Impossible To Remove Old "SYSTEM" Disk

May 26, 2010

I thought I knew enough on my own, but obviously that's not so. Here's the scoop: For the last two years I have been trying to remove my original Dell system 9200 boot disk. It has only 65MB of storage, and I have long ago added other internal disks, including a newer larger boot disk. Last week I added a new additional 2TB internal disk and I wanted (for the umpteenth time) get rid of that pesky old 65MB item =97 again. I am running out of SATA connections on the MB.

The system will not boot at all if I remove the irksome 65MB disk,even if I disable it in the system bios. "NO BOOTABLE DISK" is the message I get, although I have a very healthy C: drive that boots up nicely into VISTA as long as I keep that little 65MB devil active in the system. I am familiar with disk management in VISTA, where I have successfully changed various drive letter assignments, but even there I cannot find a way to get rid of the 65MB thing. All my internal SATA cables are the usual red color, except the one going to the 65MB which is blue. Using another (red) cable instead, and using a different SATA MB connector to fool the system did not help, either. Nor was I able to boot into C: by connecting it to the MB connector (presumably SATA 0) used by the 65MB pest.

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Worst System Ever! Just Delete My Files Impossible To Recovery!

Mar 28, 2008

This is the second time this happen with me with Windows Vista, its a shame Microsoft release such trash. I just try to move or delete a file from a folder, Windows says that is not possible (!) I press OK and all files on that folder just desapear. I use search and the files are still there (even if windows explorer do not show them). But if I try to open the file from search window: file not found. The missing files cant be found at the trash or any other place.

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Safely Remove Hard Disk, Enable Write Cashing On The Disk?

Dec 28, 2008

I have four (4) hard disks C: D: E: F: all are connected with sata cable and power cable.(of course) The F: is outside from the pc and connected via external SATA and power cable (like usb NOT usb) I know,with USB external hard disk i can use the safely remove option.

Is there any option to safely remove SATA hard disk without Shut Down the pc?

1) Start-Control Panel-Device Manager-Disk Drives-Right Click on hard disk-Properties-Policies-UntikDisable the Enable write cashing on the disk??

2) Start-Control Panel-Device Manager-Disk Drives-Right Click on hard disk-Disable??

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System Disk Automatically Bumped Disk O Position

Sep 21, 2009

I have an HP DV7 notebook that I recently added a second SATA 500 GB hard drive in the expansion bay. The purpose of the drive is to serve as a data drive. I also intend to store an image of my system disk on this internal expansion drive so that I can restore my system and apps when I am in the field. For most purposes the drive seems to be functioning normally. However, I recently noticed that, without my instructions, HP Updates were installing suipport files on my expansion disk rather than on my system disk and I have become concerned that Windows Updates may also end up on the expansion drive (so far they appear not to have done this). On further inspection in Computer Management - Disk Managment I discovered that when I put the expansion drive into the 2nd bay, my original system disk was automatically bumped from the Disk 0 position to the Disk 1 position and my expansion disk became the new Disk 0.

In Computer Managment - Disk Management the system currently looks like
Disk 0 - F: Expansion Drive - Healthy, Primary Partition
Disk 1 - C: - Healthy, System, Boot, Page File, Active, Crash Dump,Primary Partition.

If I physically pull out the F: drive from the machine the C: drive returns to the Disk 0 position. I am concerned that my system and application updates are going to get splattered across two drives when I want them to remain on the original C: drive. I can find no way in BIOS or Computer Management - Disk Management to assign the Disk and physically swapping the drives makes the system disk unbootable. Am I at risk of splattering my Window updates across two drives? Should I instruct Vista to regard my system disk C: as Disk 0 and how to I do this?

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Can 'cache' The System Disk In A RAM Disk?

Feb 17, 2008

I've persuaded my boss that I need 16 gig of RAM. The purpose being, of course, to make Vista fly. Is a RAM disk the best way to do this? Can I 'cache' the system disk in a RAM disk? Or is there a better way to make use of my new endownment.

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May 9, 2009

I changed the Boot sequence to CD first, then HDD. Everything ran fine and vista seemingly loaded perfectly. After moving some files from my backup drive back onto my main one and installing some drivers, I was asked to restart my computer (for the drivers) so I did. Remembering that the boot sequence was still set on CD first, and since my driver CD was still in the drive, I decided to set the boot sequence back to the way I had it with XP: HDD and then CD. After doing this I quit BIOS and tried to boot, but I kept getting a message saying: DISK BOOT FAILURE. INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER.

So I restarted the computer again, this time with my Vista CD in the drive, and again, the computer wouldn't boot and told me to enter a boot disk. Not knowing what to do, I went back into BIOS and changed the boot sequence back to CD first, then HD. After doing this, and restarting with the Vista CD in the drive, my computer booted up with no problems whatsoever. I tried reinstalling Vista (twice), reformatting the target hard drive, changing the boot sequence around, pretty much everything I could think of......

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System Files Remove

Mar 26, 2008

Because of a mistake I made while installing Vista, I wound up with the system files (about 1.6 Gig) on one small D: drive while all of the remaining Windows files (over 50 Gig) on the large C: drive. I now want to remove the D: drive and replace it with a large one. How do I move the system files to the C: drive?

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IE8: Remove Updates, No System Restore Point

Jan 25, 2009

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:iexplore.exe
Application Version:8.0.6001.18241
Application Timestamp:48ae8fee
Fault Module Name:kernel32.dll
Fault Module Version:6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module Timestamp:4791a76d
Exception Code:c06d007e
Exception Offset:000442eb
OS Version:6.0.6001.
Locale ID:2057
Additional Information 1:5e45
Additional Information 2:a2fdfe7c86f01abc55834702e464686d
Additional Information 3:84fc
Additional Information 4:b9417b166caabe190aef712546e2a930

Ive Tried the remove updates thing and it isn't their. I have no system restore point. And I've tried running itin no addons mode. All I want is to roll back to IE7

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Spy Found Virus Remove But System Slow

Nov 13, 2008

A Trojan that Counter Spy has found, I have done 3 full scans and each time this miserable little blighter keeps coming back, and I don't know how else to get shot of it. here is a screenshot of what Counter Spy found, please ignore the Cookies one as I have told it to remove and it was successful, its just the Trojan that keeps coming back on each scan I do. As a sidenote, how do I post a screen of something that shows straight away instead of an attachment that you must click on?

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Windows Vista Home Premium SP2: Remove System Sounds?

Jul 29, 2009

I just removed Ipswitch's WS_FTP 2007, but the system sounds associated with the program did not uninstall with it. How do I manually remove the system sounds in Control Panel? Windows Vista Home Premium SP2

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Security Impossible To Update

Jun 21, 2008

i have a vista computer with bullguard pre installed.Whenever i start up,a balloon at the bottom of the screen tells me defender is out of date.However,it has always been impossible to update this or indeed download any windows updates since i bought the computer new a few months ago.

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Impossible To Work On Photoshop?

Feb 9, 2009

- With the Aero theme selected, somme Aero effects are disturbing to work on photoshop. Moving layers is slowered (like the windows of the explorer), it's not much but disturbing for work.

- If I select the Vista Basic theme I don't have this slowing layers issue but I then have a real big LAG/delay problem when painting with the brush on photoshop (this time : impossible to work). I read about this issue on this forum: Photoshop Brush Lag Studdering with Vista But didn't find further solution.

- So logically I tried to select the Aero Theme and deactivate some of the bothering Aero options (Enable deskstop composition/animate windows). But when I do so Vista in fact automatically select the Vista Basic Theme, so I have the lag problem with brush again. Out of solutions, I'm now thinking seriously about installing my old XP license on my new computer, but it seems a bit odd not to be able to work with protoshop properly on Vista ?

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Impossible To Navigate With Keys

Jun 16, 2008

Vista has a very serious problem with object focus - makes it very difficult/ nay totally impossible to operate with a keyboard so i suspect it's lost a lot of customers for this reason alone. Live Mail also seems to have a focus issues & i'm not sure which is to blame. when you attempt to move (up/down) folders in the folder pane using keyboard - if there is news/mail download, the folder loses focus to the mail/message window - if not it takes two presses to activate the folder. again this peculiar behavior makes it impossible to navigate with keys

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How Get Rid Of Diles Amd Maps With Impossible Names?

Jul 29, 2009

On a USB-stick there appered over a dozen files and maps with names which are just thrash, like x?dk?@8(*^&.cb^$ or similar. Neither DOS of Windows Explorer will delete them, as they are illegal file/map names. What can I do to get rid of them?

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Folder Navigation Impossible With Many Subfolders

Jun 20, 2009

Say you have a folder called "Indie Music". It has 300 subfolders with music files (say X, Y, Z, etc.). I want to delete subfolder Y and then have the focus go to X or Z (the previous or the following subfolder). But after deleting Y, my focus is jumping back to "Indie Music", every single time. How am I supposed to keep track of where I was within my 300 subfolders and know which subfolder to focus on next when all I can see is the parent folder? Also, when i rename one of my 300 subfolders, the focus stays with that subfolder after the rename. If I rename "GGGG" to "ZGGG", the focus has gone to "ZGGG", right at the bottom of the tree, and again I have no idea where I was before.

Basic housekeeping with these subfolders has become impossible. I have given up on arranging and managing my music, pictures, etc. and have to transfer all my work folders to another PC where I can work and also keep some sanity. Is there a setting to keep the focus on the previous or next subfolder after deleting or renaming instead of taking it back to the parent folder? I had no choice (Vista or XP) when I bought my new laptop,and I spent hours (that I don't have!) trying to find my way around Vista.

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Disk Management: Remove The Recovery Partition And Then Extend The C: Partition

Oct 5, 2009

I recently acquired a Dell Studio XPS 435 desktop with Vista Ultimate as the OS. My plan is to upgrade to Windows 7 in the next couple of months or so. Therefore I won't need the Vista recovery partition on the hard drive. I am trying to eliminate it and add to the C: drive partition. Looking at my drive 0 in disk management I have from Right to left a C: partition 683Gb NTFS with the usual Healthy (System, Boot, Page File, Active, Crash Dump, Primary Partition). Directly to the left is the Recovery or D: drive which is 15Gb NTFS marked Healthy (Primary Partition) and finally to the left is the last partition of 71Mb marked Healthy (EISA Configuration). No idea what that is. Right clicking in the Recovery partition gives several options including: format, shrink volume, extend volume, delete volume, mark volume as active, change drive letter and paths, as well as help.

My question is how to remove the recovery partition and then extend the C: partition. My first thought is to format the recovery partition, delete the volume and then right click the C: drive partition and extend it but I really need some advice so I don't screw up the whole disk. For instance I have no idea what if anything hapens to the drive letters.I think maybe what I am calling partitions are really volumes so you can see I am over my head here.

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It Appears To Be Impossible To Create The XP-style Directory

Jun 10, 2008

I recently upgraded from Windows XP to Vista SP1. I have many years of WP documents using the "Image on Disk" feature to create my company's stationery on the fly without having to store a copy of the logo & graphics in each document. I used WP's default directory structure when storing the images and documents. Under Vista, it appears to be impossible to create the XP-style directory location for WP 12 or WP X4 to find the graphics.

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Impossible To Save A User In Windows Home

May 26, 2008

I have the following environment: 2 PC with Windows Vista Business, 1 2003 Server and 1 Laptop with Windows Vista Home Premiun. In Windows Home Premiun I try to enter to any of the other and password asks me, I am given it and I tell him to keep the password. If I close the session or I put out it, again asks me the credentials.

In User Accounts I try to add a user and a new password and in type of alone document appears myself activated the second option. ..One credential of website or programs and not the first one that is the one that interests me. How do I be able access the other PC without me ask the user password and save that user correctly?.

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Impossible Sending Email: Error Message

Apr 1, 2010

after a windows update yesterday, here is the error message that I have. I undid the update, without result. what shall I do? Une erreur inconnue s'est produite. Objet 'Re: Oeufs de P??ques', Compte: '', Serveur: '', Protocole: SMTP, R??ponse du serveur: '554 5.7.1 service refused. Client host blocked for spamming issues. Adresse IP source bloquee pour incident de spam. Port: 25, S??curis?? (SSL): Non, Erreur de serveur : 554, Num??ro d'erreur: 0x800CCC6F

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Hard To Describe; Impossible To Access It Again Without Using Taskmanager - Switch To

Apr 4, 2009

Windows won't let me interact with different windows properly. Once a window is minimized it's next to impossible to access it again without using taskmanager - switch to. If I click on the window from the taskbar (if it had been minimized of I was viewing another window) it come up fullscreen as usual, but then I can't click on anything on the window, it's as if I'm clicking "behind" the window, no matter what I try.

Maybe a clearer way of describing it is that the only way I can change the active window is with task manager, items in the task bar can be switched in and out of view but not activated. Also occasionally icons on the desktop are unresponsive. And I also forgot to say that sometimes the task bar is sometimes completely unresponsive.

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System Is Out Of Disk Space

Aug 17, 2009

I wanted a fast drive, so I bought a solid state drive. But I'm a poor college student and so got the 64GB one, which only has 58GB of space (because Lenovo put something on a separate partition which they say I cannot get rid of). The only thing installed is WinVist and MS Office 2007 (and McAfee and other progrms that came with the PC which weren't taking up much space).

Those two programs took up 30GB of space. Yesterday, some Windows backup thing started to run and said "There isn't enough room on this drive to do the backup, do you want to do it anyway? (I'm paraphrasing)". Since I like having things backed up, I said Yes anyway (and to see what happened). Now I have 1 GB free on my drive. Lenovo won't help me with Windows because that's "a configuration issue" and they don't do that. How do I get rid of this backup and get at least 20GB back? Then, how can I configure Windows and Office to take up less disk space?

It seems like Lenovo sold me a PC with a disk drive that doesn't have enough space to operate correctly. And they won't help me resolve the problem. Also, it seems that it is not as easy to separate your data in WinVista as magazine articles would have you believe. I tried configuring it so my "Documents" was on another external drive, but that proved too difficult.

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Invalid System Disk?

Aug 24, 2009

Recently I started getting a black screeen with "Invalid system disk...Replace the disk, and then press any key" error at startup.

What could that mean? And when I just press a key, it starts up normally. Everytime my laptop boots, that error comes up, and I press a random key, and everything runs normally again.?

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System Won't Read The Disk

Jun 23, 2009

I have a slight problem with my CD/DVD drive. Every so often when I load a disk a get no response from autoplay. When I open My Computer, I find that the drive letter has changed from E to F for no apparent reason. I've gone into the Computer Management file and changed the letter back to E, but the system still won't read the disk. I get the application back in service by running a system restore, but I'm just wondering if anybody knows why this problem pops up. Is it just one of those ghost glitches that float around in Vista? It's not a big deal, but it's annoying.

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System Mis-reporting Disk Usage

Jul 4, 2008

I am using Windows Vista (32-bit) on my computer. Lately, I have noticed that the reported "used space" on my hard drive (via right-click/properties) keeps rising dramatically while I add very little to my computer. I then made sure that I had turned on options to show system files and hidden OS files so that I could add up the used space. What I found is that all of the files on my computer added together total 44.2 GB, while the usual right-click on the C-drive (selecting Properties) reports that I have used 65.2 GB. I re-checked the math and the folders and still come up with a 21 GB difference - almost 1.5 times the size of what the files/folders add up to.

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OS: Recognize The System Recovery Disk?

Apr 3, 2008

What are the basic differences between XP & Vista? All we do is surf the web, email and download an occasional game. Norton AntiVirus is always on and always up-to-date. My XP machine is dying big time & I can't figure out how to save it. It won't recognize the System Recovery disk that came with the machine, but it will recognize other CDs. That CD must be bent or whatever. The SPs are up to date. I'm running Office XP and it is taking Word and Excel 7 or 8 seconds to load; it used to open in a snap. I installed the latest edition of Firefox and loading web pages with it is taking too long. Most pages should just snap open. I guessed we've been "phished" or whatever because some of the ads I run into know that I live in Seattle. Our network connection is DSL and we haven't made any changes of any consequence that I know of to this machine in ages. I put SpyBot on it a week ago and twice when WinXP started, the Spybot folder opened. Not the program but the folder.

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Can I Download A Copy Of My System Disk

Apr 27, 2008

I have misplaced my Vista operating system disk, am I able to download a copy of it from Micosoft website. I have the product key, as it is printed on the rear of the CPU.

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HDD - Disk Management And File System

May 15, 2010

I just installed a new Hitachi HDD and restored my disc image to it. My original disk had three partitions, the pqservice partition, the active OS partition (C drive) and a data partition (D drive). But I only chose to restore the OS and the data partitions. Now when I view the new disk via disk management, the labeling of the active partition is unusual; there is no volume name listed nor file system, and the free space is shown as 100%. Also, the status shows an EISA configuration. However, under explorer properties for the drive, things look a bit different, with the label and system type correct. What is causing the discrepancy and how to remedy it?I just now also noticed that I no longer have 4gb of ram... I haven't removed anything, but only 2gb are showing in system properties and in the BIOS???

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System Disk Not Allocated Space Properly

May 12, 2008

I was wondering why my new Vista system would only hold eight restore points. I recently used up that space very quickly when I instaled a bunch of my old programs that I used in XP. Turns out that my Vista restore points are about TWO GIGS EACH, compared to 200MB beach in my old XP system. By default, Vista appears to allocate a maximum size of 15% of the drive's total space for restore points. Or it might be a fixed number, I'm not sure. On my system disk, it's currently a tad over 16 gigs. That much space would've stored 80 restore points in XP! To change that space allocation requires some command line hoop jumping, rather than just moving a slider in the GUI.

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System Freezed: Disk Defraggmentor Not Working

Apr 13, 2009

When I run the windows disk defraggmentor or an independant third party version, my windows vista home premium computer keeps freezing. How can this be fixed?

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External Usb Disk Drive: Reboot System?

Oct 31, 2009

I have Windows Vista, and I like to make my external usb hard disk stay at D: drive even after I reboot the system.

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Boot Disk / System Recovery Failure

Mar 19, 2009

I run vista 32 bit. I'm pretty sure it's Vista personal (PC didn't actually come with a Vista disk). I only use it for music and games,basic stuff. It's a Compaq....It shat itself recently, it wouldn't boot, so i borrowed the Vista Business disk from my dad to repair it/disk boot, and it worked fine, that was a couple days ago. Today it happened again, except it won't repair the same way. I start it up, it goes to the Compaq startup screen with 4 options; [Esc] Boot menu, [F9] Diagnostics, [F10] Setup, [F11] System recovery. Except I can never go to the diagnostics or system recovery menus, i press the keys and nothing happens. Then when i don't press anything it goes to a black screen with "Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter", so i do. Then it says "Windows is loading files" with a white bar below, once that's done it goes to the Microsoft Coporation green load bar that scrolls across over and over. Then it suddenly stops for a few minutes and a blue screen appears saying

"A problem has been detected and Windows has shut down to prevent damage to your computer DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps: Check to see if any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problems continue disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to disable or remove coponents, restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup options, then select safe mode. (pressing F8 does nothing for me) TECHNICAL INFORMATION *** STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x87995395) *** nvstor.sys - Adress 87995395 base at 87991000, Datestamp 46671a61".....

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