How To Create A Virtual Directory In "My Computer" Listing

Mar 23, 2008

I have several directories that I access fairly often so I would like to add them to the top level listing of "My Computer" for easy access. I know I could do shortcuts on the desktop but would also like access via the "My Computer" listing. Is there anyway to create a "virtual" directory pointing to the subdirectory I want jump too and having that show up in "My Computer" ?

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Installed Vs2005 Create A Virtual Directory

Oct 8, 2009

i m configuring IIS on windows vista home premium 32 bit. when i type inetmgr in run window, IIS opens, but i dont see any Add virtual directory option to create a virtual directory, I only see, Add Website, Refresh and properties options. I dont know what excatly happened. how to configure IIS from scratch. I am student learning .net and installed VS2005 on my laptop and want to create a virtual directory.

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Create Directory Folder?

Nov 17, 2008

I need to create a directory folder. What I need is a main folder with subfolders that pertain to weeks. I'm using Vista Ultimate.

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It Appears To Be Impossible To Create The XP-style Directory

Jun 10, 2008

I recently upgraded from Windows XP to Vista SP1. I have many years of WP documents using the "Image on Disk" feature to create my company's stationery on the fly without having to store a copy of the logo & graphics in each document. I used WP's default directory structure when storing the images and documents. Under Vista, it appears to be impossible to create the XP-style directory location for WP 12 or WP X4 to find the graphics.

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Create A 360 Degree Virtual Desktop

Aug 4, 2008

A new product called 360 Desktop introduces a new way of thinking about virtual desktops. Instead of having different desktops or desktops on a cube why not have a desktop that you can scroll horizontally forever. 360 Desktop converts your desktop into a very wide never ending desktop in the shape of a cylinder. Instead of changing desktops to view different applications just scroll horizontally.

360 Desktop is even better when using one of the 360 degree panoramic wallpapers that it comes with. This will make you desktop look amazing.  Best of all, 360 Desktop is free!

Download 360 Desktop Now

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Create Image Xp & Install Windows 7 Run Virtual PC

Mar 24, 2010

First off, why is there no microsoft group for windows 7? Secondly, and my question is windows 7 based, I want to create an image of my old XP computer & install it on my Windows 7 computer, so it will run under virtual PC. Is this possible?

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Virtual XP OS Partition Create License Issue?

Mar 26, 2008

I recently purchased a Vista Home Premium upgrade package and I want to upgrade by OEM version of XP (Media Center) shipped on my computer. I must also maintain XP on a dualboot partition for legacy applications compatibility issues. My plan is to do a clean install of Vista Premiun updrade, then use Virtual PC to create a virtual XP OS partition using my OEM XP disk. My question is, will this: Does this create a license issue?

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Create Symbolic Links & Directory Junctions (hard & Soft File System Links)

Feb 14, 2007

Windows Vista includes a great little utility that allows users to finally make soft and hard file system links in the file system.  This can be very useful from a software compatibility standpoint as well as a great way to organize your computer.  Unlike a shortcut, a link is at the file system level and can be used to create an alias for a file or folder that is in a different location.  For example, you can create a hard link (Directory junction) called c:win that points to c:windowssystem32. After the link is created, you can open up command prompt or explorer and browse to c:win and you will see the contents of c:windowssystem32. This is not a new technology, it has actually been a core Linux and Unix feature for as far as I can remember but it is nice to finally have it in Windows Vista....

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How To Delete IPhone Disc From Computer Directory

Apr 9, 2010

I have an iPhone icon in my "Computer" directory which I can't get rid of. I have removed iTunes, etc. from my system but can't get rid of this icon. I can't delete, eject, safely remove, anything. I can't see it anywhere in the device manager, even after invoking the command line SET DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES=1, and "showing" hidden devices, it is nowhere to be found. I can't find a registry entry, or directory entry which even resembles this.

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/W2000 Ethernet Connection, Directory Trees Did Not Change On Either Computer's Screen?

Mar 26, 2008

I have Vista Ultimate 64-bit on a new computer, and Windows 2000/pro on a much older (8 years?) computer. I have no difficulty transferring files from one to the other using flash memory units. Both systems are running fine. I was told, by a not always reliable person, that I can simply plug either a regular ethernet cable, or a crossover ethernet cable, into each computer and each will immediately recognize the other, and each will show up on the other's Window Explorer windows. Then, I'm told, I could drag and drop files from one computer to the other with a click of a mouse on either computer.

So, I tried it. Purchased a new crossover ethernet cable, plugged it in, and no visible response. No sparks, no smoke - nothing. Directory trees did not change on either computer's screen. The person who told me this would work doesn't "have time to check into it right now."

1. Is it likely that I caused any damage to either computer? Both continue to work as well as they ever did, so I don't think so.

2. Is it possible to connect the two computers together, via such an ethernet cable, and have them behave as I had been told?

3. If the answer to question 2 is yes, what else must I do besides plug in the cable?

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New Computer: How Create An Image

Apr 18, 2008

My sister just got a new computer with Vista Home Premium. I was wondering if I can create an image of her old computer (running XP) and use that image on her new one? Or are there to many incompatibilities between the two OS's for this to work? If this will work, it would save a bunch of time transfering files and settings.

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Virtual PC 20004: Edit A Virtual Pc Hard Drive Image So That You Can Add Files Onto

Jun 16, 2008

How do you edit a virtual pc hard drive image so that you can add files onto. So that if you have say MS-DOS 7.1 running on virtual pc and want to add SIMCITY 2000 to its virtual hardrive. Then you could run SIMCITY 2000 from dos on windows vista. And once simcity 2000 is added to the virtual hardrive how do I execute SC2000.exe from dos or dos shell.

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Virtual PC 2007 Windows ME - Place Virtual Disk

Jul 29, 2009

Am I correct in assuming that, for Windows ME to run in a Virtual PC 2007 window, the Windows ME virtual disk must be located inside a disk partition that is FAT32? On a test run, I tried to install WinME on a virtual disk in a folder that was in my normal Vista partition (NTFS), and it didn't get far. I tried placing the WinME virtual disk inside an FAT32 partition, and although I didn't finish the installation process, I got that far, with the WinME instalation screen having popped up and ready for installation. One other thing: Is it possible to place the WinME virtual disk inside a logical FAT32 partition? Or must it be a primary partition?

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Programs Not On Uninstall Listing

Feb 21, 2010

I need to uninstall several programs from my computer that are not listed in the uninstall list under Control Panel. I do not have a lot of experience. I have an HP 64 bit system with dual processors and a 500 gig hard drive. Please how do I uninstall these programs? I have Glary Utilities with uninstall and it cannot find the programs to uninstall them. I can find the folders myself but deleting them doesn't uninstall them. The programs work and I can access them through shortcuts on my desktop.

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Screen Hangs Following The PCI Devices Listing

Mar 26, 2008

I have a new computer with Vista HP x64. I have a problem somewhere which is stopping a successful boot - the screen hangs following the 'PCI Devices Listing...'. I have tried to re-boot from the original installation CD and I can hear the disk whirring but then it stops and boot-up simply hangs.

I want to go back to square one and re-format my hard disk and start again, but I don't know how to do this, because I don't know how to move past the point at which the boot stalls.

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Windows Mail Listing Does Not Display

Dec 15, 2009

I wish to back up my Windows mail for later browsing while deleting the originals. But the backed up mail listing does not display the mailing date but only the backup date. Only when opened the mail reveals the date. When browsing 1000 messages that is not a good way to find the one from a specific date. Is there a way to equip the list of messages as held in the Windows mail with mail dates?

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Cant Boot, Screen Hangs 'PCI Devices Listing'

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new computer with Vista HP x64. I have a problem somewhere which is stopping a successful boot - the screen hangs following the 'PCI Devices Listing. I have tried to re-boot from the original installation CD and I can hear the disk whirring but then it stops and boot-up simply hangs.

I want to go back to square one and re-format my hard disk and start again, but I don't know how to do this, because I don't know how to move past the point at which the boot stalls.

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Vista 64bit Sp1 Showing Double Listing

Oct 27, 2009

I just noticed on my fairly new HP laptop that Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit with SP1 is showing double listings for most of the installed programs in Programs and Features (ie the Add or Remove Programs in XP).What is wrong, what is the cause, how can I fix it?

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Device Manager Listing Showing Missed File

Mar 23, 2008

I have had installed a Pentium D Extreme Edition 840 3.2 Gig CPU, in Device Manager it lists four CPU's, two as Pentium D 3.2 and Two as P4 3.2, is this what should be showing, or has the tech missed something in installing?

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Create An Account For Another User I Cannot Create One, Either Admin Or Standard

Sep 13, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Home Premium 32 (system specs: laptop 2.1 Ghz core 2 duo, 4 gb RAM, 500gb hd (about half full) nvidia 8400M GS, Avira Premium Security Suite). I have had the computer for about a year running fine with 1 main admin account. Now when I need to create an account for another user I cannot create one, either admin or standard. When I create it, using either the control panel or command prompt, it creates the user picture, making the account visible on the control panel user accounts screen, and on logon screen. However, when trying to log into the new account I am greeted with the error "User profile service failed on logon. User profile cannot be loaded." The standard fix for this from various forums is to edit the registry key of the account. However, on going to regedit I see that no key even exists for the account. On further investigation I discover that no user files have been created either. I attempted a system restore, but discovered that all my past restore points were gone, and intruigingly, the computer had stopped createing 24 hour checkpoints. I cannot say for definite whether it was this issue or another one that caused system restore to mess up, as I don't check my system restore all that often. Either way, system restore is not an option. There have been mentions of a full Vista reinstall, though if at all possible I would like to avoid this.

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Cannot Create Shortcuts On Desktop Windows Could Not Create The Shortcut

Apr 30, 2010

I am having problems with creating shortcuts on my desktop. when i select send to desktop (create shortcut) it comes up with the error. Windows could create the shortcut. Check to see if the disc is full.I have over 180 GB free space left. To get things to the desktop i can drag it into the tab section next to the start icon, and then drag onto desktop.But when i do this i am always required to give permission and it creates two desktop icons.i have been having problems with my catalyst control centre but i dont think they are related.

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Create Local Account Won't Create One Called Admin

Mar 5, 2009

When I install Vista, it wants to force me to create a local account, and it won't let me create one called Administrator, becuase the name is already used (thus the Administrator account exists). I don't want to create some dummy account just just to log in to join the domain. How do I get past the "Choose a user name and picture" screen and log in as Administrator so I can just install the network drivers and join my domain?

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Starting The Virtual Machines From The Console Leads To An Immediate Reboot Of My Host Machine (I Can't Even See Any Boot Screen Of The Virtual Machine - It Is Like Clicking Start In The VPC Console -- > Reboot Of Host)

Jul 5, 2008

I have the following issue and hope that somebody can give me a hint about what might be going on! My system has two raid 1 arrays - one is running on XP Professional SP3 the other one is running on Vista x64 Ultimate SP1. When I start my virtual machines (either from the Virtual PC console or when double-clicking the *.vmc files) than everything is working fine on XP and the virtual machines are booting and running as expected. However, on Vista the following is happening (and I hope somebody has an idea):

1. Starting the Virtual machines from the console leads to an immediate reboot of my host machine (I can't even see any boot screen of the virtual machine - it is like clicking start in the VPC console -- > reboot of host).

Now I tried the following:.........

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Servers And/or Interpreters: Obtain A Comprehensive Listing Of Servers And Interpreters That Are A Normal Part Of The Windows Vista Operating System?

Apr 26, 2009

Is it possible to obtain a comprehensive listing of servers and interpreters that are a normal part of the Windows Vista Operating System? These are the only kinds of programs I expect the Security updates to be fixing.

Servers = Programs included with the OS which accepts commands from the Internet or LAN external to My Computer. Interpreters = Programs which will execute any kind of source code whatsoever like HyperTextMarkUpLanguage HTML or Basic or C+ or Fortran or whatever.

I know of no other kinds of programs unless you can tell me now that may work ndependent of User Control. If I could ID these rouge programs running in the background it would be better than the security updates themselves.

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Directory Always Available Offline

May 9, 2009

From a self-taught user.

The instruction reads:- Navigate to a Folder, right-click the directory and chose "Always available offline"

When I navigate to a Folder in My Documents and right-click on it I do not get "Always available offline" as an option.

How do I get the Directory, so that I can proceed with the right-click on the Folder and get the desired result.

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Keeps Quitting In Certain Directory

Mar 20, 2009

I recently installed a 1Tb Hitachi Hard Drive. As far as I can tell, it is working fine. I have filled half of it with with the contents of 3 smaller drives and all the content copied over flawlessly. However, now, when I go to one paricular directory on the drive, I get a RUN32DLL error which causes windows explorere to shut down and restart, srambling my quick launch, task bar, systray and desktop to unrecognizable condition which I have to spend forever straightening out!

I don't know that the drive has anything to do with it or if it's a coincidence that it just started happening after I installed the drive. what could be causing this? I already did a virus scan with Avast and Spybot. Nothing there. I tried a scandisk on reboot, no problems found. What gives?

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Name Shared Directory?

Mar 24, 2008

I can't seem to find a way to name a shared directory -- the only option seems to be to use the exact name of the dir. Is it possible to give a share a differnt name?

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Download Directory Changed

Apr 26, 2009

When I used to download digital kits it would download & a download box would open. I could double click and then the windows explorer directory would open. I could then double click the file to unzip and I could copy to folder but somehow I changed it.

Now when I try to download from a digital store it downloads and opens in windows photo gallery which opens all my photos but not that file. I tried right clicking to save but it won't let me, so my paid digital purchases can't be downloaded so I am going to lose those purchases (limited amount of downloads and days allowed).

I checked the default settings for zipped files which shows windows photo gallery is picked (was picassa but I thought trying something else might trigger windows to give me the original default but didn't happen so I just clicked windows photo gallery/notepad/internet explorer which really made my system go wonky and hubby did a system restore to yesterday to get rid of the glitch it caused) but won't let me pick windows internet explorer (its not there in the choices). I tried searching for windows internet explorer and nothing comes up.

Am I going to have to bring my system in and have everything redone? Its frustrating for me b/c I thought when I got the choice to have Picassa as default I thought it meant only photos. I had no idea that it would screw up my whole downloading system. Plus the fact that I made a purchase that my computer wont download so I bought something I can't have. Ugh...I hate that such trouble was caused by a single click.

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Does Command Change Directory Cd .

Sep 27, 2009

what is this command cd. it is not give a error message and it doesn't anything. what is this cd and one point cd .

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Print The Directory Using Vista

Mar 23, 2008

How can you print the directory using vista

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Directory Giving Error

Jul 10, 2008

I have an application trying to write to the folder - C:DocumentumcontentXfersend the app is trying to create some new folders and files in that directory. But i keep getting an error that say Content transfer: Could not create the directory for sending content: C:DocumentumcontentXfersend121570333633526426059

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