Fixing MBR After Removing Dual-boot Home Premium

Jun 11, 2008

I am thinking of installing another OS as a dual boot. My question is this - should I decide to remove the other OS, how do I then fix the MBR as I only have a Recovery CD?

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Fixing Dual Boot Vista 64 And Xp

Aug 19, 2009

Background info: vista installed on drive 1 xp installed on drive 2 dual booted just fine. A week ago my main drive stopped working - a manufacturer fault. I lost everything on the drive. I replaced the main drive 1, installed vista 64 again. Drive 2 was unaffected. I would like to dual boot so that I can run xp again, but don't know exactly how to set that up again. XP is already (I assume) on drive 2. There is no boot.ini on Drive 1 now. I know there are tutorials on how to set up dual booting, but I don't want to re-install xp if it's not necessary. The files on drive 2 are there and unaffected.

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Removing Dual Boot....

Jun 29, 2007

I am currently dual booting Xp Pro and Vista Ultimate. Xp Pro is located on my C: drive and Vista Ultimate is located on my D: drive. I want to get rid of Xp Pro completely and just use that HD for storage. How I would I properly go about doing this? Would I need to go inside my computer and switch the master to the slave and primary to the master and then just format the Xp drive?

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Removing Dual Boot Correctly

Oct 5, 2008

I dual boot vista, but i dual boot between a 32bit and a 64bit version (no xp, all vista).

Now, i don't need the 32bit version any more, so i want to get rid of it, but i want to make sure i do it correctly, and don't end up restoring it all.

I installed the 32bit last, so it is the default option in the bootmenu, which i really want to get rid off.

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Home Premium 64bit Boot Loops

Jul 27, 2009

I have a 4 month old HP desktop running 64 bit Vista Home Premium. Historically its been running great. This could be unrelated, I loaded Norton 360 on it a week ago and its been nagging me to set up the backup. I set it up the other night and it failed. Being tired I decided to look at it the next day. The next day it would not boot. It goes through the bios and as soon as it gets to windows it loops back and starts over. I have run the F9 diagnostics and all the hardware checks out. I can't F11 into the recovery partition so I have ordered the recovery cd's from HP. I have checked all the connections to the mother board, memory, HD's, cabling etc, with no luck. I can't imagine what would have happened other than Norton overwriting something on C drive when it tried to backup. (who knows with Norton).

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Reinstalling Home Premium Gives Boot Error

Jan 15, 2010

I have an Emachine T3642 and I want to reinstall Vista on a seperate hard drive that what it originally came with. Windows was preinstalled and I've made the recovery disk. After I hooked up the second hard drive (new), I tried booting with the recovery disk as well as a Vista upgrade disk that I borrowed from a relative. The upgrade disk is 32-bit, which is what I need. It just gives me a boot error. I went to the emachine website and the only information I found to reinstall was use the disk it supposedly came with.

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Boot And General Operating With Home Premium 64

May 12, 2009

I have an HP Pavillion dv7 Notebook (Model No. FS136UAR to be specific) running Windows Vista Home Premium 64-Bit. As a little bit of history to the current problem, here is a basic run down of the problems so far. Got the laptop in first week of February. Up until about Mid April, the laptop would regularly not boot. Post would run as normal and then a black screen message saying Windows could not boot; insert the CD/DVD and repair or run a recovery.

Twice the setup based repair and the HP provided recovery repair did not work and I had to rebuild the laptop. Once I rebuilt it with HP recovery partition and the second time I got a new MS retail CD and installed the system from scratch with drivers downloaded from HP's site.......................

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Vista & Windows 7 Dual Booting & Then Installed Xp Pro & Lost My Dual Boot

May 9, 2009

Had vista & windows 7 dual booting & then i installed xp pro & lost my dual boot. How can i get it back?

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Dual-boot Vista X64 On A Dual-core, External Drive

Mar 23, 2008

is it unheard of to dual-boot Vista x64 on a dual-core computer with x32 on an external drive (same software package)?

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Removing Program From Home Edition?

May 15, 2008

I have just moved to Vista from XP and I want to remove a program I installed but am replacing - I use to go to Control Panel in XP and it had an Add or Remove Programs button but in Vista control panel it seems to only have Add Hardware but nowhere can I find a Remove Program button.

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Removing A Boot File From A Partition That Is NOT Being Used

Aug 24, 2009

I was having problems with VistaHP and thought that I could kill 2 birds with one stone by adding a new Hard Drive and reinstalling Windows VistaHP. For information purposes, the original HD was Partitioned into "C" (OS), "D" data files, "E" (Photos) and "F" Extra storage (for future use). In any event, I did not have the proper cables available so I REMOVED the original HD and placed the new HD in my system and installed VistaHP and Partitioned the new HD in to 4 Partitions also and installed all my software programs, data files, apps, ...... on the new HD.

Everything appeared to be fine and a couple of weeks later, I placed the orginal HD back in the system with the intentions of Re-Formatting the drive for additional stirage (and using the new HD as the Primary Drive). This went "semi-OK", I was able to reform and re-label most of the Partitions on the original HD except for the Partition that contained Vista and at the moment, when I go to My Computer I have Local Disk "C" (39.8GB free of 82.7GB), Old C Drive "D" (13.4MB free of 125MB), "G" Data Files (29.8GB free of 36.8GB), "H" Photos (181GB free of 194GB), "I" BU (82.5GB of 151GB), "P" Extra Space (352GB free of 352GB) and "Q" More Extra Space (45.4GB free of 95.3GB).

My objective / what I would like to do, is DELETE and / or Re-Format the "D" (Old C Drive) which I was able to get down to 125MB but as best as I can tell, the Drive contains the following file 125.5MB with 107.8MB Used and 17.7MB Free and the following folders:

$RECYCLE.BIN, BOOT, System Volume.

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Dual Boot And XP:stuck With The Windows Vista Boot Loader

Mar 23, 2008

I have windows xp installed right now and I dual booted with vista by re-partitioning my hard drive. After encountering problems with vista I delted the vista partition and resized the xp partition back to it's original size. I am now stuck with the windows vista boot loader which persistantly telling me that the windows vista files are not present etc. etc. Is there any way that I can delted the vista bootloader and go back to using the xp bootloader?

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Upgrade Home Basic To Home Premium

May 22, 2008

I understand this can be done online. The information says that I need the Anytime upgrade disk to complete the process. Is this so? Sorry to be stupid but need to know the steps involved. If I dont have an anytime upgrade disk, how do I get one?

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Upgrade From Windows XP Home To Win-7 Home Premium

Oct 26, 2009

Do I need an upgrade version of Win-7? if so, which? Or do I simply wipe off WinXP and install a Win7 Home Premium full fresh install?

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Removing Entry Of Ubuntu From List Of Operating Systems At Boot-up.

Mar 2, 2009

I have windows vista x64.Recently I installed Ubuntu using its Wubi installer but when it failed to
uninstall properly I deleted its all folders and files manually. But I am not able to delete its entry from list of OSes at boot-up? How can delete its entry?

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Dual Boot :: Need Boot Loader Application?

Oct 12, 2009

I built a new machine.Running Vista Home premium,8GB of Ram,Phenom11 3.2MHz.

I have 2 hard drives.First one portioned to C: and D:

Second HD portioned into D: and E: I have Vista on C drive.I would like to Dual Boot Vista with Windows7.

My question is do I need a Boot loader application or does vista have the ability to dual boot?

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Boot Failure - Dual Boot Situation

Mar 23, 2008

I have more or less completed all the driver upgrades and windows updates but I keep getting repeated boot failures of Vista. I can always get into Safe mode but in Normal mode the boot fails just after the first spash screen at the point when the screen goes blank to be replaced by the small circular Vista logo. After 2 or 3 attempts it succeeds to load but then the problem seems to reoccur, particularly when I have been back to XP for a while.

I had a similar problem with XP but that seems to have sorted itself out. I have tired looking in the logs for faults and failures but no clues there. I am running an ASUS P5E MB with Intel Quad 6600, 4Gig RAM, GeForce 8800GT and 2x250Gig HDs.

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Change From Dual Boot To Single Boot ?

Mar 24, 2008

XP is on 1st primary partition [active] and is old. Vista is on 2nd Primary partition and is new. Dual boot info, I believe, is all on the XP partition. Soon I will want to go to Vista only. Do I just delete the XP partition (after imaging it, of course!) and set
Vista partition to active? (Paragon Partition Manager). Will it then automatically boot into Vista (which has no boot.ini)?

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Dual-boot XP, Can't Boot Vista

Mar 23, 2008

I have installed Vista on my C: disk. After that I installed XP on D: disk. Now I can't boot Vista anymore.
I tried with boot.ini. I've read that there's a program called bcdedit.exe. I tried to make that one work on XP, but I failed. I don't have Vista's DVD, and I'm trying to avoid installing XP again. If there's any way around...I would be gratefull! (Is there any way I can edit bcdedit.exe in XP?)

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Dual Boot: No Boot Options

Mar 8, 2009

I was running dual boot fine between XP and Vista now im running both Vista it only reads my newly installed drive on boot and i have no boot options as you do in XP/Vista installs, im a newbie to dual drives and was wondering how to set it to have boot options now!

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Dual-boot XP - Can't Boot Vista

Mar 26, 2008

I searched all over the internet for this simple (I think) problem, but I couldn't find any solutions. I have installed Vista on my C: disk. After that I installed XP on D: disk. Now I can't boot Vista anymore. I tried with boot.ini. I've read that there's a program called bcdedit.exe. I tried to make that one work on XP, but I failed.

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Installing Windows XP Without Removing Windows Vista Home Premier?

Jun 12, 2008

Just bought a new HP Pavilion DV2860 notebook. For a couple of days I have been using Vista and I didn't really like it. Many of the applications that I used to use in on Windows XP are not capiable with Windows Vista! I have got a Windows XP Professional 64-bit edition CD and was planning to install Windows XP on the notebook. Can I use 2 operating systems on the notebook? I don't want to delete Windows Vista but I want Windows XP.

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Boot Manager Issue: Dual Boot 64 Ultimate / Windows 7 Ultimate

Feb 6, 2009

I have a HP pavilion laptop which came with 64 bit vista ultimate pre-installed. I shrinked the OS partition (160 GB), created new partition (40 GB) for 64 bit windows 7 ultimate. After installation of Windows 7, I cannot see the vista ultimate boot option when I boot my PC. When I boot into Windows 7, I still can see the vista partition. But instead of C: it is now displayed as E: I used the HP Recovery Disc to repair windows vista but I can only see a blank blue screen with the mouse pointer. How can I recover the vista?

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Dual-Boot With XP ..

Sep 16, 2008

I wanted my computer do dual-boot with XP, so i made a new partition called F, and then i ran the XP CD and installed in F the CD. But now, when booting, it only shows Windows XP Professional. Have i accidentally formatted my VIsta? Because my programs from Vista are still there.

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Dual Boot To XP Pro

Oct 1, 2006

I would like to dual boot im running xp pro at the moment and wanted to add vista to. But i have never tried it before

Can somone show me a easy guide to do this please i have Symantec Norton Partition Magic 8.

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Dual Boot With XP?

Feb 22, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium on C:. There are a few programs that
won't run under Vista, and I've read that dual booting in easy under Vista.
I have a spare drive so I'm wondering, can I mount the spare drive and
install XP on it and use it to dual boot?

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Dual Boot With XP

Oct 23, 2007

I first had Windows Vista installed on my "C:/" disk. After that I immediately installed Windows XP on my "F:/" disk. Remember that "F:/" is an whole other drive then the "C:/" drive! So all this went well without trouble. But then, as soon as I rebooted my PC I couldn't boot into Windows Vista and only Windows XP worked. Guess what; The bootsector of Windows Vista was either damaged or missing, I restored it using the 'restore-bootfiles' function from the Windows Vista DVD.

After doing so, I restarted my PC again, now Windows Vista worked fine but Windows XP didn't. The reason for this is kinda logical, Windows Vista uses another BootLoader than Windows XP does. The BootLoader of Windows Vista recognizes Windows XP but that's not the same the other way around. So basically it should work with the needed configuration. For (*trying to set up*) setting up a Dual Boot I used EasyBCD 1.7, but it simply isn't working. I made the following entries:

There are a total of 5 entries listed in the Vista Bootloader.
Bootloader Timeout: 30 seconds.
Default OS: Microsoft Windows Vista....

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Dual Boot 32 And 64

Jun 30, 2008

From what I am told Vista Ultimate's retail packages come with both 32 and 64 bit in the box. Is it possible to have these concurrently installed as a dual boot, or would they conflict with eachother. What if I were do do it on separate physical drives, disconnecting the other one before each install so that they don't detect eachother?

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Can't Dual Boot With XP

Jul 16, 2006

im trying to dual boot windows xp and windows vista when i start up my computer there was a screen that asked which OS i wanted to run and i had 2 options "Earlier Version of Windows" (WIndows XP) and "Microsoft Windows" (Windows Vista) But now my computer boots directly to vista without even asking me which OS i wanted to run. People are saying that Vista overwrote my MBR (master boot record) and now i have to modify the bcdedit.

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How To: Dual Boot With XP

Oct 28, 2007

Application compatibility remains one of the most annoying issues for Windows Vista users.  The ability to upgrade the software to a new Vista compatible version is not always an option.  The company that developed the application may no longer be around or the cost to upgrade is too high.  In my case, I have a lot of classic PC games that will not run at all under Windows Vista no matter how I configure the compatibility options. In order to play my old games I need to install Windows XP. However, I am not exactly ready to give up all of the advances in Windows Vista just so that I can play my old games once in a while. The answer is to dual boot Windows Vista and XP.

Dual booting Windows XP and Vista on the same computer will allow you to select from a boot menu what operating sytem you want to run. This menu is shown right after you power on your computer. Setting up both Windows XP and Vista on one computer can be a little ticky depending what operating system you have installed first.  The next two sections will help you configure both versions on your computer, depending on what OS you have installed first:

Windows XP is installed

If you want to dual boot XP and Vista and XP is already installed on your computer you will not have to do much work to dual boot vista.  Just boot to your Windows Vista install DVD, select a custom install and install Vista on a separate partition or physical drive than where XP is installed.  This will leave your XP install intact and automatically install a boot menu with both XP and Vista listed.

Windows Vista is installed

If you were like me and compley reformatted your hard drive and wiped out XP when you installed Vista, your setup is going to be a little more complicated. Follow these steps:

Boot up your computer with a Windows XP install CD and install Windows XP to a different partition or physical drive than where Vista is installed.  When the setup is finished, your computer will automatically boot into Windows XP. Don’t worry, Windows Vista is still on your computer if you correctly installed XP to a different partition or physical drive.
When you installed XP, the Vista Boot Manager was replaced by the Windows XP boot components. The Vista Boot Manager needs to be fixed by using the Windows Vista install DVD. Boot your computer to the Windows Vista install DVD , click Next on the regional settings screen and then click on Repair your computer in the lower left of the window. Select your Windows Vista install and then run the Startup Repair.  This will fix the Windows Boot Manager and Vista will once again startup automatically....

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Dual Boot With Windows 7

Aug 11, 2009

I have 2 SATA 200gb hard drives and one is running vista premium and the other has nothing on it. I wanted to try the windows 7 so can I just install the windows 7 on my other HD and when I shut down my PC will it ask what HD operating system do I wnat to run? Is this how it works?

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