the problem on internet using applications only.. I think For example when I use firefox or IE7(32, 64 and without any plugins) they don't connect to the internet and when I turn them off they crashes. And display the following message somtimes: "The exception unknown software exception (0xc0000005) occured in the XXXXXXXXX location. I've also tried to solve it by using the following ideas, but it's not working at all. I've: used the rapair thinngu that u can use with the Vista dvd

.. scaned with the command: sfg /scannow
.. scanned for virus
.. defragmened
.. turned DEP OFF
.. seached the internet used google alot, run over this forum
.. unplugged the computer from the internet
.. uninstalled resent installed applications
.. run windows in failsafe mode, pressing F8 at boot
.. but i can ping a connection for example Google, cmd->ping command
.. also did a system restore.. still not working

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Window Explorer Crashing

Mar 11, 2009

When ever I'm trying to Right click on a folder, My windows explorer crashes. It also crashes when I highlight the folder, and Hit the delete button, Windows crashes. I'm pretty sure I'm Running a Vista home premium 64bit. I know for sure
its 64bit, and That its vista. But I forgot where to see what version it is.

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