Install 64 Over 32: "this Is Not A 32 Operation"

Jul 29, 2009

I have Vista 32 currently installed. I have upgraded my processor and would like to install 64. So, I have a 64 ISO file. When I run the file directly I receive the message "this is not a 32 operation". When I run the disc as a boot, nothing happens.

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Operation Canceled Due To Restrictions

May 30, 2009

Using Vista home Premium, SP1, I am using Outlook 2003 for emails, and Windows Live Hotmail. Suddenly, when I get emails in Outlook containing hyperlinks, clicking on any links, an error message appears saying "This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer.

I have User Account Control switched off. Using Hotmail via Internet Explorer does not have the same problem. Hyperlinks can be opened. Nor is there any other similar problem on my other computer. The only workaround, which is a little daft, is to forward the message with the hyperlink to an email account on another computer, or to my Hotmail account on the same computer.

I have tried all the Options offered in Outlook, and tried to find anything available via Control Panel, but I can't find any reason for this.

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Unnecessary Services Can Be Turned Off Without Operation

Mar 26, 2008

Does anyone know of a list of unnecessary services that can be turned off without harm--and speed up startup/opeation? I already have done a TrueImage restore one time and do not want to go through it again.

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Requested Operation Requires Elevation

Jun 30, 2009

every operation requires UAC and a password (why?) under a domain. when trying to disable the uac i get: the requested operation requires elevation tried to elevate CMD but still get this message: the requested operation requires elevation. i can't login locally because i don't have the user password. any change to get this message out the way?

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Operation Flashpoint Games Not Working

Aug 26, 2009

Are any or all of these games MP only? if not, and the SP Campaigns can also be played... which one do you suggest I pick up? Are there more than 1? Sorry, tried to google this but it is a bit confusing. I saw the trailer of the new OF:RS coming out in Oct and I think is going to be the kind of game I would probably like to buy... very enticing to say the least. Of course, for me the motto is:, No demo, No sale. Ubisoft has made me a Non-Believer, or smarter... whichever one you like

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File Back Up Operation Widows Error

Dec 24, 2008

I have three problems which result in the 0x80071a91 error message and seem to be related to transaction support/resource manager. I found several KB articles and comments in this and other forums and tried the various fixes - none work - each is a pre-SP1 fix. My Vista system is: Factory Installed Vista Home Premium 64 bit SP1 with all updates on Gateway 4 core processor and less than three months in use.

1) Attempting to run Backup at the point where the settings are to be saved. KB 939615 - Cannot change the settings for a file backup operation or use the Windows Task Scheduler to change the defrag schedule in WIndows VIsta. Transaction Manager Fix - 0x80071a91 error. Recommended fix is: fsutil resource setautoreset true c:
2) Attempting to delete a task Transaction support within the specified file system resource manager is not started or was shutdown due to an error. (0x80071A91)
3) Attempting to link to on-line error message from the event viewer. Clicking on "on-line event" closes the event manager snap-in
Msesage: Unhandled Exception in Managed Code Snap-n - HRESULT 0x80071A19. "This snap-in performed a non-valid operation and has been unloaded- Exception type: Syustem.Runtime.Interop.Services.comexception - HRESULT 0x80071a91."

A fourth problem may or may not be related - when I try to start Wsearch (Windosw Indexing Services) it stops within 3-5 seconds with the error msgs - 0x80040d23, 0x8007007e (VSS) finally 0x80071a91.and Events ID 1008, 1015, 1004 and 1008.

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The Operation Has Been Cancelled Due To Restrictions In Effect On This Computer

Jul 20, 2009

I have seen many comments on the net about a problem when clicking on hyperlinks in Outlook email or tables in Word, a message comes up "The operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer" I have admin rights and have tried all sorts to find out why this is happening without success.

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64 SP1 Crashed After 24 Hours Of Operation Due To Auto Updates

Dec 10, 2008

Installed Vista 64 Home Premium SP1 OEM on Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD5, and the computer immediately began to download and install 40 updates via "auto update". These updates did not affect the operability of Vista, HOWEVER the 2nd group of "updates" (there were like 4-5) completely disabled my onboard NIC drivers and I could no longer connect to the internet. There were no updated NIC drivers on the Gigabyte website for the motherboard. I used "System Restore" but the system would not allow the NIC drivers to be reinstalled.

This is TOTALLY unacceptable when you are obligated to download "Auto-Updates" and then they require a complete reinstall of the OS to repair the damage caused by the "Update". I was forced to completely reinstall Vista 64 SP1. I allowed the first 40 updates to install, then I disabled "auto updates". Anyone else have this problem? Unfortunately, I was unable to determine exactly which module created the problem - but I tried "uninstalling" the top five "updates" on the "installed updates" list but could not get the system to allow the NIC drivers to initialize/install.

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Windows Resource Could Not Perform The Requested Operation

Mar 23, 2008

I was doing a sfc scan and this was what the screen said: " Verification 45% complete. Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation " (end of quote). what are the possible reasons of only 45% completion, and what I should do to correct that.

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Way To Copy And Paste Or Drag And Drop Operation?

Mar 23, 2008

Is there any way to copy and paste or drag and drop operation like it was in previous Windows? It drives me nuts when I have to type the full path of executable I want to run in that window!

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Can't Select Multiple Files Perform Bulk Operation

Feb 9, 2009

I have a network share setup b/w a Vista Ultimate x32 and XP machines. Using the XP machine, I open the Vista hosted share but found some files "missing", ie. even though they physically exist in the Vista machine, I simply cannot see them from XP. Turns out that these files are missing the EVERYONE in the File Permissions (right click file, properties, security).

These are files downloaded using Firefox, and whether they are JPG, AVI, TXT, DOC, XLS they are all missing the EVERYONE permission. If I download the same files using Internet Explorer, the files get created with the EVERYONE permission. My current workarounds ... which none are desirable are this: - Use Internet Explorer- Add EVERYONE permission for each file manually (you have to do this one by one, can't select multiple files and perform bulk operation) - Use CMD line utilities like takeown and icacls. Note this is a secure home network, and while file sharing using EVEYRONE isn't the safest way to do this, I can finetune this later. The key problem at hand is what I've described above. FireFox create files with the full permissions, same way IE does.

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"Windows Protection Could Not Perform The Requested Operation

Nov 18, 2009

I boot up with cd and do a Starup Repair but it stll gives me black screen with the mouse arrow. The details of the repair is of root causes 1 and all the error codes are 0x0 The last sentence it says Root causes found:- Boot status indicate that the OS booted successfully Reading throiugh this forum I also do a scannow at c:>sfc /scannow but it gives me a message that "Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation" Just wonder what can I do next to get my vista going as it is still giving me the black screen with the mouse arrow.

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XP Style Slow Search, Unable To Find This Primitive Operation?

Mar 23, 2008

I must be missing something obvious... How do I do an XP style search? You remember, right-click a folder, click "Search", and have Vista search the selected folder? I've been unable to find this primitive operation. I'm willing to give up search control to Vista for local drives, but indexing our entire network, and each and every USB stick/USB Hard drive seems, well, silly for the once or twice a month I need to search in those locations. I'm willing to wait the thirty seconds it takes to search, because I can normally limit the size of the search ("Let me look through the code tree for December", for example).

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Could Not Perform This Operation Because The Default Mail Client Is Not Properly Installed

Apr 8, 2009

Could Not Perform This Operation Because The Default Mail Client Is Not Properly Installed. The subject says it all, how do I fix this?

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Command Window: Copy And Paste Or Drag And Drop Operation

Mar 26, 2008

Is there any way to copy and paste or drag and drop operation like it was in previous Windows? It drives me nuts when I have to type the full path of executable I want to run in that window!

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"Could Not Perform This Operation Because The Default Mail Client Is Not Properly Installed"

May 30, 2008

I have Vista Ultimate and am using Thunderbird mail client. When I click a mailto link in Internet Explorer I get this error message: "Could not perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly installed". I have reset my default programs, uninstalled and reinstalled Thunderbird, and switched my default mail client to Windows Mail and still the same result. On searching the web I can only find solutions for Windows XP, Outlook and Outlook Express. Anyone know what the deal is with Vista and Thunderbird rendering this error? And BTW I have the same setup on another computer and the mailto links work fine.

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Add Printer Getting Msg: "Operation Is Cancelled Because Of Restrictions Operating For A Computer"

Mar 23, 2008

I m printing (VHP), when I try add printer (local or network - equal) I get message "Operation is cancelled because of restrictions operating for a computer"

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Shift A Pre-installded, Not "shrink" Operation?

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new Dell laptop with a pre-installed Vista Business,and I would like to shift or "slide" its partition forward toward the start of the hard drive by 10GB to make way for a Linux dual-boot between Vista and Linux. (This is not a "shrink" operation.) Does anyone know of a utility that can do this with Vista? Gparted, BootIt NG, and Acronis Disk Director are the traditional utilities which come to mind, but I've heard of difficulties with Vista partitions where the partition was created by the Vista installer. If you've used any of these or other partitions in their "Vista compatible" versions

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Not "shrink" Operation Pre-installded?

Mar 26, 2008

I have a new Dell laptop with a pre-installed Vista Business, and I would like to shift or "slide" its partition forward toward the start of the hard drive by 10GB to make way for a Linux dual-boot between Vista and Linux. (This is not a "shrink" operation.) Does anyone know of a utility that can do this with Vista? Gparted, BootIt NG, and Acronis Disk Director are the traditional utilities which come to mind, but I've heard of difficulties with Vista partitions where the partition was created by the Vista installer. If you've used any of these or other partitions in their "Vista compatible" versions

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8GB RAM & 64 Install: Install Vista64 With Only 1 Stick Of RAM First Prior To Installing All 8 Megs

Jul 17, 2008

I am about to install Vista64 home premium on a new build with 8 megs of RAM. The disk is Vista64 SP1. I was wondering if it is still recommended to install Vista64 with only 1 stick of RAM first prior to installing all 8 megs? Or because the disk has SP1, is this no longer an issue?

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Check The Memory For Errors BEFORE I Load/install Windows Vista Home Premium X64 To Avoid Install Hang-ups

May 25, 2008

I would like to check the memory for errors BEFORE I load/install Windows Vista Home Premium x64 to avoid install hang-ups. Can you make an ISO CD of this program, load it in your CD/DVD drive and check your memory for errors? I recently updated the BIOS on the board (DP35DP) and it does show all of the 4GB of Kingston ValueRam PC800 1.8v (2x2gb) installed. I have good reason to believe that it's from a respectable manufacturer. Just want to make sure the memory is good before I load up the OS.

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Install Windows Updates, KB973565 Fails Install

Dec 6, 2009

I am helping a friend install windows updates on her Sony VAIO laptop with Vista Home Premium SP1 installed. Laptop had not been updated since January 2009. All updates completed fine with the exception of KB973565. When installed via automatic windows updates I get the following error...........

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Clean Install, Verify Previous Install Of XP/2000?

Jan 30, 2007

I'm assuming a clean install with an upgrade license will be identical to a clean install with a 'full' copy, except that at some point during the process, it will ask for my key for Windows XP? I just want to confirm this is the case before I go buy an upgrade copy. one last question to tack on here - if I have a desktop and a laptop computer will it let me install the same copy and license key of Vista on both? I know some MS products in the past have allowed you to install on more than one computer because they realize a lot of people have more than one computer but they only work with one at a given time.

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SP1 Will Not Install And Install Failed With Error 80004005

Apr 25, 2008

I've tried numerous times to Install Vista Sp1, but without success. The install appers to go well, reaching 100% at stage 3, but then the screen reports the SP did not successfully install, and proceeds to roll back. On Checking the message in Windows Update, the install failed with error 80004005. I've raised the issue directly with MS, but the advice to install the SP in Safe mode has not helped. I've also trawled various forums and cannot find any reference to the specific error code.

I own a Sony Vaio VGN-FZ1. A number of forums seem to suggest it might be a hardware issue, and I have tried disabling / uninstalling various devices to
see if this helps, but this also has not got me any further. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know what this error code means? Is there a way to force the SP to install despite this error code (it does get to 100% at stage 3 after all, so maybe it does install, but one of the packages check routines is picking up an error which doesn't really exist???)

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How To Install HP1317 Printer?cd To Install Only Works With XP.

Feb 15, 2010

Is there a way to install my HP1317 printer to my laptop which has Windows Vista? The cd to install the printer only works with Windows up to XP.

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Install Using The Upgrade Disc To Re-install OS?

May 15, 2010

I am using Win Vista, 32bit. I have a upgrade disc to vista 32bit. Can I possibly use that to re-install my OS. I have a virus Or I want Win 7 too, so can i upgrade to that by paying less? If not i will stick with vista.

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Clean Install Or In-place Install?

Feb 27, 2008

i will be upgrading my Dell desktop from XP Pro to Vista Ultimate in the coming days and i need some opinions. I've never upgraded OS's before but i do understand the difference between a clean install and an in-place install. My question: what would you do and why would you chose one over the other?

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Install File: "the Admin Has Set Policys To Prevent This Install"

Jan 29, 2009

I try to install a file. I get the "the admin has set policys to prevent this install" I am the admin. What do I do? Also it's a installer package so I can't click "run as admin"

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Install - Repair Install

Apr 20, 2008

I could do a repair install, install new motherboard drivers and possibly have to validate all over again the same as you always did with XP but no good. I cannot get into Windows at all so cant run repair from WITHIN windows and no option from the boot DVD works. So, do you have to lose everything each time you upgrade hardware or some part of it dies meaning you are forced to upgrade hardware?

I installed from Vista Business pre SP1 and installed SP1 before the motherboard died.

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32 Bit Install To 64 Bit: Clean Install?

Apr 3, 2009

I have just joined after finding this forum. What a brilliant site. My question is I have a 32 bit vista home premium upgrade disk and was reading about how do do a clean install. Can I do a clean install using this disk and then use my key to upgrade to the 64 bit version.

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Re-install, Do A Fresh Install?

Feb 6, 2009

I need to do a fresh install of Windows vista home premium on my laptop that I am renting from a company. However, they didn't give me an install disc or recovery disc when they rented out the lap top to me. Is there a way to do this with out the discs?

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