Getting Popup Gotting Trojan Horse Virus

Jan 25, 2009

my friends computer has a virus (note: its true its not mine). Specifically a trojanhorse, ive run avg cleaned out a heap of viruses and i keep getting popups from avg telling me ive got trojan horses and whatnot, bu i got rid of them how are they coming back?

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Trojan Horse Virus Infaected Embedded Object - AVG Anti Virus

Jul 20, 2005

I have the trojan horse virus. I'm running AVG Anti-Virus.

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Anti Virus Site To Remove Trojan Horse Virus

Jul 31, 2010

Does any computer wiz out there know of an anti-virus site that will remove the rojan horse virus free? I know that all downloads are free,but once they find all the infected files,they won't remove them with out u paying for them

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Get It Removed Trojan Horse Stratpage J.19 Virus?

Jul 2, 2005

I have a trojan horse startpage j.19 virus on my computer...I have tried everything I know to remove it..can anyone help me...AVG has detect it and it will send to the vault but it can't heal it or remove it completly

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Delete Trojan Horse Virus - Oeiuxr.dll

Jan 4, 2006

After running Antivirus, I found I have a Trojan Horse virus. It cannot be deleted, quarantined, or cleaned. All attempts failed. I then put computer in safe mode and ran Norton, but virus didn't show. Cleaned out registry, still to no avail. What can I do to get rid of this virus?? Filename: oeiuxr.dll and it located in windowssystem32. Also had over 60 of the trojan.elitebar, but was able to clear all of them. This trojan horse is the only remaining. HELP!

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Deleting Trojan Horse Virus Slowing Down The Computer?

Jun 23, 2005

My computer has detected that I have a virus called "Trojan Horse." I think it is really slowing down my computer big time.What can I do to fix this?I was told to do the "HIJACK" this. The following is what came up:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.3
Scan saved at 7:36:28 PM, on 6/23/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)

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Trojan Horse Generic Virus Freezing The Computer

Feb 26, 2006

I have dowloaded AVG anti virus and when i run a scan the following virus appear Trojan Horse Generic. Once this has been detected the search freezes and I cant delete this virus cos the PC freezes. Can I search and delete this virus in another way. I think it is this that is causing my pc to freeze and restart when connecting to the net

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AVG Anti Virus Cant Remove Trojan Horse Downloader

Dec 17, 2004

trojan horse Downloader .Agent.5.P - is found in C:WINDOWSsystem32calsp.dll

AVG can't remove it

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Trojan Horse Virus Hijacks The Home Page

Feb 11, 2005

I've got this **** virus that hijacks your homepage and generally drives you crazy. I've run Spybot, Adware, Norton, etc and they clean everything except this virus. I've run HJT and will post the log here. Oddly enough I think I go tthis yesterday while updating XP from the Microsoft site.

One other possibly related thing is that I can run more than one user account simultaneously. If I try to switch to another user account it just cycles and then comes right back to the log on screen.

Here's the log files from a few mintes ago. Was tempted to delete it all but being a novice I figured I'd blow up the whole system.

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SPYFALCON Trojan Horse/Can Still Use Pc?

May 15, 2006

I have Windows xp. If I have a Trojan Horse on my pc, is it safe still to use it? or should I wait till I can get the TH off of here? What exactly will it do to my machine?

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Cant Update Cant Scan - Trojan Horse

Sep 13, 2005

it seems that every year when norton internet security is nearing renewal our computer starts having major problems.

this year i delayed renewing til five days (sept. 10th) before expiration (sept. 15th).

1) the modem would dial up but only at 7kbps, 9kbps, but finally would get to a normal amount of kbps. a couple days later, all the settings for internet dial up were getting screwed up and upon correcting it all-they'd get screwed up again.

2) i called our internet's tech support a few times, followed their suggestions, finally being told that the modem most likely has gone bad. we have an old external modem, which i decided to hook up

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Data Viewed As A Trojan Horse

Jul 21, 2005

My Nortan 2005 is indicating that this file living in system32 is a Trojan Horse. I removed it, but at bootup, it is always trying to be executed. Any idea what the deal is? I tried to remove the call to it via msconfig, but it keeps coming back.

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Trojan Horse In Command.exe - Cannot Remove

Sep 12, 2006

I just received a message from Norton Anti-Virus that I have a Trojan Horse virus in my command.exe file and it (Norton) can not remove it.

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Trojan Horse Downloader Generic VRU

Apr 15, 2006

Above name virus kept on re-appearing after being found and deleted by AVG Antivirus Free Edition.Path=C:Program Filess?curity, File Name= csrss.exe.Am using Windows XP Home Edition, SP2 Ver:5.1.2600 Build 2600. Internet Explorer 7 :Ver:7.0.5335.5 Beta 2.Please,can anyone advise me on how to erase,remove this virus completely and permanently from my computer.

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Trojan Horse Found On System

Mar 1, 2005

Spyware is Dangerous. A Trojan horse was found on your system.

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Delete Trojan Horse Edmond C:windowsisrvsedmond.exe ?

Apr 3, 2005

I picked up a virus alert the other day trojan horse edmond and all the anti virus programs that I have run have been to no avail. I keep getting c:windowsisrvsedmond.exe. followed by the file will not let you in. It is getting to the stage that our current tech person is going to the extent of say that I am going to have to reformate my harddrive possibly loosing a great deal of information

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Adware Delete Trojan Horse But It Comes Back ?

Dec 4, 2005

I think my computer has a worm. I've been using A2 and Ad-aware to try to clean it up, unsuccessfully. It says it found trojan horses and eliminated them but they're always back.
- My automatic updates are shut off, can't fix it.
- My service Pack 2 disappeared, along with the firewall.
- Sophos became disabled.
- My CD drive is only recognized periodically

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Delete Trojan Horse Backdoor Iroffer.F ?

Apr 29, 2006

I have Windows XP Home. Avg scanned my computer and found this. Trojan Horse Backdoor Iroffer.F. It did not quarantine, remove or move to virus vault.

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Scanned And Got Trojan Horse: Unable To Remove From PC?

Jul 3, 2005

scanned and got trojan horse.... its says c/windows/system32/mqmapjk.exe. it wont let me quarantine or delete. How do i get rid of this

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Trojan Horse Collected AF / Unable To Remove From PC?

Oct 3, 2006

Ok so apparently someone hijacked a trusted freinds instant messenger screen name sent me an link in the IM window I clicked on it thinking it was my freind and AVG pops up and says a virus was found. So I quarantined it and though I was safe. When I restarted my computer I keep getting AVG poping up telling me the same viurus has been detected and then a website tries to automatically open in IE.

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Trojan Horse Deleted But Computer Is Lagging

Jul 17, 2005

The computer is lagging alot.I think i know why also, I did a search for the horse, found its file and deleted it.Ever since then my MSN messenger, IE, firefox ect have been lagging.Such as, MSN messanger will take 5-8 seconds before I can do anything to it.I uninstalled firefox, and msn then reinstalled them, but it didnt help any.I've done a virus scan.Oh yeah, the Tojan Horse was rlvknlg.exe

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Get It Removed Trojan Horse Stratpage J.19 - Starup Page

Aug 1, 2005

I have just gone through all the steps above because i have the same trojan horse, the dreaded startpage.j.19 but what i have realized is after the CW Shredder takes out both about:blank and the 2nd from last problem....i restart...and they are back there....even if i scan it straight after solving the problem it is there again!! i have done a HJT file and a Shredder file to show what i have to see if you can pin pint the problem....because after a short period of time online the startpage virus comes back

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"Trojan Horse Downloader Generic 4.ZQI - Computer Slowed Down

Jul 28, 2007

My daughters computer has something called "Trojan horse downloader Generic 4.ZQI, this has caused all sorts of problems with connecting onto the internet and has slowed the computer.

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Adware Not Able To Delete Trojan Horse - C:/windows/system32/test3adll

Jul 20, 2005

while running a scan with ad-aware it seemed to trigger an alert from norton antivirus(i know) that a virus had been detected, the ad-aware scan came up clean as did a spybot scan but im still left with the virus which is a trojan horse called c:/windows/system32/test3adll, now im not exactly sure what the best course of action should be, would i be right in entering the file details in the search bar of the start menu, making a floppy of the file just in case its needed for some other purpose, switching off system restore while i delete it and immediately switching system restore back on, any advice/help in dealing with this problem will be much appreciated

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Free Download Site To Remove SPYFALCON Trojan Horse

May 15, 2006

a Trojan Horse called Spy Falcon on my machine. I have all the required stuff since it's a new machine, and now I can't get it off. If you could suggest a free download site to remove this, and if not, could you recommend a site that is pretty inexpensive

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Trojans, Viruses, & Adware Trojan Horse Dropper.Small.7.AR?

Dec 31, 2004

computer is effected by viruses 2 Trojan horse Dropper.Small.7.AR 1 Trojan horse Downloader.Agent.AS

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Unable To Remove A Software (or Is It Trojan Horse) / Regedit Wont Allow?

Jan 20, 2008

I have this software called SWF Sound Automation Tool, whenever I uses windows movie maker when I click on audio file, something pops up saying windows want to configure swf sound automation tool, and then it pops up some kind of error saying cannot write value to key etc, and I need to do cancel on the pop up and sometimes it hangs. Then my norton protection will pop up saying it blocks a trojan horse.

I tried to delete the software from control panel-remove software it doesn't work, then I do regedit and delete the entry in the uninstall area, however the control panel area still shows this software but it does not give remove button there anymore. However the problem still exists and hangs my movie maker! And I have no where to delete anything anymore, why this stupid software never goes away!

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Computer Is Infected With Unknown Trojan Popup

Feb 11, 2008

Everytime I open anything from folder to 'my computer' I get this error."Your computer was infected by unknown trojan.It's dangerous for your system (critical files can be lost)!Click OK to download the antispyware program to clean your system! (Recommended)"I ran ad-aware, and mcafee. Still Nothing.

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Trojan In Reg32.exe =trojan.low Zones: Wont Remove Virus?

Feb 11, 2005

I have of lot of trojans and can't seem to get rid of them I have ran Spy Bot,Avast,Ad-Aware,Stop Sign and found a 1 Trojan in reg32.exe =trojan.low zones
2 downloaded program files says: Trojan.downloader1097 3 System 32 sygate = Win32.HLLW.MyBot.based 4 Avenue Media Internet Optimizer Software Package = Possible spyware Application 5 Appropos Media People On Page Application = Possible Spyware

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Trojan Virus - Is Computer Cleaned After Virus Infection?

Aug 14, 2008

I had a trojan Virus in the computer. I think that I got rid of it, but I am not sure could anyone that can read a log please tell me if there is anything else left in the computer. The computer now doesn't stay on-line it disconnects itself. I called the company that provides me with my internet service, and they said that I need a filter for the phone line. The person told me that, that will take care of the problem of the internet disconnecting. I think that it could be the virus I had in the computer. I wasn't able to get on-line for at least a week, I had gone and checked the disk for errors and finally the anti-virus program was able to find the virus's.

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Virus In Computer - Popup Appears On Desktop Tray

May 25, 2006

Current problems:A program called PestTrap installed itself and continuously pops up a warning window in the bottom right from the desktop tray.A different icon showed up in the desktop tray that does something similar called MalwareWipe.Something has reset his homepage to and any time he changes his homepage, it resets back to was a popup right as I began looking into the problems he's been having that came up and was talking about a virus called "W32.Myzor.FK@yf" and that apparently his computer is "in danger" and that I should click "OK" to download official Microsoft security updates (or something along those lines).

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