Check Log - Infected With Virus!

Sep 11, 2007

every 2 minutes i have the message on my desktop "windows security potential spyware operation . your computer is making unauthorized copies of your system and internet files . run full scan now to pervent any unathorised access to your files click here to download spyware remover..."

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2
Scan saved at 5:38:16 PM, on 9/11/2007
Platform: Windows XP (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 (6.00.2600.0000)
Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:

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Check On My Hijack This Log File - Infected Computer

Jul 31, 2005

who can tell what to check on my hijack this log file, my computer is infected bad.

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Computer Is Infected By Virus

Aug 31, 2005

im using windows xp. it has been infected by more than 1000 worms! i now have to use task manager to do stuff.. i used trend micro online virus scanner and remover to remove these worms. im not sure whether all of them were deleted. i didnt have anti virus. so now i wanna know how to fix my computer. can i just use an anti virus(that i can borrow from a friend) to fix my computer?. i want it to be back to normal or do i HAVE to format my com for the 100th time?

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Infected With Trojan Virus

Jan 11, 2005

infected with trojan virus. What do I do?

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My Computer Might Be Infected With Virus

Dec 28, 2005

There is an unwanted background on my desktop.It is a warning that my computer might be infected with a virus and I suspect that the virus or pop up program actually switched to this file from my previous background, which I would like to restore.I have tried but when I go into Display and Desktop and Background, I can not choose any of the selections. This is a vexing problem, the security warning currently set as the background is ugly.

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Infected With Win32 - Virut Virus

Jan 23, 2008

my system is been infected with virus win32 virut most of them occured in my .exe files... i tried to reformat and install win xp pro but its all the same avast detected the virus and i tried to moved them to vault or chest but after that i can't open the programs like explorer, run, add and remove and so on.

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Infected With Trojan.cachecachekit Virus

Sep 16, 2005

a few weeks ago my computer was infected with trojan.cachecachekit virus, which was associated wit the file rdriv.sys...and people have kindly lend a hand to help out. now we're back again, just now, Norton Client Security has found that this virus is in the C:System Volume Information\_restore{A0E6BDC3-F1EA-4DCD-AE99-B4951F851FC7}RP2A0000081.sys

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153 Infected Files, 23 Virus, 15 Trojans & Counting ?

Aug 17, 2005

My laptop, a Toshiba, running XP Home, became infected and it had Norton's pre-installed [she never updated it].It barely booted and eventually I uninstalled it and have since ran a MULTITUDE of anti virus apps in an attempt to clean the poor thing: Panda, AVG, McAfee, they all did half a job and sometimes even gave up. Avast and Spybot seem to have done the trick... or... have they? The laptop is still snoozing and crashing everytime I open a browser. I don't know what to do.

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Infected By NetWorm-i.virus@fp,,psw.x-vir Spyware?

Oct 23, 2006

I desperately need help.I have been infected by NetWorm-i.virus@fp,,psw.x-vir spyware,cyberlog-x and I dont know anything about computers and I dont have a clue about removing these viruses.

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Computer Infected By Virus: No Internet Connection?

Jan 20, 2005

i just got a couple viruses, my antivirus isnt working out very well, i just installed norton which doesnt think im connected to the internet so i cant get the new virus deffs. Anyways, i need to get these off my coputer because they load many pop ups as well as starting me at odd start pages. i ran ad-aware, spyware blaster, search and destroy and remain

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Infected Computer With The Conhook_dh Trojan Virus

Apr 9, 2007

I have tried Trend Micro and Spy Blaster and Defender and they see it but can't seem to kill it. Here is a printout of the HijackThis log.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.0 (BETA)
Scan saved at 3:27:34 PM, on 4/9/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:

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Infected With VIRUS - Open And Download Programs

Apr 30, 2006

I have a WindowsXP. My computer won't let me open any programs and won't download any programs either. I've tried to open Spybot but it immediately dissapoears. Also i've tried to download Hijackthis and my computer won't let it download. Soon after the download window dissapears as well. My internet is working fine, it's just the programs that won't seem to open up. Am i infected? If there isn't any solution should i just re-format my computer? Don't know how else to show without the log.

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Not Able To Clean Or Block Virus Infected File - AOL

Mar 8, 2007

I am getting an error message from AOL safety. It reads "We found and were not able to clean or block a virus infected file. (C:windowssystem32winlogon.exe) My operating system is Windows XP.

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Infected With Virus - Avast - Install The Printer

May 9, 2007

My computer had been running fine, but I was using Mcafee and I hated it, so I uninstalled it. Without having any antivirus software to replace it with right away. So, about a week later (aka today), my dad was helping me install a new printer when everything went crazy. It was taking forever for my computer to boot up, and then after it was 'ready' it was incredibly slow. Then it would go to a blue screen with some text on it (I wish I had written down what it said, but I didn't-something about an infection detected) and we would shut it down manually. Finally, we were able to restore the computer to an earlier date. The printer is no longer installed, but I think I still have a virus.

I just installed avast, which during a reboot it did a scan where I had lots of infected files, and several options as to what to do with them. A few of them were temporary internet files, and not thinking, I hit delete. I realized this was a bad idea, and for the infected files after that, I selected "move to chest."
I'm not sure where to go from here. A lot of them are c:system volume information\_restore... which might have something to do with why my speakers aren't working.

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Safe Mode Not Working - Infected By Virus ?

Jul 10, 2005

My cousin's XP was infected by virus, and it was not able to start in any mode(including safe mode, command prompt,last configuration and etc). I took and move the harddisk to my PC and scaned it using trend micro
housceall. The virus scanner detected and removed several virus. But it is still not able to get into any mode. Once i get into the xp, the XP reboots and it happens to any mode. I also did the repair installation and scandisk, and it did not work.

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Usb Flash Is Infected With Virus Called Lsass.exe?

Jun 22, 2009

Im asking help for anyone who know's to remove lsass.exe virus. This virus i driving me crazy, my flash usb create folders that i didn't create by my self and i can't delete the folder's even the folder's i create by my self. I click on folder and i go SHIFT+DELETE the folder hide ones and in 5 seconds he show again.
And in my friend computer the folder convert in folder.exe so i can't open it.I tried to repair with COMBOFIX but didn't repair nothing.So i have format my usb and when format is done show a error table wich is like this:

Line 0 (file"C:winlsass.exe"):
for$j = 1 to $filelist[0]
for$j = 1 to $filelist^error
error: subscript used with non-array variable

I will really apressiate any help cuz this virus has ifected my Computer too and i'm going crazy.

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Norton Told Infected Virus - Can't Remove

Jul 6, 2006

Norton has just told me that my computer has been infected with the trojan.nebuler virus. I have read the various deletion instructions for this specific virus, but all seem to require the recovery console on the XP CD. Seeing as my computer was bought from dell they haven't supplied me with one. Is there anything else I can do. I don't really want to re-install my OS etc...

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Infected Files Located, Virus Identified / Remove?

Jun 24, 2008

i have located and identified the virus and the virus infected files now not sure what to do next?

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Is Computer Virus Infected - New Window Is Opened Every Time

Jan 22, 2009

when i try to open any drive from My Computer it is opening in new Window It doesn't opens in same window instead a new window is opened every time is my computer virus infected?

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Copying Works Files From Virus Infected Computer

Mar 14, 2006

I'm wondering if it's safe to do that. I would guess that individual documents wouldn't be infected. I wouldn't want to infect my new computer. Afterwards, I plan to reformat the drive and re-install the operating system. The infected machine is an older one, so I may use it for simple word processing or older games or give it away. I know that reformating won't destroy old files beyond recovery but I'd hope it would take care of any viruses. I don't have any personal economic info on it since I haven't used a program like Quicken or Money.

I know the machine has at least one virus ( and may have others since many of the programs that should take care of this stopped working after I installed Windows Service Pack 2. I gather others had similar problems after doing the same. Perhaps the most annoying is that I can't access the icons on the bottom of the screen. That includes files you minimize.

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VIRUS W32.Desktophijack Infected / Windows / System32 / Winine

Aug 30, 2005

I followed Norton and the one thing I can't fix is the wininet.DLL. It runs in safe mode and will not delete. How do I get this thing out? I fixed the registry(Norton instructions) and cleaned everything else. When windows XP Pro starts, I get a message that "sysinit32z.exe cannot be found. Should I put down the hijackthis log in here too?

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Computer Infected With Virus / Malware - Unable To Start

Aug 29, 2008

I've been trying to help a friend who has a computer that is horribly infested with virus and malware. My friend had no recovery partition or any type of Windows CD. After downloading and running Spybot and Avira Antivirus the computer began to run much better. Everytime the computer would startup, Avira found a virus called "Winlogin.exe". I tried the "Quarantine" option but it kept popping up. Eventually I just clicked "Rename". Now when starting the computer it loads the Bios and goes to the XP boot screen - and then restarts - over and over and over. I've tried booting in safe mode - same thing.

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Virus Infected Word Files: Safe To Store On Flash?

Jan 11, 2009

computer has become infected with a virus. What i was going to do was reinstall XP and just start over. My mom had some word documents that she wanted to keep backed up. My question was if it would be safe to put these word files on a flash drive, or even connect my flash drive, and then put those files on the new installation. i also had nod 32 installed. should i scan the files with that before? and should i boot it in safe mode before doing the transfer?

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Removing Virus Infected Files: Slow System And Freezes?

Jan 4, 2005

I did remove virus efeected files and my PC is behaving badly, it responds very slow to commands and freezes. Here is the log. Can anybody help me to resore my computer

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Finding The Disappeared Word Files Infected By Trojan Virus?

Nov 5, 2009

i got the backdoor trojan at my PC. all of my word files disappeared. how can i do to get my word files

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Virus Infected Computer - Internet Explorer Blue Screen

Aug 14, 2007

My computer is infected. I have ccCleaner, Spybot, Ad-Watch, Ad Aware, Windows live onecare. I have ran them all but I am still having problems. When I log onto Internet Explorer I get a blue screen that tells me I need to reset my security settings in order to view my home page which is road runner. I followed the instructions and nothing. I cannot view any flash sites. I tried to see if I am missing a flash player and I cannot locate one. When I try to download Adobe Flash Player, I am unable to do so as the download button does not appear on my screen ( I know where the button is supposed to be because I checked out the site on my daughters computer,which I am on now). I also tried to download other software to help with the spyware and malware, however the minute I hit download I either instantly get disconnected from the internet or I get an error message that says " Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and must shut down...". I have gone into safe mode and ran spybot and the others and still no better. I am getting a message that Windows Firewall is disabled, however when I got to it Its grey and it wont let me turn it on. I have been trying to fix my computer for days and am completely fustrated,

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Virus Check - Syatem Wont Starts Now

Jan 24, 2005

First let me say sorry as i'm on my laptop and the enter key is broke so i can't create new lines! Anyway my problem is i did a virus check using anti-vir and it said it found a virus and needed to restart to delete it so i did that. Only problem is it won't let me load any programs now. Windows will load up after about 10 minutes but then i can't run any programs. i thought i'd be able to run system restore but no luck at all has anyone got any ideas or any info what could help me? I also get a message pop up saying "system shut down in xxxxdays"

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Slow Running Computer: Performed Virus Check Found Nothing?

Oct 12, 2006

I Recently Had My Computer Rebuilt And Went From Dial Up To Verizon Dsl. Loved The Speed For Awhile. 512 Memory Was Added. Now It It's Running Slower. I Did Add Spybot, A New Usb 2.0 Port, And Several Other Programs. I Have About 20 Icons On My Desktop. Will Any Of This Cause The Slowing Down Of Programs, Getting E Mail, Or Surfing The Internet? You Guys Were Great Last Time About Solving My Usb Port Problem.

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Enable Zone Alarm Anti Virus - Check Don't Show This Message Switch Off

Mar 25, 2006

I'm having a problem here...I have zonealarm suite and norton antivirus on my com. But recently, I have switched my antivirus to kaspersky, the problem is, every time I start the com, zonealarm will warn me and ask me to enable zonealarm antivrus, which I think it should not be case since I have kaspersky load on every startup. I even check the 'Don't show this message....' in the warning message, but it didn't help. Hence, could somebody please enlighten me on how to switch off the warning?

Another problem I'm having is, I see something in msconfig, under startup, the item is %systemroot%system32dumprep 0 -k, I tried to search in google what this is but to no avail, search results shown only dumprep 0 -u, and not dumprep 0 -k. Is this two thing the same? Would disable it do me any harm? And what does it do to my com if I enable it?

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Check Disk And Blue Screen / At Reboot System Say It Needs To Check Drives

Jan 14, 2009

I am running Windows XP Homedition. I have two drives inside, the regular C: drive and I have a Slave drive F: with all my photos and music and documents. The problem I'm having is that everytime I restart or reboot my system it say it needs to check F: drive for consistency. It haven't been doing that until now. Then once it goes through that the system comes up. I try to click on an icon like my internet or registry program, nothing comes up, its like a read only file or something. Its not executing the program. THEN all of a sudden I get a blue screen. It says this::"Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacture for driver updates. try changing video adapters. "Check with your hardware vendor for aany BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use SAFE mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advance SStartup options, and then select Safe Mode."

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Difference Between An Error Check & Scan Now Check

Aug 12, 2008

Could anyone explain to me the difference between doing an error check at boot up and doing a scannow check.

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