How Do You Put A Password On Windows Mail?

Jun 11, 2009

I just set up Windows Mail for my wife to use on our new computer. I need the email to be pretty secure. We want it to require a password to see any emails, old or new, is that possible? The way it is now it asks for a password but if you hit cancel it still displays all the old email. This wont work because she has confidential client info on here.

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Windows Mail Pop Up Username And Password For Mail Server

Dec 5, 2009

recently when i try to check my email on windows mail a windows security box pops up and asks me to verify my username and password for my mail server. after i put those in it pops up again and doesnt ever let me check the mail. I have deleted the mail account and redone it multiple times with no progress.

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Windows Mail - Password

Apr 26, 2008

I've got a problem whereby when I try to access mail using Windows Mail, the programme pops up a window (entitled Windows Security) which asks for my user name and password... but it doesn't accept these when I enter them. Windows Mail had been working OK up until this started to happen yesterday. I have tried clicking tools, then accounts then properties and then re-entering the correct password and user name (ie the password and user name that I use to access the Internet... which, incidentally, still works OK for
Internet access)... but it still doesn't accept them. Everytime I try to send or receive email and enter the password and user name in the Windows Security window ... the window appears again and asks for them again.

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Windows Mail And Password

Apr 4, 2009

I have been using Windows Mail for about 1 week. Today when I tried to get my mail I was asked for USERNAME and PASSWORD. When I set up Windows Mail i was never asked to establish Username or Password. Now I can't get my mail.

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Windows Mail Keeps Asking Me For Password

Feb 10, 2009

For the last 2 days i haven't been able to access my e-mails i keep getting a message to sign in with username and password which i have never had before.

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Set Password For Windows Mail?

May 22, 2009

Is there a way to set password for Windows Mail? I don't like that anyone can launch Windows Mail. If yes, how?

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Establish Windows Mail Password

Jul 5, 2008

I would like to establish a password for my windows mail so that if my laptop is left unattended my email is secure. Is there a way for windows mail to prompt for a password before displaying my email?

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Windows Mail Asking For Username /password

May 30, 2008

I use Windows Mail and have had no trouble until now. When I try to access my email, a window appears asking for my username and password. After I type in the correct info, the same window appears and asks for username and password, again and again without allowing me to send or receive email. What is going on and how can I resolve this issue?

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Windows Mail, Asking Username & Password

Apr 11, 2008

Windows Mail has suddenly started asking me for a user name and password to deliver messages from Outbox. It has never done this before in the previous 9 months. Checked the settings in Tools / Accounts / Server Tab. Entered the user name / password as per the Server Tab but the box keeps on appeating again and I can't send email out using Windows mail. I can receive emails.

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Windows Mail : Asking User Name And Password

May 5, 2008

when i press send / receive a windows security window opens asking for my user name and password but when i type them in it just clears and asks for user name and password again. I have checked the accounts and user name and password are correct, i have even tried changing the password but to no avail. If i press cancel an error message comes up saying invalid user name or password. I have had no problems with windows mail before on this computer and its nearly 10 months old running vista and norton 360.

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Cannot Use Windows Mail Due To Lost Password

Mar 19, 2009

I have a general problem with Windows Vista , the following being an example I would like to solve. When opening Windows Mail, or when I try to send mail, Windows Security has asked me for no apparent reason to ?Please verify that both the username and password are correct for your mail server.? I gave it the information hit OK and the original request reappeared and kept reappearing even though I tried every combination of both I could remember with Caps Lock disabled. Either I have a fault or, in my senility, I have forgotten either or both. Either way Windows Mail does not offer me a solution. This is a serious problem as, although I can receive mail, I cannot send.

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Windows Mail Does Not Remember The Password

Mar 23, 2008

Windows mail does not remember any more the password of my accounts of mesagerie as like outlook express and xp

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Windows Mail Required Password

Feb 23, 2009

I tried to respond to an extremely old thread, and couldn't because of that. So I am reposting here as others may have the same concern.dannygallo;756753 Wrote: I agree with Danny. One shouldn't have to create a separate user account for Windows just to keep prying eyes from checking out email. That would be analogous to giving each person who lives in the same household a separate room with a lock and key with his/her own phone in it. It's generally accepted courtesy not to eavesdrop on others' conversations.

However, when spouses wish to share their user account and profile, but simply wish to keep their email exchanges a bit more confidential (yes, even from each other), this is no longer possible. It seems very unloving to mandate that two people in a relationship must completely isolate their home computer work spaces with usernames and private passwords, simply because they want to keep their email a bit private. So once again, I agree with Danny. Microsoft has a longstanding history of adding useless bells and whistles to programs, so I commend them for making Windows Mail more simple to use, but in this case, it would have been wonderful had they given the user an option to password protect program usage and entry WITHIN the same user profile

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Possible To Save Windows Mail With A Password

Apr 6, 2008

is it possible to save Windows Mail with a password? So that nobody can open WinMail without my password. How does it work?

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Windows Mail On: Log Into Windows Mail I Get A Box Asking For My Username And Password

Feb 7, 2009

When I log into windows mail i get a box asking for my username and password both of which I have forgotten!!

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Reset Username And Password On Windows Mail

Apr 22, 2009

How do I reset my username and password on windows mail? It will not let me send or receive my mail. It wants me to verify that both are correct for my mail server. I've tried every username and password that I've ever used. I'm pullin' my hair out here! Can't think of anything else to do.

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Windows Mail Login: Asking Logon Name And Password?

Feb 17, 2009

I have never had to use a password to get or send messages. Today I logged on after not being on for a week and now windows security is asking for a logon name and password. What the heck happened? I have been slowly downloading the updates and yes I am behind in downloading them. I am on dialup so it takes a while to download them. Is this some type of new security? I don't want to lose the emails I have by setting up a new account.

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Windows Mail Pop3 Username And Password?

Mar 2, 2010

whenever i open windows mail it asks me to verify my pop3 username and password. when i do and click ok, the request box just goes off and comes back on again with the same request. i have checked with my ISP and i am using the right details

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Windows Mail Asks Login Password

Apr 16, 2009

I have just change from microsoft outlook to windows mail and I can't seem to find where to set my login password.

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Windows Mail Asks Username And Password

Sep 13, 2009

I have noticed that this topic has been posted more than once and I have read some of them. I have removed Norton Internet Security 2009. I have removed my e-mailaccounts and reset them. I have reinstalled Norton and nothing works. Everytime I want receive and/or send mail, Windows Mail asks for my username and password. Even when Norton wasn't installed Windows Mail didn't remember, so I don't think Norton is causing this problem.

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Windows Mail : Ask To Vertify User Name And Password But Not Accept .

Jun 20, 2008

Could anyone please tell me why my windows mail has suddenly asking me to vertify my user name and password and then won't accept them?

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Mail Files "Windows Security" And Username & Password

May 7, 2008

I am using Windows Mail on a Vista Ultimate system. My wife's and my mail files have been active for a year through our local Road Runner provider. now suddenly today "Windows Security" is requiring that we provide our usernames and passwords to be allowed to get to our mailboxes. Is this a Windows mail issue or a Road Runner mailbox issue?

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Windows Mail And Outlook 2007 :endless "verify User Name And Password"

Oct 16, 2009

I'm trying to set up Windows Mail and Outlook 2007 to use an email box in a new website. I have two email boxes with different passwords on the same site. The first account in Windows Mail worked... but the second, set up the same way, will not. I get repeated Windows Security dialog boxes with "verify user name and password" until I cancel the dialog which returns the following error:

Account: ' (1)', Server: '', Protocol: POP3,
Server Response: '-ERR authorization failed', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No,
Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92

I'm using Vista 64-bit which has always been exceedingly careful about what programs it will allow to run... but the places to adjust that are obscure. Is the problem in Vista-64 security setting? Turning off the Norton Internet security makes no difference. If I import the one account that works in Windows Mail into Outlook 2007 (and check that all of the settings are correct) it doesn't work in Outlook. The same endless Security dialog occurs.

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Sending Mail Asking Password

May 3, 2009

I keep getting this popup asking me to confirm my sign on name and password... I did not know I had one... Where can I get this info from?

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Mail No Longer Remembers Password

Mar 23, 2008

All of a sudden Windows Mail no longer remembers the log on password. Under Account Setup/Servers, the password field is blank and the 'Remember Password' square is checked. The same applies for Newsgroups. No programs were loaded or unloaded. The computer was shut off over night. The problem showed up in the morning upon booting up.

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Sending E-mail Asking Password And Username

Apr 11, 2008

I have set up windows mail for my yahoo account and it was working fine sending and receiving mail and yet now everytime i try to send mail a box pops up asking me to confirm my password and username, I can still receive emails tho. This is getting most annoying.

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Mail Server Password Ask Access

Nov 20, 2009

Im not really much of a computer wizzkid so pardon me if im not making much sense. I went into tools>account>default mail account>servers tab> My problem started then. Stupidly i changed my password thinking that i would be able to set it to open up and ask me for one when i tried to access my mail. My reaon for this was so others wouldnt be able to see my mail as i constantly forget to lock my laptop when im away from it.

Anyway i clicked apply and close. then i pressed send/recieve to checkif i had any new mail come in. A popup appeared asking for my username and password so i inouted the password that i had just changed. This is not working for me. And i do not know the old password to change back.

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Mail Addresses And Password Request Annoying

Jul 29, 2009

I use 2 mail addresses and lately from time to time (not everytime) WM asks for password validation. It takes time and is annoying. after validtaion it works OK until next time. (give me back the old outlook express which ran fast and trouble free)

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Mail Password Prompt When Switching Users

Mar 23, 2008

My wife and I have different email ids with the same ISP and I have setup a shared Store Folder that we both use. Vista Mail is setup in each of our Accounts so that when I "send and receive" I get her emails as well as mine. The same happens from her own User Account.

The problem that we now have, which did not occur on Windows XP and Outlook, is that whenever we "Switch User" and start up Mail we are prompted by Windows Security to enter the User Name and Password for each email account even though "Remember my credentials" is checked.

I have tried all of the "fixes" I can find including deleting c:/Users/Username/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Protect and not using the "Apply" button when creating the Mail Accounts (See "Microsoft mail does not retain username and password" in this Newsgroup).

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MSN Mail : User ID And Password Repeadeatly Reappears

May 2, 2009

I just got a new laptop with Vista. I can not utilize the "Windows Mail" because it will not let me log on. I did the step by step setting up instructions. Now I get a window for my user ID and Password. I put it in, and it repeadeatly reappears. I am disappointed because one of the things I use a PC for most, is my E-mail. I loved my MSN mail with all the special features I had with it. I can not do ANY of what I did with hotmail. Does anyone know how I can get into windows mail, or how to get my MSN back!?.

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Not Accept Username And Password: Outgoing Mail

Jun 24, 2008

I cant send emails because, WM wont accept my username and password. as i click send, it asks me for these. i type them in and the verification window disappears and comes back again. jus completely ignores my details so i press cancel and i dont even get an error message, how annoying? my server settings are correct, oh and i can recieve emails fine. i even change my outgoing settings to the same as my ingoing and it makes no difference.

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