Can't Use Keyboard After Waking From Sleep

Apr 17, 2008

Can't use keyboard after waking from sleep.

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Computer Keeps Waking Up From Sleep

Aug 9, 2009

I'm trying to find out why my computer keeps waking up from sleep. Unfortunately I've not been able to track this down. I leave the house around 9am, don't get back home till 8pm, and the computer has turned on while I've been at work. My fiancee can't ever remember to check right when she gets home to see if it's on then or not, so I have no other time frame to deal with at the moment except for what happened today.

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Screen Blanks Out After Waking Up Sleep

Jun 26, 2008

I have an Acer Aspire 5100 that came installed with Vista Home Premium. I upgraded to SP1 and, after upgrading to 4 gigs of ram i learned because Acer messed up video addressing, i can only get 2.96gb when i'm using 64mb of ram for video...increasing the amount makes the amount of ram to windows drop exponetally (at 256mb i've only got 2's wasting almost half the ram)...but that's not my issue..i'll never get it resolved becuase Acer is none-too-interested in actually doing anything to fix it and telling me it's "my problem". Oh well.

I do have a strange issue. When I take my laptop out I generally put it to sleep...I don't like's never worked for me in the past and sleep is just so much faster and convient. The sleep mode has worked surprisingly well for me, but i'm notcing a strange oddity. Every once in a while after bringing the laptop out of sleep mode...the screen will come on...but then it'll flicker out. If i can manage to click on the password prompt before it turns off and enter my password, the screen will come back on after the session logs in...however most of the time I have to put it back to sleep and wake it back up.

this really isn't a major major problem..i know nothing is going to work flawlessly all the time. I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen this behavior and if they fixed it, what they did to do so. I can live with it, but it'd be nice to see it gone too, ya know? Other than that...and the time the kernel-driver framework driver died...I'm quite impressed with's turning out to be a rather usable OS.

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Waking From Sleep And Detected A New Private Network

May 26, 2009

I am running vista home premium on a dell 530 and have just had to restore factory settings due to my user account being corrupted. I have reinstalled all my software and now have realised that it is doing what It has done before in the five months I have had it (after restore to factory settings) which is waking from sleep on it's own. I did find a solution to this on a forum which is to go to device manager / network adapter / intel.... / properties / power management / wake from LAN and uncheck the first two settings "wake on directed packet" and "wake on magic packet". Now as this solves the problem I am confused as to why my "factory settings" have it checked???? Now, immediately after closing the properties window I got a dialogue box saying that a new private network has been detected with a highlighted option to call it local network2... this freaked me out as I have not connected anything to even remotely act as another network and further more there was an ip address in the bar at the top of the dialogue box which I noted ( I would just like to know if this is behaviour of a virus of some sort or something normal beyond my understanding.

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Sleep/Keyboard Problem

Feb 18, 2009

After resuming from sleep mode the keyboard is inoperative [Dead].

To activate it is necessary to either "Restart" or click on "Switch User" Then all is fine.

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Sleep Turns Off Usb-usb Mouse & Keyboard

Jul 5, 2008

I can put the pc to sleep with either the sleep button on the keyboard or the on-screen sleep button but when the pc goes to sleep the keyboard and mouse USB connections go to sleep too. leaving me with no way to wake up the pc! I have tried using Vista 64's built in drivers for the mouse & keyboard and also tried downloading and installing the Microsoft software for the keyboard & mouse. Same problem. the light on the keyboard and mouse both turn off when sleep is utilized. I've tried changing the settings in the Power Options to enable the power button on the pc to turn on sleep instead of shut down. It does put the pc to sleep but when I try to wake the pc from sleep with the power button the pc acts like it was completely shutdown and tries to do a full boot which then results in the windows screen saying it didn't shut down right, "start normally"?

The pc then starts as normal but how do fix the sleep problem? I have no problem with another pc with Vista Ultimate and 2 other pcs with MCE2005 and the sleep status. The problem pc has all the latest Window updates, current bios, latest ATI 64 bit drivers for the graphics card. One possibility might be that the graphics card is designed for the new PCIe 2.0 but the board is the older PCIe standard. The graphics card is supposed to be "backwards compatible" with older PCIe slots but now I wonder if that could be the problem?

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Post Your Chipset Driver Versions And Sleep Mode Settings, Bluetooth Mouse And Keyboard Crash

Apr 24, 2008

For all you 680i users running Vista 32bit AND successfully using sleep mode, please post your settings here... "Successfully" means that:

1. Your system actually wakes up and none of your devices, such as mouse, keyboard, usb drives, bluetooth, and other devices, etc. are disconnected and/or malfunctioning...

2. In particular, are you still connected to the internet without resetting
your network adapter (presuming you were connected before bedtime and
presuming you're using the on-board NIC)

post your chipset driver versions and sleep mode settings... My settings are listed below and my system WON'T SLEEP "successfully"... bluetooth mouse and keyboard crash, and my internet connection is trashed:.....

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Waking Up System

Sep 25, 2009

I just completed updating a system doing a clean install of XP and then updating to VISTA Home Premium. Everything works OK except I have one problem. After some period of time the system either goes to sleep or hibernates - don't know which. I thought I set the power properties so as to turn the monitor off after 20 minutes but to leave the system on. My question is - How do I get the system to "wake up" after it either goes
to sleep or hibernates. Moving the mouse and pressing the start button does nothing.

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Computer Not Waking Up

Sep 12, 2008

My pc seems to wake up on it's own at 7 am every day. It used to wake up at 10 am but somehow changed to 7 am. I checked all of the things listed on the first page here Power Options and Sleep Mode Problems, and I have nothing enabled to wake up the pc nor do I have any tasks scheduled for that time each morning. It stopped for a while and out of nowhere it started again at 7 AM. I also checked all of the wake on link settings and they are disabled as well. Wait for link however is set to auto detect... not sure what that means but i dont think that has anything to do with the random wakeups.

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PC Not Locking After Waking Up

Jun 11, 2008

I'm having some trouble trying to get my PC to lock up when it comes out of "sleep" mode. It also does not go into the Screen Saver anymore it just goes straight to "turn off display" and then it doesnt lock up the PC when it "wakes up". I am guessing this is an interface problem or maybe a registry problem.

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Computer Keeps Waking Up

May 21, 2009

I try to put my computer to sleep, and its lasts about five minutes and then starts by itself, i am sure its something simple but i need advise, I have vista premium 32-bit...

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CPU Usage At 100% , After Waking From Hibernation

Mar 23, 2008

I'm completely confused on this issue and I've baffled people at Dell, which from experience isn't hard to do. I have a Dell Inspiron 1501 with Vista Home Basic as the OS. My CPU usage bumps between 10% and 44% after I first start up my computer. And when I allow my computer to sleep and then wake it up, it runs at 100% constantly. I've tried stopping programs from running in MSCONFIG, I've ran Ad-Aware 2007, Spyware, Registry Cleaner and McAfee Virus scan. Nothing has corrected this problem and the programs have cleaned off a few items, but still nothing has changed. I tried checking the Reliability and Performance Monitor and I'm not educated enough in computers to know what I'm looking at. Dell thinks I should reinstall my OS and start over, but I don't want to do this unless it's the last possible recourse.

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Vista Keeps Waking Out Of Hibernation

Nov 29, 2008

My computer used to go to sleep but recently I've changed some settings and downloaded some new things and now everytime it goes to sleep it immediately wakes back up. Last night when it did hibernate I could not get the computer to come back on. I had to take the battery out of my laptop and put it back in to get it to start. The only way I can get my computer to hibernate now is to lock my computer first. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I turned off the sidebar, and have closed all programs and that doesn't help. There was something I found online last night about the network card and now allowing it to wake the computer. That's already been done (sorry I'm not a computer person lol this probably makes no sense to you).

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Hibernating Immediately After Waking From Hibernation

May 15, 2010

Vista takes some time to wake from hibernation (2-3 minutes, before my wireless network is detected and browser is usable, say). To not waste my time staring at the screen, I hit the power button, leave the computer, and come back when all systems are running. However, by the time I've returned in maybe 5 mins, the laptop (Thinkpad T61) is back in hibernation mode. It seems like without any keyboard or trackpad input, the computer simply returns to hibernate. how to configure Vista to remain on without this keyboard input? I don't see any options in my power settings (in advanced as well). I also don't require a password upon wakeup, so I can go directly to my desktop.

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Pop Screen When Starting Or Waking Up Computer.

Jun 24, 2008

whenever i start up or wakeup i get a small screen asking about a certificate, which is blank. i just close it out. also a popup showing my computer's drives. interesting but how do i stop them from poping up. i don't use or need either one of them. i have pop ups blocked of course.

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Sleep Mouse During Sleep Mode?

Oct 20, 2009

I would like to put my wireless mouse in inactive mode during sleep mode. As it is an mouse movement, usually accidental, wakes up the computer. I looked for a way but couldn't find this facility.

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DELL Keyboard

Oct 8, 2009

computer is 4 days old.keyboard going funny for no reason.nothing loose.
trying to email and letters sometimes dont appear or get stuck.i'll look up from typing long sentence and its missing bits. does that make sense?

pressing the keys feels the same as normal,nothing sticky yet when writing it 'sticks'. or i have to type very very slowly to get a letter out.sometimes it works ,sometimes it wont but then will give me many of the same letter in a row ie repeating it depending on how many times i've pressed..

i phoned Dell and they suggested i turn off computer and restart-no good.
and then said try a different keyboard so we can work out whether its that or a software program.
i dont know what to do now cos my old keyboard is wireless so i obviously cant plug it in like the current one.
how do i do this?
i am only a beginner so please can you only give really simple answers with detailed explanation/directions. its not my computer but my husbands so i dont know how any of it was set up.

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Changes To Keyboard @ And Keys

Mar 23, 2008

I recently had to reinstall vista (too many problems to mention!) but now it has switched my @ " | keys when the shift key is pressed. I only want to return them to what they were before and have tried installing the english keyboard but that hasn't helped.

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Unable To Use Keyboard

Mar 28, 2008

I just recently built a new PC and I am installing windows home premium 64 bit for the first time on a PC. When installing vista everything was normal until there was a reboot in the installation. After the reboot it sent me to a windows error recovery screen where I am unable to select anything using the keyboard. The default selection is start windows normally so I wait for the countdown to finish because I have no other choice. Then it boots up and says the following:

The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install windows, click "OK" to restart the computer, and then restart the installation. So I click ok because once again I have to. Note: The keyboard is working again. This continues over and over again so I tried to reinstall windows again. I get the PC to boot from the DVD drive by using my keyboard and then it says: Press any key to boot from CD or DVD.

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Keyboard Is Not Working

Dec 12, 2007

I am having a keyboard problem on the new computer. My keyboard [Logitech Cordless Desktop Comfort Laser] does not work when I run Vista Ultimate x64 normally. Every time I try to type in IE or Firefox, the program stops responding and then I restart the program and it yields the same results. I know the keyboard is not defective because I am using it right now in Safe mode and it is working fine. I have downloaded the Logitech Setpoint App. 64 bit version but there still is not any luck.

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Keyboard Diagram

Apr 7, 2010

I have a Microsoft Wireless Keyboard 3000. I am trying to find a diagram of the keyboard so that I can make notes on it as to what some of the keys do.Do you know where I can find one on the internet?

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USB Keyboard Not Working In X64?

Dec 29, 2007

I have been using a ps2 keyboard with no problem for months now. I have recently purchased a USB keyboard Eclipse II by Saitek. The keyboard is detected and usable in the Bios configuration buy when I get to the loggin screen in vistax64, it does not work anymore.

Saitek website says it should work with the default windows generic keyboard config. But my computer detected it as a Human Interface Device (Saitek Eclipse II) and asks for drivers? It does showed connected in the USB hub. Can I force it to use the generic windows drivers? Can I download some other drivers? The keyboard is basic with some fancy lights

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Keyboard Layout Changes

Apr 5, 2008

I write document in english and spanish, so I have to use the US and the US-International keyboard layout. I have the keyboard bar active and use it to change layouts. The problem is the keyboard layout changes "by himself" constantly. I thought this was attached to the program I'm using, or the document, but it's not.

For example, I'm writing a WinWord 2007 document using the Intl layout, and using accents and everything. Suddenly, I try to use another accent or symbol, and it doesn't work. If I check the language bar, it changed to US Standard layout. I disabled the shortcuts to change layouts, so this is not the problem (I mean, accidentally hitting the shortcut...)

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Cannot Do Keyboard Work

Apr 5, 2009

not really sure what to do at this point yet. a friend of my sisters came over the other day to use my computer and the internet wasnt working so she went to restart, and she either put it in sleep or hibrinate mode, not sure of which one... In anycase now i cannot do anything the keyboard doesnt work, or the mouse and the monitor's power light just flashes green.... restarting does nothing the monitor still does nothing.. Cant see or do anything..... like what gives...?? anyone out there that has a solution please let me know cause i am gonna lose it... Just got this computer like 2 weeks ago and i didnt pay that kind of money to have something like this happen.........

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Keyboard Not Working

Feb 8, 2010

only one user. If I switch to a different user, it works fine. I hear a beep from the keys, but it will not type anything.

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Keyboard Malfunction

Mar 23, 2008

something has caused my keyboard to start typing numbers when i am trying to type letters. Its only happening on the rightside of my keyboard.

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Keyboard Don't Work

Feb 8, 2009

I just bought a brand new system and everything was working fine.I put into sleep mode and the computer went to sleep/died. I can not wake up computer no matter what I have tried. I have tried disconecting all the power over and over Off on buttons don't work, mouse or keyboard don't work, monitor doesn't work. It's like it went into a black hole of hybirnation and nothing I try will get the computer to power on now so I can get it out of sleep mode. Everythings dead. I pluged in my old system and started using it again because my new system I just paid $ 2500 for is useless.

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See Keyboard On Screen

Mar 23, 2008

Each time I start my PC with Vista I see a Keyboard on my screen. Anybody knows how to make it disapear? i really don't need the Keyboard on my screen.

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Mapping Keyboard

Mar 23, 2008

I want to be able to type a euro signe in all programmes. can I map one of the existing keys (such as ??) to the euro sign?

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Keyboard Not Booting

Jun 7, 2009

I have an HP TX2508ca convertable tablet laptop. I've had it for nine months and it runs on Vista Home Premium 32bit. Just yesterday I removed the keys and cleaned out the keyboard. After fixing the keys back everything was working perfectly. However, this morning things started to go a little crazy. There is only one account on the laptop and that is my admin account which is password protected. My password has the lower case letter " l " in it but they " l " key on the keyboard had stopped working. So I tried to type it in using the on screen keyboard but still nothing. I tried restarting and repairing but still no go. The letter " l " key just simply doesn't workk; be it on the regular keyboard or on the on-screen keyboard. So now, I'm locked out of my account because the " l " key doesn't work.

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Keyboard Shortcut (not Save)?

May 12, 2008

What is the keyboard shortcut for save as (not save)?

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