Running Until Automatically Installed 8 Updates Before Shutting Down

Jun 6, 2008

I have a Dell Dimension 4700 with Windows XP. It was running fine until last night, when it automatically installed 8 updates before shutting down. This morning, there is a problem. I turn on the computer. It works fine for about 2 minutes, then slows down and won't respond for at least 20 seconds to anything. The fan is running loud as though it is "thinking" about something or working really hard even though I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary. If I want to shut down, I have to do it manually. Then, when I restart, it works for 2 minutes and slows again. In those first 2 minutes, I tried checking my email, using a couple programs, etc. and they work fine until it decides to slow down. I have restarted it about 5 times with the same results every time.

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Installed Fresh Copy Of OS: Computer Shutting Down Automatically?

Aug 27, 2008

Regularly played games are running slower than usual, have had one crash from, apparently, being too stressful on the machine (CTD).Sometimes it holds steady and plays well enough... Battlefield 2 is where I notice the significant performance loss and where I benchmark my machine.Think I am missing a driver? Can I find out what driver I am missing? Device Manager doesn't show anything to the contrary. I've installed drivers from the MSI site(4in1 setup), ati/amd drivers for video card, netgear lan drivers.

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How To Prevent Updates Being Installed Automatically?

Sep 14, 2005

I have Win XP Pro. How do I prevent updates being installed automatically?

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Keeps Shutting Down Automatically

Dec 10, 2004

I'm having this problem where my computer keeps shuting down (automatically) when I log in, right when the applications are loading. The message that popped up varied quite a few times, when of the messages I've seen the most is: "imjpmig.exe-dll initiation failed" and "the application is shutting down".Also, how do you change your BIOS (I'm so used to Win ME) with XP? Which button do you press and when do you press it?

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System Locking Up And Shutting Off Automatically

Nov 12, 2006

I am running Windows 2000 and computer is starting to lock up and turn off automatically.

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Unable To Remove Viruses / Antivirus Programs Shutting Down Automatically?

Sep 1, 2009

It got infected with Windows Police Pro. After disabling that, there are several 'remnants' left over. The only way I can run any spyware/malware removal programs is to install it fresh. The program(s) will open, then it'll shut down 2 seconds into the scan. It even shuts down my registry cleaner as soon as it begins to clean (after it finds all the errors). All these programs simply terminate themselves. It does this in SafeMode as well.

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Installed Updates: Reboot / Showing Same Updates?

Aug 31, 2005

I click on install, they install, I reboot - then, hey presto, they're back again!! I know the easy way is to turn off automatic updates - but, surely, there's a way around this?

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Updates Dont Seem To Install On Shutting Down The Computer

Sep 30, 2006

Everytime i shutdown my computer i get the message "Please turn off your computer to install updates" i turn the PC off and the updates don't seem to install as the message is there the next time

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Running WinXP Pro SP2 On A Dell Optiplex - SHUTTING DOWN

Mar 2, 2008

I have trouble getting it to stop. I'm running WinXP Pro SP2 on a Dell Optiplex. About 50% of the time, when I want to shut down, I get past the "Saving your settings" screen, to "Windows is shutting down". And that's as far as it goes. I then have to manually turn off the computer. It doesn't matter whether I've selected "Shut Down" or "Restart". The other 50% of the time it shuts down like it's supposed to.

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Updates 76 Files Downloaded - Don't Install Automatically

Jul 23, 2007

I did an in-place repair of XP MCE 2003. I had previously installed all MS security fixes and updates, the list in my "installed programs" showed about 70 or 80 updates. The in-place repair gave me an unscrambled registry, and an unpatched XP install, without touching my installed programs or data. A good thing, overall, it fixed my major problem.

I immediately went to get all the updates -- 76 of them downloaded. I don't let Updater install automatically -- I get all the updates, but decide which to install because I got a bad version of IE7 that took me a long time to delete and recover from, but I installed ALL security updates. I generally use FireFox, so I didn't view IE7 as a security update. Anyway, it installed one or two updates, and then said the rest could not be installed....

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Automatically Install Updates - Installer Won't Stop

Jul 17, 2009

I use earthlink DSL and the offered a clean up system for free (PC finetune) so I tried it because my computer was a little slow. Well, after installing and rebooting up dates came up. I let in automatically install updates. I know 'stupid'. I now have it set to notify me before installing. Anyway, one of the updates was some version on windows explorer. It is always attempting to Install. It doesn't say what what it is installing. I look on the internet and one told me how to find out what it is attempting to install. It came back as "3.1.400.5512" I'm think that is internet explorer 3.1 not sure. It slows my computer, won't let me go online because it interfers with the sign on window pop up.

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Receive Updates Automatically - Automatic Shut Down

Oct 31, 2008

I have my computer set to receive updates automatically. This usually happens as I shut down, when I have notification that updates are being downloaded and installed and the computer will shut itself off afterwards.All has been well until this week. I found that there were still 2 updates waiting for installation. I checked the little sheild and tried to download and install manually. I had a 'failed' notice.The two updates are - Microsoft excel 2003 KB955466 and Microsoft Outlook 2003 junk email filter KB957257.I am not too worried about these as I do not use Outlook, and rarely use excel. However, I do not know why they are failing.

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System Updates Install Automatically After Turned On

Sep 23, 2007

I am on a fresh clean install of Windows XP and Windows has already updated five times now. Windows is set for automatically download recommended updates and install them. I turned on my computer tonight and it downloading updates again for a total of six times now, when will it stop? I am starting to worrie here.

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Setup To Download Updates Automatically - Prompt To Install

Feb 12, 2007

My system is setup to download updates automatically, but prompt me to install them. I've downloaded a few updates (WMP, IE 7) but decided to install them at a later time. Well, I'd like to install them now, but the little yellow shield isnt in the system tray anymore. Is there a way to install them? I went to the microsoft website and the automatic scan says I have all of the most recent updates (yeah, I have them, but cant find them now).

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Installing Updates: "Some Updates Were Unable To Be Installed"?

May 19, 2010

When I run the install Windows updates, the updates do not install, and I receive the following message (not verbatim, but close):"Some updates were unable to be installed..."This problem "came out of no where" and there has been no suspicious activity prior to it starting other than an IE7 redirect rootkit that NeonFx helped me remove (if I recall correctly an infection of agp440).

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Recieve Automatic Updates - Service Pack 3 Automatically Install?

Sep 12, 2008

I have windows XP professional and recieve automatic updates on my computer on a regular basis. Does service pack 3 automatically install? I receive a yellow shield on my task bar informing me that updates are ready to install, I click the update button and it tells me to install service pack 3. I try the install and when I get to the halfway point of Performing Inventory I receive an error message: Service pack 3 could not back up registry value....ABORT-RETRY-IGNORE. no matter what button I select the results are the same Failed to Install.

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IE 6 Updates- Not Able To Be Installed

Aug 24, 2008

I recently had a corrupt file and ended up doing a full repair of XP-home. That wiped out IE7-- replacing it with IE-6. I had some trouble downloading updates so replaced IE-7---- Now almost everything works fine. The exception is that I get notified that "Updates Are ready for your computer-- Click here to install these updates". I click on it and it looks like the updates are being installed-- just to be notified that "These updates were not able to be installed" (Words close to that). A few seconds later I am informed that "Updates are Ready for your computer" And the cycle continues. I have tried "Custom" (my normal way of doing them) and "Express" (in frustration)--- all to no avail.

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Updates Could Not Be Installed?

Nov 17, 2009

Security Update for Windows Media Format Runtime 9, 9.5 & 11 for Windows XP SP 3 (KB968816).I have tried over and over without success to perform this *crucial* update. At first there were several items failing to be updated but as I did them individually, this one seems to be the trouble source.I install using automatic updates, express and manual, with no luck. So then I head over to the microsoft download website and try installing from there, but still no luck. My little yellow exclamation point shield has camped out permanently on my task bar, and Microsoft seems to think this update is critical to the safety & performance of my pc. I am running Windows xp, (idk what version, don't think it's pro) and any other information you need I will get to you if you would just talk me through how to do that.

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Updates Cannot Be Installed Error

Nov 10, 2007

I have a genuine XP pro system (Laptop) , already WGA verified. The problem is since 3 days I cannot install updates. Automatic updates are being downloaded there are altogether 76 updates to be installed, windows is downloading them after initializing them it takes 30 sec and it says the following updates(the 76 updates) cannot be installed. The updates were working fine before. Please look at the screenshot. Another reason could be I have recently changed my drive name from C to Z then switched it back to C. All the programs are working fine except the 'updates cannot be installed error'.

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Updates Couldn't Installed

Mar 17, 2008

I see that there are updates that need to be installed. So I click the balloon to install them. It tries to install them but then says some updates couldn't be installed. What do I do?

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Download Updates Were Not Installed

Nov 6, 2005

Whenever I attempt to download and install the updates when alerted by that little window that pops up, I get a large window saying these updates were NOT installed, and then it lists a list of about 15-20 updates.

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Too Many Program Startup Groups Running Automatically?

Nov 3, 2006

Computer is all of a sudden very slow. When I did a computer check for information regarding software, I found that many strange software files run automatically at startup. When I checked "msconfig", I only found 24 programs starting at startup which were normal. How do I eliminate these strange files. I don't know which one of these are necessary and I don't know how to eliminate them. They appear as "unknown". One example of a startup file is "zipfldr". There are pages of other ones.

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Updates Won't Install - Service 3 Is Installed

Jun 15, 2008

I took my brand new Dell Inspiron 530 Windows XP Professional Quad Core Q6600 out of the box on May 30 directed Windows Updates to download and install updates immediately.

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My PC Slows Down: Normal Updates Are Being Installed?

Sep 30, 2010

My computer slows down to a point that I cannot use it at all. The problem started last Sunday, right after I uploaded pictures I also noticed that sometimes after the computer comes back to normal updates are being installed. Before Sunday my PC was running just fine. Neither virus nor Malware was found.

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Installed Windows Secrurity Updates

Dec 12, 2005

after having installed the windows secrurity updates and the windows xp hot fixes, can i uninstall the old ones because i just updated my computer and my computer is lagging a LOT and i think its because of the old updates (i have at least 10 old updates for each hotfix and security update)

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Restore Points - Updates Are Installed

Sep 19, 2006

My System Restore has 3 basic kinds of restore points it creates. 1. It creates a RP when new software or Windows Updates are installed.2. It creates a RP when I tell it to make one manually.3. Then there are System Checkpoints it makes seemingly on it's own with no trigger I can find.It is the third kind I'm curious about. What are these System Checkpoints, and why are they created, and is there any way to regulate when they take place? I know people who have none of these Checkpoints. I know people who have one every several weeks. And I know people who have nearly one per day created. What regulates when these auto checkpoints are created?

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Updates Were Unable To Be Successfully Installed

Dec 17, 2006

I have been having this issue for quite some time now, haven't been able to install any updates. Its getting rather annoying. Heres a link to what i see everytime i try to install something via windows update.Theres the whole list but it doesn't matter, no matter what i try to install from Windows update, it wont install

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Getting Security Updates Installed On System Without Going On Web?

Dec 6, 2008

How can i know that i have all security updates in my computer without going to microsoft web? Is there any free tool that can allow me to know the updates that i need?

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Installed Updates Results In Asking For Activation?

Jul 23, 2005

When I installed the upgrade, I was prompted to activate the software. I've never seen anything like that on any other software, so I looked at the manual before selecting yes and discovered that activation is required to insure that the software is installed on only one computer. I purchased the package from a guy whose computer died. He bought a new computer with XP already installed,so he no longer needed the upgrade package.When I try to activate the software what is going to happen?

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Computer Running Extremely Slow / Shut Down Automatically?

Apr 20, 2006

comp is running very slow... he signs in and gets kicked out and computer shuts down sometimes.

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An Unspecified Error / Chkdsk Starts Running Automatically

Jun 26, 2005

Recently when my computer boots, chkdsk starts running automatically. Thats ok. It does step 1 0f 3, great, does 2 of 3, however when it is doing step 3 of 3 its freezes at some percent over 50% and gives the following error:

"An Unspecified error has occured"

NOw everytime i reeboot my computer chkdsk runs and the same error occurs. I need chksdsk to complete its check because i dont want chkdsk to run at the beggining of every reboot it takes to long.

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