Games Crashing After 5-10 Mins Of Play

Jun 21, 2009

I am at my wits end, this all started 3 months ago, this machine was running like a champ for 6 months. I started crashing every 10 mins in Age of Conan, I also noticed that Crysis was crashing as well. The crash info from AOC seemed to point to a mem. issue so I replaced the 4 gigs memory with 8 gigs of kingston; no change still crashing; windows reinstall no change (tried latest and greatest video drivers). I even noticed I can't play Call of duty 2, crashed in 5 mins.

Thinking maybe it's the video card so I ran the furmark test and it ran fine for 10 mins or so, started to get close to 110 so I stop the test. I also ran the Atitool and it ran fine for some time as well, Ran another video test and it ran to the end. Now I ran the Intelburn test and it never got to 1 pass, it blue screen on me, what is that all about. So I am thinking maybe the CPU or motherboard, but how do I determine? I will try and find the window dumps files and post them when i get home. I tried running the memtest but it doesn't seem to like the 8gig thing will only do 2047 at a time.

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Crashing When Trying To Play Games

May 28, 2008

Problem description: Just built two brand new rigs last night. When trying to run Age of Conan or Team Fortress 2 it crashes to a blue screen and I get the error nv4_mini.sys and a wall of text. This is only one of the new PCs, the other one works flawlessly and has the same components.

Attempted fixes: Taking the advice of my internet friends, I switched the video cards, this did not work, the same one kept crashing and the other computer still worked fine. I took each stick of RAM out one at a time and this did nothing either.

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Play Games Monitor Temps Frame Rate Other Games

Sep 5, 2008

just got some games loaded and I used to have ATITray Tools which would let you keep the frame rate and temps in the corner during game play, anything like that for Nvidia? Just ran Quake4 at full specs and had Nvidia performance control panel turn the fan to 90%... but would like to monitor the temps and frame rates on this and other games. 9800GT 1GB. ( as soon as the new card arrives.... back to ATI tools.

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Crashing When Play Game

Jun 6, 2009

I've just buy the first f.e.a.r., and it seems I can't play it. I can install it, but when I start to play, the screen become more colorful than a rainbow and my computer crash. My question is, does f.e.a.r. is compatible with vista 64 bit home premium sp 1? I don't really understand that I can play Crysis, but not f.e.a.r.! Does anyone have the same problem? I've tried to run this game as an administrator, and to run it in compatibility mode, but nothing seems to do the trick. I've installed the latest driver for my graphic card, etc, etc....

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Majority Of Games Crashing X64.

Feb 22, 2009

While playing a game, the game froze and would constantly switch between the desktop and the game itself. this would continue to happen until i shut the game with the task manager. The crash would happen at random, sometimes 2mins into a game, sometimes 2hours. Also once this crash has happened once it will continue to happen the second i reload a new game and so the only solution soo far has been to restart my computer. cpu temps are stable. It appears to be happening with all my games: Arma TES Oblivion Battlefield 2 Counterstrike source. . . to name a few. Age of empires seems to work but that game is ancient now lol. Currently i have tried updating my graphics drivers and updating directx 10 and whatever essential updates for vista.

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Constant Crashing In Games

May 17, 2009

In the last week or so my computer has been restarting itself without warning whilst playing video games. When I reboot I get this notice: "A problem caused windows to stop working correctly. Windows will notify you if there is a solution."

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How Run Games On Without Crashing Computer

Feb 16, 2010

when i play games on vista my computer crashes and i meet the requirements for the games i play i am wondering on how to fix this?

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Windows Explorer Crashing When Installing Games, Also Dvd Turns Dead

Feb 21, 2010

im installing AvP 3 and i just cant do it.

apparently for some reason the dvd stops reading...

when i enter "my computer" and try to go into drive d(my dvd) it just crashes,

then i have to wait from a range of 5 mins to 1.5 hours for windows explorer to restart...

and the game installation crashes too...

that happens with other dvds and cds too.

i have changed various dvd drives from various companies and i have updated all of their drivers...the problem is consistent.

im tired of buying new dvd drives and throwing them away for nothing.

obviously its a vista issue cause on my old pc everything works just fine(i have xp on that one).

most of the games i just copy the dvds files on my portable harddrive using my old pc and then do the installations through that harddrive on my current pc...

but this game is a "steam" game and that wont work...

any ideas?

ps:its not a hardware issue,its definately a windows vista issue.

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Cant Play Some Games

Jan 9, 2009

im using vista home premium 32bit and it seems like i cant play some games i like. for instance gta, nfs, etc.

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Don't Play Games

Oct 31, 2008

I don't play games, and only instal programs like Microsoft Office, photo programs. I did all that was recommanded like disk cleanup etc. etc. I did search to see what is so much space and was not successfull.

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Can't Play Any Games

Mar 12, 2008

My system has recently been randomly turning aero off, but I haven't made any major change recently but it still decides to randomly shut off aero. I need to know how to fix this. The laptop comes stock with 2x512MB of ram, and apparently from using it this long, from around July, I believe I would be better with 2GB of ram. I need to know how to do this. Today I went to try to play the game FlyFF and it went find for about 20mins and then randomly my display driver crashed. It recover immediately, well as so Vista said, but my computer was stuck with this big white box over the screen and I had no choice but to power off manually because nothing worked. Now I need to know if there is anyway to have some shop or way of getting a new display driver or getting a better one, or one I can actually work with. I can't play any games grrr. I believe thats it. Sorry I couldn't find that much info on it. There was specs on E/B but I have just E.

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Pogo Games Could Not Play

Oct 25, 2009

A few days ago I logged into Pogo and got the msg saying I could not play because I did not have Java installed or setup right. I went thru the help that Pogo and Java web sites say to do and I do indeed have the most current version of Java as well as having the correct settings within the Java control panel.

The odd thing is that within the Java control panel, the entry for checking the default Java for browsers, the line for Microsoft Internet Explorer is greyed out.
The last time I went into Pogo I had no problems. I have not installed any new software and have only had the normal windows updates.

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Cant Play MMORPG Games

Jun 23, 2009

I have bought a laptop with windows vista home and i cant play any MMORPG games on it. it starts to update but then say it cant download update list. The same games work fine on my PC which uses XP pro sp2.

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Can Play Windows 95/98 Games?

Apr 22, 2009

My son wants to play 102 dalmations Puppies to the rescue. Will it play on Vista premium?

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How To Play These Pre-installed Games Again

Mar 23, 2008

My 3 year old was playing "Purble Place" and accidentally opened several windows and had quite a few things up on the screen. We don't have an internet connection yet, so there isn't a risk of viruses, etc. But, ever since this happened only "Ink Ball" will open. The other games appear to still be on the computer (icons, info regarding them, etc) but nothing will open to play. Any tips on how to play these pre-installed games again?

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How To Play Console Games On PC?

May 21, 2009

How can i play console games(XBOX, PS2 or PS3) games on my PC...? Is there a way to do this or not...?

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Can't Play 360 Games Crackdown

Oct 19, 2009

I noticed that Microsoft exclusively releases certain titles only on Xbox. I don't have an Xbox or any next-gen console for that matter, just a large gaming laptop that really hauls ass for the games I play. That's all I want. So I can't play exclusive 360 games such as Dead Rising, Crackdown, or the recently released Halo 3: ODST. Does anyone know if there are there plans to port these games to Windows? Or at least Halo 3 or Halo 3: ODST? I have no idea how to ask Microsoft this, or even if that's possible, so I thought I'd post it here.

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Installed 4870x2 Now I Cant Play Games

Aug 21, 2008

CPU 9450
x48 Formula Rampage
8GB DDR2 Gskill memory
VelociRaptor x1
Saphire 4870x2

When I try to load full screen games my computer craps out and reboots. When Vista Ultimate x64 loads, it says my ATI graphics controller failed, but windows can not find a solution to this problem!

This has failed with CoD4 and the benchmark program that comes with the video card. I am running catalyst 8.8 because the others did not work for me either. When I install my drivers I uninstall ATI software through windows control panel, and reboot, then install new drivers and reboot again. Does anyone know what is causing this problem? I tried running CoD4 at different resolutions, 19xx x 16xx etc. I have a 24" monitor.

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Cannot Play Games, Reinstall Catalyst

Feb 14, 2009

I cannot play some games. The only thing what was changed is my new LCD 24'' monitor. But I think, this is not a problem, because I tried to connect my old 19'' CRT monitor and these games are not playable. I tried reinstall catalyst, but nothing has changed

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Set Normal Account To Play Games?

Mar 23, 2008

My windows vista has one user account and one admin account, i've reccently installed the game 'audition' which is known as an 'unidentified program from an unidentified publisher' to play in both accounts but this game is always block or rather requires a permission to 'allow' the program to be run or requests for the adminstrators permission to run the program, and there is a popup window telling me that i change to control settings about allowing the game to run without prompting anymore in the future at 'user account controls' but i just can't seem to find the place to chnage the settings,

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Dosnt Allow To Play Online Games

Mar 23, 2008

characters on my computer [ korean ] come up with "???" unless, i change the system locale, to korean, and the korean letters come up normally, BUT when i change the system locale from english to korean... it dosnt allow me to play online games, download some files, use app's. I really, need some help here, ive tryed everthing + this is my second post of this problem, within 3 months.

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Could Still Dowlonad Play Games Vista

May 15, 2010

I was looking to download Half Life (the first one) from Steam. However, both the requirements and the recommendations say either Windows 2000 or XP. I have all the other requirements, but I was wondering if I could still download and play this game when I only have Windows Vista.

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Gears Of War Games Play Os Not Ready

Mar 23, 2008

My computer cuts out at random when trying to play this game created by Microsoft. I thought that being Win Vista with a hi spec laptop would be sufficient but ive been having loads of problems with most of my applications. Microsoft why bring out an operating system thats not ready yet? Ive downloaded all of the updates under the sun and i still get no joy? eevn service pack 1.

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Started Slowly Can't Play Games

May 24, 2008

i cleaned my cpu fan (wish i didn't) , after i put everything in its place, i run my machine and it started slowly. also the games that was running fine now it runs very slow and i can't play it. my base score is the same (4.3). i dont know what is wrong ? i forgot to tell you that my processor is pentuim 4. and my VGA is nvidia 8800 GTS. and downloaded the latest drivers but nothing changed.

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System Not Working After Play Games

Sep 14, 2008

i bought a new rig a few months back and got me some vista to let my memory be of full use. i played cod4 and age of conan just fine. but then my friend wanted me to come back and play some cs 1.6. i said ok ill own you a few times , i downloaded steam (i had an account that had cs on it) and then dowloaded cs from steam. now i was ready for some action , i enter the game and then when i got on a server and was on it for a few seconds it just well exitied (dont know if thats a word ). no error message no nothing it just fell down .. is this meh vista? because i played it fine on xp with my last computer. (o and yeh i dont want to just change back to xp )and heres my rig ...

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Play On The Lowest Quality Of Games In Vista

Dec 9, 2008

how does it come that i have to play on the lowest quality of games in vista when i can play it easely on the highest quality on xp? i have a nividia Geforce 9600 mGT white 512MB can sombody explain this to me??? i didn't buy a pc just for school work but also for playing

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Graphics Card: Unable To Play Games

Jan 22, 2010

my graphics card which came built into my laptop is giving me trouble. it is an intel 4 express series family chipset model, but according to the website 'can you run it' is unable to play certain games even though the figures are higher than the ones needed. can anyone help me make sense of this?

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Windows 95 Games Play On Vista Computers?

Apr 13, 2008

When I try to load the game 'Hogs of War' on vista, it says it will only play on windows95. Is there any way to play it on vista computers?

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Play Games Page File On Shutdown

Sep 28, 2008

i experience slow shutdowns after playing games(30 Seconds +),this leads me believe the pagefile is causing my slow shutdown as its being deleted on shutdown however i know how to disable it ,but my question is if i disable it when will it ever be deleted or does it matter i already changed waittokillservice in registry and it doesnt make a difference after playing games

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Play Games Computer Graphices Don't Experience

Aug 10, 2009

I'm new to the forums as you can tell by my post count, and was wondering if anybody had any suggestions on a decent gaming computer, to run games such as C&C 3 ( and 4 in 2010) CS:S, and maybe even FO3. I have around £500 to spend ( monitor is not needed ), I have found a pretty decent looking computer from Your business partner for Office Supplies, furniture and technology. Just wondering if this comptuer is decent enough to handle these games, and maybe future releases. Also could someone please explain what is the difference between Intergrated graphics and dedicated graphics. I don't have too much experience with the hardware of computers, so building one is off the question.

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What Is Temp, Don't Play Games Or Lots Of Video/audio

May 31, 2009

review the attached, I don't even play games or lots of video/audio stuff. I have a laptop that sits on a briefcase with the fan slot exposed. SpeedFan - Access temperature sensor in your computer

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