How Remove Baloon Tip For Blocked Startup Programmes ?

May 19, 2008

I am new in vista. I installed vista ultimate 32bit. after that I used 'msconfig' and removed some startup programs. after that; when I startup the system there is a balloon tip says about removed programes. How I remove the baloon tip for blocked startup programmes ?

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Startup Blocked

Nov 5, 2009

I am trying to run a program at startup that is continually being blocked at startup by the UAC and thus defeats the purpose of doing so. I think I need to change the permissions of the program in order to get this to work, but am not sure of what the correct approach is to doing this. What setting do I need to change and how do I get them to lock in. I am also running this program in XP compatibility mode if that makes a difference. I am the sole user/administrator of this PC.

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Blocked Startup Programs

Mar 29, 2008

Since installing Vista SP1, windows defender alerts me that it has blocked a startup program. The program it is blocking is by eMPIA technology, Inc, BDA Monitor application, file name hcwemmon.exe. Can anyone tell me if this os okay to permit to run or not? Or even if i need to run it? I'm using vista ulitmate 64.

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Windows Has Blocked Some Startup Programs..

May 28, 2008

I have used System Configuration, Startup to NOT start some programs including:

OmniPage Pro

How do I prevent the message that pops up several times when I start/restart Windows Vista? Even once would be enough....

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Windows Blocked Startup Programs

Apr 2, 2008

I have installed BOINC client and Vista blocks it after logon, so I wanted to enable it, but why the hell should I do it? :o It shows as "not yet classified", but the only active buttons are remove and disable! Meanwhile it scans, so shall I wait until it scans whole drive and then it will be active or what should I do to permanently enable this?

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Choosing Which Programs To Remove From Startup?

May 16, 2008

I bought a Dell Inspiron 1501 with Vista on it. It has the typical performance problems that have been noted for laptops running Vista. It receives a "Windows Experience Index" of 2.0. The first thing you are told to do to improve performance is eliminate programs from startup. But when I go through the long list of programs, I often can't tell what they do. For instance, I see in this list "Avantquest
Digital Line Detection," "Dell Quick Set," "Synaptics Pointing Device," and "Java (TM) Platform SE 6U5," among many others. Do I just start experimenting and see what happens when I turn them off? That seems very risky. After all, that "pointing device"--that's my touchpad, isn't it? If I turned off my touchpad, I think my computer would be useless to me, because I do not know how to turn the touchpad on again without the touchpad. In short:is there a way to know which programs would be the best ones to turn off? In case it is not already obvious, I do not know a lot about computers. My experience with Vista has been frustrating, because I feel like I do not have the specialized technical training required to make my laptop work well.

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Windows Live Messenger Remove From Startup

Aug 16, 2009

No matter how many times I uncheck it from the start up in msconfig, it seems to find a way to re-check itself. Any suggestions on how to make it stay OFF!?

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Registry Adjustment To Remove Startup Programs

May 2, 2008

I use to go into the registry to remove startup programs. Can I do that in Vista?

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How To Stop Baloon Pops Up Firefox

Dec 19, 2009

how to stop a baloon that pops up when I use firefox browser. The baloon pops up and it reads the site that I was on about 5 or 6 pages ago. I do not want to go back to that site but no matter what I try to do the baloon keeps popping up.As an example; I go to and then leave that site and go surfing for several minutes but everytime I move the mouse that annoying baloon pops up and reads even though I have been to at least four or five sites after that.

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Reinstalled Vista Added Few Programmes

Dec 23, 2008

I have just reinstalled vista and added a few programmes, i'd like to take out all the useless/not needed programmes installed with vista, i have unistalled a few is there more i could take out? Im not sure which ones i have to keep to keep my system running:

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Windows Defender Startup Programs:"Remove, Disable And Enable" Grayed Out

May 18, 2008

My OS is Windows Vista Business and I am attempting to disable the auto startup of a program. I located the program in Windows Defender, Category: Startup Programs but all options to "Remove, Disable and Enable" are grayed out. I also noticed the majority though not all auto startup programs in the Startup Category are grayed out. Why is this? What other course of action may I take to disable the unneeded auto startup of unnecessary programs? Also, my inquiry pertains specifically to an HP Digital Camera software.

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Transferring Information, Files, Programmes , Etc From One Computer To Another

May 18, 2009

I am planning on getting a new laptop computer. With it, I will be getting an 8 GB USB flash drive memory stick. What I will be planning to do is put all the information, programmes, files, etc onto the memory stick and then transferring it to the new laptop computer. Baring in mind that the new laptop computer will come with the "Windows Vista Ultimate Operating System" preinstalled along with the "Windows Vista Speech Recognition Program" on it.

My question is, by transferring all my files etc from my old laptop to my new one, will my speech recognition program work within the new laptop? By doing this, will I not need to train it again and it will be just as accurate as it was on my old laptop? Or will I need to start all over again in the new laptop with its speech recognition program ("Ease of Access Centre") and train it as from new?

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Windows Defender And Extra Programmes On The System Tray

Sep 18, 2009

There must have been a Windows update or something because now I have a big white balloon that comes up in my system tray, every time I load up the computer. This has only been coming up in the last few weeks or so, which makes me think it is a Windows update. The balloon shows a yellow triangle with a black exclamation mark inside. It states, "Windows has blocked some startup programmes. Windows blocks programs that require permission to run when Windows starts. Click to view blocked programs."

I did this and it showed me the programmes I always have a on the start menu anyway, with a sign saying 'permitted' for each one, whereas I know this already. Then there are other, new programs, I have never seen before, under the banner 'Windows Defender' with signs saying 'Not Yet Classified.' Eventually, in the same boot up session, I can eventually get rid of the balloon. After that it shows in the system tray, with all my other items already there, as a square turquoise icon with a red circle and a red line across it diagonally, on a white background and this sits on the bottom left of the turquoise icon.

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DRM Folder: Error "prevents IPlayer From Downloading And Playing Programmes."

Mar 23, 2008

I am trying to d/l a tv programe, but the Vista Media Player, says "Windows Media Player has a DRM error that prevents iPlayer from downloading and playing programmes." The help says "Either you are told that a "DRM reset is required" or else the Security Upgrade button is greyed out." Where is the Security Upgrade button, if it exists. As I have not seen a message saying DRM reset is required. Having said that if it does need resetting how do I do that.

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Registry And Deleted The Item From The Startup Tab And Disabled Startup Tab

May 23, 2009

I am running Vista 64 and installed a program which apparently had a virus or I got it using IE8. I found an entry in the start up tab that was causing a problem. I went into the registry and deleted the item from the startup tab and I also disabled it in the startup tab. The startup tab still shows the item even though it is disabled and deleted from the registry. Why does it still show in MSCONFIG and how do I delete it from the start up entry

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Vista Startup: After Two Minutes I Get The Welcome Screen. Then The Monitor Goes Black For A Full Two Minutes Before Continuing The Startup Process

Mar 23, 2008

I have just puchased my first Windows Vista computer - an HP laptop. I have purchased at leat five laptops since 2000 so I am familiar with setup and
comfortable with installations etc. I have three questions here.

1. My last computer had Windows XP and an 80 gb hard drive with 70 gb full - After copying the data only (55 GB) to my new 250 gb hard drive I have only 107 GB remaining of the 222 GB C drive partition. I have not yet added many programs. That tells me that Vista must be using 50-60 GB or more of the drive. Can that be correct?

2. My new computer takes 5-6 minutes to start up. After two minutes I get the welcome screen. Then the monitor goes black for a full two minutes before continuing the startup process. Is this normal for Vista?

3. Occasionally the monitor goes dark for a few seconds and a window pops up saying the display driver has failed but is back. Is this normal?

I certainly gained no speed with this new computer. There are many things I like about Vista. Since I have no previous experience with owning it I am trying to sort out if this computer is a lemon that should be returned or if I should just put up with the downside.

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Startup Failure, Startup Recovery

Apr 27, 2008

The last couple of days I had a few times a startup error. It said something like Windows couldn't start normally. Run Startup Recovery (Recommended) Start Windows Normally. I did the Startup Recovery and then it worked again but the next day or so the same thing, otherwise my system runs fine.

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Add/Remove In Vista Does Not Remove All The Software

May 12, 2008

I have experienced two instances were Add/Remove in Vista does not remove all the software, so that comprehensive installation of similar software is not possible. The first concerned a Scanner, where Add/Remove would not remove all the software, so that installation of the new Scanner is not possible, until a procedure recommended by the Scanner's makers involving modifications to the Registry is carried out, which I could not possibly do myself, so it means hiring a Professional to do the job!

The second concerns Spellex. Here again the old version has not been removed, so that installation of the latest version is not fully carried out, making the software useless. How can Microsoft produce Windows where such problems occur? What is the experience of others in case this is a fault with my computer?

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Port 80 Is Blocked

Apr 10, 2009

My Son's computer was working yesterday and this morning he can't surf using IE 8 or Firefox. It appears Port 80 is being blocked. I have disabled the firewall temporarily and this did not resolve the issue. I did the "netsh winsock reset" and this did not fix the problem. I have reset my router with no change. I am able to ping the DNS, the Default router and his IP address within the command window. I can also ping, within the command window, but can't reach them with either browser. He did not have System Restore enabled, so I can't use that as a solution. Can the group recommend some options for me to try? He is using Vista Home Premium, and a wireless card. I can also see ALL GREEN when I open up the Network Sharing tool. There is a green line between his IP and the Wireless Card and green line between the Wireless Card and the Internet.

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Blocked Program

Jun 18, 2010

I have a program that's supposed to start when I boot into Windows (Vista Home Premium, SP2). However, I get a message that says it's blocked - so, I have to go in and unblock it manually. Is there any way I can set it so it unblocks (or doesn't block at all)

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LAN Connection Blocked

Oct 8, 2008

I like to have some advice on my internet connection problems.. when i open up my browser and going to surf a little my connection blocks after a few windows. if i close down my browser, and open up again, it works the same some windows and blocks.

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All Sites Are Blocked

Feb 26, 2009

I just installed broadband internet on my HP Pavilion tx2000 notebook PC loaded with Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit. I have not been able to access any site other than Google and its allies. I have turned off the windows firewall to avoid and conflict with the Norton Antivirus 2009 firewall. I have tried by disabling phising filters. But nothing working.

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How Can Blocked All Programs

Mar 24, 2010

I live at a college where I'm the administrator on our computer in the common room. The computer is only meant to play music when we have parties and such, so I have made a normal account, besides the administrator account, that people can use. I have blocked all programs except the music program. I wondered if it is possible to block the Realtek program in a way so people can't use it/screw the settings up but so it will still be able to run at startup?

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Web Site Has Been Blocked

Mar 23, 2008

web site will not load in any browser or from any link and norton antivirus doese not find any prob it is as if this one web site has been blocked

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Blocked Website

Dec 11, 2009

when ever i go to this one specific website it will not come up the screen just says, request cancelled 101. does anyone know how to fix this? i used to be able to go to this website with no problrms at all and now my computer is blocked. i tried different web browsers.

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Product Key Blocked

Mar 23, 2008

Would like to do a dual boot of vista and xp but having problems reinstalling xp due my key being blocked.

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Don't Show As Blocked

Jun 17, 2008

I'm new to Vista but am having problems with Windows Mail. Just realised that I can't receive attachments. I'm forwarding some mail from my desktop using Outlook in XP to my laptop using Vista and 9 times out of 10 attachments aren't being received. They don't show as blocked or anything they're just not there. They are in the sent items on my desktop. I've turned off email scanning in Norton and changed the settings re reading, etc, in windows mail with absolutely no change.

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How To Get To My Blocked List?

May 31, 2008

how to get to my blocked list?

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Blocked Some Start-up Programs?

Apr 12, 2009

Vista always says "Windows has blocked some start-up programs" when I reboot. So What! It doesn't offer a way to turn them off. How can I get rid of these bad programs, and why are they there? My Avast anti-virus and Ad Aware say I'm clean.

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Firewall Says It's A Blocked Connection That It Does Not Allow

Mar 22, 2010

My firewall says it's a blocked connection that it does not allow, what is this IP?

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Mail Is Blocked In Outbox

Mar 19, 2010

When I open my Windows Mail, it is forever receiving Mail and I cannot send or receive?

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