Computer Will Randomly Freeze / Forcing To Restart It

Sep 10, 2005

I'm using Windows XP and latley my computer will randomly freeze, forcing me to restart it. It's frozen during games, launching games, browsing the net, and even while restarting itself. I've been lucky that I'm able to post this message without it freezing. I thought that maybe it was over heating but, I've had it for a year and I don't see why that would change now.

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Compute Will Freeze Or Just Randomly Restart

Jul 1, 2005

Every time i try to run a program or listen to a song file, halfway through it my comp will freeze or just randomly restart.

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Startup Very Slow Freezes Forcing To Restart Computer Multiple Times

Apr 3, 2007

i am having problems my startup it's very slow and freezes forceing me to restart computer multiple times just for it load up xp properly.Also generally my computer is very unresponsive cant understand why ive defraged ive deleted all temp files freeed up space on hd and regular run virus scans.

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Computer Restart Randomly

Dec 26, 2007

We have XP running on an AOpen model computer. It's an Intel Pentium 4 with 1 GB of RAM and a Radeon X700 series video card. We've been having some trouble these past few days with the computer just randomly restarting for no reason. At first my father was having the trouble, but I didn't believe him. So I decided to sit down a little while ago to confirm what he told me.He initially told me the restart happened as he was burning a CD, but then after a restart he burnt like four of them in a row with no difficulty. So then he said it has occured while playing music. So I tested it out, played a song on Windows Media Player, and then tried to play a second one. Boom, instant restart.Now, as I said I was looking elsewhere. I do have the "auto restart" thing disabled, and I do not get a blue screen of death. As for cleaning the computer? Way ahead of you on that one. Prior to me sitting down to test the music thing, I unplugged everything in my computer and opened it up.

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Computer Running Slow And Freezes Randomly Asking For Restart?

Sep 12, 2006

I have windows xp and when I am on the internet the computer is always freezing up or running very slow and I will have to reboot the computer. I have 512mb of ram, 60 gig hard drive.

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Video Card Freeze And Restart Computer

Jan 24, 2005

I reformatted my computer recently and now when I play games on my computer it will freeze up and restart, after it reboots i get a message saying it was because of my video card drivers and when i click the link to see how to resolve it it sends me to a page about debugging.

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OS Randomly Lockup - Freeze Screen Saver

Jul 6, 2009

This issue just started this weekend. I am the tech guy in the house (programmer / web dev so naturally im a great troubleshooter right?). My dad's PC just developed a most irritating issue. It will seemingly randomly freeze. When he told me of the issue he said that 9 times out of 10 it locked when running the web browser. I had him update to firefox 3.5 and IE8 and get any windows updates he can. Problem seemed to go away for a few hours but it came back. Most recently it has frozen at the screensaver which I then disabled and set the screen to turn off after 10m. Thinking that there might be an issue with the video driver I updated those as well to 186.11 (i think). Haven't had an issue since that I am aware of, but I doubt that the issue was with the screensaver

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Random System Freeze / Automatic Restart

Oct 14, 2006

it usually happens when im like working on it for about 2hrs or something. the pc would go dead, and reboot. or windows would hang, and from the hard disk led, i can see that it is all busy and unavailable. ta ta. its getting on my nerves. i just recovered my system from, and now i have slower internet connection. no nothing wrong with the isp. i suspect there maybe reminents of the old virus still holding back windows. could my fears turn out to be true? i have had the liberty of posting my HJT log here, so do point out anything suspicious and also anything that could slow down the system..

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Favorites Folder Missing- Forcing Me To Use Ctrl-alt-del

Sep 29, 2005

i was organizing and updating my favorites folder in order to make a backup. i got to this one link that kept slowing down my computer and forcing me to use ctrl-alt-del to "end task". it was a familiar link and nothing that I didn't intentionally put there. after the third time trying to open it and using "end task" to close it all of a sudden the entire contents of the folder disappeared. everytime I try to open the favorites folder nothing is there. i have spent years building that folder up and now it's all gone. I have tried to use a delete recovery program and nothing is there. this just happened this second and need some help so that I can possibly fix it before having the computer re-write on top of the files eliminating any chance of recovery.

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Computer Randomly Starting Up?

Jul 20, 2005

The light on the tower turns on when I wasn't even using the computer. I turned on the monitor but it just displayed a blank screen like the computer wasn't even on. Before I could do anything, the tower shut down. So I pressed the power button and it wouldn't come on. I, once again, unplugged the tower and plugged it back in to find it working fine. I ran my virus scanner (Norton) and Adaware but got no problems from either of them. So I shut it down and later that night it happened again.

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Computer Is Shutting Down Randomly

Nov 25, 2008

I'm having a serious problem with my computer, and I feel that I have to type this as fast as I can because it's been shutting down very randomly lately.For the last three or four days, my computer has been completely dysfunctional? I suppose. At first, it just wouldn't turn on. I left it for a bit, and it actually would turn on, but it would run so incredibly slowly. I could barely open a program, and when I could OPEN them, they wouldn't run at all. After letting it sit for about two days, I turned it back on, and it works pretty okay for the first hour. The second hour it'll slow right back down, and then spontaneously shut down. I know this sounds like an over-heating problem, so I bought a really intense heavy duty laptop cooling fan to put under it. That doesn't help.

My laptop DOES get hot, but nothing significant, especially with the fan. I figured it might be a virus, so I installed Kaspersky. Kaspersky runs fine, until I get to about 83% and it will continue running, but it will never go past that 83%. (I've let it run for almost 6 hours). I tried Kaspersky in Safe Mode, but my computer spontaneously shut off then too.I have Word 2007 installed, and it won't save any files. It just says, "Word Cannot Save Due To A File Permission Error". And just doesn't. Playing video is useless, because it just stops halfway through whatever media is playing. I've down two system restores to two different points further away, and that hasn't stopped it either.

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Computer Randomly Restarts Itself

Nov 15, 2006

This problem has been persisting today. In CoD2, in CS:S and at the desktop, my computer randomly restarts itself. Any possible reasons

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Computer Randomly Reboots

Feb 25, 2004

My problem as it stands is: My computer randomly reboots when utilizing graphics intensive programs. For example: games such as EverQuest, Final Fantasy XI, Quake III and programs such as Adobe ImageReady CS. I can't seem to establish any patterns between the crashes aside from they all seem to happen in graphics intensive programs (although ImageReady CS doesn't seem to be too graphically intensive to me). For a while, after a random restart, I would get an error saying my system has recovered from a serious error. Now I don't even get that. I just hang up on the "Welcome" screen in XP and have to ctrl+alt+del.When I first had a problem, I also had a problem that seems to be pretty common on the internet - My HD kep crashing and getting write errors to $Mft. So, I took the HD back (before I read about the problem) and it happened on the new hard drive. So, I called my friend and asked to borrow his XP SP1 CD to see if it might have some better effect on the situation than mine (my other friend suggested that it might have some problems copying certain files). When I reformatted and reinstalled with my friends version of XP SP1, I seemed to have no problems at all. No $Mft. Nothing. I upraded my motherboard drivers (including IDE bus/onboard sound/AGP driver), video drivers, directx. Still no problems. Then about 2 weeks after this, I started crashing randomly. I've scanned my computer multiple times for adaware/virus' and nothing has come up, so it's not that.

I've tried reformatting a few times and the same thing ends up happening in the end.I somewhat think its a complication between my video card and my motherboard versus my version of windows XP, and this is why:The odd thing is, if I plug in my old Hard drive (which I used with my new SAPHIRE RADEON 9700 for a little while before replacing it with a new one), I have no problems whatsoever. My computer is completely stable asside from the fact that the hard drive is slow. I replaced my video card about 3 months ago when my old GeForce went out. I used it with that old hard drive for a while with no problem. Then I got a new hard drive to give my computer a new kick -- and now I have nothing but problems.

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Computer Randomly Shuts Down

Feb 13, 2005

A while ago, I posted a problem about my computer shutting down and throught I had it fixed after scanning/removing spyware and running disk check. But the last few days it's been happening again. It just shuts down while I'm working on something, either surfing the net, working in psp, working in windows movie maker, checking email, etc. Then I can't turn it back on by pushing the button on the tower. When I look in the back of the tower, the green light for the power isn't on, so I have to push the power cord in and out and jiggle it around a bit to get the green light to turn on and the computer to start up. What could be wrong?

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Computer Keeps On Restarting Randomly By Itself?

Sep 9, 2009

Last night at 3am I heard an error prompt and then shutdown music. Then my computer started back up immediately after. This has happened several times now, only at night (maybe once a week or two), possibly but not certainly at the same time. Firfox is able to recover but Office is not! And I've already lost hours of work from not saving frequently enough

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Computer Randomly Restarts

Mar 19, 2005

The problem im having is that my computer just randomly at anytime restarts on its mostly occurs when im starting up the computer...but when i am also just doing things on the computer like surfing the just restarts sometimes...any help?

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Computer Randomly Shutting Off

Jul 19, 2008

lately my computer has been randomly shutting down. Not while im doing anything specific, it happends at completely random times. I openned up my tower to see if it was dusty or something, sure as hell it was dusty but i cleaned it out ( blew in it ) and i felt the motherboard, it was pretty hot so i turned my computer off for a few hours but the same thing happends. the same thing happened to my friend but his problem was a fan wasnt working, but all of mine are working,i'm using a windows xp home edition, if u need anymore info, lemme know(ignore spelling/grammar errors i had to type this fast before my computer shut off again)

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Computer Restarting Itself Randomly

Dec 21, 2007

my pc has been restarting randomly nowadays...usually, its when i log in with the admin accnt, and it'd restart after around 10-20s. I'm posting this with my limited account, where it doesn't occur as frequent as it does on admin accnt. Also, after a couple of restarts, I did get this message on a black screen: Secondary master: ATAPI Incompatible.

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Computer Randomly Turns Off Without Warning?

Jan 3, 2008

my computer just out of the blue will turn off, almost as if all power is cut off to the computer, it doesnt safely shut down it blacks out and cuts off BOOM, off. once it turns off, if i try and turn it on again, it will power up for about 3 seconds before it turns off again...? if i wait a little longer, it powers up for longer before it turns off again until if i wait about 10 minutes it will fully power up until the next time it will randomly turn off without warning, any signs or notice.

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Computer Has Slowed Way Down And Randomly Turns Off

Jun 18, 2006

I have had problems in the past with trojan horses and what not, and thought I had cleaned my computer out. It was running ok for a week or 2, and now it has slowed way down, taking forever to even open up "my computer." Also, a problem that I've had before has returned, which is that the computer will randomly shut off while im using it, while its idling, anytime. I have a dell inspiron laptop running windows xp.

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Computer Randomly Reboots - Locks Up

Dec 1, 2007

I bought new HP pavilion A6040N running Vista Home Premium. It randomly locked up or rebooted and I hated Vista so I installed a new copy of XP Pro. Everything has been running like a champ and all of the sudden it's doing it again. I have swapped ram, checked the CPU temps and had the PS tested and everything seems to be okay but It still happens from time to time and it can happen when you are just surfing the net or it can happen when burning a DVD or something

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Computer Randomly Switched To OS Classic

Jun 26, 2005

after a computer repair dude fixed some stuff on my computer, everything
except the sign in screen is windows classic and i cant switch back. i've
gone into properties and there isnt even an option form the scroll down list
that includes windows xp

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Computer Has Began Randomly Restarting

Dec 8, 2006

my computer has begun randomly restarting. I haven't discovered any pattern to it. I don't really know where to begin trying to figure out what it is. I hope someone can help me.

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My Computer Randomly Gives Me Blue Screens

May 28, 2008

its been almost a year since this problem began, where my computer randomly gives me blue screens, I do not know what they say, because they come and go too fast, and even still, I would not understand them. I've tried system recovery which didn't help and even tried reinstalling windows, but don't think I deleted/reformat the paritions before reinstalling windows again, so there might be some malicious data still hanging around, not sure as I do not know anything about computers,

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Desktop Computer Keeps Crunching Randomly

Jun 7, 2008

Well, for couple of days my desktop computer keeps cruching randomaly. I haven't changed or installed something new.The attached is minidumps file, I'm about to paint it in blue a throw it to the ocean (not to disturb the fish

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Computer Reboots Itself Randomly When On Internet

Oct 24, 2006

When connected to the internet, the computer randomly reboots itself. It appears to dislike some sites more than others. I have tried running anti virus and anti spyware but this semms to just alleviate but not cure the problem. If a message is sent to Microsoft it claims that te Webstar has the solution, but this does not appear to work either.or I am not applying it correctly.I have an HP 200GB Pavilion with pentium 4 processor, XP, using blueyonder broadband.

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Computer Crashes / Randomly Reboots

Apr 10, 2006

(World of Warcraft and Counter-Strike Source) as well as during startup and during desktop use, that my computer sometimes reboots itself automatically. Like pressing the restart button, or the screen freezes (occurs when playing Counter-Strike Source) and my audio emits a very high pitched stuttering sound and no commands work, and as such the computer must be manually restarted. I would greatly appreciate it if someone would be able to give me some clues as to what is wrong.I am currently using the latest free addtion of Zone Labs 'Zone Alarm' firewall and AVG free anti-virus + Ad-Aware SE Personal Spyware removal. These programs have not found any viruses on the computer, although sometimes during a virus scan with AVG the computer will automatically reboot half-way through the virus scan procedure.

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Computer Freezes Randomly / Cleaning Up The System?

Sep 27, 2006

would anyone mind helping me do a cleanup? it freezes every so often as if it doesn't have enough RAM and runs slow often, but other than that it's alright. i just want to streamline it.

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My Computer Randomly Locksup - Reformatted Harddrive

Sep 25, 2006

I have just recently reformatted my hard drive and it locks up randomly. It used to do that even before I reformatted. What should I do?

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Could Not Locate The Malware / Computer Randomly Shut Down

Feb 23, 2008

I have a problem that's probably tied to another problem. I opened an e-mail that I shouldn't have and got infected with something. I ran scans from Norton 360 and SuperAntiSpyware and other online scanning sites but I could not locate the malware. I paid a Symantec consultant to remove the infection from my system and he says it is clean. In the meantime, because my computer would randomly shut down and I was afraid that it would not recover, I reformatted my hard drive and re-installed all my programs. My computer does not recognize my video card and I have put in countless drivers to repair it with no success. Although my computer is more responsive and stable I am still plagued with random shutdowns from time to time. It sounds like you would hit the enter key and it would stick and continually click until I get a blue screen.

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Computer Randomly Reboots - Services.exe Keeps Crashing

Nov 16, 2006

I use Windows 2K, my computer randomly reboots saying that SERVICES.EXE has been terminated and will restart the computer in 60 seconds. If you switch the time back, it says "will reboot in 365 day." I have a question, is this a virus, or is my computer just stupid?

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