Cannot Install The Game "X2 The Threat" On System

Feb 6, 2009

I am still unable to install X2 the Threat on my PC. When installing I accept the terms in the licence agreement, select destination folder. select default folder and hit Install. X2 does not install and the following message is displayed:

Quote: X2 The Threat - InstallShield Wizard
InstallShield Wizard Completed
The wizard was interrupted before X2 - The Threat could be completely installed.
Your system has not been modified. To complete installation at another time, please run setup again.
Click Finish to exit the wizard. Why is the InstallShield Wizard interrupted?

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I Have 14000+Mb's On My Graphics Card And I Cant Install A Game Because It Says There Is Not Enough Memory But The Game Only Needs 64mb's Help.

Aug 16, 2009

the game has installed but once tryin to load it says this


Your system does not meet the minimum requirements for ( The game) (suberror 7). Your video card must support hardware acceleration and have at least 15 megabytes of video Ram available. i fyour video card doesnt support compressed textures it must have at least 64 megabytes if video RAM available.

I have tried going into the display settings and advanced settings then troubleshooting but my computer does not allow me to change it as the icon is grayed out.

the details of my graphics card are

operating system: windows vista tm home premium (6.0, build 6001)

manufacturer: Advent

Model: QC8003

processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz (4 CPUs),


Memory : 8124MB RAM

Page file: 1996MB used, 14303MB available

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Conficker.C, WORM, Serious Threat!!

Mar 25, 2009

Just when you might have thought it was safe to start using USB flash drives at work again, the third, and by all accounts, most fiendish version of the Conficker worm that's infected millions of PCs already is set to attack on April 1st, Ars Technica reports. Conficker.C's designed to hide itself even more thoroughly than its older siblings Conficker.A and Conficker.B, using tricks such as:

•Inserting itself into as many as five Windows-related folders such as System, Movie Maker, Internet Explorer, and others (under a random name, of course)
•Creating access control entries and locking the file(s)
•Registers dummy services using a "one (name) from column A, one from column B, and two from column C" method
To find out what happens when Conficker.C strikes, join us after the jump.

Conficker.C's payload makes it harder than ever to recover from being infected:

•Deactivates Windows Security Center notifications
•Prevents restart in Safe Mode
•Prevents Windows Defender from running at system startup
•Deletes all system restore points
•Disables various error-reporting and security services
•Terminates over twenty security-related processes
•Blocks DNS queries
•Blocks access to security and antivirus websites
•And, to top it all off, Conficker.C can choose from a list of 500 domains to contact out of a pool of 50,000 (way up from Conficker.B's 32 out of 250).

Link:This is No Joke: Conficker.C to Strike on April Fools' Day | Maximum PC

Removal Tool: How to use the Downadup removal tools -


I can't say much else, as I don't know much else, though I read about this on another Forum I belong to. I have all my Updates in place as always, ran MS Malware Removal Tool, Ran complete system Scan, my PC turned up clean of
Conflicker A and B as well as C, but then C has not been released as yet.


I do know MS has a bounty out on the individual responsible, $250,000 BUCKS!!

That should give you guys an Idea of how SERIOUS this THREAT is!!

I am not sure about the removal tool either, but that's the only one I found.
Thus far.

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MalwareBytes Finds Unrecognized Threat

Jul 15, 2009

Last coupla days, since the update to Malwarebyte's 1.39 (for Vista HP x64), it's been finding this "threat" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled Components{y479c6d0-otrw-u5gh-s1ee-e0ac10b4e555} (Generic.Bot.H) Does anyone recognize this? Is it a false positive, or something I should allow it to "repair"?

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Cant Install Game

Apr 9, 2009

i insert the disc and it does nothing. i then go to drive e to open and manually install it and it says please insert a disc, but theres already a disc in there.

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System Run But Not Go On Game

Jun 10, 2009

i installed call ofduty world at war on my system it run but it does not go on game when i select solo and select a type of misssion (easy,....) it do not work ! and it stay on that page ! i am using windows vista vista 64 bit service pack 2

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Directx 10 Or 9 During Game Install?

Jun 2, 2008

i have just got a game that has the option 2 install in directx9 or 10 during installation ? vista has directx 10 i know but although my graphics card is vista compatible it's not a directx10 card. Do i install in directx9 im guessing i probably should but ive read of people having problems with this ! also if i download directx 9 will it write over directx10? i read vista only has parts of directx9 as default included?

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Game Install Says Not Enough Cabinet Space

Mar 4, 2009

if i try to play a game it says i need it installed (i already have it). if i try to install it again it says not enough cabinet space, or something like that. it says that anywhere i try to download it from... the next thing is internet explorer... i have ie 8 64 version because 32 wont work. i cant watch any movies such as on Internet(flash cant
install). actually 32 version wont install... well thats probably not it, but thats all i can think of.

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System Shuting Down Itself During Game Play

Jun 13, 2010

Recently my windows vista/computer has been shuting itself down after a period of 10-15 minutes of gameplay. Reguardless of the game or age thereof. it may be linked to this message that pops up every time the computer starts up but im not sure. If there is anyone who knows how to fix this or knows of anyone who can help me please help me! This is the message that continues to pop up "Could not load file or assembly 'MOM.Implementation, Version=2.0.3555.28962,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=90ba9c70f846762e' or one of its dependencies. the system cannot find the file specified.

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Big Fish Game Don't Correct System

Aug 17, 2009

with my porblem on big fish games, my unit is vista ultimate 6.0.1, 6001 vista pack,, ( dont know if that's correct but thats what i see in systems info as OS ) i downloaded 3 BFgames with the use of bit torrent, the games were successfully installed got a shortcut in my desktopbut when i open it to play a window would pop up saying, a problem caused the program to stop working. windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

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Windows Update To Install Microsoft Tinker Game

Sep 28, 2008

I just used Windows Update to install Microsoft Tinker game on my Vista Ultimate x64. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it anywhere to play with it.

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Vista 6.0 Install Lunch Game Error Message

Sep 7, 2008

I have installed civ 4 with the warlords expansion pack on my vista home edition premium 6.0. Install went smoothly. When trying to launch the game i get this error message: This application has failed to start because D3DX9_32.DLL was not found. Re-installing the applicatio n may fix the problem. I have tried re-installing with no luck.

Microsoft then tells me that the problem is with directx 9 and gives me a link to update the end user run-time installer. Which sounds like a perfect and easy fix.Turns out that no matter what version or update i try to install I am screwed. I get this error message upon the initializing phase of the install: An internal system error occured: Please refer to the dx.error log or the Dx.log in your windows folder.

As i said it does not matter what version of directx i try to update i get the same message. Can I not play Civ 4 on vista? I have heard maybe the compatibility mode might fix but I am unsure how exactly to do that right. I have tried a few times...Also spent hours on the phone with game support

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Game DirectX 9 Install: Unble To Execute File

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased a download of this game from The Adventure Company website. All went well with the install until asked if I wanted to install DirectX 9.0. I chose to knowing that I have DirectX 10 on this system but had the following error message:

"Unble to execute File: C:programflile?can'treadmyownwriting?dreamfalldirectx dxsetup.exe Create process failed; code 740. The requested operation requires elevation." Then, when attempting to run the game, I get a message saying that D3DX9_27.DLL can't be found. The DX9 folder located in the Dreamfall folder is empty.

I uninstalled and reinstalled during which I snooped in the DirectX 9 folder (Dreamfall program files, directx folder) and found the missing .dll file and copied it to an empty folder in my documents prior to asking it to install DX9 of which the install again failed (and the DX folder emptied). I tried pasting the missing .dll into the Dreamfall folder and up came another error message when trying to run the game. I read that one could either paste d3dx9_27.dll into the sys32 folder or download & install DX9 from the Microsoft website but I'm scared to do so in case either of these solutions screws up DX 10.

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Battlefield 1942 (game Failed, Game Closing)?

Mar 23, 2008

Just got Vista (32). Battlefield 1942 expansion installed fine. runs for a second or 2 then crashes. Tried to reinstal, same thing. Came up with (game failed, game closing)?

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Join A Multiplayer Game(says "Joining Server... Then Crashes" Or Finish Loading A Single Player Game

Aug 2, 2007

I can sucessfully load up the game and all however whenever i try to join a multiplayer game(says "Joining Server... then crashes" or finish loading a single player game(after the textures are loaded or the shaders it just crashes) OR whenever i click audio in settings my game(right after i click audio it just goes boom) just crashes back to desktop with the BF2142.exe error. I've read about many different crashes with other people but this seems different, people have had crashes during map changes, splash screen, and a few secs after joining the server, havent seen anyone with my problem of crashing when i see the "joining server.." box.

I've tried
2)run the exe as admin.
3)disable UAC and reinstall/repatch after restart

Im pretty sure my computer can handle the game, my old one did fine and this one owns it. Im kind of lost, I've tried many things and this freaking game just doesnt want to work.

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Game Freezes: Game Won't Run Correctly

Jan 5, 2008

I installed SS2 on this PC (runs windows vista home premium 32bit), but sadly the game won't run correctly. I've looked around a little bit, and I see that not watching the videos is a common problem. But that's not my main problem <:/ I can run the game just fine for about 30 seconds... suddenly, it just freezes. The last sound is looped, and the mouse is frozen.

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System Crashed During Install

Aug 2, 2009

Was installing service pack 2 and system crashed now can not even get back to my old vista. Seems to be loading and then I get: !!oxc 0190005!! 9293/45274 (registrymachineschemawcm.//microsoft-...) Then it freezes. I let it stay here for 18 hours and nothing. Tried to boot with my old vista windows disk and can not get a fix or get back to loading anything. Latest error said windows can not fix problem. Frequant black screen of death after bios or it goes to above point and stops.

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New Install And System Hangs

Mar 26, 2008

Made the dive to Vista 64 on a new build. It is on an Asus Maximus Extreme with 2 gig of RAM and an 8800 Ultra video card. I setup to WD raptors in RAID 0. verything with the install seemed to go without a hitch. The install is from a Vista Ultimate 64 builders pack. The install starts with no problems at all and it sees my raid array without installing any drivers. The install does the copy, expansion and so on without a hickup. It is after I enter a user name and password, date, etc and the system initiates into its "performance check" when it completely hangs. It never leaves the first splash screen of the performance check. I let it sit for over an hour and still no progress.............

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Is It Advisible To Have IE8 In System, Can Just Install IE8 Over The Old Version

Mar 6, 2009

Currently My Vista Home Premium SP1, 32bit, has IE7 running and I downloaded IE8 from the official MS site. Questions: 1. Is it advisible to have IE8 in my system? And if so, 2. Can I just install IE8 over the old version, or is there a special procedure? And if so, 3. What does it consist of? Open-Minded.

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Option To Install And System Repair

Feb 21, 2009

I would like to try a system repair but when I put my windows vista premium disk into the dvd player it only gives me the option to install and not repair. How do I go about getting the repair option?

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Corrupt Install Of DX10 On System

Jun 27, 2008

I was informed by the developers over at Flagship Studios that I may have a corrupt install of DX10 on my system. I went to reinstall DX10 but it tells me that I have the most up to date version and aborts the install. Does anyone know a way I can reinstall DX10? Also, I would like to try intalling DX9c to see if it helps any. Can someone link me to wich download I should use for this?

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SP1 Won't Install Dual Boot System

Jul 8, 2008

I have (or had) Vista Business on my HP Pavilion dv2670br and I also installed opensolaris on it. I had read this article (Vista SP1 won't install on dual-boot systems: Microsoft) before installing the SP with the stand alone file downloaded from MS's website, but since I did not have Enterprise or Ultimate I didn't think I would have problems. Silly me.

Now I do not know if it is the grub loader itself or the fact that opensolaris uses ZFS. I tried going through the steps here: Recovering the Vista Bootloader from the DVD - NeoSmart Technologies Wiki, to no avail. I suspect I will have to go through a very destructive process, but thankfully I won't really lose much since it is a relatively new laptop with very little university work on it.

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Could Not Get Clean Install On The System, Always Got BSOD

Aug 11, 2008

I build a computer last night for a relative and could not get a clean install on the system, always got BSOD. I tried XP Pro (error), Vista Ultimate x86 and even Vista Ultimate x64 but always had some issue. I did remove all external USB/Firewire/Sound/TV Tuner card etc so it was only running on Mainboard/1 Ram Stick/HDD/ DVD Burner and Video card. Still get an BSOD so i changed the RAM for one out of my wifes computer but it didnt make a difference. Hate to think my sister inlaw got a faulty product as she has gone back home out west with reciept and had to leave the computer with me to resolve the issue. Any ideas what maybe causing this as i had a late night on it and i am to damn tired to think of what else apart from a fauly pasrt it could be.

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Re-install Vista Operating System

Apr 25, 2009

i have tried to re-install the vista operating system on my sons packard bell pc using the recovery partition but this has failed it hangs at the "starting windows for the first please wait" screen we weren't given a disk so i am downloading a copy and want to activate it using the proper key that came with the pc but it isn't printed on the case so i am stuck as to what i can do the pc was bought from curries christmas 2007 do i have any options through them or packard bell

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System Hanging After SP1 Hard Install

Mar 23, 2008

I did a hard install of SP1 over two hours ago on my desktop. The system installed and configured updates-went up to is still hanging-what I mean by that is I am still on the blue installation screen and it says "Configuring Updates-do not turn off computer" I am not sure what to do...should I just shut it off and restart?

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Move Install Of Vista To System Without Reinstalling

Jun 6, 2008

I recently built a new computer and I would like to move my current install of Vista to the new system without reinstalling it. My only problem is that both setups will be using a raid 0 array for the installation and I don't know if I will be able to boot off the old disks with the new hardware. My old PC was a nForce 4 based AMD rig and my new one is a P35 based Intel rig. Is there a way that I can install the drivers for the new raid array prior to booting with it?

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Clean Re-install Over Exist Vista System?

Jul 29, 2009

I need wipe off entire C drive and perform a clean install Vista over current installed Vista. Here is the steps I went through and had problem finally:

1. I boot up with Vista Home Edition DVD;

2. Get on "Install Now" window, and click the "Install Now" get into next step;

3. The update option is disabled (which is good because I need clean install), I click the advanced option, the next window only show couple partitions without showing C drive!

4. After all the tries to load drive, refresh drive, etc. The C drive never show up!!

How can I get clean re-install over exist vista system?

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Install SP1 On Vista Home Premium System Manually?

Jun 3, 2008

Windows Update has not yet installed SP1 on my Vista Home Premium system. Should I install it manually?

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Corrupted System File, Microsoft Frontpage 2003 Re-install

Jun 27, 2008

I had to reinstall all of my software due to a corrupted system file. After re-installing Microsoft Office, I am having difficulty with getting my Microsoft Frontpage re-installed. How do I get this program re-installed?

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Repair Install: Interfere With System's Ability To Multi Boot?

Jun 29, 2008

I partitioned a new hard drive and formatted it using my Windows XP Home Ed. SP2 Install CD. I then installed Win XP. I then installed Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit on the other partition. ( I have two partitions on a single drive, C: and D This has been working great for me for the last 5 months. Today I have a reason to perform a repair install on just the Windows XP partition. I have performed a Win XP repair install successfully in the past using the XP SP2 install CD but never when my system was set up as dual boot. If I perform a repair install using my WinXP install disk to repair the Windows XP installation, will this leave my Vista partition untouched? Will it at all interfere with the system's ability to multi boot? I'm not very concerned about not being able to boot up into Windows XP but it's extremely critical that my system's ability to boot up into Vista is not compromised.

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Install New Graphics Card ATI 4870 : Internal System Error Occurred

Dec 2, 2009

Ive just formatted my hard drive and got a new graphics card -ATI 4870. When I try to run a game, using 'steam' it tries to install directx before failing, so I found the download myself and tried, it failed. The error said: 'INTERNAL SYSTEM ERROR OCCURRED refer to DxError.log and DirectX.log in your windows folder to determine problem.' So what any ideas, I need directx but I cant have directx. Wasnt sure if this post should go in here, gaming or graphics card. I figured here as its more a software issue.

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