DVD Playback From USB Drive Fails

Mar 23, 2008

Microsofts Media Player fails to playback Videos from USB drives with the message "wrong region code" although the region is zero. If the VOB files are copied to a local hard disc e.g. My Videos the files are playing perfectly. Other players are failing as well with infinite hung time.

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Win 7 Upgrade, Printer Drive Fails

Mar 29, 2010

I have XP Home (32bit) in finnish. Can I buy a Win 7 UPG (in finnish) and upgrade to 64bit in the same process? I know I have to make it dual boot, as I wouldn't have a printer under 64bit Win, as Canon fails to provide 64bit drivers for most of their stuff, like my LBP-2900

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DVD Drive Fails To Read Data Discs

Jan 20, 2009

I am having a quirky issue with my DVD drive and hopefully someone will know where to start. It seems that the drive will read CDs (opening them in iTunes) and music DVDs (playing in Mplayer), but the system completely hangs and freezes when trying to load a data disc. Specifically, the system will continually try and open the DVD (spinning away) and cause serious lag to the computer. When trying to eject the DVD, it will then cause the computer to freeze and require a reboot.

The data discs that I'm using are all programs that I've previously loaded on my XP install, so I know the discs aren't corrupt. I'm also running a 32 bit version of Vista, so I'm not worried about 64 bit compatibility issues. The drive is a Lite-on (DH-20A4P) IDE based drive, set as Master on the cable. There are no other devices hooked to the IDE cable, and the cable is also brand new (came with motherboard). Here's the steps I've taken thus far to diagnose the problem -- with no fixes working.

- Downloaded and installed newest drivers for the DVD drive
- Flashed the DVD drive firmware with most current version
- Uninstalled then reinstalled DVD drive through Device Manager
- Disabled autorun feature
- Checked connections from drive to motherboard

The drive obviously is working properly since I'm able to play CDs and DVD movies/music. It might be worth noting that I used this same drive to install Vista, but perhaps the updates horked my drive? I'm thinking this is a Vista software issue, but can't think of anything else to try. I'm also hesitant to wipe and reinstall Vista for such a small issue.

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Playback Problem

Jun 14, 2008

My problem is that everytime I watch some video file, no matter what player I use, I will get a wave of distortion in across the middle of the display. You know its like in video games, except you can take care of that problem by enabling V-Sync.

Is there a way to enable something similar to the media players? Cause its getting on my nerves now

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32: Dvd Playback Degraded?

Feb 6, 2009

I'm seeing that standard commercial dvd plays back with some jagged edges in vista. Monitor is a 42" 1080p HDTV. Playing the same dvd in xp on the same machine (it's dual boot) shows no jagged edges. Could I be seeing the effects of vista content degradation due to drm? Tests are done with the latest vlc with the same settings on both OS. I can't use media player for the test due to an old crt attached using vga without EDID (a content protection violation).

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Avi Playback In Green Negative

Oct 29, 2009

I downloaded my video from my camera and tried to view it through media centre and media player but it came out in the green negative. Our windows is vista 32 bit. Tried to download updates but came up with messages of not enough space - due to wrong download - was for xp. Then did the update for vista and said it wasnt applicable for the computer. Can you help me please. The computer always did it as it is only a few months old and the graphics card is an Asus EAH4650 and we have done all the updates for it just recently.

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To Enable MCE Playback Of Avi Files

Dec 7, 2008

For those wishing to use Vista MCE extenders to watch .avi videos, Install and run the attached Media control. This plugin allows Windows Vista Media Center to utilize the FFDShow decoder, which needs to be installed seperately ((FFDShow rev 1108 recommended

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BluerRay Playback In Media Center

Jun 26, 2008

Is there anyway to get a blue ray movie to play in WMC? I have Power dvd ultra 7.3 HD suite installed and updated but it still doesnt let me play it in WMC. How can I fix this?

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Video Playback In Slow Motion

Feb 21, 2008

i recently updated compter to vista, everthing is ok so far jus the play back of videos in all types is in slow motion but the sound is cool.

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Flash Player Is Not Supported For Playback In A 64-bit Browser

Apr 12, 2007

most sites i go on inc all game sites wont load they say i need a flash player...so i i have tried about 100 times to install using all different links but each time i get a messege which reads.... Flash Player support on 64-bit operating systems. Flash Player is not supported for playback in a 64-bit browser. However, you can run Flash Player in a 32-bit browser running on a 64-bit operating system.

Adobe is working on Flash Player support for 64-bit platforms as part of our ongoing commitment to the cross-platform compatibility of Flash Player. We have not yet announced timing or release dates. this is very frustrating as i just can't use the internet hardly at all!!! Do i realy have to wait for the new flash player or is their a way around this?

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Graphics Card Upgrade Killed DVD Playback

Mar 23, 2008

Upgraded from 7300se to 8600gts, and now using a DVI connection instead of VGA. Used to be able to play DVDs through Media Centre or WMP11, but now I recieve the error C00D1163 - that "there is a problem with digital copy protection between your DVD drive, decoder, and video card". I have the newest nVidia drivers, newest soundcard drivers. Any ideas - I'm using Vista Home Premium 32bit. Oh and DVDs play fine through PowerDVD or VLC, but I want to be able to use Media Centre because I have a remote - and also out of principal that I can't fix it!

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Line In And Micophone Playback Control In Mixer

Jul 12, 2008

i searched the net an couldn't find anyone that seemed to want to have this option, which is weird. In XP when you clicked the mixer you could easily adjust the playback/output levels of Line in and Mic. It is really pissing me of that, since i have a TV tuner card with an external cable connecting the audio from the card in to the Line in, i have to go to Playback devices -> Speakers -> Levels -> Line in| every time i want to adjust the sound level coming from my TV card. In short, is it possible to make the mixer look like this?

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Garbled Video During DVD Playback In Media Center

May 29, 2008

I've just installed Vista Home Premium SP1 and the DVD playback picture is all garbled in Media Center - lots of mainly green, pink and purple blocks with an occasional flicker of a proper image. The audio is fine and playback with PowerDVD is fine too (dont want to use this as I cant get 5.1ch sound without buying it), I have uninstalled PowerDVD but to no avail.

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Powerdvd Ultra No Audio/playback Freeze On Startup

May 17, 2009

Anyone else notice this in regards to BD movies? On saturday I "upgraded" my working 2217 build to build 2705/2815 then there is no audio, and the video freezes at movie startup. I then reinstalled/restored build 2217, and still had a different issue: a message to update, or there would be no Blu-ray playback. The "update" opens up a IE window to download Build 2705. Of course the issue here was If I updated, then I had no audio and the video froze/crashed the player. I figured out how to fix the issue, but I dont know what caused it. Its as if the Player will longer connect and update/authenticate the playback keys, Unless using a newer build, and those newer builds are non-functional/glitchy. I fixed the issue, and now Build 2217 plays all again, but had I not backed up the Cyberlink/Powerdvd folders I would be stuck with a non-functional player.

I suspect the older build upgrade/or no playback message is by design. They want to force updates on those using player builds that can read BD files off the drive, and that use AnyDVD to break the encryption. I tried two Movies; BD Spiderwick and BD Hellboy II. Anybody else try to update their build and have a "no play/no sound issue with newer BD movies? Anyone using PowerDVD Ultra for BD playback, try installing the newer builds and then try to play a June 2008 or newer release BD movie. (just to be safe though, back up the Cyberlink folder, and Powerdvd programs folder for restoration if need be)

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Jerky Video Playback, Frames Freezing Momentarily

Jul 29, 2009

I have been dual booting Vista and XP for a couple of years. I have never been a fan of Vista but installed it so I could learn my way around since I work on other people's computers.. A couple of weeks ago I added Windows 7 RC1 (build 7100). Unfortunately, a major problem I've always had in Vista is still there in Windows 7. My problem is jerky video playback, frames freezing momentarily. It doesn't seem to matter what format the video is in or what player I'm using. It also occurs when watching TV. Interestingly enough, I can record TV in Vista (even while it's jumping) and if I go back into XP to play it, ity plays flawlessly.

I originally had Vista Home Premium 32 bit, but upgraded it to 64 bit a few months ago. I had hoped that would cure the problem but it made no difference. I have spent days googling and find all kinds of people who have had the same problem but no one has a cure. Needless to say, I have the latest drivers direct from the NVidia site installed. My video "experience index" is 5.8. That's up from 5.2 a couple of days ago when I upgraded from a 7600 GT to a 9800 GT. (Which made no difference either).

I have tried various "tweaks" to no avail. I've tried with Aero turned off. In WIndows 7 I turned off the "gadget" service. To no avail. Surely as much as this problem is talked about someone has come up with an answer. If they have, I haven't run across it yet.

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Video Playback Speed To Fast: With'chipmunk' Sound

Feb 21, 2009

source of video is a Sony DSC-H50 camera set to 'Std' record mode. Ifran reports: width 640 height 471 bitsperpixel 32 frames 378 (25.0 fps) length 15.12 seconds actual playback is too fast at about 9 seconds (Windows Media Player) with 'chipmunk' sound. playback on the camera is 15 seconds camera manual says that in 'Std' mode it should be about 17 frames/sec. Vista Home Premium, SP1, all patches from Automatic updates. Must be something in my setup as I don't see this as common in my Google search.

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SP1 32bit X-fi Sound/video Playback Skipping/cracking

Jan 8, 2009

(it's been a while since I've needed this kind of support so let me know if more info is needed) Anyways, from the moment Vista plays the logon sound there is static crackling and chirping noises whenever there is audio playing at the same time as any kind of visual change on the screen (not every screen update). For example videos on websites that play them as plugins are especially static-y. However, playing a fullscreen game (i.e. World of Warcraft) does not produce the static.

Interestingly, I have now tried two different video cards. The Nvidia and now a ATI Radeon, both have the same identical problem. I first thought that it might just be a Nvidia Issue but this is not the case. I have checked for IRQ conflicts and none exist that I can find. I have updated Windows as much as I think I can. I've tried changing Creative drivers as well.

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Firefox Does Not Respond, Video Files Freeze During Playback

Apr 18, 2009

I have a notebook with vista ultimate 32bit installed and i'm experiencing issues with firefox(suddenly it doesn't resond for 2-3 minutes) and when i'm watching video files, it freezes(for 2-3 minutes as well).i have installed twice the proper codecs(different package every time), i have cleaned the registry, but the problem remains

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How Enable M4v And Mkv Playback In Windows Media Center In Vista 64 Bit Premium?

Oct 5, 2009

how do I enable m4v and mkv playback in windows media center in vista 64 bit premium? I have k-lite codec pack installed whick pretty much enables everything but windows media center to play just about anything... all wmc can do now is play mp3 files (lame).

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Cloning A Drive: Tranfer Entire Drive Incuding All Files And The Operating System From Current IDE HDD To A New SATA Drive

May 2, 2008

I am Using Vista Ultimate 64. I would like to tranfer my entire drive incuding all files and the Operating system From my current IDE HDD to a new SATA Drive of the sames size (500 Gig) I need the IDE Drive for an older computer ( The 40 Gig IBM Deathstar still functions great, but all programs seem more bloated these Days)

Anyway I went to Administrative Tools and Formated the New Drive NFTS with no Drive Letter. But I cannot get it recognized as a transfer device when I go to system backup. Can I use 'C' on the second and soon to be only drive? If I have to use E or F for now can I change it back later. would that affect the file system? I intend to Low level Format the IDE and try cloning the old machine's XP Drive (32 bit) to it in the second place.

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Fails To Boot

Apr 8, 2010

When I try to boot windows I get the black Windows Error Recovery screen with the options to Launch Startup Repair or Start Windows Normally. If I select start windows normally the systems quickly restarts and takes me right back to that screen. If I select Startup Repair, I get the blue screen of death, "A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer". Even trying to use the boot options, launching startup repair still gets the blue screen, safe mode still just restarts and takes me back to the beginning. All of this started sometime last night when the computer must have installed updates and then tried to restart itself because I walked out this morning to the blue screen. Any suggestions? I do not have any sort of disk for the computer, its an HP. I am writing this from another computer, as I obviously cannot make the problem computer start at all.

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Fails To Get IP From Router

Jun 18, 2008

I just installed Vista x64 and found it failed to connect to my home network. Diagnostic indicates the Vista is failing to get IP from the router. This did not happen when I installed Vista x86 or XP x86, x64. Other machine running these OSes have no connection problem. What could be wrong with the Vista x64?

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WFS.exe Fails To Start

Apr 1, 2008

Until several months ago, I was able to scan in Vista Ultimate (SP1). Recently, however, when I start WFS.exe, nothing happens at all. I don't see the application in my task list or on the screen.

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SP 1 Fails During Installation

Mar 21, 2008

trustedinstaller.exe crashs. All pre-SP1 updates are installed. Using Vista Ultimate x64.

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Powered USB Hub Fails

May 12, 2009

I have an issue with my current vista installation of Ultimate SP1 x64 and my Hiyatek 7 port powered usb 2.0-hub. I've been looking for similar problem and solutions but so far neither of them have worked.

The problem is that randomly all usb-devices connected to it will fail and to get windows to recognize them again I need to unplug and reconnect the power and/or USB-cable to the hub. (It's quiet the anoyance to do this and watch while vista takes its time to find your newly connected devices as your party in the game is dying from lack of healing)...............

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SP1 Over SP1RC1 Fails

Mar 25, 2008

My attempts at putting the "approved" SP1 over the SP1RC1 (evaluation copy 6001) fails. Tells me already installed although I still have the "Windows Vista T Evaluation Copy. Build 6001" above the clock. System Info tells me I have "Service Pack 1, v.668". If 668 is the proper version, then how do I remove the "evaluation copy message from the desktop -- or how do I flag the system to accept the full SP.

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WMP 11 For XP Install Fails When Run

Apr 3, 2008

I am trying to install Windows Media Player on a Windows Vista Business N machine. The Microsoft site tells me to download WMP 11 for XP but the install fails when run.

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My Docs On E Drive, Not C Drive: How I Go About Changing That So The Default Is My Documents On The E Drive

Jan 2, 2010

I'm running Vista on a PC that has a hd that has been formated into 3 discrete drives.Vista is loaded onto the C drive, programmes are loaded onto the d drive while i have my data stored on my E drive. By default any documents I save are directed towards My Documents on the C drive - how I go about changing that so the default is my Documents on the E drive?

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CTRL+C Routinely Fails

May 1, 2008

Ever since I've had vista, CTRL+C routinely fails, and I'm not just imagining this. I don't get it happen once in XP, but in Vista it happens several times a day and is extremely frustrating. The only solution, do it again..."Do it twice incase it didn't work the first time"

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File Search Fails

Apr 5, 2009

Vista Home Premium x64 SP1, HP Pavilion desktop, file search by partial name fails when filename contains numbers, search options to include subfolders and find partial matches both checked

example - 5 text files

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64 Fails To Access Net Share In WXP Pro SP2

Nov 3, 2009

I have a small network with 4 pcs. 1 is Vista 64, two XP Pro and 1 W2K. Peer
to Peer. All machines could see the other machines shares without problem.
The net browser is the W2K machine.

I had to change the chassis of 1 XP Pro box because of heating. everything
was phisically moved to another chassis, no OS change watsoever, nor
component changes. Now, both XPs and the W2K can see shares in each other
normally, as before, and they even can see shares on the Vista box.

But the Vista started behaving in a wierd manner:

Vista to W2K: sees shares normally
Vista to WXP Pro not modified Sees shares normally
Vista to WXP Pro with new chassis: The XP does not recognize the vista User
and Password. I tried as Administrator, as user, changed passwords in both
XP and Vista, created a New user in both machines with and without password,
and still the XP refuses to recognize the Vista credentials.

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