How To Stop Reporting To Microsoft

Apr 14, 2008

Every time an application crashes I get a dialog that says it's checking with Microsoft for a solution. How do I switch this off ?

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Microsoft Stop The Clowns

Jun 27, 2008

Microsoft bashers , that right you know who you are . You people are sad. I never before seen such a bunch of low life to spend your time bashing Microsoft. Every company has its fault but with all its fault you seem to spend your time bashing them , you guys are true clowns. What make me laugh is all the free time you have wasting away . Why don't you try to use your wasted mind on creating a operating system . This way instead of bashing Microsoft you can bash yourself as to how stupid you really are. GET A LIFE AND GET OFF THIS NEWSGROUP CLOWN. Microsoft why can't you block there isp. Or give MVP the power to delete them . Either way something needs to be done to these morons. Clowns >>> like I care for your opinion

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Partners To Microsoft: Stop Bashing

Apr 28, 2008

When even MS is perceived to be bashing its own OS, what does that say about all those that still cling to the notion that Vista is the greatest thing since the invention of the blumpkin?

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Apple Demanded Microsoft To Stop Its Laptop Hunters Ads

Jul 15, 2009

According to a Microsoft executive, Apple legal isn't too happy with Microsoft's Laptop Hunters ads. Full Story: Apple demanded Microsoft to stop its Laptop Hunters ads - Ars Technica

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Reporting Bugs In Vista

Mar 23, 2008

where I go to report a bug in Vista?

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System Mis-reporting Disk Usage

Jul 4, 2008

I am using Windows Vista (32-bit) on my computer. Lately, I have noticed that the reported "used space" on my hard drive (via right-click/properties) keeps rising dramatically while I add very little to my computer. I then made sure that I had turned on options to show system files and hidden OS files so that I could add up the used space. What I found is that all of the files on my computer added together total 44.2 GB, while the usual right-click on the C-drive (selecting Properties) reports that I have used 65.2 GB. I re-checked the math and the folders and still come up with a 21 GB difference - almost 1.5 times the size of what the files/folders add up to.

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Reporting And Solutions Stopped Working

Feb 17, 2009

My PR&S has ceased to function,it just stopped working,does Anyone know why or did I turn something off that was supposed to stay on?

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Wklnhst.dat : Scanners Not Reporting Malware

Nov 10, 2009

I was told that I should scan the file wklnhst.dat (properties say its a DAT file, 11KB) in order to get rid of it. It was in APPDATA/ROAMING - not in a folder- just on it's own, the last item there. This after having my machine repaired of all kinds of malware. But this particular item was never mentioned by the original person cleaning the machine. Not sure if they saw it.

I scanned with with a-squared, Superanti-Spyware and Malwarebytes (all are updated and I have the real time version of a-squared which is always running. None of them report it as malware/nothing is being detected when I scan it (or scan the whole C drive). Do I really need to remove this? I know dates can be falsified but it says it was created and then accessed on the same date around when I bought it and started using it (the computer). Then it was "updated" this year in June (not by me). If I should remove it but the scanners aren't picking anything up can I just delete it or is that too dangerous?

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Hard Drive Reporting Less Space

Mar 10, 2009

I have a 120 GB hd on my lenovo laptop with windows vista. the SW_Preload says 13.8 GB free of 104 GB. However, when I check the size of each of my folders/files within my C drive, it only adds up to barely 20 GB. I'm wondering what could be causing this discrepency? The folders for example are "users", Windows, Program Files, etc.

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Disk Cleanup Wizard : Error Reporting

Mar 23, 2008

I ran the disk cleanup wizard the other night on my C drive. It scanned my C drive as normal and then came up with results to clean, one of which was for error reporting logs which wasnt ticked by default, but was apparently 99gigs worth! I thought this was pretty interesting seeing as my C drive is only 32gig big, so out of curiosity I ticked the box to cleanup the 99gig of logs, and sat back and watched. Everything seemed fine after it finished, but I rebooted to be sure and then my wallpaper went missing. I went to set the wallpaper back to what it was..... and noticed the file was missing. Then I checked the start menu, all my programs have been removed! (example, powerdvd gone, alcohol 120 gone, winzip etc all gone and nothing working, not just removed from the start menu, but also uninstalled from hdd)

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Security Center Reporting No Antu-Virus Software

Apr 19, 2008

I just installed and-virus and firewall software but Vista Security Center reports no anti-virus software installed. The anti-virus software reports all is well. Also before installing this I turned off Windows Firewall but still noticed that Vista is reporting Windows Defender running and active. I thought Defender is the firewall. I must be mistaken.

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Cannot Send Or Recieve Emails, Incoming Server Name Is And Outgoing As

Sep 20, 2009

I cannot send or recieve emails, In my accounts set up i have said my incoming server name is and outgoing as

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Microsoft Directing Users To Install Microsoft LIVE Mail

Oct 17, 2009

I was using Microsoft Outlook Express as my mail client. Then Microsoft advised users to update to Windows Mail since they no longer supported Outlook I did. Now Microsoft is directing users to install Microsoft LIVE Mail? What is the difference between Microsoft Mail (which I am running) and Microsoft LIVE Mail....and, why would a user run LIVE over MAIL?

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Unable To Update "Reporting Events"

Jul 29, 2009

tried CSR checking, did not resolve. here's the "ReportingEvents"

{D2E46C66-90E0-4B35-B8D2-421316BA094E}2009-06-28 11:09:24:569-05001183101{810D6B8E-E0B3-4B40-9D5D-5D56BBDB22EA}5010wusaSuccessContent InstallInstallation Successful: Windows successfully installed the following update: Update for Windows (KB947821){D1C7412E-214F-437E-AB16-9A3201AA1D8B}2009-06-28 13:54:04:283-05001148101{61CA813A-7585-442E-A66B-B0D15CE6BDC0}18007370dSelfUpdateFailureSoftware...............

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Screensaver Doesnt Work Using A Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse, Also Microsoft Wireless Keyboard, Windows Vista

Mar 28, 2009

I Just want to know why my screensaver doesn't work using a Microsoft wireless laser mouse, also microsoft wireless keyboard, windows vista.

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Microsoft Update: Sign On With 'Microsoft Update'

Mar 7, 2009

I am running Office Home and Student 2007 and have just run a diagnostic which suggests that my installation is not up to date and that I go to the Microsoft Update site and download any available updates. When I do, I am asked to sign on with 'Microsoft Update'. The idea is, I think, to combine this Microsoft Update with my Windows Update and let Office updates come though along with updates for Vista, IE, etc. I have posted here before with issues concerning updates including a fiasco I had last November which involved Office updates and am wondering, since Office seems to be working well at the moment (I was bored so I did a diagnostic ) should I bother with this or just leave it? Does Office have security issues like IE and Vista?

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MS Cannot Stop XP

Mar 31, 2008

Will XP's 'execution stay' for emerging markets apply to other countries? Posted by Mary Jo Foley Speculation continues to swirl as to when and whether Microsoft will extend the June 30, 2008, cut-off date on which many PC makers will be expected to cease bundling Windows XP with new PCs. But some pundits seem to have forgotten that when Microsoft initially granted Windows XP five more months to live, back in 2007, the company left itself a loophole. (And I don't mean just the early 2009 cut-off date it granted white-box vendors/system builders). Late last year, Microsoft officials said that vendors preloading Windows on PCs aimed at "emerging markets" wouldn't have to stop selling Windows XP until 2010.

From Microsoft's September 27, 2007, press release: "(S)ince some of the systems that ship in emerging markets don't meet the requirements for Windows Vista, we will be extending availability of Windows XP Starter Edition to June 30, 2010. This will allow our OEM partners who sell PCs in emerging markets more opportunity to offer genuine Windows licenses."............

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Redirecting Won't Stop

Oct 7, 2009

Whenever I try to go to GMAIL the tab starts rapidly moving from "gmail"to "connecting" to "redirecting", and this moves very fast and continues until I manage to re start. How can I fix this ? I created a new user and I can Access GMAIL there but it's a pain to switch users just to access vista 32 bit, google home page, gmail is default.

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How Can I Stop IE8 From Updating?

Jul 29, 2009

I use Firefox and I would like IE8 to stop showing up as a critical update.

Here is a screen shot of the update options Window.s When I uncheck the box I can't continue - the continue button is grayed out.I would like to keep Auto Update on, but I don't want IE8 to install.

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Stop These Alerts?

Mar 23, 2008

I may choose not to do this full time... but how do I disable the security alerts that Vista displays when I start programs or change settings?

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Background To Stop Or End

Mar 23, 2008

Has anybody here used the program EndItAll 2 with Vista? I was thinking about installing it to end background tasks & such in order to play my games. Since Vista is such a resource hog, thought this might help with the performance of my game. I don't know which programs or anything that is running in the background to stop or end so thought this program "End It All" might help.

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How Stop IE 8 Notification

Jun 28, 2009

I downloaded and am using IE 8. A few times a week, however, I get that half screen pop up from microsoft telling me that I should update. I received my IE8 through automatic update. Any way to stop this harassment?

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HDD Led Runs Non Stop

Apr 17, 2009

Why is is so that ever since I have been running Vista Ultimate my HDD led runs almost non stop. I have disabled Superfetch, Indexing and Defrag just to name a few in a vain attempt to track down why this happens. It appears to be normal with some but not all Vista installations. Before Vista came along this sort of activity would ring alarm bells. The System and Performance monitor shows it is updating system files but why does it need to do it 100% of the time. Hard drives are NOT built with a 100% duty cycle in mind. I need some knowledgable person who knows the complete answer to this problem.

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How To Stop Search?

Mar 20, 2010

Xp had a button to STOP searches. In Vista how do you do that, I can't find any such button. Clicking on the X is no option as it kills the app. What to do?

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IE 7 Vs IE 8 Stop Working

Aug 12, 2009

Am having problem w/IE8 stop working...then have to restart. How do I go back to IE 7? Install 7 / uninstall 8?

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Stop An Email Being Sent?

May 11, 2009

How do I stop an email whilst the computer is trying to send it? Mail say it is sent, but I can see the icon on the tool bar of the message going out. I can tell it will be rejected, and sometimes it will try to send for several minutes, slowing down my internet. How do I just tell it to stop?

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RAID 1 To Stop?

May 7, 2008

I installed Vista recently doing a fresh install. When i did it, it only had 1 drive visible when i have 2 of the same drives. In my bios i do not have the drives turned on to RAID i just have them in their naitive modes. I installed Vista and now it set up a RAID 1 all by itself. Has my C Drive as MIRROR[0][2] SCSI Disk Device. Now i want to stop this so i can use the other drive. Can i do this with out a reinstall? Or what would happen if i whipped on drive then plugged it back in , would this clear the other as well?

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Uptime Stop?

Apr 14, 2008

Does anyone happen to know if Vista still has that old 49 day limit bug when counting uptime?

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Turned UAC Off Stop

Apr 20, 2009

I turned my UAC off so I would stop having to tell it OK to open the program. When I did it completly stopped letting me open the program so I turned it back on. Now it asks me for permission to open the program but still won't open the program. Anyone know how to get the UAC to work properly again?

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HD Stop Working

Oct 12, 2008

The picture explains all.

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HP Update: To Stop Asking?

Jun 26, 2009

lower right corner of monitor, about a 2" square opens with HP Update and says "would you like HP Update to check for software and driver updates now?" There is nowhere to click on the box, and it won't close without restarting. I can move it around by dragging, but can't remove it.

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