Instant Search Box In Internet Explorer Works?

Jun 1, 2008

You know that upper-right box that has a magnifying class on it? It says -Google- on it and I can change it to -Live Search- but that&8217;s not consistent with all the other instant search boxes in like WMP, Explorer, Start Menu, etc. I expect it to do something like automatically jump to the phrase I type (within the current page). But it does not. And the best option you have seems to be to select a -Find- on this Page- pop-up and type in a box and press a Find/Next button.

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Instant Search Box

Apr 12, 2008

How do I clear the instant search box? In XP I'd just highlight then press delete. It won't work in Vista, the word just stays there. Neither can I highlight then right click to select delete. I don't like having a list of things that I'll only have needed once.

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Instant Search Box Held

Apr 10, 2009

I wanted to search my computer for a file so I went to the instant search box in the bottom left hand corner, typed in the file name and then hit the search icon. Lo and behold my monitor screen went blank and my computer shout down and would not restart . I had to unplug the power, remove the battery and memory, disconnect the the hard drive then reconnect everything to get it to start again. So I tried my instant search again and the exact same thing happen all over.

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Sp1 Removes Instant Search In Start Menu

Mar 23, 2008

I am REALLY mad to read ( that Vista Service Pack 1 R E M O V E S the instant search field from the start menu! I use the instant search often, finding it the easiest way find a single file that i'm not certain where lies. And now MS will punish me as a customer by withdrawing one of the useful features of vista (instead of the many useless ones) just because Google complains. Microsoft, shame on you for NOT focusing on delivering a good product to your customers, but continuing with silly stuff like RED or Version N or 8 different kinds of Vista SKU's......

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Add Search Providers To Internet Explorer 7

Oct 23, 2006

The new search box in Internet Explorer 7 is a very useful new feature. However, it is easy to make it even more useful by adding the ability to search almost any website in it that supports searching. For example, you can add to the search box so you can search directly for various tweaks. This is possible with the help of a simple registry tweak:

Open up Registry Editor (Start button -> regedit -> Hit Enter)

Navigate through HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Internet Explorer and Search Scopes.

Create a new key and call it TweakVista ...

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Explorer Works, But Firefox Doesn't

Jul 29, 2008

I recently had my computer fixed, and when I got it back, Internet explorer works, though firefox somehow can't connect.

Also (Not sure if it's relevent, but) i tried to install Java, but it says It couldnt download with the current connection settings. I tried allowing firefox through my windows firewall, but it's still not working. I'm pretty sure I don't have any other firewalls.

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Internet Works, Browsers Dont Work

Jul 4, 2009

I'm running Windows Vista Home Basic, and randomly my internet browsers just totally stop trying to connect and just spit out error messages, but everything else still works (usually). MSN, Steam, my antivirus updates on time, everything that isn't HTTP pretty much. The internet browsers will last anywhere from 5 minutes to 24 hours before keeling over. I've done a pretty thorough Google search on this and I'm at least not alone, but in another sense I am...

A lot of people have said "oh I disabled/uninstalled ZoneAlarm or Bitdefender or so and so a program and it worked" but I don't run those. Never have had ZA or anything on my computer. The only program I have in common with the most common ones is Spybot S&D, and I disabled that on startup and sure enough, didn't work. I do not have any Vista service packs, I don't think. Nothing explicitly called that anyway. I have a bunch of updates that I installed when I got the computer, so I can't uninstall SP1 to fix it since I don't think I even have it.

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Network/internet Connection Works Fine In XP But Not In Vista

Mar 23, 2008

I have a fairly new desktop (8 months old) with windows xp. On another partition I installed Vista Business, then updated the chipset drivers for my system. The network adapter was not picked up so I installed it manually with the updated drivers from the manufacturer (integrated adapter) which seemed to work (it made a connection) but when I re-booted there was no network connection and the light on the card is not longer on. In the device manager it says the card is working properly. I tried reinstalling the adapter driver but to no avail. My network/internet connection works fine in XP. I'm suspecting it may be some sort of security issue or possibly something with the drivers although I contacted the manufacturer of the machine (Systemax) and they said they've had no reported problems with the drivers.

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Computers Both Slow To No Internet, Works In Safe Mode

Apr 7, 2010

After years of being fine on my Vista machines (we have 2 on the network, hard wired through a router usually.. however now they are connected directly to the modem) that have both either lost their internet connection or after many reboots of the modem, connect to a uselessly slow internet connection. I've reset the router, and then gave up alltogether for the direct line to the modem. Comcast came today, couldn't figure it out.. they replaced the modem and claim the internet is fine from their end.

I did install Comcast's Norton Suite 3 weeks ago, which ran fine until now. I slow started having problems, Tivo Desktop couldn't transfer shows, then wifi connected devices like my iphone would ask over and over again for the password to the network. Then my VNC program stopped connecting to my home computer. Then, ultimately the internet connection was lost. All these things happened a few days after each other. Comcast has told me I am on my own, they don't know what else to do. The kicker is that the internet is good and fast if I boot in SAFE MODE. I uninstalled Norton on one of my desktops, but still slow internet.

So, the tech tells me the problem is with Vista, says there must've been an update that went on both computers that is causing the problem. So I have no clue where to go to from there. I unistalled Norton on the one machine using Windows Uninstall to get rid of it. Is part of it there still? It's so weird that both computers have the identical problem, yet its not the internet connection that is causing it.

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Search Function In Explorer Fails

Mar 23, 2008

When I try to use the Search function in Explorer (search C:), it almost consistently fails to find the file, yet when I do a manual search, the file is there in all it's glory. I've checked spellings, used wildcards, etc., but still Explorer fails to find the files.

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Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working: 'Internet' Icon

Apr 1, 2008

After fighting to get rid of a Trojan horse virus, I am missing the internet browser. E-mail works OK. Clicking 'Internet' icon gets me the message 'Internet Explorer has stopped working:". I tried 'restore' but it is not working either. I get the message 'an unspecified error occurred during system restore'. I scanned with AVG and the files it scanned are clean. I have a 'restore' DVD made by the computer vendor but when I stick it in the CD drive nothing happens. The computer is a 1 year old ACER with VISTA home premium preinstalled. How do I proceed from here? I have no idea what to do.

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Internet Explorer 8 In Vista Causes Windows Explorer

Mar 21, 2009

I wasn't quite sure if IE8 was the culprit, but it became apparent once I removed it. Internet Explorer 8 interferes with the functionality in Windows Explorer for Vista. Say for example: With IE8 installed, open up "Computer". Close it, then open it again. It should be instantaneous. But its not. A window will take over to 10 seconds to show its initial contents. Once its open though, its very fast because the instance is already running. But once it closes it will take another 10 seconds to open again. Internet Explorer 8 itself opens up very slowly even after the first opening. Can any Vista users verify this?

1. Install IE8

2. Go: Start > click Computer

3. Close that Window.

4. Repeat step 2.

Is it an instantaneous opening or does the window take more than 5 seconds to populate? Repeat those steps with opening Internet Explorer. Is it the same? If so, welcome to the club. Does Microsoft have any way to report this bug to developers?

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Start Search Internet Engine Changed

May 17, 2008

I always use Live Search. Why is EarthLink suddenly the default?

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Device Manager Auto-search Internet & Download/install

Oct 10, 2009

When using Computer Management > Device Manager : Generally speaking is it a good idea to let it automatically search the internet for the latest device driver , download it , and install it? How well does this technology work?

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Instant Blue Screen Of Death

Apr 17, 2009

My machine works great all day except once or so it will restart, and I get in an Instant the Blue Screen of Death. There's no time to read the screen. This was a VERY expensive "game" machine. It seems to happen with the most recent version of Firefox -3.08 But I'm not sure. Is this likely software, hardware, power variance, what?

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ASRock “4 Second” Instant Boot For Windows

Nov 13, 2008

Want a way to boot up your Windows Vista PC from a full shut down in a matter of seconds? ASRock have the answer! The solution is technology that ASRock call Instant Boot. This is interesting technology because it leverages the S3 and S4 ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) features which normally enable the Sleep/Standby and Hibernation modes in Windows to cut boot times down to something like 4 seconds. By calling S3 and S4 at specific times during the startup and shutdown process, Instant Boot enables you to boot up to your Windows desktop in a few seconds seconds, even after a total shut down.

There are two modes of Instant Boot available:Fast mode - This uses S3 and boots up in around four seconds Regular Mode - This uses S4 and takes some 20 to boot The advantage of Instant Boot over normal Sleep and Hibernation modes is clear. Instant Boot allows you to get the benefits of a clean Windows boot without any of what ASRock calls “accumulated garbage data,” while at the same time giving you the peace of mind of knowing that you won’t lose any data if there’s a power cut. You messed up try again Read article:- ASRock “4 second” Instant Boot for Windows | Hardware 2.0 |

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Internet Explorer (64 Bit)

Nov 11, 2009

A freind of mine is having a few problems with her laptop..

She has a link in the start menu that says (internet explorer 64 bit)

This is what she clicks to go on the internet, Now when she visits or clicks on links, she will sometimes get a message that she needs to install flash player.

She already has the latest flash player installed, but apparently this does not work on this "internet explorer 64 bit"

I diden't even know there was a 64 bit internet explorer.

And it goes on to say something like flash player is for 32 bit browsers, for flash player to work on 64 bit browsers search online for help, or it directs you to microsoft help and support.

I don't really like to go messing around on someone elses laptop

so i thought i would just ask to see if there is one thing i could follow to fix this problem..

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Internet Explorer (7) Won't Run

Mar 8, 2010

Internet explorer (7) won't run. I found that the IEXPLORER.exe is not in the directory. I have tried to install IE8 but it fails on configuring every time. Same happens when I try to install the cummulative IE7 updates (she's not good at installing updates). Everytime I try any kind of install or update concerned with IE it fails at the configuration phase. Other problems are that she can no longer use windows messenger. This connects but terminates in failure almost instantly.

I've ran a Norton Security scan which has found 144 tracking cookies but nothing more. The fix now button produces fail to lauch link which may well have something to do with the IE problem. Google Chrome is installed and works OK. I don't know what the last good restart point is. I've tried going into the repair feature on windows live essentials through the programs and features in the control panel but I just get a fatal error 0x8007007. Can't even look at internet options in control panel. That won't open either.

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Do You Use Internet Explorer 7

Feb 4, 2008

Interested to know how many people use IE7?
Looks like readability is very good in IE7 and my favorite font arial appears crisp and clear?
Just curious to hear a feedback on this?

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Internet Explorer 8

May 5, 2008

Ive d/led the beta for IE8, dont know whether to insatll or not. What do ppl think of the new browser? What bugs have been encountered?

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Internet Explorer Going Down

Apr 4, 2009

I am runnng Vista and IE is misbehaving itself, going down faster than the stocks in my portfolio. I regret that that is about all I know as nothing specific seems to cause it other than giving it a task to do. Where do I start on this. It has been doing it now for weeks.

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Internet Explorer Restoration

Jun 19, 2009

I am fairly new to Vista, all of a sudden today I have lost my file and edit at the top of my page, so |I am unable to copy and paste. I am in Classic mode. Any help to restore this so I can have File and edit at the top of the page would be wondeful.

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Uninstall Internet Explorer

Aug 28, 2009

how to uninstall Internet Explorer in Vista? Im using other browser and i want to get rid of this unused browser..but i cannot uninstall it the regular way like other software..

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Warning About Internet Explorer 8

Jan 23, 2010

They have done it again. Microsoft geeks take a perfectly goodproduct Internet Explorer 7 and mess it up. They just can't keeptheir dirty little paws off that source code, can they? The URL dropdown now gives you an assortment of locations on your hard drive, something like Windows Explorer.

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Internet Explorer: Never Ending Pop Ups

Mar 14, 2009

This is the third Vista laptop (out of 3) which i've experienced this problem on. Occasionally when you open a link 'In New Window' vista will start opening endless new windows and the only way to stop it is to log out or wait long enough for IE to crash and close all its windows

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MS Internet Explorer Toasted!

Mar 27, 2008

I noticed is that MS Internet Explorer, when started, returns and error pinpointing Google Toolbar then shuts down. What's the best way to repair or re-install MSIE? My understanding is that MSIE is integral to Vista so this could be at the root of some other problems, such as that the window that is supposed to open for "Default Applications" immediately shuts. Also, updates sit there waiting on the tool bar in spite of the fact that it is set to update automatically. When I click on the icon a window opens and shuts immediately.

I did a boot time scan with Avast! which generated an list of obscurely named files which it said were damaged and unreadable. They are all located folders which I guess would normally be hidden. I am wondering if these have anything to do with the registry and are therefore slowing things down as Vista struggles to rebuild. Another clue in that direction is that Ad-Aware hangs when trying to do the deep registry scan. If I skip that part of the scan it hangs during the file scan one or another obscurely named file. I have not yet correlated one these with the list generated by Avast!, maybe it will not be necessary if I can find another way to address these problems.

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Internet Explorer Disappears

Oct 11, 2009

A friend has a new Toshiba laptop with Windows Vista. When she double clicks on the Internet Explorer icon (on the desktop), IE will open up for 2 seconds then disappear. In it's place are three small identical windows, with the message "Internet Explorer cannot display the web page", and also a small google search line. I'm not familiar with Vista or the IE that comes with it. So this may be normal behavior, but in my world (Win2000 and XP) you can always open up Internet Explorer even if it doesn't connect to the web. Can someone tell me if there is a way to open up IE so that it doesn't disappear as I described.

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SP2: Internet Explorer Hangs

Jun 25, 2009

New Install, updated to SP2, once boot up, I select a folder to check properity, explorer crash, next rebooted, and got to desktop and selected, my hard drive, right click, and crash again... What going on.. Why is Explorer hanging ? I ran system file checker tool, sfc.exe Nothing wrong, all is well.

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Internet Explorer Restarting

Aug 23, 2008

I finally had my Vista working fairly well for the last few months after the update service pack, until last night, my daughter wanted to put yahoo instsant messenger on the computer, it seems after I installed that, when I am on Internet Explorer when I x out it says IE has stopped working then it says it is restarting and does, this happens everytime, and only since last night

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Internet Explorer Security Pop-up

May 15, 2010

Virtually every time I navigate within or between websites I get the IE Security pop-up telling me that "A website wants to open web content using"... Adobe Flash Player.

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Internet Explorer 7 Stuck Up

Dec 7, 2009

Whenever am trying to use my IE7 it is getting stuck up after a few minutes of use. and it takes a lot of time to load and display the web pages. and this occurs continuously so its a big trouble using it on the other hand firefox works well and fast and has got no issues.

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