How Could Get Rid Of Update.exe Trojan

Feb 11, 2007

Recently, my laptop was attacked by a trojan called update.exe. i think i got it from an open network in a hotel. I have tried many things to try to get rid of it, ive ran all the spyware programs i have and ive gone into my hard drive and tried to delete it manually as well. nothing works to get rid of it. does anybody know how i could get rid of update.exe?

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Cant Update Cant Scan - Trojan Horse

Sep 13, 2005

it seems that every year when norton internet security is nearing renewal our computer starts having major problems.

this year i delayed renewing til five days (sept. 10th) before expiration (sept. 15th).

1) the modem would dial up but only at 7kbps, 9kbps, but finally would get to a normal amount of kbps. a couple days later, all the settings for internet dial up were getting screwed up and upon correcting it all-they'd get screwed up again.

2) i called our internet's tech support a few times, followed their suggestions, finally being told that the modem most likely has gone bad. we have an old external modem, which i decided to hook up

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Trojan In Reg32.exe =trojan.low Zones: Wont Remove Virus?

Feb 11, 2005

I have of lot of trojans and can't seem to get rid of them I have ran Spy Bot,Avast,Ad-Aware,Stop Sign and found a 1 Trojan in reg32.exe =trojan.low zones
2 downloaded program files says: Trojan.downloader1097 3 System 32 sygate = Win32.HLLW.MyBot.based 4 Avenue Media Internet Optimizer Software Package = Possible spyware Application 5 Appropos Media People On Page Application = Possible Spyware

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Unable To Remove "" Trojan?

Apr 1, 2006

I have windows xp, i have avg antivirus and have run the tests in pc pitstop and done a regular search thru windows for the but can't locate it on my pc. My IE browser freezes everytime i go to a particular site and yet when i ask if anyone else has trouble with that site only a very few people say yes. The solution they give me is to download Mozilla and use it for that site. That doesn't protect me from the trojan completely infecting me does it? Can anyone tell me how to delete this trojan?

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Microsoft Service Pack 3 Update - Norton Can't Update Feature

Oct 13, 2008

i have an icon from microsoft.saids it has updates to install for microsoft office, update service pack 3.the only thing is it won't update.and the icon won't go away until it gets updated .plus norton keeps giving me a box saids norton can't update uninstall norton than my son did up my whole computer so i am afraid to really touch anything.

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Microsoft Update: Can't Install The ActiveX Update Required

Jan 3, 2009

"Install the ActiveX control required to view the website," but I don't get the bar saying to install it. None of the troubleshooting tips were relevant.

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Cant Update MSE Or Auto Update - Unable To Get Through To Microsoft Websit

Mar 4, 2010

After installing and running MSE I have been unable to update definitions either manually or automatically. At the same time I noticed that microsoft automatic updates are getting to around 28 percent and then stopping - not fully downloading or installing. I cannot get through to any microsoft websites now - but all other sites are fine. wuauserv and bits are missing from services also. Have I been sneakily virused by something which MSE hasnt picked up. I tried to run malicious software removal tool - it downloads alright but wont install - says its not a valid win32 application. I correctly downloaded the 32bit app. Can anyone shed some light on any of this. I dont want to rebuild again and again.

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Turning On Laptop Keeps Showing Update 3 Of 3 But Wont Update ?

Sep 1, 2010

wen i turn on my laptop it keeps goin on 3 of 3 updates but does not install updates .then turns of an repeats all over again .an wont recignise cd/reboot factory instalationhelp

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Formatted And Restored - Cant Update Using Update Features

Apr 7, 2005

I recently formated and restored windows to how it was when I bought it. Everything was ok except for updating using the Windows Update feature. I have it on, but when I go to the updating windows its not doing anything. Its suposte to scan, but its not scanning since it takes forever. On my other computer, it works in seconds.

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Upadte Won't Update Computer / Auto Update Is On?

Nov 23, 2006

My computer has automatic update on it but it hasent been updateing lately so i went to windows update and found all the new updates for my computer and clicked "install New Updates" and it went to the download screen and said "Error Download Failure"

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Uninstalling An Update Performed By Update Process?

Jul 19, 2005

I would like to know how to uninstall an update that was performed by Windows Update.The update itself was in the "Hardware, Optional" Type list (ie. not
the"High Priority"or the"Software,Optional" list)The update that was installed shows up in the History log correctly I believe that Microsoft incorrectly scanned the computer and assigned a hardware update that pertained to a different type of hardware ... specifically, the update pertained to an "IBM Thinkpad UltraNav Pointing Device" whereas the actual hardware is a Toshiba Satellite with a Synaptics Touchpad".

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.NET Framework SP1.1 Update Won't Install - Run Live Update

Jun 28, 2005

I have run live update and installed all updates OK except .NET Framework SP1.1 update.This will not install and there is no reason given why - it just says installation failed

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Update Tries To Update Trial Version Of Office

Aug 28, 2006

Windows Update keeps trying to update Office 2003.I have a trial version of Office 2003 that came with my computer.I do not want it at this time, but I may want it at some point in the future.I don't know if it can be hidden from the Windows update but if not, I am not sure how to fully get rid of it.
It has never been "installed."Windows update fails every time, of course, because it isn't now nor has it ever been installed.The biggest problem is that it keeps trying to apply the same updates over and over and over. It slows down the shutdown as it repeats the attempt(s) 3 times before each shutdown and also it keeps downloading the same and or other Windows Updates for Office 2003

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Update Icon Reappears In Systray After Update

Apr 21, 2009

I am using a Dell, Windows XP Professional laptop computer. It has a non- wireless connection to the internet via my LAN.Last week, the yellow update "shield" icon appeared in my systray and I updated Windows - the update was completed. Since then, the update shield icon has appeared in my systray four times. I installed the update each time, but it seems to have been the same update each time ("KB 967715"). If it is the same update each time, which it seems to be, why would the update "shield" appear in my systray four times within a week and a half to install the same update

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Update Redirecting To Mac Update Site

Dec 30, 2007

I have a hp laptop with winxp pro media center Edition service pack 2. Windows update keeps redirecting me to mac update site any ideals why it would be doing this?

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Update Keep Repeatedly Offering An Update

Apr 14, 2008

Windows update keeps asking to install kb949044 outlook junk e mail filter update. it says its is successful after installing. but a minute later its back. I have gone to windows update and looked at history and its says it installed good. but it keeps asking. I tried the windows update troubeshoot and downloaded update to desktop and installed it. but I get a message that says. Expected version of the product not found on system. outlook 2003 junk-e- mail filter. How can I get the filter back?

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Update Now Obsolete And Microsoft Update?

Aug 29, 2006

in my start menu -> all programs there is windows update and another called microsoft update. the icon for the windows update is the usual blue globe with the windows (4 colours emblem, its the one on your "start" button) and the icon for microsoft update is an image of a computer and an arrow pointing downwards.

in IE service pack 1, i clicked on the windows update on the tools tab on the menu bar. this loaded an empty page of the browser. this is the same when i click on windows update on the start menu -> all programs.
however when i click microsoft update, it takes me to the update page where i could download my service packs and 'express' and 'custom' installations. i traced the application which triggers the windows update and its from the system32 = wupdmgr.exe. i traced the application which triggers the microsoft update and its also from the system 32 = muweb.dll,LaunchMUSite. is the windows update now obsolete, unusable and just but a dead-end function. and is microsoft update now the site that replaces the what-used-to-be windows update?

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Unable To Update Using Microsoft Update

Mar 9, 2007

I use a toshiba satellite R/15 series and for some reason I have been unable to install any of the Windows updates that were downloaded on my computer. The installer just tries to install for about 5 minutes, is unable to, and then just says it is unable to be successfully installed.

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Update Constantly Reinstalling Update

Mar 20, 2007

I recently reformatted my laptop's hard drive. After reinstalling windows and all necessary drivers, my Windows Update is now always telling me I have updates ready to install. When I click on the icon in the taskbar, it starts installing. When it finishes, the icon goes away. However, 2 seconds later, the icon comes up again saying I have updates ready to install. The update I always need to install is MSXML 4.0 SP2 Security Update (925672) and MSXML 4.0 SP2 Security Update (KB927978).

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No Network Connectivity After 12/18 Update - IE 7 Update

Dec 18, 2008

I woke up this morning to my two XP machines now connecting to the internet or my network. The other Vista compueters are fine. I have tried to unistall the patch but no such luck.

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System Keeps Promting To Update After Update!

Sep 11, 2008

"Window found 1 update for your computer!" the little yellow shield with an exclamation mark keeps telling me....even after I've installed the update like 10 times now. Anyone know what could be the problem, and eventually how I could fix this?

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System Not Update From Update Page

Dec 9, 2004

Well, got a second computer for my wife and well, it is now not able to update windows at windowsupdate page. ERROR 1. pic ( screenshot )If I go to security center and attempt to update, I get ERROR 2 pic ( screenshot ) NOTE: computer had a bug/virus, but has since been cleaned but still not able to access this page nor allow me to change setting.NOTE 2: Auto updates is not listed in the services either.

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W32 Trojan

Jun 12, 2005

I was able to take it out with BART PE which I had to put into the cd drive and it would boot from the disk and it found the Trojan in the Windows Operating Boot File but when I deleated it I could not boot up after that! I tried to boot from safe mode and it would freeze after I would enter my password and then enter.
I had to restore the computer from a back up file I had but it is currently restored with the TROJAN AGAIN!

I am running:
5.1 (BUILD 2600.XPSP_SP2_GDR.050301-1519)
Workstation / NTFS / i386 /EXPLORER EXE

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Feb 10, 2005

Recently i was looking for a file to download and i ended up in a German site [i think] and it something popped up so i press "ok" thinking it was the file i needed. Suddenly, norton popped up and it said that i have a trojan virus and aunable to repair. I forgot the address but it ended with "assistanthelper[1]" Im not sure though.

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Trojan.vundo Won't Go

Jan 22, 2006

I've got the trojan.vundo virus. I have installed and run the vundo removal tool, and it shows me that it is gone-but when I restart my computer, Norton anti-virus finds it again (and again...and again).

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Sep 8, 2007

PC is infected with this Trojan. I've downloaded xsoftspy and performed a full scan. It appears to remove the offending files but it still comes back.

When it does it tries to load up various internet sites telling me to download advise running fixware. I've tried this and this is the result.

Username "MARK" - 08/09/2007 23:10:11 [Fixwareout edited 9/01/2007]

~~~~~ Prerun check

Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

System was rebooted successfully.

~~~~~ Postrun check
HKLMSOFTWARE~Winlogon "System"=""
~~~~~ Misc files.
~~~~~ Checking for older varients.

~~~~~ Current runs (hklm hkcu "run" Keys Only)
"Motive SmartBridge"="C:\PROGRA~1\ntl\BROADB~1\SMARTB~1\MotiveSB.exe"
"USB Storage Toolbox"="C:\Program Files\USB Disk Win98 Driver\Res.EXE"
"C-Media Mixer"="Mixer.exe /startup"
"SPAMfighter Agent"=""C:\Program Files\SPAMfighter\SFAgent.exe" update delay 60"
"Adobe Reader Speed Launcher"=""C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\Reader_sl.exe""
"TkBellExe"=""C:\Program Files\Common Files\Real\Update_OB\realsched.exe" -osboot"
"SiteAdvisor"="C:\Program Files\SiteAdvisor\6172\SiteAdv.exe"
"QuickTime Task"=""C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime"

"MSMSGS"=""C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background"
Hosts file was reset, If you use a custom hosts file please replace it...
~~~~~ End report ~~~~~

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FTP Attack Trojan

Oct 14, 2005

I am running windows XP and counterspy has picked up a FTP Attack Trojan. I quarantined then deleted it but it keeps coming back. I also tried a porgram called Swatit but that did not find anything wrong. My computer has started acting improperly.rejecting games etc.

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Explorer Associated Trojan

Sep 29, 2010

I have a DLL in my windows/system32 folder. I have used a tool to see what processes are running and what they are associated with. It is asscoiated with explorer.exe as you can see that in the process checking tool. I have done some analysis on dlo1BC.dll and it appears it is virus, but I cant delete it, no matter what I try. When I shut down the conputer explorer wont shut down smoothly and I think this is because of the dlo1BC.dll associated with it in the processes.

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Can't Remove Trojan.Vundo

Nov 2, 2007

I get this trojan today and i never get viruses usually but this one reaqlly is annoying!

Ive looked at all the other posts and ive tried using the vundo fix tool etc but it does not pick it up at all. Ive tried doing it in safe mode and ive tried unistalling java to see if it was involved with that but nothing has worked so far.

I have located the file in my system32 folder and its named xxyywtq.dll but theres no way it will let me delete it as it says it is being used by another program or person.

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Trojan - Boot Sequence

Dec 6, 2006

I have a problem with my PC. A few days ago I received a URL in MSN messenger that infected me with a trojan horse when I entered the site.

Since then, AVG antivirus has popped up every time I startup my computer and has told me "threat detected - trojan horse downloader." I proceed to heal the file, yet next time I start up the same thing happens. The file name is simply "installer.exe". Immediately after this, my internet explorer opens and opens "",which I believe re-infects me. Since then, I have worked with my PC for a few days, with the intention of coming on here and sorting out the problem when I get the chance, unfortunately, the problem has escalated.

During my usual practice, AVG popped up saying "threat detected" once again. This time, the problem was "Trojan horse flooder." I told it to heal the file, it said it was healed, but told me I had to restart my computer for the process to complete.I restarted my computer, but after the first windows loading screen, the system shuts off and automatically reboots, until it reaches this point where the same thing happens.

I've tried using safe mode, and nothing has changed, it still enters the cycle of restarting continually.

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SPYFALCON Trojan Horse/Can Still Use Pc?

May 15, 2006

I have Windows xp. If I have a Trojan Horse on my pc, is it safe still to use it? or should I wait till I can get the TH off of here? What exactly will it do to my machine?

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