DHCP Client Is Not Running

Jul 29, 2009

and I cant start it manually in the service window, I receive an Error 5, Access Denied.

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DHCP Client Service Shuts Down, Access Denied

Mar 23, 2008

After joining the Win2K3 domain, Vista still OK after the first reboot, but after a subsequent shutdown/restart, the following happens: * DHCP Client service shuts down with a 1004 Access is denied error. * No IP address is leased from the DHCP server (since no DHCP Client service) Additional information: In addition to the DHCP Client not starting, the following "automatic" startup services are failing as well:

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ICS And DHCP Server Not Working

Sep 14, 2008

I use a Verizon USB broadband modem attached to my Vista Home Premium desktop using ICS thru a wireless network for internet access and a home network. The desktop is linked to the wireless by CAT5 cable to a regular port on the router. We can then connect my wife's XP and my Linux laptops wirelessly. The router has DHCP disabled and all networked machines get their ip thru ICS from the desktop. This has worked well for 2 years. Suddenly I get limited connectivity from my NIC and a private ip (169.xxx.xx.xx). I looked at the services and found the DHCP server had been stopped.

When I tried to restart it as a network service I got an error stating "the account specified for this service is different from other services running in the same process." If I change the logon to Local Service I can restart the service but it still will not give the NIC a valid ip. I have tried to use the diagnose repair option from network and sharing center but it fails as well.

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Got DHCP Address; Machine Says No Router

Feb 6, 2009

I am trying to troubleshoot my daughter's desktop Vista computer. She has several other machines (XP and Vista) that are connected to her local LAN and workgroup. The problem computer is set to receive a DHCP address - which it gets - but then labels the connection as "Unidentified" and the Diagnose reports that it can't see the router. It cannot see any of the other computers either.

The computer is set up as a Private network; network discovery ON; File Sharing ON; Public folder sharing ON; Printer sharing ON; Password Protected Sharing OFF; Media sharing OFF. When trying to customize the connection, she can NOT enter a name for the network. Text entered in the field will appear, but not "take". Manage Network Connections shows only one network and it is labeled "Unidentified"...........

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Networks: Server To Perform DNS And DHCP

Jun 1, 2008

We must all realize that Microsoft has it's own direction. We are pretty much not in control of our own computers, nor will we be ever. The issues I have seen, and what you all are seeing is the results of many things. All of which I will not be able to address.

1st You really need to have only Vista machines.. cures all problems..

2nd You really need to have a Server to perform DNS and DHCP, even all of us home users. Gee I wonder why there is now even a Home version of Server.

3rd We really all need to be MSCE's if we are going to have more than one computer on the network.

4th We need artificial inteligence to figure out what the wizards are doing.

If all else fails refer back to 1,2,3,4

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How Do Enable DHCP Network Adapter

Mar 23, 2008

When I check the status of my network adapter, it says that DHCP is not enabled. How do I enable it in Windows Vista Ultimate? I'm trying to enable it for ICS to/with a windows XP Pro computer. The other computer (XP) is not auto configuring itself with the right type of network settings. (IP, Subnet mask, & Gateway) For instance: it will configure itself to use, instead of 192.168.0.(2-255),, and Default Gateway of

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Ethernet Broken (DHCP), Can't Connect To The Cable Modem

Oct 7, 2009

I can't connect to the cable modem at all. There is just no way to get it working for whatever weird reason. I don't get assigned any gateway, I don't get any IP (so it rewerts to a funky 169.whatever adress). Now, I used to have this exact cable modem connected to my computer, with internet, 2 days ago. I would share internet trough the other ethernet port that I didn't use to another computer, and everything would work. Then we just had our internet crap on ourself the other day. And it was my computer that just felt like killing the internet. Ever since: My computer wont connect to the internet at all, it wont even communicate and get ip from the cable modem.

And before I get any questions on it: Took the cable from the cable modem, and jerked it into the other computer, and presto, I'm talking to you guys. No problems at all, and it worked instantly. Didn't even have to reset or restart or configure anything on the other one. Sadly the other computer only has 1 Ethernet port, and the cable modem wont work with any routers inbetween, and also only has 1 Ethernet port on it (yay for stupid hardware *sigh*). So with that and that it working not 2 days ago, makes me really wonder what is going on.............

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Firewall Disable: DHCP Address From Linksys Wired Dsl Router

Mar 23, 2008

As things stand right now: PC 1 - Windows Vista Business. Firewall disabled. DHCP address from Linksys wired DSL router. PC 2 - Windows XP Pro. Firewall disabled. DHCP address from Linksys wired DSL router. Both machines are in the same workgroup.

The XP machine can ping the router, ping the Vista machine by IP address, access the internet, access file shares on the Vista machine
by ip address (\addressshare). It cannot ping the Vista machine by name. The Vista machine can ping the router and access the internet. It cannot ping the XP machine by name or address (request timed out).

Vista Ipconfig output:
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Dell1
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No.......

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Ftp Client Do Not Work

Jul 10, 2008

When I wanted to start up a website to find that my original ftp client didn't work and the hosting service was through a friend. Out of interest I got a domain name with godaddy.com and found that not only could I not connect with their ftp client but I could not connect with three other external ones. Through the course of this issue I have called godaddy.com, verizon, and dell and stil I have not been able to find the answer. Supposedely there's something on my end that is preventing me from connecting to these websites...I really need some help with this and I would be extremely grateful for serious help with this. I have running Home Premium and there's just something I can't seem to see.

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What Email Client You Would Recommend

Dec 6, 2008

I have vista and it came with Windows Mail... The application is less than satisfactory. what email client you would recommend

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Thin Client In The Home

Aug 26, 2009

I have very little knowledge about a Thin Client environment. I'd like to buy a pretty solid desktop and then buy a couple netbooks. Since the faster hard drives (SSDs) are typically quite small, like 8 GB, when in my house I think it would be cool to use the netbooks as Thin Clients and the desktop as a server. In broad terms, could that be done in Vista or even Windows 7? How?

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Is The PeerGuardian 2 Client For 64 Safe?

Jan 20, 2008

I use PeerGuardian 2 on my XP box to keep out unwanted IPs, such as those that would drop a mess of spyware onto my computer. There isn't yet a download for a fully completed version of PG2 for Vista, but there is an RC1 out. Does anyone know what the risks are of running this version? Link to the PeerGuardian 2 client

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64 Bit VPN Client Support Ipk Protocol

Jun 30, 2008

Does Cisco have VPN client for Vista 64 bit? Would there by any other options that would support IPK protocol?

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How To Get An Exportable Client Certificate

Apr 15, 2008

I've the following problem when attempting to export a e-mail client certificate. The associated private key is marked as not exportable? This happens after installing the certificate regardless the authority. I tried:
- Verisign: They don't know
- CaCert" tried to teach me the procedure I know already but does not work.
- Thawte They don't know
- Commodo: they don't know.

I'm not the only person having this problem, as "same problem here" is the only and frequently response in forums of the authorities. Is there, PLEASE, :-) someone who assumes nothing but just knows what is the problem with Vista? (and a possible solution)

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Unblocking Email In WMail Client

Apr 17, 2009

Can someone tell me how to UNBLOCK email in WMail, Vista Home Premium. Clicking on UNBLOCK does not work.

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Can't Set Yahoo As My Default Email Client

May 15, 2009

I am running IE 7 under Vista Home Premium 64 bit with SP1. I made Yahoo my home page and want to make Yahoo Mail my default email client instead of Outlook or Windows Mail. However, when I get to the window where I can select my default programs, Yahoo is not listed. According to Yahoo Help, as long as the Yahoo Toolbar is loaded (it is), Yahoo
Mail should be in the list. I've tried loading the toolbar several times, but it jes' ain't there.

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Email Client Not Properly Installed

Apr 17, 2009

On a few occasions recently , when clicking on a link to 'send us an email'(eg on a hotel website) I have got a message 'email client not properly installed'

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Is It Possible To Restore Mail Back To Client?

Mar 28, 2009

I've had no luck at all using Windows Mail. I've been everywhere looking for soultions. All the solutions were vialbe for setting up an account with AOL. As far as that goes, everything is fine except receiving sent mail. I get no error messages when sending. I can send to AOL and it arrives. When I send to gmail, it never arrives and yet there is no error message. After weeks of trying that is the end result. The other problem is that when Windows Mail takes my AOL mail it does not leave a copy at AOL. As a result, all AOL mail is currently stored in Windows Mail, which is the only way I can access it. Thus my question: Is it possible to some how return my AOL mail back to AOL from Windows Mail?

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Cisco VPN: Client Not Work With Vista

Mar 23, 2008

From what I am told, Cisco VPN client will not work with Vista and it is Microsoft's fault. Can you shed some light on this? Cisco is pointing the finger at MS, but it is their software that is causing the problem. Start Before Logon and Microsoft Certificate with Private Key Protect Fails Trying to connect the VPN client using Start Before Logon (SBL) and Microsoft Machine-based certificates fails. This is a Microsoft issue, not a VPN Client problem.

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Good Free IRC Client For Vista64?

Dec 12, 2009

Anyone know of a good free IRC Client for Vista64?

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Directx Update The Client Crashed?

Nov 10, 2008

I have a problem with starting Lineage 2 Interlude on Windows Vista Business x64. After Windows install, and after updates, i installed the Lineage 2 Interlude client and worked at well. BUT after Directx update the client crashed, with this error message.

After this message, the client is started but i can't log in. (Access failed...)
Three reason what may be the source of errors:

- DirectX (redistributable, the newest)
- .Net Framework (2.0 or/and 3.0)
- Visual C++ 2005/2008 Redistributable package x64 (once with 2008 x64 package the client is worked, after Windows restart the problem is was the same).

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Group Policy Client Service

Mar 23, 2009

I just installed a fresh VISTA on a new hard drive and when I start I get the following error

Log Name: System
Source: Service Control Manager
Date: 23/03/2009 5:35:34 PM
Event ID: 7000
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic...............

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Email Client Be Deleted In Other Two Accounts?

Dec 26, 2008

1. I have a total of three acct, two regular accts and one full admin acct. I have the same email client in each of these accts. If, while in admin acct, I delete the email acct within (via control panel), will the email client be deleted in my other two accts?

2. The is no Appdata in my full admin acct, whereas it does exist in my other two accts. Is it hidden, or is something wrong?

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How To Change Telnet Client Color

Jun 10, 2008

I want know how to change the color of telnet client program. I tried to change the color by using the command . But the color f0 command change only the cmd windows, that is dos prompt window. By the command , the colsole color changed. But when I connected telnet server in the colsole, the color of it did not change. I tried another method to change telnet color, for example, , but only to fail. Is there anyone who knows how to change telnet client color when connected telnet server which supports IAC or ANSI. If there's any, let me know it. Anything is welcomed. If you use registry or by command argements, it will be helpful for me.

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Game Client Stopped Working

Sep 14, 2009

have been having problems with a game Sacred 2 for quite a while The patch for it includes a Phys X I have updated my graph drivers Nvidia 8800 and keep getting the following errror

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: sacred2.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4a4c9668
Fault Module Name: nvd3dum.dll (also had error phs x)....

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Mail Client Not Properly Installed

Jan 9, 2010

Default Mail Client not properly installed. Is it POP3 or IMAP not inputted. I've clicked through Tools, then Accounts, then. God I've just picked up this previously problematic conundums. Numerous attempts at trying to be able to respond to an Email address inside an of course vital web site for me. Internet connection at home now. My Word 2007 puts words inside previously typed words. I'm trying to learn to type and this is always distracting.

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Default Mail Client Not Installed Properly!!1

May 28, 2008

I have a school project to do on a program call Crimson Editor.

I want to send the feedback form to my email account but when i press send,it says default mail client is not properly installed.

There's nothing wrong with my html tags n i have set default program to windows mail Bt it still didn't work.

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Business 32 And Nortel Vpn Client For, BAD_POOL_CALLER STOP

May 12, 2008

I have windows vista business installed and also successfully installed the the VPN client for vista from Nortel. I am able to use VPN to connect but I keep getting the BAD_POOL_CALLER STOP (....) error intermittently.

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Fails When Attempting To Install The Cisco VPN Client

Aug 4, 2008

Has anyone seen or heard of a fix for the VPN client in x64? We had an end user at our office purchase a Vista Home Premium x64 laptop. Pretty nice machine but it fails when attempting to install the Cisco VPN Client. From what I understand, the only fix is to run a VMWare XP in 32 bit mode and install it there. At least this is what we had to get it up and running. This was several months ago and I'm hoping that Cisco has released a patch or new release for this.

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Default Mail Client Is Not Properly Installed

May 13, 2008

When I click on a link in a web page to contact by e-mail, the message, 'could not perform this operation because the default mail client is not properly installed' is shown.I've done all I can to set the defaults etc for windows mail, but it still won't create the message......

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Group Policy Client Failed Logon

Oct 20, 2009

When I attempt to logon I get the following message: "The Group Policy Client Failed The Logon." (The only way I can logon is to hit the F8 key and go to "Last Known Good Configuration.". Every solution I search for seems to believe this is ONLY a problem for systems with multiple USER ACCOUNTS. I have this problem and I have only one User Account on my computer. The Guest Account is OFF. There has never been a Guest Account set up. I am the Administrator. I even tried turning the User Account Control to OFF but it didn't make any difference.

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