Wininet.dll Not Found - Reinstalling The Application

Jul 17, 2005

I am not on the PC that is having the problems. Here's the story - I turn on the PC, the first screen appears where I select a user.No matter what user I select it get "this application has failed to start because wininet.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix the problem.

I click on ok several times and eventually get to a screen that only shows my wallpaper. I can get to the task manager window but nothing else. I called dell and spent 2 hours getting nowhere

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Error Pops Up - Application Not Found

May 17, 2008

After having the comp for a week or so (got it from a friend for cheap, in perfect condition) any time i try opening a program such as Word, the Open With screens pops up, and i have to find the program manually and open it. when try to open anything in the control panal, such as add/remove programs, an error pops up that reads:

Application not found

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Application Has Failed St Start / Netpwldryv.dll Was Not Found

Dec 4, 2009

This just started tonite. "The application has failed st start because netpwldryv.dll was not found. Reinstall may fix... I don't want to reinstall, lose to much, what else can I do?

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Application Failed To Start Because Msvcp71.dll Was Not Found

Jun 29, 2010

Wont open for video and how come tell me you can explain me bout this application has failed to start because msvcp71.dll was not found. re-installing the applacation may fix this problem?

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Oledlg.dll Not Found - Application Has Failed To Start

Oct 22, 2007

I've got serious problems. I've just started getting the error message...

This application has failed to start because oledlg.dll was not found. Re-installing the application my fix this problem

when I try to load certain programs (ZipGenius, ExplorerXP & GOM player to mention just 3). I re-installed all 3 but I still get the problem. I also get the same error when try to run a lot of my system security/registry fix programs

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Framedyn.dll Was Not Found - Application Has Failed To Start

Dec 12, 2007

I started getting an error message "Application has failed to start because Framedyn.dll was not found". I found a place on the internet where I could download DLL files. I downloaded the file and followed there instructions which were. Save file to the directory that is requesting the file. If that doesn't work save it to your system directory C:windowssystem32. I saved it in the system directory wasn't sure exactly which directory was requesting it. Reboot the computer. If the problem still occurs, try the following: Press start then Run, Type CDM and press enter, Type regsvr32 framedyn.dll and press enter. I did this and ow I am getting an error message

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MSCTF.dll Not Found - Application Failed To Start

Nov 4, 2008

I am getting an error message when I first start up my computer. It reads "this application failed to start becasue MSCTF.dll not found" or something like that. also, I recently bought a new wireless printer and when I try to install it, my computer won't allow it---giving some sort of error message that the same MSCTF.dll not found. am i missing some drivers??

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CC App.exe / Unable To Locate Component / Application Failed To Start / MAPI32.dll Was Not Found

Jul 4, 2006

The other day my PC started shutting down and restarting for no apparent reason. I have added no new programs or hardware. Then a couple of hours later it started behaving normally even though I did nothing.Now each time I turn it on, it starts normally except that I get the following message: "CC App.exe -- Unable to locate component This application has failed to start because MAPI32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." What or where is this component and how do I re-install it?

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Wininet.dll Causing Outlook 2003 - IE Crash

Dec 9, 2005

Outlook 2003 has been crashing on me, sometimes immediately, sometimes after a few minutes, sometimes when I try to drag a message to a folder... I get the "has encounterd an error and needs to close" popup, and can't do anything with the program, so I hit send report. If I have "restart Outlook 2003" checked, it crashes again immediatly upon opening, if I don't, and wait a little while to open it again, it will open, and download my mail, but then as soon as I try to do something, like delete an email or something, it crashes again. IE "soft-crashes" almost immediately every time I open the browser - by this I mean, I get the "has encountered an error and needs to close" popup, but I found that if i just drag the box down to the bottom off the screen, I can continue to browse just fine.

The details of the error report from the crash popup for explorer are:
AppName: iexplore.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 ModName: wininet.dll
ModVer: 6.0.2900.2753 Offset: 0001b810

technical details won't let me copy & paste it here. I found the administrative tools place to view events, this is what I see for the IE crashes: Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180, faulting module wininet.dll, version 6.0.2900.2753, fault address 0x0001b810.............

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Reinstalling / Reinstalling Office 2002

Jul 26, 2006

I want to reinstall Window XP on my computer. I have Microsoft office 2002 installed, but I don't have the installation CD.How can I reinstall Microsoft office after I reinstall Windows XP without the CD?

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"wininet.dll", Getting Error Messages

Oct 3, 2005

error messages saying that I need "wininet.dll" intalled...I get these messages when I try to operate Spy-bot, Adware, and MSN...and they even pop up when I'm browsing around on the internet. I can't access any of the above mentioned programs...they say access is denied or they just terminate before they even start up. The last time that I saw this "wininet.dll" is when it poped up on Spy-bot as a virus...or so I thought...I moved it to the "virus vault" of Spy-bot and then all the above mentioned problems started to happen.

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Explorer Error/ Wininet.dll Error /0x00003b95

Mar 10, 2008

I am experiencing an annoying and persistent problem with Windows explorer errors.
Almost every time I download a word or pdf attachment from email ( I use yahoo) or when i try simply to open a MS file (.txt, .exe....) my PC freezes, generates an error and 50% of the time I need to manually reboot it is the error message I get:Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.3156, faulting module wininet.dll, version 6.0.2900.2180, fault address 0x00003b95.I've tried to perform some cleaning without being able to spot the source of the issue.....Awaiting your help I wish you a nice evening or afternoon...that may differ

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Virus Found - The Folder It Was Found - Cannot Delete It

Dec 9, 2008

it found the virus on the F hdd which u guys know its not the main one was(virus) found on a folder i can't even see i have the "show hidden folders" on so why can't i see those folders ? i am more worried about that than the virus since my software found it im okay with it lol but i just reinstalled my os and i get a virus found on a folder i didn't know xcisted wtfuge ! ! and i have folder that are just named kinda like this "5e56dc46768be0474974c759ab4690" on some hdd any ideas? oh and i can't erase them why?

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Trojan Found But Anti Virus Found Nothing

Feb 12, 2006

I did a free scan Xoft SpySE and it says that i have a Trojan/CWS Combo I ran my Macfee anti virus and it has found nothing therefore what do I do?

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26 New Folders - All Named FOUND.000 Thru FOUND.026?

Apr 23, 2006

Out of nowhere in the C drive come these folders. They are named FOUND.000 on up through FOUND.025. Inside the folders are various numbers of files that are named in this way FILE0000.CHK, FILE0001.CHK, FILE0002.CHK. what are they and what should I do?

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Reinstalling Xp

Apr 22, 2007

I just want to know how I can wipe everything out on a computer and install XP? I tried with the XP cd and it gave me all these options that I don't understand.So, I finally just put the cd in and installed. Then I had problems connecting with a cable modem (yellow exclamation marks). I don't think I did it right to begin with anyway because it was asking me where on the drive to install. I'd like to just wipe EVERYTHING out and then reinstall.

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XP Wants To Keep Reinstalling

Jul 28, 2007

I had a problem with an XP SP2 installation so I ran the repair utility from the install Windows option second page where you have the choice to install over the existing version or do a repair R. I chose repair. Every thing goes through and then through again and then through again - it keeps reinstalling XP. I've tried taking the CD out but then I get the XP splash screen and a message that I need to complete the install.

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Need To Keep Reinstalling

Aug 5, 2009

I built a new PC a few months ago. It is running 32bit XP Pro, I have a RAID 0 which my OS and Programs are on, a RAID 1 that my files/data are kept on, and a backup HD that I just keep whacking backups over to. The problem started a few weeks ago, when Adobe Acrobat started having weird launch problems, to the point where I ended up deleting it, as the only part of Creative Suite CS4 that I don't really use as of now. I can't 100% remember the error, as figured I'd come back to it at a later date.

Next thing to happen, a week or so later, was that iTunes stops working after every turn off / turn on, or restart. i.e. iTunes is set up, all updated and working fine, until I turn my computer off. When I turn it back on again it hunts for some setup file, then says it can't find it, and refuses to open. I have to delete iTunes via Add/Remove, then install it again. At this point, on first opening it, all my music and settings are there fine, but once it's been turned off again same problem. This is a real pain in the *** even more so than usual as I have an iPhone now, so backing up is taking a while each week.Finally (I think), Office is doing a similar thing - it has been installed since first building the PC and working fine, but now each time I open any Office program after a restart it goes through some stage of installation again, and asks me to to activate it over the internet, yet again.

I don't think I've installed any new programs, bar program updates, and it just suddenly happened over a couple of weeks. It was working fine for a few months beforehand.I am relatively PC aware, but a long long way from expert, so have no idea where this problem is coming from - which has made Googling it impossible! It's like it forgets all its setup info at startup or shutdown, and has to start over again. NB, my AVG anti-virus is up to date and running Malware Bytes shows a clean system. Oh, that reminds me, I also had to turn off XP monitoring of my anti-virus, as around the same point as all this started XP started telling me it wasn't turned on or up to date, but it was running perfectly.

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Reinstalling Winpro SP2?

Aug 13, 2008

Except for functions I hosed by changing settings, my year old Dell PC works and even sends e-mail and surfs. However, I must rebuild. I got the UBCD4WIN set, but have no way to build a CD. I have another computer but it is Win XP Home and doesn't have a CD burner.SO, my intention is to use the Reinstallation disk Dell supplied with my computer, and I'm wondering what to do to prepare for that. Our computers are connected to the internet via satellite. The XP Pro Home computer is primary, connected with a wired router. My machine I'm going to repair is then using a WIRELESS router.My question is whether or not I need to remove the wireless router before using the Reinstallation disk.

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PC And Ended Up Reinstalling The XP OS

Feb 12, 2008

I recently had a problem with my PC and ended up reinstalling the XP OS.
The pc is now up and running however obviously the programs that were previously installed are not in the new install of XP.I installed the replacement OS in to a different directly so I would not over right anything. ( I installed on to C:NEWWIN ) My question (s) is the relationship between the PROGRAM files directory the working XP windows directory NEWWIN and original XP windows directory WINDOWS.
In the PROGRAM files directory are the files/folders of the ?missing? applications.
Is there any way I can get these application re-installed /"linked" to the working XP OS ? I have tried to inveisgate these folders however when I attempt to launch a missing appliacation I get various erros which basically mean it is not installed.

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Reinstalling Without Disk?

Mar 2, 2005

Is it possible to reinstall Windows XP if I don't have the installation disk? Is there a way to create this?

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Replacing MB And Reinstalling XP?

Sep 24, 2005

I built a system, installed an OEM copy of Win XP Home.The MB is defective no audio production, cheapy MB, anyway.Will I be able to replace the MB with a different - and better - brand and reinstall the OS?

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Reinstalling And Reformatting XP

Aug 5, 2009

I read somewhere that everytime you reinstall and reformat Windows XP, you lose some space on the hardrive. I am just curious if this is true or not.

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Reinstalling OS With Old Product Key

Nov 13, 2006

The sellers I've been talking to tell me that the little sticker they include with the case is the product code necessary to use XP Pro. Is this the actual product key that I use when installing XP pro? I realize that Microsoft is now using an online product registration for XP, and I'm ok with that, since I'm buying the license with the machine.

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Reinstalling - Can't Booting From CD

Sep 7, 2005

I am trying to get rid of an installed XP Pro bootleg software and reinstalling a new copy of Windows XP Pro. I cannot seem to get my computer to boot from one of my CDs. The bios has ATPI CD as the primare boot witht he hard drive secondary and the 3.5 drive as third. My TDK RW drive is master and I have a Memorex as a slave. Is there another way to accomplish what I need to do?

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Can I Re-partition Without Reinstalling XP?

Feb 15, 2008

Since installing XP on my old desktop (Cyrix 233MHz based and not much RAM) it has become slow and gradually got slower and slower until it is now almost unusable.I have never been a fan of defragging and when I rebuilt this PC I didn't partition my drives, so defragging would be time - consuming. Although I am careful to ensure temporary files, etc. get purged I suppose that the inevitable writing / rewriting of the swap file, etc. has probably caused a lot of fragmentation.Can I re-partition the drives (I have two physical drives) and create separate partitions for the swap file, temporary files, programs, the OS and my data without having to re-install WinXP?

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No Sound - 3d After Reinstalling OS

Aug 26, 2006

I had to erase my hard drive and reinstall windows(with the help of Gateway tech support), and now I have no sound. Tried the troubleshooter, to no avail. Says devices are working properly, but volume control is disabled because there is no audio device installed. Also have no screensaver; no 3d device either. Need these things for the classes I'm taking online.

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Reinstalling But Wants To Keep Files?

Aug 3, 2004

On an earlier post i had posted a problem that i had gotten. It had appeared that the computer installed a corrupted Service Pack 1 or something. I was wondering if there was anyway to return the system to its default settings w/o having to erase everythign in the harddrive as there is important files on the computer.

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Formatting And Reinstalling XP

Aug 26, 2008

I've backed up everything I need (tell me if something's missing: personal notes, favorites, saved games, personal projects, software settings, software and games installations, music)Now it's time to format and install.I've read a guide about how to install XP.And I honestly don't know what comes after that.Drivers? Which drivers? Windows update? Internet connection? DX? Can you list the actions needed to be done after installing XP, sorted chronologically?

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Keeps Reinstalling Same Updates With Each Shutdown?

Aug 30, 2008

For several months now Windows XP keeps reinstalling the same eleven updates each time I shut down.

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After Reinstalling - Cant Connect To Internet

Mar 13, 2008

I was forced to reinstall windows today as my windows files were corrupted for the second time in two months. Now that I have windows on a fresh install i'm having some device problems. I can't connect to the internet or network b/c my computer is not recognizing my network card (among several other devices) in my device manager. How do i get it to recognize it? i can search for drivers on my other comp but I dont know what network card i have.

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