Program Must Be Run Under Win32

Oct 12, 2010

So I'm trying to run doom on my laptop with win xp through dosbox, and when i command dosbox to run my launcher for it, it says "this program must be run under Win32". what does this mean, and how do I fix it so I can run my game?

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Program Not A Valid Win32 Application

Jul 23, 2008

I'm troubleshooting a Windows XP (SP2) eMachine (with a fresh OS install on a new hard drive - no original eMachine software remains on the system) and I've never encountered such a persistent problem: certain applications (Fruit Loops, Adobe Acrobat Reader, among others) run fine after installation, but after a reboot they will not run. Their shortcuts, as well as the actual program executables, lose their original icons and are mysteriously changed to the generic window icon (the one Windows will use for a file type is doesn't recognize.) When I try to run these programs, using the desktop shortcut OR the actual executable, I get the error dialog box: "This program is not a valid Win32 application." This happens to several applications, while others (Pro Tools, Acid) remain unaffected and can be executed w/o any problem.

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Close The Program Generic Host Process For Win32 Services - Automatically Comes

Feb 28, 2005

I have Windows XP Home Edition and lately I've been getting a pop-up everytime I start up my computer that reads:To help protect your computer, Windows has closed this program Generic Host Process for Win32 Services. click ok, send an error report once, then have to do battle with this pop-up -- clicking ok and closing it at least five more times before I can finally access my desktop. Then it takes forever for IE to load. Do I have spyware on my computer again????

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No A Valid Win32 Application

Feb 4, 2006

I downloaded it ran it and rebooted but I am still having the same issue. I am trying to install a program and still get This is not a valid win32 application. All the EXE Icons look like the old MS Dos Icon's. I am currently scanning the machine but am most of the way through and no viruses have been found.

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Valid Win32 Application

Feb 17, 2005

This is my first post so I'm likely to appear stupid. I'm of average computer competence but love the things. Short story is this:I have an accounting program in which I have data files for each year of my business. These have been successfully backed up for years on CD and now JumpDrive, and stored on the desktop with a shortcut for easy access.I downloaded and installed SP2. Now when trying to open a file, I get the message C:XXXXXXXXX is not a valid Win32 application. It always was before so what changed?I cannot back up my current files because that is the name I've always used. The computer doesn't recognize the name as valid so I have no security. An ancillary problem is that years ago, my adorable husband somehow associated my old data file to be opened with MusicMatch. (We don't even discuss this.) I managed a workaround so that I got the files to open with their program application even though I could never change the icon from MusciMatch. No harm no foul. No longer. Post SP2, the danged thing went back to opening MusicMatch, ignoring my old workaround. Messing with it for hours got it to where I'm now getting the invalid file messagel.

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D: Is Not A Valid Win32 Application

Apr 19, 2010

Error comes up saying that D: is not a valid win32 application .

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C:is Not A Valid Win32 Application

Mar 4, 2007

I cannot access the C drive, get the above error message. Also, when doing a right click "OPEN" and "EXPLORE" are not written correcly, I can only see some weird characters. Could it be a virus?

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Cmd.exe Not Valid Win32 Application

Aug 28, 2005

Trying to open the command prompt in XP and all I get is "c:windowssystem32cmd.exe is not a valid win32 application".

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Virus - Trojan-Downloader.Win32

Jan 8, 2007

Following my post saying i cannot change my wallpaper i have founr out that i have "Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.uj" in stalled on my PC. I am unsure how to remove this. All i know is that it collects my personal data. Can someone please let me know how to remove this from my computer Below if my HJT log

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Software Bundler:Win32 / Kazaa?

May 11, 2007

Can you tell me with this SoftwareBundler problem. I've tried everything, and it just keeps showing up on my 'Windows Defender' warning, everytime I boot up. Recently, I downloaded three P2P programes, but have now un-installed them. So it looks as though one of those P2P has caused this softwareBundler?

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Infected With Win32 - Virut Virus

Jan 23, 2008

my system is been infected with virus win32 virut most of them occured in my .exe files... i tried to reformat and install win xp pro but its all the same avast detected the virus and i tried to moved them to vault or chest but after that i can't open the programs like explorer, run, add and remove and so on.

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Regedit Is Not A Valid Win32 Application

Feb 14, 2007

I'm trying to run Regedit. I type REGEDIT and I get an error message saying "Regedit is not a valid Win32 application"It runs msconfig and sfc /scannow but not regedit. It did before. The only thing I have done differently is install more ram today.

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Error - Not A Valid Win32 Application

Feb 17, 2005

I have an accounting program in which I have data files for each year of my business. These have been successfully backed up for years on CD and now JumpDrive, and stored on the desktop with a shortcut for easy access. I downloaded and installed SP2. Now when trying to open a file, I get the message C:XXXXXXXXX is not a valid Win32 application. It always was before so what changed?I cannot back up my current files because that is the name I've always used. The computer doesn't recognize the name as valid so I have no security.

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Message - Not A Valid Win32 Application

Feb 26, 2008

Every time I try to update a programme I get this message, I notice it says IE5, I'm using IE6 if that makes any difference to the error report.

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Installed By Sp3 / Not Valid A Win32 Application

Feb 11, 2010

I have been installed by windows xp sp3 after intallation all program work after i have reboot a dialog box appear that says explorer exe is not a valid win32 application and some of program was like this and windows file protection always appear.

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C:downloadsdisk1setup.exe Is Not A Valid Win32 Application

Aug 12, 2005

I have Windows XP on my machine and I downloaded Oracle 9.0.2 from Oracle website and when I unzip the files and click on Setup.exe, I get the message c:downloadsdisk1setup.exe is not a valid Win32
application. I did complete virusscan, rebooted the machine, tried to unzip the
files into a different folder and everytime I am getting the same message.

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Compatible Not A Valid Win32 Application

May 5, 2008

I have downloaded several programs which state they are compatible with Windows XP. However, when I try to open them, I get an error stating they are not valid win32 applications.

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Computer Have Not A Valid Win32 Application

Apr 12, 2005

I friend of mine bought a new HP 6210 all-in-one. When I went to install the software for it I got this error message "%1 is not a valid Win32 application". I have researched this error and as far as I can figure it applies only to windows 2000 server and pro. He is running XP Pro. any suggestions on a fix to get this all-in-one working?

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Null Is Not A Valid Win32 Application

Mar 13, 2007

My Computer is on XPSP2 and Office2003,the promlem is that (null) is not a valid win32 application when try to open any office appliactions, Mozilla firefox. My PC has restore points but when try to restore, process the request and finally reply "Restoration Process Incomplete" or restoration fail.

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Heck This C: Is Not A Valid Win32 Application

Feb 21, 2008

I am having trouble accessing some programs. My anti-virus prog, My SpyBot Searech and Destroy and now another Anti Virus prog I just bought and downloaded. After installing and clicking finish I click the icon on the DT and get a message such and such program "is not a valid Win32 application My AV prog I had for 8 months just started doing this three days ago. Just tried EasyCleaner, no luck. Downloaded NoAware and ran it and it showed more crap and some Trojans and W32's , but I can't delete unless I but the registered prog for 49 bucks. Nortons on line virus scan did not show these Trojans or worms. Makes me skeptical of buying more. Some programs work and other don't. I tried System Restore not lick there either. I have been working on this for 2 days.

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Jpeg Ai Not A Valid Win32 Application

Mar 27, 2006

I have windows xp with internet explorer When i open my pictures and then right click on a picture and try to open it with photoshop i get this error message .jpeg is not a valid win32 application.I also have paintshop pro x and pictures will open with that.

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D:RunMe.exe Is Not A Valid Win32 Application

Feb 23, 2008

I'm out of ideas for this one so any help would be much appreciate. I'm trying to install a driving test program from CD ROM. The CD does not auto run, and when I double click the .exe I get the above message. I have taken the following action to no avail: The CD runs fine on another PC with windows 2000. other programs seem to install and run just fine.

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Can Delete Win32 Small Trojan

Aug 3, 2005

Can I delete this? Win32. small trojan

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Trojan Downloader Win32 Zlob

Feb 15, 2008

I have this trojandownloader:win32/Zlob and i cant delete it?

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Win32 Generic Host Process

Oct 15, 2006

Everytime I restart WinXP Home - I get this message: Generic Host Process for Win 32 Services has encountered a problem and needs to close.....

Error Report contains:
szAppName : svchost.exe szAppVer : 5.1.2600.2180 szModName : msi.dll
szModVer : 3.1.4000.2435 offset : 00012780

I have tried a system restore and that does not help. I have also found that I can now not see other computers on my network or even route to them. In addition Messenger Live will not log in any longer. They system could be messed up as I was shutting down last night it wanted to do some updates - I let it but this moring it still had the don't shut down screen on after 8 hours of sitting there I shut it down!

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Win32 ? Vundo!generic Virus Alert

Jul 30, 2007

having problem with win virus.I have windows xp and the specialist installed CA security for my anti-virus,anti-spam.

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DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5] : Win32/Mywife.E@mm Virus?

Sep 26, 2006

i have a hard disk that has been recently affected by Win32/Mywife.E@mm virus and all the .doc and xls files have been reduced to 1kb irispective of their initial sizes and when you open the files you get this error; DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5] I would like to recover the affected files to their original state, i have searched the internet over and no one seems to have the solution documented currently i am trying to download QuickView Plus (Version 8), i have tried all aplications i can come across, including recover my files, winhex, get data back for ntfs, and r-studio.

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Giving Me Tis Message - Not A Valid Win32 Application

Aug 7, 2005

I have downloaded an application from the internet and tried to run the setup however the program keeps giving me tis message: "Not a valid Win32 application". What is the matter? I have removed it and downloaded it again and it still doesn't help. How can i overcome this problem to install it?

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Generic Host Process Win32 Services

Aug 14, 2006

For the past several days I've started to get this error message while on line. Just after the error I can no longer send or receive anything email or browser.I can't even go off line. Restarting Windows is the only way to correct this situation. The problem occurs at random times but usually 30 minutes to an hour after I go on line.Attached is a snapshot of the actual error.

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Generic Host Service For Win32 Fails At Startup

Jul 13, 2008

So here's the deal: I try booting into windows one day, and I can't even get as far as the boot screen. Safe mode only results in a hard reboot, so I decided to run a repair install of windows XP. After doing this, several things started going wrong:
- At startup I receive a message "generic host service for win32 needs to close"
- Explorer's theme reverts to windows classic after a few minutes
- several key services are not running at startup, i.e windows audio, DCHP client
- at one point my audio randomly cut out and my screen began to fade to white, but the computer's been fine since, I just want some input before I decide to try running another repair install to see if there's any other way to remedy this situation.

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No Jit Debugger - Unhandled Win32 Exception Has Occurred In Programname.exe

Feb 28, 2007

I'm getting an error message at startup and when I run a couple of programs, An exception "unhandled win32 exception has occurred in programname.exe" However no debuggers are registered that can debug this exception. Unable to jet debug. I contacted Microsoft support who advise to do a repair install of xp, but I did this once before, on a different pc, and lost all the startmenu shortcuts to my installed programs, so am a bit loathe to do this, also as a test I created another administrative account and I don't get this issue. The simple solution (but not the most convenient) would be to use this other account, but is there another way around this?

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