Xp Shutdown Time

Apr 28, 2010

I have xp home on a compaq presario x1000. I've been cleaning, dumping, fixing things on it lately, and all is well, except for the start-up and shut-down times. When shutting down, it takes apprx. five minutes from start>turn off computer until the shut down/re-start menu appears.

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Automatic Shutdown Computer After Particular Time

Aug 7, 2007

Is there anyway I can make my computer automatically shut down after x amount of time not using it?

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Long Boot Time And Shutdown / Restart

Jan 3, 2009

Currently when I log onto my computer, it takes more than 5 minutes to load. I have already browsed through many threads and have minimized the number of start-up programs. It was a little better but it still wasn't like how it was before. Also, when I want to shutdown my computer, I have to wait 10 minutes before I will hear the "Windows turning-off sound" and it will shutdown. Does anyone have any clue about how to fix this?

The computer in general appears to be running smoothly once everything is loaded into the computer except for when I want to add/remove any programs where there is a huge lag after uninstalling a program! These problems started occurring about a couple days ago. I haven't been doing anything differently nor have I installed any new programs onto the new computer. I have scanned for viruses using Symantec Endpoint Protection (and no results) and also used CCleaner to clean everything else.

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How To Use The "shutdown" Command Via Cmd With Time?

Jan 26, 2009

I read somewhere that command, I opened the CMD, typed "shutdown t- 3600", but my computer restarted instantanilly, without time to me use the shutdown.

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Remote Shutdown Causes BSOD But Not Local Shutdown

Aug 3, 2010

i remote into my XP box everything is fine except when i shut down using a shutdown shortcut and other shutdown utilities no matter what after i get booted off the remote session the computer looks like its shutting down then stays on for a few seconds then a BSOD appear. I have been trying to figure out why for the past week and no solution so im hoping someone can chime in..The problem is only on remote if i shut down locally never a single BSOD and no hardware has changed. No driver issues. ive read and tried all the usual solutions. Need someone here to chime in on specifics.Ive also tried to remote in with bare minimum and no go. same thing.

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Shutdown 2000 Pro Twice To Shutdown Computer

Aug 28, 2003

This is weird. I have to go through the shutdown procedure twice, i.e., Start/Shut Down/Shut Down and click Ok, then Start/Shut Down/Shut Down and click Ok again. It will then shutdown properly. The same thing happens when I try to "Restart." After doing the first shutdown sequence, everything is normal. I can open programs, surf the web, etc. It's as if I never tried to shut it down at all. Only after the second shutdown procedure will it shutdown fully. One note: When I go through the first shutdown sequence, my taskbar pops up and the desktop is darkened. After clicking Ok, the taskbar autohides and my desktop returns to its normal color.I have only had this problem for the last month or two. Before that, all was fine. It's not critical since I can shut it down. It's just annoying to have to do it twice.I have Windows 2000 Pro, SP4, build 5.00.2195.

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Click On Shutdown Twice To Shutdown Computer

Jun 13, 2005

When attempting to "shutdown" or "reboot", I have to do it twice. When I select "Start" then either shutdown or reboot, my desktop will flicker a couple of times, and then nothing appears to happen. I must select "start" again and then either shutdown or reboot and then they will work as expected.

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Computer Date / Time And Year Change Each Time Boot Up

Oct 11, 2007

Each time I turn on my computer and as it is boots up it will delay for a time with a line that reads something like Automatic IDE Configuration and then a message that my date and time are incorrect. The date goes back to Nov. 2003. Once I correct the date, time and year things seem to perform ok.

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Computer Facing Slow Boot Up Time / Speeding Up Time?

Jan 15, 2009

How do I speed up the boot up time? It seems like it takes forever for my pc to boot up. Plus how do I find out what programs are loading at start-up? I'm currently running winxp and connected by cable to the internet

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UPDATE: Time Zone/Daylight Savings Time?

Nov 27, 2006

Since Windows has been released several time zone changes have occurred, and beginning this coming year the Daylight Saving Time period will change in the US. Specifically, DST will start three weeks earlier (2:00 A.M. on the second Sunday in March) and will end one week later (2:00 A.M. on the first Sunday in November). Thus, Microsoft is releasing an update to address changes that have or will take place in several countries. The update will be delivered automatically to Windows XP SP2 users starting December 12th (or can be downloaded now by clicking here) and will be included in Windows Vista.

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Winxp Computer Running Slow (from Time To Time)

Aug 28, 2006

i dont know where the reason could be, since i didn`t install any new programs or had virus problems. It just becomes slow, then I restart and sometimes it helps and sometimes doesn't.

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Time / Date Clock Looses Time After Shut Down

Sep 3, 2007

I have a 4 year old computer that runs perfectly, except when I turn it off at night and then back on the next day, I loose a few hours on the time date at bottom of screen. I ajust each time I use it but the same thing happens each time I turn it off. Could it be the clock battery or? My operating system is Windows XP Home

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System Shut Down Time To Time - Crashes

Feb 12, 2006

i do scans quite a bit and delete alot of things everytime. there is the msn spyware thing that keeps coming back after i delete that, as well as many other things i dont even know about. some of my devices just shut them selves down from time to time (mouse, scanner/printer, and otherthings i cant remember but the key board is fine) and after a few seconds turn back on. and the whole thing just crashes sometimes. i did that scan thing but im not sure if i did it right.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 10:57:17 AM, on 13/02/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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Mouse Freezes Time To Time - Ran Adaware6,

Oct 3, 2005

My mouse/pointer is STILL freezing after about 5 minutes of being logged on. I am using the touchpad mouse that is on my laptop. I have ran an updated version of Adaware6, Spybot, CWShredder & AVG Anti-Virus. I also have Spyware Blaster Protection enabled. I don't know what else to do but ask you guys if you see anything funny in my hijack log... Is it normal to have 4 entries stating info about my startup page? My start up page should be Ada County Sheriff, not Toshiba or Ebay

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Documents History Clears Itself Time To Time

May 27, 2008

My Start -> Documents history clears itself from time to time...Why? Is that a setting? Is it a hardcoded setting? Can I adjust it (registry setting)? Is there a max number of documents that will go into the Documents history? Is it a hardcoded setting? Can I adjust it (registry setting)?

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Can't Syncronize Time With A Time Server

Oct 24, 2004

For some reason, as of yesterday night, I can't syncronize my computer time with a time server. When I click on the time on the bottom right hand corner, and under the Internet Time tab, I can't syncronize the time using both time.windows.com and nist.gov servers. When I use the Windows server, it gives this error message: "An error occured while Windows was syncronizing with time.windows.com. The time sample was rejected because: The peer's stratum is less than the host's stratum."

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Why Does Freeze From Time To Time?

Oct 6, 2006

I just wondered, why does Windows XP freeze here and there? I would think, from what I understand of preemptive multitaking, that worse case, Windows should just slow down, but now freeze like I see it do. It is like it gets taken over by one program or stuck on one task? I am not jsut referring to this computer, I have seen this on about every Windows XP machine I have used in the past few years.

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IE7 Flashes From Time To Time

Nov 13, 2006

I'm new to forumz with a question about IE7 that I use. From time to time the interface flashes and I can't seen to get it to stop or know what's causing it. I use spysweeper and norton IS-2005. Been using this combo since '05, but this problen started only 3months ago.

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Shutdown Won't Appear - Log Off Only

Jul 27, 2005

I had a liitle problem with XP PC connected to Win2003 server standard edition. A user can log on successfully to a workstation, but when they tried to shutdown the PC, they only found an option to log off the Windows (no shutdown, no stand-by options) - but if an admin login on the same workstation, the shutdown options surely will come up

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Comes Up With Rundll32.exe After Shutdown?

Jul 31, 2009

When I shut the system down and box pops up and says rundll32.exe has encountered an error and it ask's me to 'end now' or 'exit'. If I 'exit' nothing will happen and the system will not shut down so I have to select 'end now'.

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Cmd.exe Shutdown Command

Aug 9, 2005

Every time I start up windows cmd.exe opens up and the command to shut down is made and it shuts down. I have temporarily solved this problem by renaming cmd.exe just to another name of cmg.exe so that it cannot be opened but I do run batch programs so have to keep changing the name when required. Any suggestions would be helpful as to sort this out.

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How To Shutdown Messenger?

Jul 10, 2010

Don't see where to shutdown Windows Messenger on WIndows XP (Adobe Flash uninstall requires it).Nothing appears in the Task Tray. Where do I look?

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Sp2 - Iexplore.exe Won't Shutdown - Won't End

Oct 5, 2007

for quite awhile now both my computers but they seem to work pretty good although alittle slow. but when you go to shut them down, both of them a box comes up and says ending program where you can wait for it to end the program or you can click on end now. well it doesn't matter which you do most of the time the computer won't shut down. it just keeps going back to the end program box. It is always this program--iexplore.exe always that one. One time I looked into the task manager and it had like 5 or 6 of the iexplore.exe in the application part. anyway it is getting quite annoying. I ran asquared when this was happening and it caught what it said was a trojan (didn't write it down) I deleted it and it seemed to work for awhile. But now it is back to the same ole thing. Can someone enlighten me on what might be wrong? It is on both of my computers.

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SP2-won't Shutdown Always Has Iexplorer.exe

Oct 5, 2007

for quite awhile now both my computers but they seem to work pretty good although alittle slow. but when you go to shut them down, both of them a box comes up and says ending program where you can wait for it to end the program or you can click on end now. well it doesn't matter which you do most of the time the computer won't shut down. it just keeps going back to the end program box. It is always this program--iexplore.exe always that one. One time I looked into the task manager and it had like 5 or 6 of the iexplore.exe in the application part. anyway it is getting quite annoying. I ran asquared when this was happening and it caught what it said was a trojan (didn't write it down) I deleted it and it seemed to work for awhile. But now it is back to the same ole thing. Can someone enlighten me on what might be wrong? It is on both of my computers.

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Run Command At Shutdown

Aug 19, 2005

Is there any native way to automatically run a command such as a batch file at shutdown?

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Pc Cannot Shutdown Automatically

Apr 17, 2005

I can not shutdown my pc automatic(manual only)?

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Getting The NT Authority Shutdown

May 2, 2005

I keep getting the NT Authority shutdown every now and again (maybe every three days or so), but I do not have any viruses, worms, trojans, etc, that I can find. Secondly, when I reboot the pc it comes to the wallpaper but wont go any further, I have to reboot three times or more before it works. the pc keeps dropping the broadband connection, then immediately saying it cant reconnect as the modem is in use, and I have to reboot before I can connect again. I cant find how the modem is in use. Also, random programs tend to crash now and again, and when I click to submit the report and get more information, it tells me microsoft cannot determine the cause of the crash. It isnt any particular program or any particular task/time.

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Won't Shutdown - Cannot Restore

Oct 17, 2006

My computer stops responding at "Windows is shutting down" so i have to shut it off manually which also means it will not reboot automatically which means I have not been able to do a restore. Any help!

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PC Won't Shutdown - Nor Restart

Apr 17, 2007

My PC won't shutdown through Windows (nor will it 'Restart' through Windows).

I'm suspecting that it's some sort of dll error

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Won't Release IP On Shutdown

May 1, 2007

I am not totally sure this is an XP issue or a laptop issue. At my workplace we have about 25 laptops that all go home for the evenings with the users. The users who go home and connect to their routers they given at IP (DHCP) and everything is fine. When they shutdown the laptop and bring it to work the next morning the laptop acts as if it never left the previous network and tried to keep the same IP, causing conflicts on our network. If you disconnect from the network at home, shutdown, then come to work it works fine

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Won't Shutdown - Keeps Restarting

Sep 6, 2010

i try to shutdown my system.turned off but keeps restarting.my system details:

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